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Chapter 89 Xuanwu’s Malice

 Xuanwu, at this moment, seems to be resurrected.

The earth began to rise, and the Xuanwu Continent, which had already sunk in the mysterious area, seemed to have returned to the time when Xuanwu was alive.

It once... held up the whole world!

The world should not be submerged in sea water.

Xuanwu Continent is not just a small island.

It is a real continent, it is a world!

The magnitude of the earthquake became larger and larger, and the loud sound became louder and louder, echoing across the sky and the earth.

"The North Pole, Xuanwu, has a lifespan of 1,210,431 years, and is destined to the Xuanwu Breathing Technique. He was worshiped by the Yanjiao clan thousands of years ago. Now that his life span has expired, he wants to play with the sky and become a god.


Under this vast spiritual language, mysterious hallucinations appeared in Zhang Ming's mind.

He couldn't even tell whether this huge earthquake happened thousands of years ago or if it happened now.

In short, I could only hold my spear and run all the way, cutting down many mushrooms.

He can only escape!

In Zhang Ming's mind, the scene of the huge "Xuanwu" playing with the sky thousands of years ago appeared.

"Xuanwu wants to sacrifice the Yanjiao clan with blood! Run away! Run away!"


"The monsters are coming, hold on!"

"The great sage crashed and died in the auditorium!"

Countless Yanjiao people panicked.

The Yanjiao clan on the turtle's back suddenly collapsed. Some people defected, while others struggled to persevere, and some even died for it.

However, Xuanwu's lifespan has expired and he must compete with the sky. In the boundless sea of ​​demons, a head as huge as a plateau is raised high, looking at the vast sky, revealing the vicissitudes of his eyes like stars in the dark night.

At the same time, the sky quickly changed from the original blue-white to a bright orange-red, like a bright red blood stain smeared on the sky.

Zhang Ming couldn't tell whether this was a hallucination or something real.

With the earthquake, the entire continent is rising into the sky at a speed of tens of meters per second.

In just one minute, the original small island turned into a real continent stretching for thousands of kilometers.

The entire submarine continental shelf was forcibly lifted up by a mysterious force!

A large number of fish and shrimps were jumping around in the dry corals. The dilapidated houses of the Yanjiao people on the sea floor collapsed one by one. The seabirds were frightened and fled away from the Xuanwu Continent. Even the bold crabs were hiding in the sea at this moment.

Shivering in the tidal flat.

The past history seems to be reappearing at this moment.

Zhang Ming, who was running wildly, raised his head blankly and looked at the red sky.

At this moment, the sky also turned into a bloody color, with thunder and lightning, and the stories from ancient times began to repeat themselves; the sea turned into blue and black, forming a terrifying vortex with a diameter of thousands of kilometers.

"Has the world been deceived by Shimama's spiritual language..."

Or...is the world really going to send down punishment from heaven?

And he seemed to have become an ordinary Flame Horned man from thousands of years ago. In the powerful confrontation at the world level, he was at a loss and at a loss, unable to do anything, watching the whole world rapidly collapse.

He even saw a child from the Flame Horn tribe rushing towards him, crying, crying extremely sadly: Mom is dead, dad is dead too...

He stretched out his hand to catch the child, but couldn't catch anything.

He saw a building collapse, crushing a woman to death.

He stretched out his hand to grab the woman, but couldn't grab anything.

He saw an old man falling to the ground and unable to stand up again.

He can't catch it, he can't catch anything!!

In that mysterious hallucination, countless Flaming Horns were wailing, children fell to the ground, and soldiers were fighting against a large number of monsters falling from the sky and crawling out of the ocean.

The nobles tried every means to escape. Even if it was too late to leave now, they were still trying every means.

Run away, run away!

Boundless panic appears on this continent.

Zhang Ming took a deep breath. Even though he knew that this was an illusion created by Shimama, he was immersed in it and could not forget it.

He can only escape, just like the great sage of the Flame Horn Tribe said...

Run away!

Run away!!

The dark red sky becomes more and more ferocious, but the surrounding ruins have already declined, becoming a sad past.

There is no war, no sadness, just history.

He seems to be traveling between ancient times and modern times.

History overlapped at this moment, and then quickly separated, leaving only contemporary explorers alone witnessing the stories of the past...

The stars and rivers are brilliant, and the mountains and rivers are long.

The brilliance of time tells the endless sadness.

I once remembered that naughty children crossed the field ridge to play, but the elderly people were safe.

But now, the crying children have turned into withered bones; the prosperous civilization has turned into filth.

Ancient city walls, decayed pillars and beams, the end of the mountains and sea is the burial of the world.

I listened carefully and saw someone singing.

Forget, forget...


Zhang Ming kept running forward in the violently trembling ground, and met several trembling turtles along the way. They were really scared at this moment, and collectively shrank into their shells, not daring to move.

"Get up quickly, follow me, go quickly!"

As if the turtles had found their backbone, they climbed up one by one and followed Lao Zhang.

Not to mention, these turtles can run very fast. Who said that turtles can't outrun rabbits?

The earthquakes continued, and the entire Xuanwu Continent actually floated on the "Sea of ​​Demon Gods"!

Zhang Ming almost understands what the "realm of gods" is.

Xuanwu, wants to become a "world"!

Although it is huge and can support a civilization, it is not a real "world" after all.

If it wants to become the world, it must have a race to worship it.

And that small tree may be a treasure left over from the original world of the Flame Horn people, something similar to Gaia's consciousness.

If Xuanwu wants to become a new world, it must integrate Xiaoshu or some other steps...

Zhang Ming is not sure about the actual details, but the general process should be pretty much the same.

But how difficult it is to become a new world. It is a qualitative change in power and realm!

Even the Sea of ​​Demon Gods doesn’t allow it!

So, Xuanwu died.

But now, the three things left by Xuanwu, "self corpse, good corpse, and evil corpse", have come together again and regained some of their former power.

Shimama, in particular, also has the ability to "reproduce history" in spiritual language, which brings about the possibility of a fox pretending to be a tiger.

It wants to deceive the world and make the world fight back.

The strongest person on the island is naturally Xuanwu's "evil corpse". At this moment, this "evil corpse" will bear the greatest pressure.

"Can Shimama fight..."

"Of course Shimama can't be beaten, otherwise it wouldn't be a repeater in the turtle cave."

"However, it has inherited the memory from Xuanwu, and it has many more methods..."

Zhang Ming jumped onto a big tree and looked at the magnificent scene of the entire continent rising into the sky.

In these countless scars, he saw historical details one after another. In these star-like fragments, he saw the steps of civilization moving forward in suffering. We came to the world crying, and we cried towards eternity.

The scarlet or even dark red sky becomes more and more dull. The closer you get to the sky, the more suffocating and dull you feel.

He continued to run away, running as far away as possible.

Along the way, there seemed to be many Flaming Horn people escaping with him.

The surrounding spores are withering at an extremely fast speed, indicating that the "evil corpse" is gathering its own power to cope with the terrible pressure in the sky.

Even the white-haired multi-legged monsters fighting the turtles fell to the ground one after another.

Without the power of the "evil corpse", it is just a putrid corpse that has been dead for who knows how long.

A group of turtles suffered heavy losses in the war. Several turtles turned into stones and were unable to be moved due to their size.

At this moment, there was no way to rescue him carefully. Zhang Ming hurriedly asked: "Is everything okay? Can I still be saved?"

"I can't control it anymore, leave quickly!"

The old white turtle was silent for a while and did not answer. He spread his legs and ran towards the turtle cave with the living turtle.

The cave was crowded with turtles of all sizes, including the tiny white turtle. When it saw Zhang Ming come back alive, it called out "Ah woo" as if to say hello, and then looked nervously at the sky in the distance.
This scene is so terrifying.

The scattered clouds gathered together to form a giant purple-black cocoon.

It seems as if something is about to emerge from that giant cocoon!

Zhang Ming was terrified. Every time the giant cocoon expanded, his sixth sense produced an increasingly strong alarm.

"Heavenly calamity or something..."

The giant cocoon expanded crazily, reaching a diameter of hundreds of kilometers in just a few minutes, and was still expanding infinitely, crushing the entire atmosphere.

Zhang Ming's eyelids twitched wildly, and he vaguely felt that the purpose of this thing was to swallow the Xuanwu Continent directly.

Then, just when he was about to be unable to withstand the huge pressure.

Only a small part of the continent suddenly sank, falling back into the ocean like an elevator falling.

Shimama, plus the other two things, even if they come together, are not the real Xuanwu... The real Xuanwu is already dead.

They cannot fight against the whole world.

So halfway through the rereading, Shimama didn’t dare to reread it any more.

After the mainland landed again, an unimaginably huge tsunami formed!

The turbulent sea water poured up all of a sudden, submerging large tracts of land. The marine creatures jumping around on the ground were instantly swept away by the waves.

Naturally, the turtle cave also suffered.

Seeing a large amount of sea water pouring in, rising higher and higher, squeezing the air, Zhang Ming felt anxious.

He is very strong, good at swimming, and can dive for a long time, but he has no underwater breathing skills. He will die if he loses air!

The sinking of such a large continent caused a shocking tsunami. God knows how long the intrusion of sea water will last!

"Old Turtle, save me! I will drown!" Seeing the sea water rising crazily, Zhang Ming grabbed Lao Bai's neck and begged.

The old white turtle had a wrinkled expression on his face, as if he was a little speechless. He dug his claws into the mud a few times and took out his great collection - a huge shell!

It looks like a moss-covered stone, about two meters in diameter. Zhang Ming has passed by this "stone" several times, but he never realized that it was actually a shell.

After opening the shell, one's eyes can't help but be surprised. There is a space of its own inside, about the size of a room of 20 square meters and 3 meters high!

If 60 cubic meters of air can be breathed for 3 hours, there will be no problem breathing it for a week.

Zhang Ming was greatly shocked and said happily: "Old turtle, you actually have this spatial magic weapon!"

This chapter has been completed!
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