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Remarks on the launch

 In the following days, with the small goal of creating "human breathing technique" in mind, I seemed to have a little bit of fun in life.

With the help of the turtle clan, Zhang Ming dived into the seabed again and again to search for the relics of ancient civilizations.

He used to be a landlubber, the kind who couldn't even do the doggy style, but with 200 points of physical fitness and 200 points of perception, he could easily control most of the muscles in the body.

It only took two days to learn how to swim and dive.

The boundless mysterious area, using the terminology of the Flaming Horn people, is called the "Sea of ​​Demonic Gods", and it buries countless mysteries.

And this sunken continent is called "Xuanwu Continent".

This sea area still belongs to the "Xuanwu Continent" and is not the real Sea of ​​Demon God, so the risk is not too great.

It has been so long since the fall of the Flame Horn people that most of the ancient ruins hidden under the sea have become a paradise for marine life.

The collapsed house was covered with colorful coral polyps, starfish, lobsters, and shells. When the strange underwater creatures saw Zhang Ming swimming over, they dispersed and stirred up the water.

“So much seafood!”

Many fish live in groups, and either do not appear, or dozens or millions of them appear at once, and the overwhelming scene is like a huge tornado!

Occasionally, there are extremely large mutated fish swimming by from far away. Zhang Ming seriously doubts that they can bite the excavator in half with one bite.

Of course, due to the relatively low reproductive capacity of mutated organisms, most marine organisms are still dominated by ordinary organisms with higher reproductive abilities. Nature will always maintain a clever ecological balance to prevent ordinary organisms from becoming completely extinct.
Zhang Ming's eyes shone: "The attribute points in the ocean are really inexhaustible! Eat them all at once, and you can get seven, eight thousand, or even ten thousand."

"It's just a pity that if we don't break through the bottleneck, we can only add it all to the life span..."

Glanced at the properties panel.

[Lifespan: 25/768] (Your lifespan is comparable to that of Peng Zu. You are such a young longevity star! Take good care of your health and stay here until the end of the world!)

Well, when each day passes and your life span increases by a few years, you will be happy, singing and dancing at first, wishing that the number would expand faster.

Who doesn’t want to obtain the fruit of immortality?

Just like the famous saying of an unknown Internet writer: "As long as you give me enough time and tap on the keyboard with my toes, I can write a book comparable to "The Lord of the Turtle Secrets"!"

This also illustrates the importance of time.

But soon, Zhang Ming realized it and couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Even if you give me enough time, I still can't learn that damn mathematics..."

"Gulu, gulu, gulu~" The little white turtle swam up to him and spat out a few bubbles, as if he had made some important discovery.

Zhang Ming made an "ok" gesture, took out the mineral water bottle in his backpack, and took a deep breath of air.

Swim over and take a look.

A simple stone tablet lies quietly on the seabed, with dense aquatic plants entangled on the stone tablet.

The seal carvings are faintly visible, with text and images.

"Another slate from the Flaming Horn people... Fortunately, this civilization likes to carve its own history on slate, otherwise nothing would be left."

Zhang Ming muttered in his heart, plucked out the water plants with his hand, and stroked the complex lines on them.

Only the most precious and hard things can survive the erosion of time.

He tied the stone tablet with the rope he carried with him, then tied the other end to the huge sea turtle next to him, and directed it to swim upward.

The name of this oversized turtle is "Scar" because when the barnacles were removed, some scars were accidentally left on it, so Zhang Ming called it "Scar Turtle".

Scar Turtle shook his two-story tall body and pulled the stone tablet to the beach.

After many years, this relic of ancient civilization has once again seen the light of day.

The strange patterns were corroded so much that they were very blurry. I could barely distinguish them. They might be describing some of the acupuncture points of the Flaming Horn people?

Various text symbols are even more difficult to decipher.

"The spirit of words has almost disappeared." Zhang Ming closed his eyes and thought carefully.

The black stone rolled over "just in time" and rolled around Zhang Ming's feet to show off itself.

"You know?"

"You know." Shimama repeated.

Zhang Ming could understand that this guy was bargaining, so he cleared his throat and started to make up a story: "Let's open a new pit, the story of a beautiful math teacher... When I was in high school, I was the math class representative, and the math teacher just graduated.

Graduate student, interesting, right? Do you want to know?"

"The math teacher is a graduate student who just graduated!!" Shimama frantically reread it, hundreds of times in a row, and even the surrounding air became hot, and her evil nature was exposed.

It didn't give in, and immediately began to reread the story about what happened to this "slate".

Zhang Ming carefully understood this strange "spiritual language".

In my mind, there is an old man with gray hair giving lectures to his disciples.

"Exhale through the angle of nasal inhalation and inhale through the angle of nasal exhalation. This is called abdominal reverse breathing. When breathing, you must exhale smoothly. Because reverse breathing plays the role of expelling the old and bringing in the new. Once the lungs are full of qi and the lungs are enlarged, they cannot hold the chest and lower the qi.

Qi sinks in the Dantian, and excessive expansion of lung cells can easily cause lung bleeding, causing harm to the body..."

"...Put it to the Yongquan point on the sole of your foot, and it will start over and over again. The cycle is endless. The former post-supervisor has a rolling spirit."

An hour later, Shimama stopped rereading.

Zhang Ming took a slow breath and thought to himself: "It turns out that this stone tablet tells the story of the great sage of the Yanjiao Civilization who improved the 'Xuanwu Breathing Technique'. What a good thing."

"Some of these principles should also be valid for humans."

The entire race of Yanjiao people spent a lot of manpower and energy. Even though they were talented, it still took them nearly a hundred years to learn the "Xuanwu Breathing Technique" from Xuanwu.

Finally, it took another 52 years to improve the "Xuanwu Breathing Technique" into the "Flaming Horn Breathing Technique".

In the whole process, quite a lot of theoretical knowledge was naturally invented.

Even though the Yanjiao Civilization is not a true technological civilization, the lessons learned have been tried by millions or tens of millions of people and should not be underestimated.

Just like the difference between modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, there are "TCM hackers" and "TCM fans" everywhere on the Internet, and they are arguing non-stop.

But Zhang Ming doesn’t care at all. He is just pragmatic. As long as he knows that Ten Drops of Water and Huoxiang Zhengqi Water can be used, that’s all!

It's the best if it works. As for what these black fans are arguing about, he doesn't care.

"For me, the difficulty of improving Xuanwu Breathing Technique into human breathing technique has been simplified a lot, because I have already consumed attribute points and learned the biggest threshold of 'Xuanwu Breathing Technique'."

96 attributes!

Zhang Ming felt a pain in his heart, and could only comfort himself, as if he had spent this small amount of money for the entire human race.

The step from 0 to 1 is really difficult. No matter how talented and beautiful the person is, they cannot fabricate a breathing technique out of thin air.

But from 1 to 10, it is much easier.

"Most of the knowledge of the Flaming Horn people has laid a theoretical framework for me. As long as I learn the principles, I can find ways to change it."

With the beautiful dream of being the founding father, Zhang Ming is so motivated that his subjective initiative is fully utilized!

I am frantically digging into ancient ruins every day, referring to various versions of the Flaming Horn people, and learning about "acupoints", "qi", "spirit" and other knowledge.

With Shimama, a history repeater, a lot of buried history can be forcibly unearthed.

The Yanjiao people’s writing system has also been cracked one by one.


A thousand miles a day!



However, for all human beings, mirages appear in the sky from time to time, which simply breaks the hearts of countless smart heads.

Any country with great ambitions is convening linguists, information scientists, deciphering experts and other experts from all walks of life to try to decipher the information provided by the mirage.

That unknown information from a different civilization must contain rich supernatural treasures!!

Today, the survivors in Area 16 dug out another ancient stone slab from the seabed.

The mirage seems to have self-awareness, and the stone slab is photographed very clearly.

If "Gaia consciousness" really exists in the world, then its intention could not be more obvious. These stone tablets are really very useful to mankind!

Crack it!

It's just a pity...human power is too limited.

In the context of poor supernatural knowledge, the progress of deciphering is extremely slow. Even 1% is considered a compliment. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a waste of scientific research funds and free rice.

As a result, complaints came out from major research institutes around the world.

"What the hell are these damn ghost symbols? They're as bad as the apple pie made by Aunt Carla next door!"

"Hey, buddy, where's your hair?"

"Fake, that idiot leader asked me to decipher it within this month... He didn't even think about it. How many years did it take to decipher the cuneiform script of Mesopotamia? 300 years... 300 years and it hasn't been completely deciphered! This

But there are no reference materials for the writings of other civilizations."

"That idiot is dreaming. He really should go see that hateful prairie dog!"


The same is true here in Daxia.

Li Xianfeng felt that his high blood pressure and heart disease were attacking every day. His superiors called one after another, and he had to explain each one.

To decipher this matter, how should I put it, it is impossible to change it at the will of the leader. The more urgent the leader urges, the more irritable the people below will be.

In fact, several highly respected language experts could not withstand the tremendous pressure and resigned directly.

"Lao Li, it's not that we don't work hard, it's that... these things can't be deciphered at all."

"Because it is probably introducing something that does not exist here at all."

The gray-haired expert smiled bitterly and said: "For example, let me make up a random term, 'Aba Baba'. It is a concept that we have never been exposed to and only exists in alien civilizations... How can we know

What is it?"

"There may be many concepts that we have never encountered before. How can we decipher them? Rely on random guesses based on imagination?"

Li Xianfeng sighed and said: "Professors, even if you have only a little knowledge, it is still good. Even if you only say a few words, it is better than nothing. I will bear the pressure from above, you can do your best."

"We...really need the method of practice...really really need it...our time is running out."


(End of chapter)

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