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Chapter Six The First Night

The waves are getting bigger and bigger.

The radio station on the beach was broadcasting news intermittently. Due to the greatly improved perception, Zhang Ming could barely hear the sound of the radio station in the distance.

"Fuso Country was hit by an eight-magnitude earthquake. Mount Fuji re-entered its active phase. Experts predict that the volcano will erupt within a month. Tens of millions of people fled out of the city, causing traffic to be paralyzed. A major traffic accident killed 202 people."

"A large tsunami hit Hawaii. The deadly tsunami caused hundreds of billions of property losses. The number of people evacuated by the authorities doubled..."

"Four mysterious areas appeared in the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic Ocean, and Indian Ocean, covered by fog, and unknown changes occurred."

Zhang Ming was enjoying a bag of potato chips with relish. He didn’t know which Taoist friend left this precious legacy.

Take one piece at a time and enjoy it slowly, even licking the salt off your fingers.

Oh, oh, Mount Fuji is going to erupt.

Halfway through the meal, I felt even hungrier.

He picked up another small piece of bread and started to nibble on it.

After enjoying the bread, the violent feeling of hunger eased...a little bit?

"How come I can eat so much all of a sudden?"

Take advantage of the last rays of the sun to build a shelter.

He pushed several huge coconuts that had fallen on the ground together and formed a circle. Then he picked up a few palm leaves more than 2 meters long and covered them with the coconuts.

Finally, another layer of clothes was spread on the floor.

"Experts claim that the frequent activity of crustal plates is the main cause of current earthquakes..."

"The world's total GDP may drop by about 40% due to disasters."

Zhang Ming spat: "Why did this happen all of a sudden?"

This day's experience was even more outrageous than traveling through time.

He seemed to have remembered something, and habitually took out his mobile phone from his pocket to turn it on. When he turned it on, he saw that the battery was 19%, a desperate number.

And... there is no internet!

At this moment, the only thought in my mind is - Damn it, the 648 Krypton in "Original Demon" yesterday was not drawn yet!

Damn it!

"A tropical low pressure east of the Philippines has formed this morning. At 08:00, its center is located on the northwest Pacific Ocean 445 kilometers east of Manila in the Philippines, 14.1 degrees north latitude, 125.1 degrees east longitude, level 7 (14 meters/second)

),1003 hPa."

"The low pressure is expected to move north to northeast in the ocean east of the Philippines at a speed of 10-15 kilometers per hour, slowly intensify in intensity, and form a super typhoon."

Zhang Ming hid in the coconut pile and listened to the radio.

All kinds of earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, and volcanoes are all coming, and they seem to be plowing the entire world viciously.

He became increasingly worried about his relatives and friends.

However, the current situation is delicate, so we can only prioritize taking care of ourselves.

No matter what, Daxia is a big country in the world and has a vast inland to avoid disasters, so it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

"Water, fire, food, shelter, and the four elements of survival."

There are almost 20 bottles of water and Coke. If you save a few drinks, it will probably last more than a week.

There are quite a few coconuts around.

But if you eat coconuts, you may suffer from diarrhea, and if no one comes to rescue you, the disease may mean death.

What's more, Zhang Ming is not sure whether these coconuts as big as water tanks are poisonous.

Even if his body is 2.5 times that of an ordinary person, he does not dare to take too big risks.

Food is equally scarce, even more scarce than water.

Zhang Ming felt that he did not have De Ye's "three days of hunger and nine meals" starvation talent. Especially after raising [Physique] to 51 points and struggling to build a temporary shelter, hunger was constantly eroding his sanity.

The bread and half a bag of potato chips he had just eaten were just a drop in the bucket, but they stimulated his appetite.

After taking inventory for a while, I found that the bread, biscuits and other food I have on hand can only last two days, and I am not full.

Rubbing his temples to suppress his violent desire to eat, Zhang Ming took a long, deep breath.

Of course, the good news is that there are still more than a hundred blind boxes – those suitcases that haven’t been opened!

"Even though most of the suitcases will be filled with clothes, why should there be some food and water?"

Time passed by, and the sky turned completely dark. A full moon hung high above the sky, and the stars were as bright as a waterfall. In this area without light pollution, the vast Milky Way looked like a scroll on earth.

On the first night he stayed here, Zhang Ming couldn't sleep at all. His mind was constantly fighting against hunger.


There was a rumble in the distance, followed by a harsh "squeak" of metal tearing.

Zhang Ming suddenly woke up from his dazed state!

Radio: "(*Noise) Sir, what was that sound just now? (*Noise) Is the tide coming up? Are you nearby?"

"Is there an earthquake over there?"

What the hell.

There was another loud "squeak", this one more harsh than the last one.

It was as if the lid of the entire cabin had been forcefully opened by brute force!

Zhang Ming's eyes widened in fear, trying hard to see clearly where the plane wreckage was and what happened.

A... black shadow!

Yes, under the moonlight, a black life form was frantically feeding on the human corpses in the cabin.

It was huge, perhaps tens of meters tall. Just like Godzilla, it forcibly lifted off the metal layer of the plane wreckage, chewing happily from its mouth.

In just a few moments, it turned into a feast and carnival!

Occasionally, a dull sound like a drum breaks out, which should be its breathing.

Zhang Ming was sweating profusely and had goosebumps all over his body. He also smelled a putrid smell like a corpse.

The stench is getting stronger and stronger, polluting the entire area like a poison gas bomb.

I quickly took some mineral water with a towel and covered my mouth and nose.

The radio station also felt that something was wrong, and said nervously and seriously: "Sir, I just got a big piece of news: some unprecedented life forms have appeared in the mysterious area!"

"They are extremely powerful and ferocious in appearance. They are completely different from normal creatures. Some are plants and some are animals!"

"Their body length is generally about 3 meters, and the largest one is almost 5 meters."

Zhang Ming was convinced, brother, those you met were babies, right?

What I have here may be dozens of meters long!

"They are extremely malicious to humans. You must avoid them, avoid them! Don't die! Also, the satellite radio will be broadcast around six o'clock in the evening, the radio..."

There was a loud "pop", the radio station was smashed to pieces by the black life form, and the announcer's voice completely disappeared.

Zhang Ming hid in the coconut pile, frightened and frightened. He wanted to cry but had no tears. He cursed the eighteenth generation of the shadow ancestor in his heart.

You're just right, I really can't help it.

But don't destroy my radio station, it's the only way for me to contact humans!

When I get up later, I will kill you to death!

This chapter has been completed!
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