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Chapter 343: Most likely, he is a master?

Another hour passed.

The coast guard ship patrolling nearby finally arrived belatedly. The familiar dark blue uniform has not changed much after so many years.

But the appearance of these national personnel gave Zhang Ming a strong sense of security. The rescue team, the official rescue team, came to rescue me!

Of course, the coast guard ships of this era are different from those of the past, with more powerful personnel and more complete equipment.

This ship may have a displacement of one thousand tons. The words "Southeast Coast Guard No. 0192" are written on the side of the ship. Its speed can reach 100 kilometers per hour. It is also equipped with a large-caliber rune rifle. In case of encounter

When it comes to a criminal who has done something wrong, a round of bullets is guaranteed to blow his brain. Even if he encounters a violent mutant creature, he can still fight with weapons such as rune rifles and high-pressure water cannons.

The leader of the detachment is named Jin Kaixuan, an S-class strongman who is only one step away from breaking through the limits of human beings. He happens to know the old Lin family - in fact, most of the coast guard and fishermen in this area know each other, after all, personal connections are so important.

Things are the same in every era.

The Coast Guard and Fishermen’s Symposium is held every year. Things like fishing moratoriums, maintenance of militia forces, etc. all require the support of the public.

The old father of the Lin family jumped on the boat, smoked a few cigarettes, and told their story.

"Huo, caught a high-quality gargi fish? Good luck, Lao Lin!"

"As for this guy..."

When Jin Kaixuan saw Zhang Ming on the rubber boat, he narrowed his eyes slightly and activated his "Eagle Eye" - his natural ability to easily capture various details that could not be observed normally.

The condition of the skin is a little tight, and it has indeed been soaked in the sea water for a long time; the expression... is happy, but also a little calm; there is a small knife hanging on the waist, which is a little rusty after being soaked in the sea water, and it seems to be just an ordinary knife.<


Shouldn't he be a desperado?

There is even a high probability that he is a master?

Jin Kaixuan was slightly startled.

The first reaction of the desperate people when they see them is to run away. As the saying goes, "evil does not suppress good", the power of human beings is still very powerful. This kind of subconscious fear is difficult for criminals to cover up perfectly.

As for this castaway, his current emotions are quite normal. He seems to be just... a person who fell into the sea?

"Hey, where are you from? What's your surname and first name? Why are you in trouble here?" Jin Kaixuan asked loudly, throwing a rope over.

"The Sea of ​​Demons... capsized, and the rest was forgotten!" Zhang Ming grasped the rope tightly and slowly pulled the entire rubber boat over.

This answer made Jin Kaixuan frown and shouted: "You have even forgotten your name? What's the matter with you? Where is your ID card?"

"I really forgot, sir! I also lost my ID card. I have nothing on my body except this knife... I rely on fishing for a living these days. When I'm short of water, I just suck some water from the fish. Fortunately, in the middle

It rained a lot. I really forgot everything. I am exhausted. Sir, please take me back to the land quickly, sir!"

Jin Kaixuan was a little hesitant. Judging from the way he was shouting hoarsely and describing some details, it seemed that there was even the slightest possibility?

No matter what, they can't leave people on the ocean.

Jin Kaixuan was considered to be a very brave man. He glanced at his companion and waved his hand: "Put your knife into the mineral water bottle, wrap it in a plastic bag, and throw it over directly."

Zhang Ming obeyed the instructions obediently. In fact, the knife in his hand was indeed just an ordinary iron knife. He forged it himself and it was rusty.

The coast guards inspected the knife and found no major problems. After discussing for a few minutes, they finally let Zhang Ming board the ship.

"Just wait and see, I still have some questions when I get back to land."

"As long as you are not a wanted criminal, it won't be a big problem."

"Send someone here to take notes."

The four members of the Lin family were recovering the rubber boat. After hearing this, they sent graduate student Lin Fangzheng to come and take notes.

Zhang Ming, who returned to human civilization, was sent to a single room and locked up.

He listened to the footsteps coming and going in the corridor, feeling calm.

There is a sense of calm joy.

In this way, he returned to the human world, ordinary, simple, and quite good.

These people are all his compatriots, and they are talking about interesting stories that happened these days. For example, so-and-so lost all his family fortune in gambling, so-and-so made a lot of money in some business, and so-and-so was caught committing a crime...

A day's patrol work is quite boring, and every day is like a spinning top. Only gossip can relieve the fatigue.

Especially the survivor they picked up at the end gave them interesting topics to talk about.

People are discussing whether this guy is a gangster and whether he really has amnesia or is fake.

Behind the coast guard ship was a fishing boat.

The Lin family made a lot of money today, a mutated Gargi fish, and they had to take it back as soon as possible to raise it. The transaction price of live fish is naturally much higher than that of dead fish.

So the family was also chatting excitedly. The vast sea is really a magical place full of hope and disaster.

All in all, although a full 151 years have passed, humans still rescued Zhang Ming from the vast sea.

Your Excellency, the Extraordinary One, should rest.

Just rest, don't think about anything, don't practice, don't use dream magic and chat with gourds, just sleep.

A soldier glanced into the room and saw the unknown man lying on his side and falling into a deep sleep. He occasionally blinked his mouth, rarely sleeping peacefully.

"Looking at that sleeping position, I know that this guy is most likely not a bad guy."

"That's not necessarily the case. The bad guy is tired from running around and is eventually caught."

In the next room, Jin Kaixuan said to Lin Fangzheng who was taking notes: "Well, you have done a good job. People nowadays, if someone falls into the water, they have to be rescued."

"What if he really loses his memory?"

"Don't worry, we have a lie detector in the bureau. We will apply for a person who can tell lies. How can he pretend like this? Then we will scan his face, press his fingerprints, and scan his iris, and we will know who he is.

Who is it? If you really can’t test the gene, you can always find it.” Jin Kaixuan smiled slightly.

The coast guard ship sailed quickly in the sea, and its propeller turned up layers of white waves, leaving a long ripple in the sea.

After finishing their business, they were idle anyway, so the two started chatting: "You guys have a good harvest today, and you have something to talk about in the town again, haha."

"Captain Jin, have you ever been in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods before?"

"Are you talking about mercenaries? Alas, that place is really difficult to deal with. Only a team of ten thousand people can resist the homeless, and that requires a national-level force. For common non-governmental organizations, a team of a hundred people is the top team. Usually,

It is said that there are only a dozen people, and the symptoms of the homeless people can only be endured." Jin Kaixuan lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said calmly.

"I won't talk about the group of people who died. Those who survived gathered in Yunhai City, feasting, and living in a state of dissipation. Those like us, who knew their own weight and were a bit ambitious, were recruited by the government; the rest, their

I never dared to take another step into the Sea of ​​Demonic Gods in my life, so I went home to open a dojo, martial arts studio, or do other things to make a living."

Lin Fangzheng is obviously full of yearning for the distant sea: "Are there any people in our city who... study the breeding of mutant organisms? I really want to find out how to breed them."

Jin Kaixuan blew out a small smoke ring and continued upwards along the air: "Hey, how do I know this thing? You have to go to the farmers' markets in various cities to collect statistics. In so many cities, lucky people basically catch mutations every day.

Fish. There are also various underground black markets. Some data are in private hands. They won’t give it to you for free, right?"

"And let me tell you the truth, you are not strong enough. Even researchers who go out to conduct group investigations must now at least have B-level strength, and C-level skills are basically out of reach."

"If you only do research on Earth, I'm afraid you won't be able to study many things."

Lin Fangzheng sighed, feeling sad: "That's true."

B-level standard, physical fitness must reach 120, perception and spirit must reach 80!

A hundred years ago, this was a very high standard. Only hundreds of thousands of people in the world could reach it, which is equivalent to choosing one level from thousands of miles.

However, a hundred years have passed, and with the great development of mankind, Class B is no longer a lofty standard, but has sunk to the top level.

In an ordinary town of ten thousand people, there are one or two hundred B-level experts.

But for ordinary people, "picking one out of a hundred" is not a simple statistic. Just like the college entrance examination, people who score in the top 1% are still good talents.

Lin Fangzheng said: "Humanity's resources are still not enough... I think humankind's potential has not been fully realized."

"Is this why you want to get into farming?"

"Haha, I just feel that my parents' work is too hard and dangerous, and I want to find a way to be more relaxed and make money." Lin Fangzheng smiled shyly.

"How can it be so easy? Even the most common mutant creatures are difficult to breed on the earth. Only in the Sea of ​​Demon God can the reproduction speed be faster!"

"Otherwise, how could Professor Yuan Ping, who cultivated mutant rice, have such a great reputation?"


Amidst the trembling bumps of the ship, Zhang Ming had a good sleep. As his mental power increased, he did not require much sleep and could not fall asleep after two hours of sleep.

If you want to sleep more, you can only use the dreaming technique.

He yawned, woke up from his sleep, stretched, and heard the two people talking quietly.

"What kind of fish is gargi? Have I ever eaten it?"

"The way fish is farmed..."

He closed his eyes again and searched in the memory library for a while. He was not an oceanographer, but he had lived in the Demon Sea for more than a hundred years, so he still had a lot of memories left.

Especially... Dr. Xiaobai seems to have done special research?

When you were bragging with the Honggang people in the abyss, did you also hear some knowledge?

This chapter has been completed!
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