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Chapter 1432: Sword Rain

 Zhou Jianlai has been forced to stand on the lake like a wooden sculpture for three months.

However, although his body did not move, his sword intent never stopped for a moment.

In the past three months, he concentrated his sword intention over and over again, trying to fight against Qingqu's sword intention, but he was swept away and defeated by Qingqu's sword intention again and again.

If Zhou Jianlai's swordsmanship was not strong enough, three consecutive months of defeats would be enough to cause his swordsmanship to collapse.

Fortunately, he has the state of mind of Jianxin, and the more frustrated his swordsman is, the braver he becomes.

He had forgotten the time, and even forgotten that he was in a dangerous situation. Instead, he regarded Qingqu's sword intention suppression as a rare training opportunity, repeatedly practicing and improving his sword intention and sword realm.

In just three months, his Sword Intention and Sword Realm has been broken through four times in succession.

However, in the face of Qingqu's absolutely suppressive and powerful sword intent, there seems to be no difference between these four breakthroughs and no breakthrough.

This hit him hard.

It felt like Qingqu was like a giant peak with no summit in sight. It was an existence that he could never surpass in his life, and there was no hope at all.

But Kenshin's determination to refuse to admit defeat is still working hard to climb up.


The sword energy surged in Zhou Jianlai's eyes, and he once again concentrated his sword intent.

Immediately, sword light burst out from his pupils.


Colliding with Qingqu's sword intent.

This time, he finally no longer shattered like an egg against a stone, but broke through unstoppably, breaking away from the suppression of Qingqu's sword.


The calm lake surface suddenly became violently violent.

Bundles of water pillars rose into the sky, and driven by Zhou Jianlai's sword intention, they turned into water swords and stabbed into the clear canal.

Countless water swords flew across the vast lake in the blink of an eye, attacking Qingqu overwhelmingly, submerging Qingqu's tall body.

Qingqu suddenly opened his eyes.


Countless water swords suddenly collapsed and turned into water droplets falling onto the lake.

Zhou Jianlai's arrogant sword intent instantly collapsed.

Still vulnerable.


Qingqu actually yawned, opened his arms and stretched a lot.

"..." Zhou Jianlai was stunned and speechless.

He discovered from Qing Qu's sleepy eyes that this guy was not pretending, but was actually asleep.

"You're not bad." Qing Qu praised Zhou Jianlai while rubbing the gum in the corners of his eyes.

After saying that, he gave up the power of the sword, put away the Taoyao Sword, turned around and left.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, a smile spread across his face, and he whispered to himself: "How can my swordsmanship be hindered by a physical body? The presence or absence of it will have no impact on my swordsmanship. On the contrary, if I let a physical body

If it becomes a distracting obsession in my swordsmanship, it will be difficult for me to achieve the swordsmanship path in this life. It is very dangerous! Thank you Master for your enlightenment!"

He already understood the master's true intention.

Taiyi Mountain is not the place where junior brother Fufeng’s death is inevitable, but his own.

Fortunately, I was not blinded by the desire for gain, and did not let the way of the sword be mixed with distracting thoughts. I was lucky enough to survive this disaster, which is gratifying.

"Senior, where does your sword rank in the world?" Zhou Jianlai asked loudly as he looked at Qing Qu's leaving figure.

"Below Tianzun, I am invincible. You have to fight with Tianzun to know." Qingqu replied domineeringly.

"I want to surpass you and become the best swordsman in the world!" Zhou Jianlai shouted with firm eyes.

"Haha, I'm waiting for you to challenge me," Qing Qu said with a smile.

I saw him suddenly put his right hand behind his back, then stretched out his sword and pointed it towards the lake below, and then pointed it into the air.


The water in the entire lake suddenly flew up.

Then it condensed into a huge water sword, soared into the sky with a whoosh, pierced through the clouds and disappeared in the blink of an eye.



After a while, thunder suddenly sounded in the clear sky, and then heavy raindrops fell.

The rain covered dozens of miles in radius.

Qingqu's back slowly disappeared into the rain curtain.

Zhou Jianlai looked at the falling raindrops and was shocked, because every raindrop actually contained powerful and terrifying sword intent, and each one was different.

In other words, these countless raindrops are all the sword intention that Qingqu has comprehended.

Zhou Jianlai found that he couldn't even beat a raindrop casually dropped in the clear canal. He couldn't help but feel a deep despair in his heart, feeling that he would never be able to climb this giant mountain in his life.


A string of drumming sounds suddenly sounded in his stomach, interrupting Zhou Jianlai's melancholy thoughts.

He was hungry, so hungry that his chest pressed against his back.

Three months without eating was nothing to him, but under the suppression of Qingqu's sword intent, his physical strength was almost exhausted.


Zhou Jianlai pointed his sword and put the scattered swords into the Wanjian Box.

Then he took out the wine and food from the Wanjian Box, sat in the air, and started eating and drinking in the rain. The worry of when he would be able to clear the canal was left behind.


In a place in the sky in the north, Du Keyi found that the red rope in his hand suddenly reacted, and he couldn't help but scream.

A surprised smile broke out on his tired and dazed cheeks.

His eyes instantly lit up.

For more than a month, she held the red rope in one hand and the yellow talisman in the other, looking for Zhou Jianlai and Zhang Xiaozu, but the red rope and the yellow talisman never responded.

The aimless search in the vast sea of ​​people made her mentally and physically exhausted.

Even his usually clear and bright eyes have lost their luster.

At this moment, Hong Sheng suddenly reacted and sensed Zhou Jianlai's position. You can imagine how much surprise and encouragement it was to her.

Her whole body was full of energy, and the corners of her mouth and eyes were all raised with a happy smile.

"Girl, you smile so beautifully!"

A man in a yellow shirt next to him was amazed by the smile on Du Keyi's face. He looked at Du Keyi infatuatedly and praised him.

This man in yellow shirt has been walking with Du Keyi for more than half a month. To be more precise, he has been stubbornly entangled with Du Keyi for more than half a month.

Du Keyi passed by a city that day and wanted to go there to inquire about Zhou Jianlai, Zhang Xiaozu, or others, so he entered the city and met a man in a yellow shirt in a restaurant.

The man in yellow shirt was attracted by Du Keyi's appearance and temperament, and then became entangled with Du Keyi.

He would follow Du Keyi wherever he went.

Even though Du Keyi ignored him and even clearly expressed his dislike for him, he didn't feel embarrassed and was unwilling to leave. He just talked to Du Keyi without anything to say.

Later, he even directly expressed his love to Du Keyi, asked Du Keyi to become his partner, revealed his identity, and told Du Keyi that if he followed him, he would enjoy endless glory, wealth and endless cultivation.


But every time she was rejected without mercy, and she made it clear that she was a woman.

But after hearing this, the man in the yellow shirt not only didn't care, but seemed to be more interested in Du Keyi, and he started to speak all kinds of love words that would make people blush.

If he hadn't known that his cultivation level was not as good as that of the man in yellow shirt, Du Keyi would have cut out his tongue with a sword long ago and made him mute.

Faced with the entanglement of the man in yellow shirt, Ke Yi looked calm on the surface, but in fact she felt uneasy and even a little scared, because she could clearly see the madness hidden in the eyes of the man in yellow shirt, and she didn't know when it would burst out.


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