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Chapter 50 Mutated creatures can actually be good friends with humans?

 In order to hunt the golden electric eels, Zhang Ming prepared a large piece of fresh crab meat, with a metal dagger inserted inside, and...a huge amount of chili peppers!

The essence of spicy food is a feeling of pain.

It's so violent that it's no different from poison.

"As long as it dares to eat crab meat, the dagger will get stuck in its throat and stab the wound."

"At the same time, the intense spiciness is released instantly."

"These spicy flavors stimulate the wound and bring unimaginable pain. It will definitely struggle violently." Zhang Ming performed the entire battle process in his mind, "But the more it struggles, the internal bleeding will occur, and the faster the life force will drain. I

You can consume it and die."

"At the same time, chili peppers are not toxic, and I don't have to worry about contamination of eel meat."


The turtles shouted loudly and stopped outside the mangrove forest, telling Zhang Ming not to move forward.

"Don't worry about me, I'm prepared."

They are all clever and clever, and they keep looking at them with their sly eyes.

Slowly, slowly, they felt Zhang Ming's determination.

This is not a game...

But, war!



Human beings all over the world have focused their attention on Mirage No. 16.

The continuous drizzle in Mirage No. 16 lasted for nearly 40 days, and almost nothing could be seen clearly.

But as the sky cleared, Zhang Ming held the Faraday cage high and went out to fight, followed by a large group of turtles. The magical scene was shown to the whole world.

This is the first time the turtles have appeared together so clearly.

In the past, they did not appear many times in the camera.

This time, it’s different.

The elegant and huge body sways when walking, the long neck is dotted with spotted patterns, and the eyes on the head are like beautiful black pearls.

As the saying goes, "Three views follow the five senses", even though these turtles are dangerous mutant creatures, they immediately won the favor of a large number of netizens.

"What is he doing holding the cage?"

"What kind of turtle is this? It doesn't look like a turtle. They can retract their heads and their backs are so smooth."

"A turtle as tall as two or three stories high might weigh dozens or hundreds of tons, right?"

"The one with the highest status should be the white one. It's such a small turtle. I really want to catch it and keep it in a water tank."

"Come on, the mutant creature will go crazy and bite your throat out."

There were originally 16 mysterious areas, but now only 3 remain.

Most of them were wiped out by mutated creatures.

No matter how generous a person is, in the face of the cruel facts, he realizes that the world is not the same as before.

But this time, the appearance of turtles is simply shocking. Mutated creatures can actually be good friends with humans?

Look at this relationship, it’s not an ordinary one!

Many scientific researchers at home and abroad have begun to re-examine the huge amount of information contained in it.

"Grape talk: Two of the three trapped teams are currently being rescued. The probability of being rescued is relatively high. There are about fifty Daxia people among them."

"There is only one guy from District 16, and there is really no way to rescue him."

In fact, the other forty or fifty Daxia people don't pay much attention.

Who is willing to watch the collective life instead of single-handedly fighting in the wilderness?

But no matter what, it is always a good thing to save him, and it can still inspire people.

"It's not that I don't want to save him, it's that I really don't have the strength."

Someone else asked: "If these survivors are rescued, will there be no natural disasters?"

"A friend of mine works in the government. According to him, natural disasters are actually caused by the collective consciousness of human beings."

"If most people in the world don't associate survivors with the fate of the country, then there is no such thing as a natural disaster."

Unconsciously, various views of "Gaia consciousness" have appeared on the Internet.

The official attitude is ambiguous, neither refuting the rumors nor deleting the posts, allowing them to spread freely.



Sea of ​​Clouds Refuge.

People lined up to receive lunch boxes from the dining car.

The population in the shelters is half what it was two months ago, and a large portion of the population has been evacuated to the countryside.

Some are also involved in the construction of various super projects.

The rest of them gathered together in twos and threes, bragging, discussing the recent war, mirages, and the recently emerged "Gaia theory". They seemed to be somewhat accustomed to this kind of life of eating from a big pot.

Times are changing, and who could have imagined that human civilization a few months ago would be completely different from a few months later.

"The oil crisis has reappeared! The price of fuel vehicles is comparable to scrap metal, and the price of electric vehicles has soared! The current BYD price is 2 million!"

"Come on, the bank won't let you withdraw money. Where did you get two million? Did it fall from the sky?"

"The government purchases lithium batteries in large quantities and in unlimited quantities."

The best trick of the Daxia government is called "delay and wait for change"!

What should we do if everyone rushes to the banks to run on banks and triggers a financial crisis?

As long as you don't allow money to be withdrawn, the bank won't close down, it will just be delayed anyway.

At worst, I’ll let you withdraw several thousand yuan a month, but I won’t give you more than that!

In this way, if we delay it until the sky is dark and the earth is dark, until the end of time, until inflation swallows up people's savings, the problem will almost be solved.

Today's financial operations rely on newly established banks.

As long as there are no historical problems such as housing loans, the new bank can still complete its operations.

"Have you read the recent Gaia consciousness theory? Could it be that by controlling human group consciousness, we can control Gaia and the earth?"

"If you think about it beautifully, the biggest consensus in the world is that there is no consensus between people."

It has to be said that humans are creatures with strong receptive abilities. Half a year ago, most people were still worried about mortgage loans and focused on the "three big mountains".

As a result, now I have something to eat, so I won’t starve to death, and being able to gather together and chat has become a great joy in life.

At this moment, the loudspeaker in the square rang just in time for the meeting.

"The following is a notice: If you hand over any supernatural objects to the local government, you will receive a bonus of 10 million to 20 million yuan, your whole family will be exempted from military service, and 6-10 people will be given priority to choose places in super-large refuge cities, and

Limited quota for 6 people to go to the mysterious area."

"If you collect supernatural objects privately, you will be harmed by them."

"In Yunhai Province, the victim Fu Liaoyi picked up a stone that emitted green light. He mistakenly thought it was a treasure and kept it. Three days later, a second head grew and he was sent to the hospital for treatment. He died... It was later determined that the stone emitted

Mysterious elements can cause genetic mutations in the human body."

"In Northwestern Province, the victim Zhong Huimin picked up a bottle of mysterious Coke and mistakenly thought it was a magical elixir. The victim couldn't help laughing. He laughed wildly for a day and a night and suffocated to death. Later it was determined that drinking the Coke would cause

It makes people laugh crazily and cannot be stopped by any means."

This chapter has been completed!
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