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Chapter 62 [Xuanwu Breathing Technique]

 People have their limits!

Even if the hook is turned on, it still only has the power of a small excavator. It is impossible to break the void. I have never seen an excavator soar in the daytime.

How to not be a human being is a big question...

Zhang Ming once wrote about encountering a bottleneck on the beach of "Everything", but no corresponding broadcast message was sent.

As a result, he understood one of the truths: The Earth side is too poor. They have never encountered such a thing, and no one has touched the so-called "bottleneck".

In other words, people on earth are in a bottleneck state all the time. Most human beings' superpowers have no ability to grow at all. They reach the peak when they debut and then stand still.

Even if there are many smart experts and professors on the earth, how can they understand and provide solutions if they have never encountered similar things?

"Can a 200-point physique support me to swim back to the earth? Probably...can't."

How to break through the bottleneck of the first stage of humankind?

Could it be that it activates more superpowers?

Zhang Ming rubbed his temples in annoyance, analyzing the abilities he had not yet activated.

"Hoarding Junkrat" is obtained from a nutria-like creature. Its specific ability is to speed up metabolism, allow itself to eat more, and quickly grow a lot of fat.

This ability may be used in some special circumstances, but it is basically useless to Zhang Ming.

Even the daily increase in attributes has a limit. If you increase it by 10 points every day, it is basically a certain saturation on the soul level. Gaining fat on your body is useless!

"That nutria is really delicious, as tender and juicy as beef." Zhang Ming licked his lips, "I wish I could catch a few more."

"Feces Mania" is a superpower that changes self-perception. It is obtained from a kind of bug, and it can actually change humans' aversion to feces and regard it as a magical delicacy!

It's a pity that Zhang Ming chose to refuse.

For rot lovers, the scavenging ability is useful in many situations, but it is unlikely to help break through the bottleneck, and it is a bit expensive.

After excluding the unactivated abilities one by one, Zhang Ming always felt that these abilities were of little use.

So, he focused his attention on the newly obtained "Xuanwu Breathing Technique".

[Xuanwu Breathing Technique] is an ability obtained from turtle eggs. It consumes a full 96 attribute points, which is one level more expensive than "Lightning Control"!

When Zhang Ming obtained this ability, he was shocked by its strange introduction.

[Xuanwu Breathing Technique: Xuanwu, the North Pole. After activating this ability, every breath you take will plunder the world to enhance your own energy and spirit. It requires 96 attribute points to activate.]

The price was ridiculously expensive and it looked awesome, so Zhang Ming chose to activate it when the attributes were still relatively rich.

But after applying it in practice, I found that... it is not very useful.

He was cheated!

A month of "breathing" training may only increase one attribute point! Although it is said to be free, it is too slow. It will be paid back in 96 months!

Only turtles, an extremely long-lived creature, can withstand such a slow growth rate.

Facing the waves, Zhang Ming seriously thought about the current situation: "Actually, it's not because the superpower is not good, but because I am a loser as a user."

"Xuanwu Breathing Technique, if practiced to the end, can grow to the continental level. Just like this dead giant turtle under your feet, it can support a civilization while it is alive."

"With lightning control, one can practice to the level of a golden electric eel."

A silver-white electric light appeared in the palm of the hand, making a "crackling" sound. It was as thick as a toothpick and could be released thirty meters away.

But it is not as overwhelming as the golden electric eel, forming a bright silver ring.

"The electric light I control now is just so-so, but I have to throw it away when comparing goods, and I have to die when comparing people. Why is it just a small toothpick..." Zhang Ming held the "small toothpick" and "crackled" in the water.

Produce hydrogen and oxygen.

"The first ability I got, power burst, can theoretically achieve a 5000% increase in power, but when I use it now, it's still at the 50% level. I can occasionally achieve an increase of 100%-200%, but that's all."<


Is it really the so-called "blackening is ten times stronger, whitening is three times weaker"?

No, not really.

After careful study, Zhang Ming believes that the main reason is...the structural differences between humans and monsters are huge!

"If the source of superpowers is really due to the flow of spirit and the difference in body structure, it will naturally bring about huge differences in efficiency."

The dual bottlenecks of attributes and abilities are before our eyes.

This is the first time Zhang Ming has thought deeply about the true nature of superpowers.

"My research on the spirit is still only superficial."

"Except for the [Attribute Panel], which is innate, the rest of the abilities are learned. Without in-depth exploration, there is not much room for them to be used."

"It's like solving calculus. Simply copying the gourd can only solve some simple problems. Slightly more complicated changes cannot be made."

Thinking of this, Zhang Ming moved out of the turtle cave, found a few simple stone slabs, and studied them carefully.

The humid environment of the Turtle Cave makes it impossible to preserve items, so most of the written materials of the "Flame Horn Civilization" have been erased by time.

Only these few stone slabs with strange symbols engraved on them have been preserved almost intact due to their special materials.

The stone slabs are also covered with a thick layer of gelatin, perhaps left by moss and molluscs.

Zhang Ming was very patient and used a knife to gently scrape off the coverings. The sound of "sand" kept ringing by the beach.

He always felt that these carefully carved stone slabs contained some special opportunities.

Whenever I caress the symbols and words carefully, some strange thoughts will appear in my mind, and indescribable murmurs are constantly generated in my mind, as if there is a seductive old man demonstrating something.

At the same time, the "spirit" in the body will be attracted by these mysterious symbols and flow spontaneously, forming a subtle heat flow.

"The heritage of an ancient civilization that has existed for a long time in a mysterious area is indeed extraordinary.

"Literal symbols that can evoke the illusion of human thinking are simply unheard of on earth!"

"What is recorded on the stone tablet should be some kind of special way of practice... If the national expedition team comes here, they will be ecstatic."

There is no superpower way to practice on earth.

Zhang Ming heard this on the radio.

Human superpowers can only be awakened innately and cannot be exercised.

It's just a pity that Zhang Ming didn't have any expectations for the arrival of the national team.

"It's estimated that after a hundred years, no one has come to save me."

"It's estimated that after a hundred years, no one has come to save me." The black stone couldn't wait to read it again. Zhang Ming actually heard a hint of joy in its old voice?

This chapter has been completed!
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