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Chapter 1873 Circle Spell


The God of Death kicked Zhang Xiaopou's head into the pile of rocks, and then murmured to himself: "Eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight kicks, phew, it feels good."

Zhang Xiaozhu burst into tears.

He thought he could just lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead, but he still couldn't escape.

While patting the dust on his black robe, Death God said to Zhang Xiaozu: "I have practiced with you for more than ten days and I am leaving soon. Don't you want to say a few words of thanks?"

Zhang Xiaozu held a breath in his chest and almost fainted.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you, an rude junior like you."


"By the way, next time you have such a good job, remember to call me me."


Lord Death left with satisfaction.

Zhang ???????????????The soldier sat up with a sullen face, reached out to pick up a wooden stick, and drew a circle on the ground.

One, two, three——

I drew eighteen in a row.

"Haha, little junior brother, how are you practicing? Have you gained a lot?"

Qingqu appeared out of nowhere.

Zhang Xiaozu raised his head and glanced at Qingqu, then picked up a wooden stick and added a circle on the ground.

"Junior brother, what are you drawing?"

Qingqu walked closer and looked at the nest of circles drawn by Zhang Xiaozu and asked in confusion.

"This is a new charm I have developed."

Zhang Xiaozu replied.

"Spell?" Qingqu frowned slightly, looked at the circles on the ground and thought carefully, then shook his head in confusion and said, "Senior brother, I'm sorry, I can't see the effect of this charm."

Zhang Xiaozhu threw away the wooden stick, stood up, patted his tattered clothes, straightened his messy hair, and while using the power of the ancient immortal to nourish his bruised and swollen head, he explained: "This talisman, paired with a specific spell, can give certain

Our ancestors send you good wishes."

"What kind of spell?"

"I wish your ancestors a long life and good health for the eighteenth generation!" Zhang Xiaozu said slowly through gritted teeth.

"Fuck you!" Qingqu suddenly understood. This was not a blessing, but a curse.

Thinking of what Zhang Xiaopou had done before when he saw him coming, he picked up the wooden stick and added a circle on the ground. He immediately had a black line on his head and said: "Junior brother, I think your power law and physical combat skills are not enough."

Perfect, let me practice with you, senior brother."

After saying that, he started rolling up his sleeves.

Zhang Xiaozu is scared

He stepped back repeatedly and shouted urgently: "I have already practiced, I don't need to practice anymore. You - don't come over. If you dare to hit me, do you believe I will tell Master?"

"Hey, you still dare to file a complaint? Let me tell you, I hate people who complain the most in my life. The last time your second senior brother complained, I knocked out two front teeth with one punch." Qingqu rolled up his sleeves and faced Zhang

The pawn shook his fist and said viciously.

Zhang Xiaozhu had a bitter look on his face and rushed to the ditch to salute and beg for mercy: "Elder brother, I was wrong. I promise I will never draw any circles for you again."

Qingqu's face darkened when he heard this, and he said angrily: "I'm going to draw a circle for you. The last circle you drew was really for me. Watch!"


Just as Qingqu raised his fist, the ground suddenly trembled. He stopped and looked doubtfully towards the direction from which the tremor came.

Zhang ???????????????The soldier quickly pointed to the west and changed the subject and said: "There are people fighting over there. Let's go and have a look."

After saying that, he flew towards the west as if he was running away.


After about ten breaths, the ground shook again.

Qingqu followed Zhang Xiaopou and flew westward while extending his spiritual consciousness to the maximum distance to the west. However, he did not see anyone fighting. He thought to himself: "It feels like the source of the tremor on the ground is far away from here. If it is really caused by someone fighting,

, the noise of the battle must be huge, at least it must be a collision of extraordinary level. That is the direction of Liujiabao, could it be——"

Thinking of this, Qingqu's heart suddenly thumped and he said in shock: "Isn't it possible?"

"Junior brother, let's go!"

Qingqu sacrificed the Taoyao Sword, caught up with Zhang Xiaopou, pulled him onto the sword, and then flew quickly towards Liujiabao with the sword.

"So fast!"

Zhang Xiaozu stood on the Taoyao Sword, feeling the distorted time and space on both sides of him. He couldn't help but be shocked, and thought to himself: "This speed is faster than the Thunder Knuckle. No wonder Liu Xiangrong, Su Yue, Qi Ziji and others can't avoid it."

Senior Brother’s Sword.”

Seeing Qingqu suddenly rushing on his way, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Elder brother, what's wrong?"

Qing Channel: "I got a message from the Death Emperor. He said that Wanzu Tianzun is leading the giant clan from Beiqiong to attack Liujiabao. It's almost time to start the battle."

Zhang Xiaopou was shocked when he heard this and said in astonishment: "Are you saying that the trembling on the ground just now was caused by the battle between the giant clan and Liujiabao?"

Qing Qu nodded and said: "It's possible. The vibration came from the direction of Liujiabao, and it's still there now."

Vibration, but I haven’t seen the source of the vibration yet, nor have I seen any movement such as energy fluctuations ahead. It can be seen that the source of the vibration is very far away, and it has exceeded the movement that can be caused by fighting in the extraordinary realm."

"That is to say -" Zhang Xiaozu swallowed in shock, "Wanzu Tianzun and Bliss Tianzun are fighting?"

Qingqu frowned, shook his head and said, "We don't know yet."

Zhang Xiaozu imagined the scene of the two Heavenly Lords fighting and couldn't help but feel shocked.

Qingqu suddenly said: "Junior brother, I have something to tell you. I gave a fire unicorn pill to Xiaoyao Tianzun."

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaozu was immersed in the shock of Tianzun's battle. When he heard Qingqu's words, he groaned unconsciously. After reacting, he hurriedly said: "That Fire Qilin Pill is yours. You can give it to anyone."


Qing ???????????? Qu explained: "Liu Chengqian of the Liu family prevented Fairy Xiaoyaoju Mochou from attaining the Taoist Heavenly Master at the cost of his own life, which angered Xiaoyao Tianzun, and Xiaoyao Tianzun turned his

The body was hung in front of the mountain gate, threatening that if no one came from Liujiabao to collect Liu Chengqian's body, Liu Chengqian's body would be exposed to the sun for thousands of years."

"Didn't Liujiabao send someone to collect the body?"

"Hmph..." Qingqu snorted coldly, "Xiaoyao Tianzun asked Liujiabao for one million Holy Emperor Pills. How could Liujiabao be willing to give this money? Neither Bliss Tianzun nor Liu Xiangrong dared to go for fear of being slaughtered by Xiaoyao Tianzun.

I didn’t dare to send the Transcendent Realm, so in the end I sent two miscellaneous fish to pick up the body with a gift of three melons and two dates, but Xiaoyao Tianzun didn’t agree.”

"So you used the Fire Kirin Pill to help Liu Chengqian collect the body?"


"Liu Chengqian is lucky to have met a friend like you in his life." Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but feel.

"I was very lucky to meet him. It's a pity - alas -" Qingqu sighed.

"People cannot be resurrected after death. Senior brother, please express your condolences."

"To be honest, I can accept his death in battle, I really can, but I can't accept that his death was so worthless. He sacrificed himself to keep the Liu family's Heavenly Throne, but in the end the beneficiaries were unwilling to collect his body. Think about it

It’s all chilling.” Qingqu’s expression darkened.

He had been holding a breath in his heart, feeling resentful for Liu Chengqian's injustice.

Zhang Xiaozhu could hear the resentment in Qing Qu's words and explained: "I think when Liu Chengqian decided to protect the Tianzun Throne in Liujiabao with his life, he should not ask for anything in return. Maybe he knew that even if the Liu family did not collect his body,

, and a good friend will come to collect his body."

This chapter has been completed!
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