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Chapter 362: A backer more exaggerated than Mount Everest

 "Liar... liar? Mrs. Mrs.... Grandpa or grandpa or uncle finally came home?"

"Isn't it a liar who wants to defraud money? You should call the police quickly, brother. The police should be able to prove his identity." Zhang Yueyue said blankly.

Lao Zhang is the name on the Internet.

After all, Zhang Ming is the oldest group of people still alive since the old times.

For such a great achievement, it seems a bit disrespectful to call him by name, but you can't call him "Zhang Dasheng", "Uncle Zhang", "Zhang Daneng" or "Zhang Dadi". These titles are so embarrassing that one can be deducted from one's toes.

Three bedrooms and one living room.

Over time, "Lao Zhang" only refers to Zhang Ming on the Internet.

There is also a strange legend in their family. It seems that the wife, grandpa, grandpa, or uncle are still wandering in the sea of ​​demons, and sooner or later they will return to their hometown.

Their generation doesn't take it too seriously. After all, you have to create your own life. You can't wait for someone who has never seen it all day long and only lives in textbooks, right?

But now...

"I reported it to the police, what if it's true?"

Zhang Chenhao clenched his fists and trembled, and crazy ideas burst out in his mind. He was wondering whether he was suffering from mental illness.

At the same time, the two brothers and sisters of the Lin family were also discussing the "uncle" who had just come in, and that there seemed to be a small gourd hanging on his belt.

"That can't be the uncle we are looking for, right?" Lin Yuyu squinted his eyes and glanced at the two brothers and sisters who were sitting upright, and noticed that the atmosphere was becoming inexplicably weird.

"Or maybe this kind of gourd hanging ornament is a popular style among middle-aged people? I have never heard of this popular style."

Lin Fangzheng, on the other hand, had no expression on his face, still thinking about his "king fish".

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuyu ran to Zhang Yueyue and patted her: "Are you having a parent-teacher meeting? Why are you so serious?"

Zhang Yueyue nodded stiffly like a robot. We were indeed having a parent-teacher meeting, and the content of this parent-teacher meeting was indeed terrifying.

If you must know, we can only scare you to death.

"It seems that my ancestor is back?" Zhang Yueyue said stiffly, "I don't even know what to call him, I'm almost dying of anxiety."

There is only one "Old Zhang" on the Internet. Lin Yuyu and Lin Fangzheng were also frightened to death. Their faces were pale and they sat there like good babies, with their hands and feet placed, not daring to move.<


The four began to discuss seniority, and the chaotic relationship caused them to fall into a long silence.


Zhang Ming took a shower and changed into clean clothes. When he saw four people sitting at the dining table like robots, he couldn't help but feel funny.

Is this welcome ceremony so grand? Is there a speech to be given?

"You...how can you prove that! Why are you that wife?"

"We can't just believe whatever you say!" Zhang Chenhao asked stumblingly with his face flushed. He was so anxious, even though he was not usually the kind of person who stuttered.

Zhang Ming was immediately stopped by the question and his eyes widened. How can I prove that I am myself?

This is a world classic problem!

I don’t even have an ID card!

Who will prove it to me? Call Lao Wang?

So he glanced at the two nervous brothers and sisters of the Lin family, and with an idea, he adjusted his facial muscles and changed his appearance: "Do you know me now, the little girl and the young man of the Lin family? It was you who picked me up from the sea of ​​demons.

Come back, can you prove it?"

"I've told you the secret of the king fish, how could it be other than Lao Zhang? Who else could it be?"

As a result, the four young people were so frightened by his behavior of changing his appearance that they broke out in cold sweats. It took them a long time to recover. It was obvious that this was a special ability to adjust their appearance.

They are still a little suspicious.

You can change your appearance. Isn’t it easy to be a liar?

Lin Fangzheng suddenly said: "Actually... I still believe it a little bit... Mr. Zhang, but why do you need to be rescued? You can also swim directly back to the coastline, there is only such a short distance."

"Why did you run away from the police station?"

Zhang Ming shamelessly gave a very strange explanation: "Because I don't want to have contact with the official."

"You have to know that once you come into contact with official people, they are like brown sugar. You can't get rid of them, and you can't hit them directly."

"It's very annoying when they try to recruit me with their kindness."

However, the young people actually nodded seriously and accepted it easily, because they were not willing to contact the government departments unless they had to, which was really annoying.

But obviously, this proof is not enough.

Suddenly, Zhang Ming noticed that the small gourd hanging on his waist vibrated twice. He stretched out his hand and touched a family photo and letters he had exchanged.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, Hulu is still smart and can always solve problems at critical moments.

"Look, this is a family photo we took a long time ago, and my image was added using software."

"This is your wife or grandma, that is, my sister...doesn't she look a bit like you?? This is my mother, my father, and this is my little niece. Who are you from?

...Forget it, this generation is in chaos."

"Is there a family tree?"

"Yes, yes."

"It seems real. I know this photo. I've seen it before!"

The old old photos are dyed with the color of tea, washed away, and bring a sense of passage of time. They are like red maple leaves, filled with stories of the past.

Young people get excited looking at this photo. The evidence is so strong that they have to believe it!

That mysterious legend actually came true today!

So for a while, they began to sit there like robots, motionless!

The weight of this elder was so great that they were almost out of breath.

Even the most arrogant people don’t dare to speak at this moment!

What...what should I do?

"Forget it, let's talk first. Where is the kitchen? Since you took me in, I'll cook a meal." Zhang Ming also saw that the young man seemed to have a generation gap with himself, so he could only shake his head, "You guys, slow down.

Chat slowly! I’ll cook a good meal!”

Zhang Ming suddenly felt that he had found the past he was looking for, and it was time to face a new future.

This is indeed a good season. Even if the rain pours down, the insects and wild cats hiding under the flowers, plants and trees are still waiting for the days when the rain will clear up and the sky will be full of vitality.

Perhaps human civilization should be like this.

One more person, one less person, and the sun will always rise again.

Although this kind of peaceful life actually didn't last long - a car drove in outside the community, and it seemed that there were a few extremely powerful people sitting on it. They should be the strongest on the earth.<


I have to admit that humans have pretty good mobility.

As soon as his front feet arrived, his back feet were discovered.

There is a high probability that the strongest force currently under command has been dispatched.

In this era of big data surveillance, as long as humans are willing to spend the cost, all kinds of monitoring, divination, divination and other means are emerging, and it is difficult to hide it.

Unless he keeps changing his appearance, or finds a border area to hide his name, and is exhausted to death, there is a chance that he will not be discovered.

But it’s okay, cooking is important!

Unknowingly, a brisk smile appeared on Zhang Ming's face.



After Zhang Ming left, the rusty robot-like atmosphere slowly eased. Zhang Chenhao picked up a glass of water and drank several sips of it before slowly calming down...

What a fart!

He glanced at his silly sister feverishly.

Zhang Yueyue was making a silly, demented smile when her face suddenly turned serious: "What do you think I'm doing? Are you asking your wife to cook for you and not helping me?"

"Do you want to sit back and enjoy the benefits?"

"You go, it's your wife and grandfather too! I'm almost scared to death, I really don't dare to go in."

"I don't dare!"

"I don't dare either!"

In the end, Lin Fangzheng, the most taciturn student who couldn't fit into the group and only thought about "king fish", was allowed to go into the kitchen to help.

"Tell me, will our family have a lot of money and a bigger house? From now on, I can live like a princess." Zhang Yueyue held up her face, "I don't need to work hard now?

"Come on, no matter how rich your ancestors are, what does it have to do with you? You don't even dare to say a word or say hello, why are you still a princess? Are you dreaming?"

Zhang Chenhao's thoughts and morals are really upright. He seems to have inherited Lu Tuyu's trolling character. He criticizes his sister with a look of disgust on his face, and his words are also particularly sharp...

"Even if you live like a princess, you didn't get it by your own ability. It makes you feel superior to others. Why? The society is still pretty much a worm."

Zhang Yueyue blushed when he said it, and she felt a little aggrieved. She had a backer as high as the sky and more exaggerated than Mount Everest. She was not allowed to fantasize about it. If she fantasized about it, she would become a social worm?

No wonder you haven’t found a girlfriend yet, you are an idiot.

Then laughter came from the kitchen, and Lin Fangzheng's howl of surprise was vaguely heard: "So that's it, the king fish is actually a kind of squid! It...it is as big as a mountain! Many fish like to eat it and pull it out.


This is a surprise that satisfies your thirst for knowledge.

Although this surprise is really weird.

The discussion outside the kitchen gradually became lively.

Lin Yuyu on the other side couldn't say anything, so he ran into the kitchen to help and listened to interesting stories.

The two brothers and sisters were still quarreling, discussing things like "backing".

This chapter has been completed!
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