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Chapter 2058 A Bad Thing

 "Back to my ancestors, I am neither greedy for life nor afraid of death, nor do I want to sell my ancestors for glory. I just think that the master of the family has some truth. Ancestor might as well calm down and think about it."

The holy ancestor of the Shen family named Shen Ziqing bowed deeply to Shen Xiongfeng and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

"Bastard!" Shen Xiongfeng shouted angrily, "What are you thinking about? How to be greedy for life, or how to kneel down and surrender to your mortal enemy and seek glory and wealth?"

"Fuck you, this owner of the house, I don't want to do this anymore!"

Shen Huaixu suddenly cursed angrily, and then yelled at Shen Xiongfeng, "Think about how to make the life of the tribe easier, think about how to lead the tribe through the apocalypse, think about the awakening blood pool and transfer magic circle, the family is gone. In the future, what should we rely on to stand on and think about the future direction of the family? We can't always think about the grievances and resentments of you big shots and ignore the lives and deaths of our two seven thousand six hundred and eighty-two little people, right?"

Listening to Shen Huaixu's roar, many people in the Shen family suddenly felt a sense of desolation in their hearts, feeling that they were the little people that Shen Huaixu said, and that they had indeed never been cared for by the big shots.

"Haha, what kind of grievances are there?" Shen Xiongfeng laughed angrily and asked, "How many ancestors and members of my Shen family died in the hands of Zhang Xiaopou, how did the awakening blood pool get damaged, and how did the transfer magic circle get destroyed?" All of them are given by defeated Zhang Xiaopeng, is this just a matter of grudges?"

Shen Huaixu had already given up, facing Shen Xiongfeng's angry eyes and asked, "If you hadn't killed him over and over again, would he have killed you?"

Why, if you go to kill him, he has to clean his neck and let you kill him, so he can't resist and fight back?

Do you know who Zhang Xiaozu is?

Do you know why the various grudges between our Shen family and Zhang Xiaozu arose?

What do you know?

All you know is revenge, revenge, revenge.

Good fellow, you have lived for more than a thousand years and have lived your good life. If you want to die, just die.

>But can you lower your head and take a look? In addition to your ancestors who are not afraid of death, our Shen family also has a young man and a newborn baby who have just begun their great life.

Can't you leave a way for them to survive and a future for the Shen family, do you have to let everyone be buried with you?"

Everyone in the Shen family couldn't help but be moved by this.

Many people who, like Shen Xiongfeng, had the idea of ​​fighting to the death, looked at the young people beside them and couldn't help but loosen their clenched fists.

They were still glaring at Shen Huaixu just now, but suddenly they felt that Shen Huaixu might be right.

"The anger—the anger kills me!"

Shen Xiongfeng was so angry at Shen Huaixu's roar that his face turned blue and white. He raised his right palm and slapped Shen Huaixu. His eyes widened and he yelled, "Shen Ziqing, get out of the way. I must kill this person." You are not an unfilial son! Listen to what he said. He even spoke for the enemy. I will drive him out of the house."

"Calm down and calm down. He's been kicked in the head by a donkey. It's pure nonsense."

Shen Ziqing stopped Shen Xiongfeng and comforted him.

Then he turned to Shen Huaixu behind him and shouted in a low voice, "My ancestors understand what you are talking about. Stop talking about it."

Shen Huaixu shook his head and said, "No, I have to say, I have already collided with my ancestor and I will not survive anyway. Before I die, I want to say all the words I have been holding in my stomach so that everyone can understand.

You all know that our Shen family and Zhang Xiaozu have a bloody feud, but how many of you know how this feud was forged?

Not many people know.

Because this is a stupid and bad debt."

Shen Xiongfeng said, "You say it, you say it, why don't you say four or five today?"

Come here, I will beat you to death."

Most of the Shen family members pricked up their ears and fell silent in unison, because they realized that it was exactly as Shen Huaixu said, that they really didn't know how their family and Zhang Xiaopeng had become enemies.

Shen Huaixu looked around and said, "Do you know who Zhang Xiaozu is?

Zhang Xiaozhu is the child of Shen Wenjun, the sister of the previous head of the family, Shen Wenze, and the blood of my Shen family flows in his body.

Shen Wenze coveted Zhang Xiaozu's sacred bones and wanted to kill him but failed. Instead, Zhang Xiaozu sneaked into Shen's house and rescued his mother Shen Wenjun from the cliff of regret.

His mother Shen Wenjun has been imprisoned by Shen Wenze on the Cliff of Repentance for sixteen years.

You must want to ask why Shen Wenze imprisoned Shen Wenjun?

For no other reason than to lure out Shen Wenjun's exiled child Zhang Xiaozu and snatch his sacred bones.

As a result, Zhang Xiaozu rescued Shen Wenjun, but Shen Wenze failed to fetch water from the bamboo basket. He was so angry that he issued a hunting order for Zhang Xiaozu and his son, leading all cultivators from Kyushu to Qingzhou Dasu Empire to hunt Zhang Xiaozu and his son.

That's how this bad feud started.

The head of a family imprisons his own sister in order to lure out his exiled nephew so that he can catch him and steal the divine bones. What kind of bad thing is this?

Many of you juniors must find it incredible.

But I want to tell you, the Shen family used to be like this. For the sake of the divine bone, the father could kill his son, and the son could kill his father. Even brothers sleeping on the same bed would have knives in their arms.


You juniors with mediocre qualifications and less than 50 yuan for the Awakened Divine Bones, quickly thank Zhang Xiaozu for his life-saving grace, because before the awakened blood pool and the transfer circle were destroyed by Zhang Xiaozu, the awakened bones for less than 50 yuan They are all waste and will be stripped directly

Seize the divine bones and throw them into Wanfeng Lake to feed the fish.

If you don’t believe it, ask your parents.

This bad thing could have been settled with just a casual scolding from the ancestors, but the ancestors turned a blind eye at first, then added fuel to the flames, and finally reached the point where it is now beyond control.

Shen Xiongfeng, I want to ask you, it was obviously your faulty decision-making that caused the disaster, why do you let the innocent family disciples bear the consequences for you?

Say it?"

"You - you -" Shen Xiongfeng was so angry that he was trembling all over. He opened his mouth to say "you" for a long time, but you didn't say anything.

Shen Huaixu raised his eyebrows and hummed, "Humph, do you have nothing to say?"

Chen Xiongfeng's chest suddenly rose and fell violently, and then a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

After listening to Shen Huaixu's story and knowing the cause of the incident, eight of the ten people in the Shen family frowned, feeling that Shen Huaixu was right and that this was simply an unreasonable and rotten thing.

Then they looked at their ancestors with more or less disgust in their eyes.

Shen Huaixu roared and attributed the responsibility to his ancestor, and what he said was reasonable and well-founded. Shen Xiongfeng was speechless. The thoughts of the Shen family members were unconsciously guided by Shen Huaixu, and they felt that Shen Huaixu was That's right. It was obviously the ancestors who caused the trouble, so why should they bear the consequences?

No one wants to die, not even those who embrace a bloody man who is determined to die, but now Shen Huaixu has found a reason for them not to die, so for a while many people stand with Shen Huaixu mentally.

Shen Xiongfeng suppressed the surge of energy and blood, and said angrily, "So what if it is the fault of the ancestors, do we have to surrender to the enemy in the sea of ​​blood? Where is the face of the Shen family? Where is the dignity? How can we still live in Kyushu? To gain a foothold? Aren’t you afraid of being poked in the spine and laughed to death by cultivators from Kyushu?"

This chapter has been completed!
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