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Chapter 1639: The Black Ship

 The boat is still five to six hundred feet away from the top of the "Water Mountain".

Jiang Tianyue was about to put away the black ship, and then dive into the bottom of the sea with Big Eyes to avoid the giant deep-sea beasts, and quietly approached the underwater spring from below, because the two deep-sea giants pinched together knew at a glance that they were not easy to mess with.

But suddenly there was a loud rumble at the bottom of the sea, and the entire sea surface shook violently.

It dispersed huge waves more than ten feet high on the sea surface.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "swish" sound, and a large amount of seawater violently surged up from the bottom of the sea, carrying with it a powerful chaotic storm, which lifted Jiang Tianyue and his boat away.

Jiang Tianyue was shocked and realized that he was unable to resist this terrifying chaotic storm, so he quickly retreated with the boat and Big Eyes.

The seawater surged violently, and chaotic storms raged crazily.

The thousand-foot-high water mountain rose several hundred feet higher, and the huge waves that were more than ten feet high became tens of feet or even hundreds of feet high with the help of the chaotic storm.

???????????????? eventually evolved into a terrible tsunami, raging in all directions.

This dead sea suddenly became lively.

As the undersea spring erupted violently, many corpses emerged from the sea.

Jiang Tianyue didn't care whether he was dead or alive, as long as he saw it with his spiritual consciousness, he would immediately sail over and fish it out.

"Great, this one is still alive!"

Big Eye found a person with a weak pulse among the corpses rescued by Jiang Tianyue, and immediately gave him treatment.

He remembered that this person was a passenger on the Youlong.

"Ah, brother, you died so miserably!"

Jiang Tianyue fished out a corpse with only the upper body.

When Big Eye saw the face of the corpse, he immediately cried and rushed towards it.

This man is Sea Monkey, the second mate of the Youlong.

One after another, Jiang Tianyue rescued more than thirty people. Counting Big Eye, there were only three survivors in total.

The other two are a man and a woman, both passengers on the Youlong.

In the sky, the two deep-sea monsters pinched together have separated. The black rat-headed sea monster roared and beat the octopus sea monster. The octopus sea monster was obedient and did not dare to fight back, because in his heart



Suddenly, a white figure jumped out of the sea, with a frightened expression on its face.

Then another gray figure jumped out of the sea.

It was the man in white and the boss of the Youlong.


"Young Master!"

Big eyes looked at the two people emerging from the sea with surprise, waving their hands and shouting.

But as soon as his voice came out of his mouth, it was swallowed up by the huge roar of the tsunami.

He immediately changed his voice to shout, but the distance was too far and the chaotic storm was raging, so the sound still could not reach the two people's ears.

He could only look at Jiang Tianyue for help.

Jiang Tianyue was not afraid that everyone would come to the boat. There were so many people and it was so lively. He immediately yelled with all his strength and successfully attracted the attention of the man in white and the boss of the boat.

When the boat boss saw Big Eyes on the boat, he immediately called to the man in white and flew over here.


Suddenly, a huge sea monster measuring several thousand feet emerged from the sea.

It's the red-eyed siren.

Its sharp and huge dorsal fin almost hit the boat boss and the man in white who were fleeing from the chaotic storm.

The two knew how ferocious the sea monster was and immediately sped up and fled from its body.

The red-eyed siren was a little dizzy and did not attack the ship boss and the man in white.

hold head high!

Another red dragon emerged from the sea.

A woman stands on the dragon's head.

This woman was wearing a long cyan dress and had very narrow eyes with light red eye circles, turquoise eyes, and vertical pupils.

There were green scales on her forehead, neck, and exposed hands and feet.

During the previous battle, neither the ship boss nor the man in white noticed the existence of the woman and the red dragon.

The woman's lips opened and closed slightly, and she didn't know what she said. The red-eyed siren, the rat-headed siren and the octopus siren immediately approached her.

Then one after another other sea monsters flew out of the sea and gathered around the woman.

"How come there is a completely black ship on the sea?"

"Wait a moment."

On the other side, the boat boss who flew close noticed that the boat Big Eyes was riding on was completely black. He couldn't help but frowned suspiciously and whispered to the man in white to stop him.

There are almost no black ships on the Agu Ocean because there is a legend about the Sea of ​​Death on the Agu Ocean.

It is said that in ancient times, Princess Mirror Moon, the daughter of Poseidon, fell in love with a human man.

When Poseidon found out, he became furious and locked Princess Mirror Moon in the Sea Palace, forbidding her to see the man again.

Unexpectedly, the man was very infatuated with Princess Jingyue. After hearing that Princess Jingyue was banned, he took a black boat and sailed resolutely to the depths of the sea to rescue Princess Jingyue from the sea palace.

However, he didn't even know which direction the sea palace was. The sea was so vast that he couldn't even find the sea palace, so how could he save Princess Jingyue.

Finally, he lost his way on the sea and died on the boat.

A hundred years later, Poseidon felt that the human man had died of old age, so he lifted Princess Mirror Moon's confinement.

Princess Jingyue immediately went to find the man, and then she learned from the villagers in the man's village that the man had gone out to sea alone in a boat to find the woman he loved, but he never returned.

Princess Mirror Moon was extremely sad.

She returned to the sea with tears streaming down her face and kept calling the name of her beloved.

As a result, on a full moon night, a black ship sailed out of the mist on the sea and stopped in front of her.

She unexpectedly found the skeletal remains of her beloved and a lingering ghost in the boat.

However, this dead soul is already very weak and has completely lost consciousness. Perhaps it is just an obsession that keeps it going until now.

After seeing Princess Mirror Moon, this ghost circled around her happily twice, and then suddenly began to dissipate.

Princess Jingyue quickly used her strength to protect this dead soul.

Although the dead soul was unconscious, she clearly felt that it was the soul of her lover.

Then she secretly returned to the Sea Palace and stole a soul-reviving fruit that was about to mature from Poseidon's medicine garden, hoping to use the fruit to revive her lover.

Unfortunately, he was discovered by Poseidon.

Poseidon didn't agree with Princess Jingyue being with a human man, so how could he allow Princess Jingyue to take back the Soul Fruit and other precious treasures to revive her? He immediately sent people to snatch the Soul Resurrection Fruit back.

I never thought it would lead to a bigger tragedy.

The remnant soul of the human man finally dissipated in the hands of Princess Mirror Moon.

Princess Jingyue was so heartbroken that she set the black ship on fire, then destroyed her demon pill and died in love.

With ruthless resentment towards Poseidon in her heart, she left a curse before she died, saying that the black ship would appear on the sea again, and that wherever it sailed by, it would be cursed by death. One day, the black ship would

It will sail through every part of the Agu Ocean, turning this ocean into a merciless sea of ​​death.

Legend has it that the cursed black ship actually appeared on the sea.

Wherever it sailed, everything withered and turned into death.

In the end, Poseidon paid an extremely heavy price to seal the black ship in a sea area, resolving this curse.

This story is spread on the Agu Ocean, so the black ship represents ominousness and death. No one dares to sail a black ship to the sea.

So when the ship boss noticed that there was a completely black ship under Big Eye's feet, he had a bad thought in his heart.

Then he noticed that Jiang Tianyue had unkempt hair, dirty face, and a terrifying appearance as thin as a ghost. There was also a strong aura of death about him, and his heart suddenly thumped, and he became more wary.

"Big Eyes, who is this beside you?"

The boss of the boat quietly stopped the man in white, and then asked Big Eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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