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Chapter 335: It’s time to call home

 "Specialty of Big Rice Tong Restaurant, boiled pelican eggs!"

"Today I will challenge Captain Pelican, and the bet is the right to eat eggs in the next year! Wow quack, I want to eat Captain Pelican's eggs, wa quack! Wow quack!"

Lao Zhang pretended to be a water ghost, climbed onto the deck dripping with water, pounced on him with his teeth bared, and struggled with the Pelican Captain.


As the laughter and yelling came out, the boat gradually moved away from the coastline of the yellow sand world.

The overwhelming sandstorm seems to be bidding farewell to these uninvited guests. Or maybe, one day, these uninvited guests will come back again and bring more uninvited guests... Who can predict the future?

(Unexpectedly, we have gained nothing in this world.)

(Well...it’s not like I gained nothing, life experience is the gain.)

Teacher Xiaobai, who was lying on the balcony, yawned. He failed to challenge the lake, but he felt that these years were very fulfilling and he had indeed made a lot of progress in his independent life.

Xiaobai watched the captain and the cook fight in boredom. He had a hunch in his heart that this time, he might reach his destination safely?

It seems, probably, that there won’t be any extraneous problems?

Too many things happened along the way, too many memories, tears and laughter, laughter and tears.

But this is only the midpoint of the journey, not the end.

What is the earth like? What is human beings like? Is there anything delicious?

Can human civilization be carried on the back of a turtle?

Xiaobai couldn't help but look forward to it.



There are only the last 30 years left in the journey. Looking back on this journey, it is like the three realms of life: when I was young, I saw mountains as mountains and water as water; in middle age, I saw mountains as not mountains and water as not water; in old age, I saw mountains as

It’s still a mountain, look at the water, it’s still water.

Therefore, Zhang Ming did not set any flags. If he could return smoothly, that would be the best. If something unexpected happened, he would smile coolly and welcome the accident calmly.

But I have to admit that in the following time, the crew members on the ship were quite involved.

The king of roll kings must be Miss Calabash!

Ms. Calabash spends 24 hours a day either basking in the sun or in the moonlight. According to her, "I want to strengthen myself as soon as possible and cut off the connection with [Long-cherished Wish] to avoid being spied on by it. Within 10 years, I will be able to

Do this.]

"How did you do it?"

"Is there any good way?"

[Cultivate a clone, and use the clone to cultivate a new clone. Its power is not unlimited. As long as I keep nesting dolls and transfer my consciousness to the clone, it will no longer be able to spy on me.]

Zhang Ming said he couldn't understand, but supported her in doing so and hinted wildly...

[I know what you are thinking, human, I know...]

[But it takes time, I have to choose what I should look like.] Hulu’s voice was trembling, as if he was nervous, and then he continued to bask in the sun.

Next is "Captain Pelican", this idiot really works hard to fulfill his duties as captain.

Every morning at four o'clock, I wake up from my sleep, go out to fish, and fight with powerful sea beasts.

Even if there is an extremely powerful cook sitting in charge, it does not slack off at all, and still trains itself tirelessly to perform the duties of captain - after all, it is not stupid, the cook is much more powerful than it, and it can watch the monsters in the yellow sand world being beaten violently.


The Pelican sister has a new goal.

Then at five o'clock in the morning, it was the turn of Xiaobai and his ancestors who were dreaming of spring and autumn to start a day of practice...

The last ones to wake up were the new cook, the old sheep head who had been sleeping all day long, and... who had never practiced World Tree.

"It's such a leisurely day." Zhang Ming yawned. He slept until he woke up naturally, and sorted the noble ores until his hands cramped. How can I put it...

There is also a bird captain who helps with fishing and increases attribute points.

It’s a really leisurely day!

Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai stretched out, carved a wooden sculpture of a turtle, and teased Ms. Calabash.


He jumped into the ocean again, took a bath, and picked up a few pieces of seabed minerals that looked pretty good, ready to take them back for forging.

Picking up trash is the greatest entertainment for him.

Just today, the heaven-level ability "King Kong" was finally cultivated to its full value and became a genuine innate ability!

There are some things, it really depends on the principle of "If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will form shade."

During those years in the abyss, he always wanted to cultivate the "King Kong" to the fullest, but due to his eagerness for quick success and quick success, the progress of "King Kong" was slow and there was always something missing.

Until now, with the change in mentality, the control of "King Kong" has improved by leaps and bounds, and it feels like it is at your fingertips. He can even control the light of "King Kong" from the original gold to red, green, blue,

Let yourself have a halo on your head and cosplay Tathagata Buddha.

"It's really an ability with Buddhist philosophy." Zhang Ming sighed softly, "It actually requires constant changes in the state of mind to achieve perfection. The foundation of the blue crystal civilization is really incredible."

"I wonder how the blue crystal people are doing?"

Zhang Ming had a happy worry in his heart. Now that the innate skill column is empty again, what should he cultivate?

"Innate abilities" are not as powerful as "supernatural powers", but the more the better, because there is no need to pay for "innate abilities".

After pondering for a long time, he switched between "Breathing Condensation Technique" and "Blood Coagulation Regeneration Physique".

"Let's do this for the time being. You must practice breath-holding skills to make yourself look good. To survive in this world, you must keep a low profile."

"As for the blood coagulation and regeneration constitution, it is an ability commonly practiced by people on earth. It can effectively improve the ability to survive. I will also practice it."

In fact, what he is currently studying most diligently is his newly acquired magical power - the "Eye of Time and Space"!

But this thing consumes too much life. One minute of burning has a lifespan of 2 years. The current lifespan of 130,000 is only 65,000 minutes, which is equivalent to only 43.05 days of use!

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Thinking about it this way, he is really too poor.

The complexity of the "Eye of Time and Space" is ten times and a hundred times higher than that of King Kong.

That is a space ability that can jump through space. You can see a huge amount of information in an instant. It requires a lot of training time to master it skillfully.

Otherwise, if you are slow for one second on the battlefield, his head will fall to the ground!

Therefore, in order to save lifespan and improve proficiency, Zhang Ming only uses the "Eye of Time and Space" for 1 minute every day, and then uses the memory library to completely memorize all the training processes, and restores and analyzes through the dream ability.

, training for more than 10 hours - this is also the main reason why he sleeps for a long time.

"Brother, you are not lazy, otherwise the 130,000 life span will be burned out in a few months, which is really not enough!"

Zhang Ming estimates that extraordinary people from other civilizations complete simulation training through collective strength.

But he doesn’t have this condition, so that’s all he can do.

After completing a day of practice, Zhang Ming had an idea and wanted to call Lao Wang.

He will really be going home soon.

Ever since he suffered from delusion syndrome and was unable to protect himself, he has not called Lao Wang. In the blink of an eye, 13 years have passed, and he still doesn’t know how he is doing on the other side of the earth?

His heart beat action, and soon he came to the energy room and saw the shiny little tree.

When Shimama and Xiaobai heard that he was going to make a phone call, they also followed him.

Since all the crew members are in high spirits, the little tree is naturally in good condition. With the nourishment of the devil's corpse, it is growing very fast and is about to grow its third crystal clear leaf.

"Hello, my old friend, let me make a call."

After the last consumption of the Source of the World, there are only the last 32 units left, which is enough.

First, I called Turtle Island, the place where dreams and stories begin.

It was still the ancient and elegant main hall, with ancient walls and decayed pillars and beams. The three of them appeared in the main hall in the form of "3D ghosts".

"Ah~~Lao Bai, Scar, mother turtle, baby turtle! We are here to visit you! We are still alive!" Lao Zhang shouted happily.

Outside the main hall, there are still lush coconut groves, emerald green farmland, and some herbal fields.

Time seems to have not brought any changes to the Turtle Island. Even most of the old friends from the past are still alive - many turtles are leisurely basking in the sun, and their sizes have grown so much. It is really a quiet and slow life.

"Ah! (Hello!)" Xiaobai's eyes flashed with tears, and even Shimama was excited when facing her homeland.

Soon, the turtles were notified by the will of the world and gathered from all directions.

The rumbling footsteps were earth-shattering!

The largest Scar Turtle has its entire neck standing upright, and its head is about the same size as the entire main hall!

It had no way to enter the palace, so it could only watch helplessly from outside and let out a roar that shook the earth.

And Xiaobai's old father, Lao Bai, also hurriedly climbed over from afar to take a look at his most promising child.

"Hey, my old friends, hello!" Zhang Ming yelled at them, "I have some good news for you!"

"I, Lao Zhang, will return to my hometown soon."

"Aww! Aww!" The turtles roared, and some female turtles were still beating gongs and drums, enjoying themselves.

Xiaobai and Laobai chatted cordially and chatted about the stories that happened over the years.

Xiaobai: (I almost mastered the anti-entropy technology!)

Lao Bai's eyes widened: (What...what reverse...entropy?)

Shimama remained silent and pretended to be deep.

But soon, many younger generations discovered their silent ancestors. Lord Shimama, who was often mentioned in their textbooks, screamed "Ah woo ah woo".

Shitou, the humble servant, could not resist the temptation and began to talk about Master Xuanwu's story, which made these little turtles fascinated.

There have been very few changes on the Turtle Island. In less than two hundred years, apart from the increase in the number of turtles and the creation of very few new cultures, the education and medical care that Zhang Ming left behind are still the same.

, the social system, and even the music of drumming were all taught by Zhang Ming.

This chapter has been completed!
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