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Chapter 42 Toxin Resistance

 Zhang Ming, I don’t want to work hard anymore.

The turtle community is not weak.

From the perspective of playing leisurely on the shore every day, this group of sea turtles is actually not weak. If their stomachs are so hungry, who would be willing to climb up and play?

Only when the problem of survival is solved will spiritual needs arise, whether it is humans or turtles.

Looking at their size, the super-large turtle is as tall as two or three stories and is much stronger than an elephant; the small white turtle is smarter than a monkey; with division of labor and cooperation, it can also dive into the seabed to search for animals.

Food, their lives are ten thousand times more comfortable than Zhang Ming.

This group of turtles can give Zhang Ming a huge boost by giving or trading some food.

"We have been together for a month, so you should let me hug your thigh!"

Of course, the most difficult thing is communication.

How to let them know the concept of "transaction" is a troublesome task for Zhang Ming.

Even the smartest "King of Turtles", the little white turtle, actually cannot understand human speech, but can only observe words and expressions.

"How to make them understand the transaction?" Zhang Ming thought in his mind, "But don't worry, the other turtles also have barnacles on them, so they can eat them for a while."



After eating all the snacks, the turtles happily returned to the sea. For them, this unique taste was an unprecedented experience.

However, they never spend the night on land, and they barked a few words, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"", indicating that they will come to visit the business next time and will go home today.

"You guys are very happy."

Zhang Ming was lying in the camp to rest. He was satisfied with his dinner today and gained 2 attribute points.

Looking again, a mysterious mark like a barnacle appeared on the property panel. It was lifelike and its style was similar to that of a crab mark.

My heart suddenly felt happy.

"New abilities?"

In fact, eating mutated organisms does not necessarily lead to new abilities.

"Like giant coconuts, super peppers, various small shells, and various plants, they only bring attribute points..."

Zhang Ming guessed that some mutated creatures have no abilities at all, they are just mutated.

Or, some superpowers require the support of "hardware", such as chlorophyll, cell walls and other structures.

As a human being, without this kind of organ, he naturally cannot obtain the corresponding abilities.

According to this principle, the probability of extracting new abilities from animals is higher than that from plants and mushrooms.

Close your eyes and visualize the "barnacle" icon.

A mysterious thought came to my mind.

[Ability: Toxin resistance (This ability can remove some toxic factors from the body and maintain the health of the body. Requires 8 attribute points to activate.)]

"What an ability!" Zhang Ming took a breath.

Barnacles may be small, but they contain treasures.

The price of 8 attribute points is not expensive. I earned 2 points by eating barnacles tonight.

Immediately, I added 8 attributes to the "barnacle" icon.

A magical feeling came to my mind, making me feel sleepy and drowsy.

Since I had already experienced it once, I wasn’t that surprised.

In this magical "dream", Zhang Ming felt like he had transformed into a barnacle, parasitic on other marine creatures.

Turtles, whales, sharks, dolphins, and reefs are all their hosts.

Barnacles have no fighting ability, but they can use the power of their hosts to swim in this huge deep sea.

And in this vague memory, they parasitized an unimaginable behemoth.

The body of this beast is as solid as a rock, and its size is comparable to that of a mountain. Its huge body moves slightly.

The surrounding seawater was filled with turbulent waves. This terrifying scene reminded Zhang Ming of a sentence: "The Kun is so big that it can't be thousands of miles away."

Let’s call this giant beast “Kun”.

On "Kun", near the entrance of a dark and deep hole, a large amount of filth spews out from time to time...

All the creatures that could not resist the poison of this filth died.

Over time, only a few barnacles that could remove toxins were left, and they persisted through their self-purification abilities.

This is the origin of the "toxin resistance" ability.

Zhang Ming gradually woke up from his dazed state.

I can’t remember the huge thing in my memory vaguely. Only the dark and deep entrance of the cave is particularly memorable.

As for the hole that sprays poisonous filth, it seems to be...


Zhang Ming suddenly didn’t know what to say. It turned out that Barnacle’s ancestor was a shit-eater.

Are you becoming awesome after eating?

"If the memory just now is real, this mysterious area is too scary. Godzilla at a height of 300 meters is just a baby compared to this deep sea monster."

"The earth cannot possibly accommodate such a creature. The deepest trench on the earth is only more than 10,000 meters. If such a giant beast comes to the earth, it will be stranded directly."

"The mysterious area is actually much larger than the earth. It is a larger and more magnificent supernatural world."

When he discovered this fact, Zhang Ming was confused and shocked.

He is a little worried about what will happen when human civilization confronts super giant beasts.

The deterrent effect of the hydrogen bomb does not seem to be that great anymore.

Moreover, the difficulty of returning home seems to have increased.

But he quickly came back to his senses and said with a self-deprecating smile, "You are a little bastard. Are you worried about what the human race will do?"

"As long as the ability is easy to use, it doesn't matter how you got it..."

At that moment, he activated his "toxin resistance" ability.

Similar to the scene when "Attribute Conversion" and "Power Explosion" are activated, a mysterious heat flow flows through the body in a unique circuit.

Zhang Ming didn't know what this hot current was, so he simply gave it a name and called it "Ling".

Due to the flow of "spirit" in the body, various superpowers are produced.

But Zhang Ming always feels that the flow of "spirit" is not just as simple as blood circulation, but may also involve ethereal existences such as "soul" that are difficult for humans to understand.

"Spirit" is even closely related to his mental state. If his state is too poor, the use of his superpowers will also deteriorate.



Just running like this, he suddenly felt a stinging pain in his lungs!

Something was forcibly removed, and was pushed up by the mysterious heat flow, slowly moving up the trachea!

At this moment, under the severe pain, he screamed "Ah".

This thing can actually move!

"Cough cough cough!"

After a violent cough.

Zhang Ming was horrified to find that several mushrooms as big as bean sprouts coughed out from his nostrils.

They beat like maggots. After leaving the human body, these "mushrooms" quickly lost their strength and slowly wriggled on the ground.

Under the flickering light of the fire, Zhang Ming's face didn't look good, and there was a chill running along the tailbone and spine, straight to the Tianling Gai.

On an isolated island where the sky and the earth do not respond, if you take one wrong step, all your thoughts will turn into ashes.

Zhang Ming was tense and racking his brains to think.

"What is this?"

"There is nothing strange about the body."

"The mind should be quite clear."

Looking at the attribute panel, I was surprised to find that my lifespan had been reduced a bit and became [24/29].

In other words, just now, he lost one year of his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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