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Chapter 91 Is Zhang Ming still alive?

 So, after long-term discussions, people call this kind of supernatural individuals that are completely beyond the limits of cognition and that even the ultimate weapon "hydrogen bomb" may not be able to deal with...


The devil has the ability to destroy the entire world.

Among scientific researchers, the mysterious area has another name.

Sea of ​​Demonic Gods!

Because of the new understanding, human exploration activities in the mysterious area have been banned on a large scale, leaving only some of the most basic scientific investigation activities.

Originally, high-level human beings wanted to use the "spiritual energy" in the mysterious area to activate superpowers on a large scale, but now that "human breathing" is available, it does not make much sense to activate new abilities.

What's more, the top human beings are even more worried that large-scale human activities will attract the attention of unknown alien "demons".

The current earth world is still in a hidden state. If something is really found and leads to a large-scale invasion, the gain will outweigh the loss...

Although this decision was too vague and would miss some opportunities, major countries around the world quickly adopted corresponding decisions.

Human beings, who have always been unable to reach a consensus, have actually reached a consensus. It is truly a miracle on earth.




Mysterious area, turtle cave.

Zhang Ming, who was hiding in the big shell, was bored and had a good sleep.

After waking up, I started studying the mysterious pearl at hand.

There seems to be a vague consciousness in the pearl, as if it is alive. In fact, most supernatural objects are like this. Even non-living things, if they have a "spirit", will be tainted with a subtle spirituality.

They are not real life, they can just communicate with living things.

This pearl has a total of four options: [Open] [Close] [Transparent] [Zoom in].

[Open] [Close] is naturally the function of the switch shell.

[Zoom in and out] will only change the external volume, not the size of the internal space, and it can only be reduced to a diameter of one meter at most.

Zhang Ming imagined himself carrying a shell on his back and traveling around.

As for [transparency]...

Zhang Ming selected the [Transparent] option, and suddenly, the entire ceiling became transparent.

The rapid water filled the turtle cave and submerged all the remaining murals of the Yanjiao people.

Several larger turtles blocked the peripheral water flow and formed a large circle, with smaller turtles hiding in the circle.

The big shell where Zhang Ming is located is also in the protective circle.

The greedy little guy is happily enjoying the moss on the shell, like a convex lens, which looks very interesting.

"I see, after selecting [Transparent], you can observe the outside scene." Zhang Ming said hello to Xiaobai a few times, but the other party did not respond at all, and just gnawed on the moss.

"But the outside cannot observe the inside."

"They are very smart... It is said that turtles can breathe with their buttocks in the water. Even if it takes a longer time, they will not suffocate to death."

"This shell is really a treasure. It forms its own space and can be zoomed in and out! If I want to cross the mysterious area, it is a rare space treasure."

"Why isn't this shell mine? Damn it!"

Lao Zhang got greedy and tapped the floor with his ice spear, making a crisp "dang-dang" sound.

He had a hunch that even if he tried his best, it would be difficult to break the shell with an ice spear - this thing was very hard, and it was worthy of being a supernatural object.

It's a pity that the old white turtle is so stingy. If it weren't for the life-and-death crisis this time, he might still be hiding this treasure and refusing to take it out.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't give it to me."

"Let's find a way to catch one in the sea by ourselves. We must have backbone as a human being!"

Zhang Ming was talking sourly to himself, but he was actually so greedy that he wanted this shell so much!

After tinkering with the strange shell, he began to study his own attribute panel.

[Physique: 374/585] (The "power burst" ability has been merged, the current control degree is 25.73%)

[Perception: 374/574] (Incorporated "poison resistance" ability, current control degree is 28.66%)

[Spirit: 355/1061] (The "Lightning Control" ability has been merged, the current control degree is 13.64%)

I have already slept, but I still only have more than 300 points of mental energy left. At the lowest point, it may only be more than 100 points, which shows how dangerous this battle is. It can be said that it is a matter of life and death.

However, in a safe environment, this value is slowly rising, and Zhang Ming breathed a long sigh of relief.


[Total attributes: 2788]

After a high-intensity battle, there were indeed great gains. Zhang Ming recalled it carefully while eating the dried meat in his backpack.

After breaking through the three bottlenecks of "human limits", it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a complete transformation.

The thrown objects can easily reach sonic boom, integrating offense and defense, comparable to Superman.

"This is the peak combat power of the Flame Horn people. As long as technological civilization does not use weapons of mass destruction, this peak combat power is close to invincible."

"Of course, in the long history of the Yanjiao people, people who have broken through the three levels are very rare."

Zhang Ming is still a little proud.

The upper limit of mental value has actually reached an exaggerated 1061, which is already nearly twice what the physical body can perceive!

"This matter has also been described in the Flaming Horn people's information. The stronger the ability used to assist, the higher the upper limit that can be reached after a breakthrough."

In other words, "Lightning Control" is one level, or even two levels higher than "Power Burst" and "Toxin Resistance".

The same is true in practical applications. The lethality of lightning is huge, and it can also dispel various hallucinations in the mind.

Of course, nothing is absolute. Simple abilities and proficiency can be improved quickly, consume less, and recover quickly.

However, stimulating the lightning consumes mental energy, and it only takes less than a third of it to recover after a whole day.

"A burst of power, the current control degree is 25.73%, and the current corresponding physical upper limit is 585 points."

"If you practice to 100% control, the [Physique] upper limit of 2109 is pretty good."

"Lightning control, the highest limit corresponding to 100% cultivation... 7779?"

Zhang Ming was silent. His attribute points didn't seem to be enough. He looked at the lifespan column, [Lifespan: 26/558].

([Lifespan]: Don’t come over!)

"What will happen if I remove the ability from the merged state?" With a hint of curiosity, Zhang Ming thought for a while and directly removed the "Power Burst".

Suddenly, he felt a sense of loss at the soul level.

It's like an important item in life has been lost.

Annoyance, irritability, and disappointment all came to my mind.

This feeling was so strong that Zhang Ming was a little confused about what was happening.

Immediately afterwards, a lightning flashed in my mind, and all kinds of negative emotions suddenly disappeared.

[Physique] attribute has not changed, it is still 585 points, indicating that the limit bottleneck that has been broken through will not come back again.

But when the "power burst" that has not yet been merged is used again, there is once again a feeling of unfamiliarity and stagnation, and the increase is not as large as before.

Zhang Ming took a deep breath and realized something in his heart: "I almost understand it. The burst of power is learned. If it is not combined, no matter how hard you study, you will not be able to use your arms and fingers. The room for progress is quite limited.


"The merged ability is transcribed by the soul and becomes an innate ability, and the room for progress is greatly increased."

"Innate abilities can be used without using your brain. In this way, you are really powerful."

"As for the disassembly just now, I lost an innate ability, so I naturally regret it from the depths of my soul."

The acquired ability requires concentration and thinking, which is really annoying for Lao Zhang who can’t multitask!

He just doesn’t want to use his brain!

Thinking of this, Zhang Ming abruptly removed the "toxin resistance" and replaced it with "extraordinary vision".

Sure enough, the "extraordinary vision" has been greatly enhanced and can be used as desired.

Zhang Ming found that his eyes had a faint halo.

"Extraordinary vision, current control level is 6.1%, total upper limit is 1892... not even as good as 2003, which eliminated toxins."

He can even "see" with his naked eyes the "spirits" floating in the air, the floating dust particles, and all kinds of wriggling mites and bacteria!

Even my arms are densely covered with bacteria!

"The microscopic world is too scary, I can't adapt to it!" Zhang Ming quickly exited the magical perspective of extraordinary vision.

After pondering for a long time, he now only has three innate skill slots.

No matter how hard I try, I can't combine the fourth superpower.

From a large list of options, he could only choose three, which made Zhang Ming dissatisfied. Compared with innate ability, acquired ability is really not great.

"After disassembling the ability and then reinstalling it with a new one, it takes a lot of time and energy."

Zhang Ming estimated that the attempt just now may have taken five or six hours, which required a lot of physical energy.

"In battle, I can't tear it apart, otherwise I will die."

"So, we must choose the three best matches."

After pondering for most of the day, I spent more than a hundred attributes and activated ten abilities in a row, such as "Eagle Eye", "Regeneration", "Super Immunity", "Blood-Active Physique", "Flying Steps", "Nucleus"

"Explosive Punch", "Stoneskin Gland", "Strange Strength Technique", "Turtle Breathing Technique", and the "rotted digestion" that I have been thinking about.

Miraculously, Zhang Ming still feels that the three initial combinations of "Power Burst", "Toxin Resistance" and "Lightning Control" are the best options at the moment.

On the one hand, after following me for so long, I have the highest degree of control over these three abilities.

He put a lot of thought into fine-tuning the flow of the spirit, making it easier to apply.

On the other hand, these three combinations are indeed both offensive and defensive, and have withstood severe tests in battle.

For example, the "Nuclear Explosion Punch" obtained by a certain Pipi Shrimp sounds like a very bluffing name, but it is actually a physical ability, similar to a power burst.

The upper limit of physical strength for "Nuclear Explosion Punch" is only 2094 physical points; while the upper limit for "Power Explosion" is 2109. The difference is not big.

On the contrary, "Stoneskin Gland", a physical ability worth 20 attribute points, has an upper limit of 3102 points, which is much higher than others.

It is a defensive ability that strengthens the skin and internal organs.

But in battle, the level of combat power is not as good as "power burst", so after thinking about it for a while, Zhang Ming gave up temporarily.

"Let the rest be regarded as acquired abilities. Although the effect is not so good, you can still use it when needed. It is not useless."

"Oh, it would be great if I could have more innate abilities."

Thinking of this, Zhang Ming couldn't help but laugh, feeling that he was greedy enough.

The people on Earth are still tinkering with the "Human Breathing Technique", and no one has even reached 100 full attribute individuals. They already dislike the problem of incompetent acquired abilities.

This is not greedy, what else is greedy!

"Um... Relying on the human breathing technique as the foundation, after breaking through the bottleneck, can the ability be disassembled at will?"

Zhang Ming couldn't help but come up with a magical academic question. Based on his own [attribute conversion], he could flexibly disassemble various abilities after breaking through the bottleneck.

Based on "Human Breathing Technique", can abilities be dismantled?

This question is very important!

If it cannot be disassembled at will, it means that people on earth must carefully choose three abilities when breaking through the bottleneck.

Otherwise, once merged, it cannot be disassembled, and you will only regret it for the rest of your life.

Anyway, he was just idle and bored, so Comrade Zhang Ming, a great researcher, started up the "Human Breathing Technique" and started researching it tirelessly.



Time flies by day by day, and in the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

Zhang Ming opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air in his chest.

This week, I haven’t researched anything.

On the contrary, I have finished eating the food I brought with me, and my stomach is growling with hunger.

As the intruding seawater slowly subsided, Xuanwu Continent returned to calm once again. It was time to open the shells and go out to see how the situation was.

"Ah woo~" The little white turtle saw Zhang Ming emerging from the shell, and enthusiastically invited him to eat a big fish stranded in the hole. The scales on its body were like a parrot, colorful...

"Oh, oh! Have you seen this fish before?"

Zhang Ming made several cuts with his spear and ate a few bites of sashimi.

He was still not used to eating raw food, but he was really hungry now and there was no firewood around, so he just ate a piece and made haste.

【Attribute 1】

"This fish...it's poisonous!" Zhang Ming's face changed slightly, and he felt the alarm of the neurons on the tip of his tongue.

But soon, he discovered that even the "toxin resistance" was not working, and the trace toxins from the fish had disappeared.

With a physique of over 500, he is already able to withstand many toxins. It can be said to be a classic example of attribute crushing ability.

After discovering this situation, Lao Zhang was in a good mood. He applied a little current with his fingertips and took a sip. His eyes suddenly brightened up: "This feels strong enough. The lightning is mixed with poisonous fish meat. It is crispy and numb, just like eating chili peppers."


"Would you like some electricity?"

The turtles were shouting, and they all wanted some.

After a meal, the turtles shrank their shells on the ground.

[Attribute 2], obtain the ability "Venom Gland", and be satisfied.

At the request of some readers, one chapter with 2,000 words is worth 10 points, and another chapter with 4,000 words is worth 20 points. There is really no other way out for the subsequent third chapter of 15 points, but it should be enough for a 50-point chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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