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Chapter 388: Technological progress that changes the world!

 This research result was really huge, as if it was groundbreaking and shocked everyone at the venue.

Even Zhang Ming himself was extremely excited. After studying for so many years, he only knew a few simple sentences...

Okay, this is really hard, just like a fucking math problem!

Who can bear it if you have to do math problems every time you say a word?

Especially after he got a personal secretary, he was even more lazy to learn. The personal secretary's race value was much higher than him.

But for humans, even if they speak a spiritual language and need to do a million math problems... it is acceptable, because humans have supercomputers to assist in solving the problems!

"Bah bang bang!"

There was warm applause in the venue!

Master Shimama was naturally very stinky. She said nothing and pretended to be an expert. Although this professor was a scholar from the Academy of Knowledge, he still played a role.

Professor Falting on the stage made a gesture to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "The function of spiritual language is naturally not only translation, but the more important ability is to impart knowledge and enlighten wisdom!"

"The expressive ability of human language is very lacking."

"Now, I use spiritual language to impart knowledge to everyone."

With the help of the computer, he stumbled out some complicated syllables, and then cold sweat began to break out on his forehead, and his whole face turned red and purple...

Human beings actually do not have the ability to organize such complex spiritual language. This language was taught by Bai Ze, and then humans simply reread it.

If you want to organize complex language by yourself, you have to master strong rules and become a transcendent.

But just rereading it is enough!

A mysterious feeling appeared in people's minds.

People saw an emerald green bamboo standing on the edge of the cliff. It was exposed to the wind and sun and struggled to grow. Suddenly, dark clouds came over the city and heavy rain poured down. The bamboo on the edge of the cliff was struggling to hold on, as if it might fall down at any time.


However, in the next moment, the clouds split, revealing the blue sky behind, and the sun shone down.

At the same time, an infectious narration appeared in the back of my mind: "Stay firm on the green hills and never relax. The roots are still in the broken rocks. I have endured countless hardships and are still strong, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south!"

Zhang Ming gradually came back to his senses, with a smile on his face.

This is a very simple spiritual ability called "Bamboo Stone"!

The function is to strengthen one's own will and get rid of some temptations.

Led by Zhang Ming, many spiritual masters worked together for five years to create a unique spiritual ability.

It is also the first spiritual ability created by humans!

For example, the Pure Heart Bodhi Technique was given by the old man Bai Ze and was not created by humans. However, the "Bamboo Stone" is self-created and has traces to follow. The difference is not small!

Even, with the ability of this "bamboo stone", a person's character will change subtly, becoming more jealous of evil.

The ability to change ideologies... to a large extent, it is the foundation of civilization.

But it’s hard to teach it to others!

The teaching of spiritual abilities is either through the dream method, but it is impossible for everyone in the world to touch the crystal ball, right? That would be a scale of billions of people, and they would touch the crystal ball bald!

And you can't learn it all at once. Like the "Pure Heart Bodhi Technique" broadcast by Lao Yangtou, only one in 100,000 geniuses can learn it all at once.

More people have to learn it many times before they learn it slowly.

The current spiritual language teaching method has filled the gap very well.

Sure enough, after the warm applause, a large number of reporters were alarmed by this ability and asked various questions: "Professor, how many times can you learn this new spiritual ability?"

"Will it profoundly change human ideology? Will spiritual language trigger the next industrial revolution?"

"I think the potential for development is really great!"

"Can it be used to teach mathematics and physics? Can it improve students' overall performance?"

"Everyone, everyone, ask questions one by one!"

Professor Falting was dizzy, but faced the reporters with a glowing face.

Zhang Ming exited the venue and took a look. The first group of teachers who followed Dean Bai Ze to learn the spiritual language together totaled about 5,000 people.

Including the two girls he likes very much, Zhang Yueyue and Lin Yuyu, they are all Lingyu interns in this batch.

Zhang Yueyue saw her ancestor watching outside the window. She quickly showed a smile, brushed her short hair, and said a lip language: "This is so difficult, uncle! Dean Bai Ze is so serious, and Dean Shimama is even more fierce.


Zhang Ming stared, "Nonsense, of course you have to be more fierce!

This thing can only be easily learned by people with strong innate soul power. You have eaten so many lobsters from me, so just learn it honestly.

"This is a new generation of technological revolution, the forefront of technology! If you can't learn it, don't blame me for not recognizing it."

As a chess player who promotes the progress of the times, Zhang Ming cursed loudly.

Of course, the two girls are also very hard-working people, otherwise they would have lost their uncle's favor long ago.

After walking more than a hundred meters, Zhang Ming came to another technology exhibition hall.

The report project in this exhibition hall, in theory, is even more influential than the "Spiritual Language Report" next door!

"Human Systemic Breakthrough Project!"

I remember when Zhang Ming returned from the Sea of ​​Demon Gods and gave him a small gift - a few "Dream Seeds", he helped two S-level masters break through their bottlenecks and become grand masters.

If this technology can be popularized among the people, it will definitely save all sentient beings and have a radiant influence!

It's just a pity that the difficulty with dream seeds is that they need to be customized. After all, everyone's physique is different.

Even if Ms. Calabash overclocks her CPU every day, it is impossible to tailor-make all human beings one by one.

So with the efforts of a large number of experts, the "Human Systemic Breakthrough Project" came into being!

This famous professor named "Hong Quanxin" believes that although the human body is complex, it always remains unchanged and cannot be separated from the category of human beings.

As long as most people's breakthrough methods are collected and the amount of data is sufficient, the younger generations can always find a method that suits them, and then through "spiritual language", they can personally experience the feeling of breakthrough, and then imitate the path taken by their predecessors.


This is a very interesting and intuitive idea.

The only difficulty is that the amount of the project is so large that all human body data must be stored through "dream seeds" or "spiritual words" and summarized and sorted out, so that it can be easily queried.

The best dream master can customize a dream seed in a few months, which is already top speed.

Even if the Great Academy of Sciences includes 50% of the world's dreamers, the manpower is still far insufficient...

Therefore, heavy pressure is piled on the omnipotent Miss Calabash. She can not only speak spiritual words, but also weave dream seeds. She does not need to sleep, and her work efficiency can be described as one against ten thousand!

"Here we need to sincerely thank Ms. Calabash for her great contribution. We are also grateful to the Lingyu team next door for providing a new learning model for all mankind."

"The current completion rate of this project has reached more than 50% in just ten years. It is estimated that in another ten years, we will be able to collect the vast majority of data."

"The research on the remaining scarce physiques may still take some time...Fortunately, those are not popular."

Professor Hong said with a glowing face on the stage: "In about ten years, using the ability of 'blood coagulation and regeneration of physique' to break through the physical bottleneck will be reduced to one-tenth of the original difficulty."

"In other words, the number of grandmasters may increase by an order of magnitude."

An order of magnitude, that is 10 times!

This news can really be described as shocking, so much so that there are no reporters in the lecture hall!

Yes, there is no reporter, this information is completely confidential!

A group of the highest levels of human civilization, leaders of various countries, military generals, etc., were listening quietly in the room. They had different expressions, either discussing in a low voice or deep in thought.

Some are happy, and some are worried.

Zhong Yunlong smiled bitterly and said with emotion: "This technology is naturally excellent. Future generations will no longer need to work hard on the path taken by the predecessors... It is true that the times are progressing, and the road to spiritual practice is becoming wider and wider."

Most of you here are strong people. How many of you have never been stuck by a bottleneck?

Even a genius like Zhang Ming has been stuck for more than a year!

Another general said: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If a master-level master has evil intentions, the harm caused will be too great. I even think that today's human beings are not worthy of having this from a spiritual level." technology."

This statement is actually true.

S-level masters only have two hundred attributes.

Grandmaster, maybe it will expand to one or two thousand attribute points.

The difficulty of control is not of the same magnitude.

But no matter what, human beings cannot stop eating because of choking. In a world like the Honggang people, there are so many masters. There are three national warriors on an expedition ship, and there are dozens of great masters. Human beings need to catch up with the Honggang people and must overcome them. These social difficulties.

"There are some methods of control."

Zhang Ming pondered for a moment and said: "First, this thing must be in our hands, and those who want to use it need to be reviewed."

"Of course, it's not that I can't trust you. As long as such huge interests are handled by people, corruption will easily occur."

"So we still have to find some procedural systems. For example, it is similar to the dream assessment of the National Academy of Sciences. If the moral character fails, you can only veto it with one vote."

"The standard shouldn't be too high. Just don't do evil in the dream. I think this should be easy to achieve, right?"

Don't do evil, that's the minimum requirement.

"Second point, if we promulgate more mental abilities similar to 'bamboo stones' that can subtly change one's temperament, it may be able to reduce the crime rate."

This chapter has been completed!
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