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The first thousand two hundred and seventy-eight chapters poured out the water

Yuan Taiping's family of three stayed in Liujia Village for three days. The couple left a soul lantern in the ancestral hall, and then took Yuan Kangle back to Baiyun City to recognize the front door of their home.

It's funny to say that Yuan Kangle is already six years old, and this is the first time he has returned to his own home.

Although Yuan Taiping and Qin Rulan have been away from home for seven years, the Yuan Mansion has been kept in order by the servants, as if the couple had always lived at home. This is thanks to the care of the city lord Bi Shuang, otherwise the servants would have disappeared long ago.


The family of three stayed at home for one night and went to the Qin Mansion early the next morning with generous gifts to visit Qin Rulan's mother Liu.

Mrs. Liu was shocked when she saw a grandson as big as Yuan Kangle suddenly appeared. She couldn't get used to it for a long time.

Fortunately, Yuan Kangle's mouth was a hundred times more eloquent than Yuan Taiping's. Grandma shouted sweetly with every mouthful, without any sound, and told Mr. Liu what he heard from the practitioners in the library.

Some interesting and strange things in the world made Liu extremely happy in less than half a day.

That night, Mrs. Liu kept her family of three at home and asked Qin Rulan to sleep in the same room with her.

The mother and daughter hadn't seen each other for six or seven years. They each confided their thoughts to each other and were just chatting. Ms. Liu suddenly covered her face and burst into tears.

When Qin Rulan asked in shock, she learned that her second brother Qin Chuo's gambling addiction had resurfaced in recent years. In just a few years, he had lost all the Qin family's wealth. Now he owed a lot of gambling debts outside and was often accused.

People came to collect debts, but Qin Chuo sold out all the things in the house that could be sold, so he almost sold the Qin Mansion to pay off the debts.

However, it is not that Qin Chuo still has a conscience and knows that the Qin Mansion is a family and has a bottom line that cannot be crossed, but that the creditors are afraid of the Qin family's title status and are afraid of causing death, so they do not dare to take advantage of the Qin Mansion's residence.

Otherwise, the Qin Mansion would have been gone long ago.

After Qin Rulan listened to Liu's cry, she thought "no wonder" in her mind.

After they returned home yesterday, the housekeeper specifically told them that during the years when they were not at home, Qin Chuo came to visit occasionally, and the servants did not dare to neglect and gave him warm hospitality every time. However, it was inevitable that the hospitality was inadequate. Please ask them

Don't blame the couple.

When she heard the housekeeper talk about it yesterday, she was very moved. She felt that it was thanks to the care of her second brother Qin Chuo that the huge mansion was not abandoned in the years when she and her husband were away from home.

But then I heard the housekeeper say that thanks to the care of the city lord in recent years, the house has not been abandoned, but he did not mention Qin Zhuo's contribution at all.

After hearing this, she was a little angry and specifically mentioned: "Thanks to my second brother for taking care of me."

After hearing this, the housekeeper's expression froze slightly, and he nodded vaguely in agreement.

Only now did she understand the meaning of what the housekeeper said yesterday.

The housekeeper said that Qin Chuo often came to visit the house, but he was actually looking for gambling money. The housekeeper said that the hospitality was warm and the hospitality was considerate in terms of etiquette. However, he refused Qin Chuo's rude request, so he said that the hospitality was not good enough.

Don't blame the couple.

Later, it was said that thanks to the care of the city lord Bi Shuang, Qin Chuo was not mentioned at all, which became reasonable and reasonable, and it is very likely that Bi Shuang played a major role in rejecting Qin Chuo's rude request, otherwise with the servants in their house

, should not have the guts to refuse Qin Chuo.

Therefore, we must thank Bi Shuang, otherwise Yuan Mansion might have been sold by Qin Chuo.

This was the first "no wonder" in Qin Rulan's mind.

The second reason is that after visiting Yuan Taiping today, she found that her mother no longer had the domineering attitude in front of Yuan Taiping, and became extremely easy-going and tolerant. There was not a single word of blame or blame for the seven years of disappearance.

She was still secretly lamenting that her mother had changed so much, and guessed that as she grew older, the vigor in her heart had been softened.

Only now did I realize that my mother had lost the confidence to be domineering and wanted to seek peace from Yuan Taiping.

Of course, it is also possible that his personality has indeed become more easy-going.

"Where is the Great Elder?"

"Why doesn't this old man care about his second brother?"

Qin Rulan asked with a frown.

Mrs. Liu smiled bitterly and shook her head, saying, "I was scolded by your second brother a long time ago."


Qin Rulan shouted angrily when she heard this and couldn't control her emotions.

The eldest elder has worked hard for the Qin family all his life, and finally ended up in such a miserable end, which is really heartbreaking.

"I'm afraid, mother, you are not too helpful to the second brother, right? If you could give the eldest elder a little support, the second brother would not be in the situation he is today, the Qin family would not be defeated like this, and the eldest elder would not be heartbroken.

Home. The Qin Mansion is our home, and it is also the home of the Great Elder. You...you are going too far."

Qin Rulan scolded Mrs. Liu with a cold face.

Thinking of the desolate scene of the great elder leaving home in despair, her heart couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain.

She is no longer the soft-tempered and good-natured Qin Rulan she was seven years ago. The experience of fighting in the library had a great baptism on her state of mind.

When you are angry at this moment, you have a certain power.


"Mom knows it's wrong, I really know it's wrong."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Lan'er, go and find the great elder. Mom will apologize to him in person and admit your mistake."

Mrs. Liu covered her face and cried bitterly.

Qin Rulan shook her head and sighed: "How can I have the nerve to ask the elder to come back? What are you doing by asking him to come back? Are you going to start from scratch and share the hardships with you? Besides, even if I want to invite him back, I have to do it.

Do you know where his old man has gone?"

"Lan'er, save your second brother, save the Qin family, I beg you as my mother." Ms. Liu grabbed Qin Rulan's hand as if grasping the last straw.

Qin Rulan sighed and asked, "How much does second brother owe me?"

"Thirty...Thirty million taels..."

"What?! How much...how much?"

Qin Rulan thought she heard wrongly and looked at Mrs. Liu questioningly.

Mrs. Liu lowered her head and muttered: "Three thousand... thirty million taels."

"Haha..." Qin Rulan laughed angrily, "Thirty million taels, second brother, he hasn't eaten or drank, never slept, and been at the gambling table for the past seven years? Thirty million taels, can you tell me?

How did he lose?"

"My mother doesn't know either."

"Mom, please forgive me for being powerless and unable to save my second brother."

"No, Lan'er, you must save your second brother. Only you can save him in this world. If you don't save him, his life will be over, and the Qin family will be over. Mom, please."

"Mom, I can help with three hundred taels, I can help with three thousand taels, and I can even help with thirty thousand taels, but that's thirty million taels. How do you want me to help? What can I help with?"

"Please, uncle, isn't he a very powerful cultivator? Mom heard that the pills used by powerful cultivators can be sold for hundreds of thousands of taels, or even millions of taels. He must have a way to save you.

Brother, please beg him."

Qin Rulan was silent after hearing this.

She knew that Liu was right, that Yuan Taiping could indeed save Qin Chuo, but if he could be saved so easily this time, then Qin Chuo would definitely become more confident and lose another two to thirty million taels, or even more.

So she didn't rush to agree to Liu's request.

"Lan'er, you can't forget about your mother and this family after you get married. Can you just watch this family be destroyed?"

"Mom, thirty million taels, how do you want me to say this to Taiping? Put yourself in my shoes, if it were you, would you dare to say this to my father?"

"I...I...wuwu...then what do you want to do?" Mrs. Liu cried helplessly after hearing this.

She knew that if her husband Qin Zhenghao was still alive, Qin Chuo would lose not only thirty million taels but thirty thousand taels. Once Qin Zhenghao found out, he would definitely enforce the family law and break his legs.

If she dared to ask for mercy on Qin Chuo's behalf, Qin Zhenghao might send her back to her parents' home with a divorce letter.

"Mom, do you know? Taiping is an orphan. Even if he is rich, how much money can he have?"

"He has been able to persevere all the way over the years, thanks to the good brothers he has made. All the pills he uses for practice are given to him free of charge by these good brothers. The pills you mentioned can be sold for hundreds of thousands taels, or even hundreds.

Do you think Taiping can have thousands of taels of elixirs? Even if there are, how many pills are there?"

Mrs. Liu's face turned pale and she had nothing to say.

"But...but I can't help but save your second brother?"

After a long silence, Mrs. Liu lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Taiping wants to get thirty million taels. Unless he sells himself to others, he will have to work for others all his life. Without his freedom, life for me and Leer will be difficult in the future. Mother, do you think this is appropriate?"

Qin Rulan asked.

She wanted to see how much Yuan Taiping and her own little family held in her mother's heart.

However, she didn't understand the truth that some things couldn't withstand testing, because the answers to testing would often make people's hearts chill, so it would be better to live in confusion.

After a long silence, Mrs. Liu spoke again, murmuring: "First...save your second brother first. After your second brother gets out of trouble, let him make good money, earn 3...30 million taels, return it to others, and help my uncle regain his freedom.


Qin Rulan's face turned pale when she heard this and asked: "How long will it take for the second brother to earn 30 million taels? If he has the ability to earn 30 million taels, how can he lose 30 million taels?"

"This... the road is boundless, there is always a way." Mrs. Liu hummed, lowering her head, not daring to look into Qin Rulan's eyes.

"I see."

"I'll go find Taiping to discuss it, but don't have too much hope. He may not listen to what I say."

Qin Rulan got off the bed, feeling very cold.

"My uncle loves you so much. As long as you speak, he will definitely listen to you." A smile appeared on Mrs. Liu's face still covered with tears.

"Mom, are you sure you want to use the future happiness of our family of three to save a hopeless gambler?" Qin Rulan walked to the door, suddenly stopped and turned around to ask.

Mrs. Liu avoided looking at her and replied, "That's your second brother."


Qin Rulan sighed and left.

Mrs. Liu heard Qin Rulan's sadness from her sigh. She opened her mouth to say something, but she swallowed it back when she reached her lips.

Qin Rulan had just walked out of the gate of the small courtyard where Mrs. Liu lived, and suddenly she heard vague muttering coming from Mrs. Liu's room. She frowned, ducked into a dark corner, and listened intently to the sounds in the room.

She is already in the realm of star destruction, so listening to the corner is very simple for her.

"Chuo'er, you heard everything your sister said. I really can't afford 30 million taels in peace. I want a little more, right? I want five to six million taels. Mom thinks there should be no problem. I'll pay you what you owe.

Of the three million taels of gambling debt, there are still two to three million taels left. You can’t let your sister’s family sell themselves into slavery.”

"Mom, don't listen to that girl's nonsense, don't talk about 30 million taels, even 30 million taels, Yuan Taiping can also afford it.

Yuan Taiping had an eight-year-old brother named Zhang Xiaozu. I heard that Zhang Xiaozu could make a kind of jade piece, and each piece could be sold for thousands of Star Pills.

Did you know about Star Pill? One pill can be sold for millions of taels.

As long as Zhang Xiaopou casually grabs a handful of Star Pills and gives them to Yuan Taiping, he can easily get thirty million taels."

"Are you sure it's true? What if it's not? What if that little pawn Zhang doesn't give it? What if -"

"Oh, mother, please stop being so nagging and just listen to me. I'm sure you won't make a mistake."

"If you make a mistake, your sister's family will suffer a lot from you."

"Mom, I have to tell you first. If you spoil my plan and prevent me from getting these 30 million taels, I will not give you a pension until the end of your life. If you feel sorry for that girl, let her give it to you.

It’s a good thing to be able to provide for your retirement.”

"Hey, mother, why don't you listen to me?"

In the room, Qin Chuo was muttering with Mrs. Liu.

From the content of the conversation between the two, Qin Rulan knew that Qin Chuo must have been hiding next door and eavesdropping when she was talking to her mother just now.

She was not vigilant, otherwise with her level of cultivation, it would have been impossible for Qin Chuo to hide in the next door and listen in the corner.

After listening to this conversation between the two, Qin Rulan couldn't express the feeling of uncertainty in her heart.

It can be said that her mother is unfeeling towards her, and she can still say a few words to their family of three, but it must be said that she still cares about them a little bit in her heart. She teamed up with Qin Chuo to plot against their family of three, and finally compromised.

He gave it to Qin Chuo and abandoned their family of three.

"Hey, a married daughter is just like the water that is thrown out."

"That's all, if you don't feel sorry for me, I won't feel sorry for you. I have a husband who cares for me, and I have Le'er who cares for me. I'm satisfied."

Qin Rulan sighed in her heart, glanced at Liu's room, and then walked towards the guest room where Yuan Taiping and his son lived. But the moment she turned to leave, two cold tears fell silently from the corners of her eyes.


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