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Chapter 2097 Kyushu Auspiciousness

 Zhang Xiaopou checked the grain in the four Sumeru mustard seeds several times, and after confirming that there was no mystery hidden inside, left Ling Juefeng.

Then he and Bai Hu each took two mustard seeds, and the troops divided into two groups to go to the states to distribute grain.

After receiving food aid from various states, they were all in high spirits and wanted to hug Zhang Xiaopou and Bai Hu and kiss them passionately.

Zhang Xiaozu arrived in Qingzhou, and after delivering the grain to Su De, he went back to Liujia Village. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he learned that Niu Dawa's condition had not improved at all.

He had previously thought of a way to deal with Master Jiyang.

First set up an ambush, and then send Master Jiyang to teleport over. If Master Jiyang turns his back and wants to lead the Emperor Ji Sect of Gunan to invade Kyushu, then use Niu Dawa's Sun-shooting Divine Bow to kill him.

However, if you want to shoot a master of Master Jiyang's level, you will undoubtedly have to draw the sun-shooting bow to full length, or at least close to full length, just like how you shot Qi Youtian before.

However, the Sun-shooting Divine Bow has recognized Niu Dawa as its master, and it needs Niu Dawa's hands to pull it apart easily. If someone else pulls hard, it will take several times, or even dozens of times, of strength, and Niu Dawa's

The memory of the soul has not yet awakened, and the combat power is greatly reduced. Even if others transfer their power to Niu Dawa, it may be difficult to draw the sun-shooting bow to full bow or close to full bow.

The plan that he finally came up with could not be implemented. Zhang Xiaozu was inevitably disappointed and knew that he had to find another way.

The main reason is that only one of the five killing moves given to him by the Taoist Patriarch is left, and he is reluctant to use it, otherwise it would not be difficult to trick and kill Master Jiyang.

But I also got some good news.

The new type of rice developed by Yuan Kangle has been tested for thousands of times, and finally a rice seed that can stably increase yields has been developed.

This is undoubtedly a great blessing for the current Kyushu.

Thanks to Su De's great attention, I heard that Yuan Kangle might have developed rice that increased yields, but further experiments were needed to verify it. He immediately sent all the talents in rice research from the entire Su Empire to Liujia Village, and also sent a team of experts.

People and horses from the elemental realm help.

Ripening in the wood element field can make rice that can only mature once or twice a year mature five or six times a day.

Plus the brainstorming of more than 20,000 rice research talents.

Coupled with the help of Ye Mingyue's thatched cottage world, one day can be used as seven days.

There are several more

The powerful people in the Holy Realm work as errands, searching for experimental seedlings for them all over the world.

They finally developed a variety with stable yields in the real world in more than two months, but in fact they had been experimenting and researching in the small world of thatched houses for more than a year.

It's a pity that the things grown in "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" cannot be taken out, otherwise the small world of thatched cottage will definitely become the fastest grain production base in Kyushu.

This success made Yuan Kangle understand one thing. It is not enough to just focus on research. You must have sophisticated tools to make research more effective, and the best tools are obviously the fields of various elements.

So he rarely had the idea of ​​​​cultivating.

In addition, he also wants to learn to refine weapons.

The flame armor that Zhang Xiaozu gave him made him discover the New World, and he felt that if he wanted to create the most powerful farming tools in the world, ordinary methods alone would not work. He had to learn the magical art of refining weapons.

After Zhang Xiaozu distributed the food, he met Bai Hu in Lingzhou, and then went to Tianzhu Peak in the extreme south.

Zhang Xiaozu was sure of one thing along the way. The sky shrouded in chaos and turbulence was indeed brighter than at the beginning.

At first, the dim light could only be seen from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but now the bright light can be seen at around 8 a.m. and lasts until around 3 p.m.

The situation seems to be slowly improving.

Zhang Xiaozu climbed to the top of Tianzhu Peak, first put new patches on the seal formation, and then found a flat location to carve out the formation.

There are still sixteen days left before the month agreed with Master Jiyang.

Zhang Xiaozu left Tianzhu Peak and flew to a farther location, preparing to test whether the top-grade Thunder Gold Jade could withstand the baptism of sky thunder. The reason why he did not test it on Tianzhu Peak was because he was afraid that the sky thunder would destroy the seal formation.

He took out a piece of top-quality thunder gold jade that was of relatively good quality, blessed it with top-notch effects, and then threw it not far away to wait for the result.

As a result, there was no movement at all.

Zhang Xiaozu looked up at the dusky sky, frowned thoughtfully, and then said to himself, "I don't know if the chaos and turbulence covered the jade piece."

The aura of the law of heaven cannot be sensed, or the law of heaven has loosened again, and a treasure of this level can no longer attract thunder?"

Zhang Xiaozu blessed all the top-quality thunder gold jade with top-notch effects, then returned to the top of Tianzhu Peak, practicing while waiting for the agreed time to arrive.

He deduced the new understanding of power after being promoted to the Yang Saint Realm into the law of power, and his realm was promoted to the middle stage of the Yang Saint Realm like a boat. However, the increase in combat power was not large, and it only made his power in the Zhanmen Space more powerful.

A bit thicker.

This is also normal.

When any level is promoted from the early stage to the middle stage, unless major improvements are made to the law of power, the improvement in combat power will be very limited.

Only when one reaches the state of perfection and the law of power is deduced to perfection can combat power be greatly improved.

After his realm reached the middle stage of Yang Saint Realm, Zhang Xiaopou stopped and no longer thought about his own laws of power, but began to understand the laws of power in the Zhanmen space.

Every time he improved his realm before, the Gate of Laws would drop a large number of laws of power in his War Gate space. After accumulating several times, there were already thousands of them, but he had only comprehended a small part of them that would directly help him.

, most of the rest have not comprehended it.

On the one hand, he feels that there is no need to comprehend. He only needs to comprehend the strength, constantly improve it, and defeat all laws with one power.

This is what he thought and did, and he succeeded and opened up his own way.

He even cultivated the mark of the power of heaven's choice.

On the other hand, it's because he is too busy. To be honest, he can't even guarantee the time for his own practice, and can't find time to understand other aspects of the law of power.

But now he feels that he has hit a bottleneck.

He believes that he has cultivated his strength to the extreme from a "narrow sense" perspective. If he wants to reach a higher level, he needs to improve from the macro level. If he wants to improve from the macro level, he needs to make changes to various power laws.

understand deeper.

If Zhu Gaohan knew what Zhang Xiaozhu was thinking, he would definitely remind him to be careful and not to take too big a step, otherwise he would be like him, making a fool of himself.

When the thirty-day appointment arrived, Zhang Xiaozu stopped to meditate, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It's too time-consuming. After a few days,

I haven’t even comprehended a single corner of the laws, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to comprehend all the more than a thousand laws within a hundred years. No wonder the guys in the extraordinary realm are often thousands of years old.”

Sighing, Zhang Xiaozu took out the Tianzhao fighting mirror.

"Five hundred thousand catties of grain, I have prepared it."

As soon as the call was connected, Master Jiyang's voice came out from the mirror.

Cluck cluck...

He held two large beads on the palm of his left hand, which slowly rotated as he moved his fingers, making a clicking sound.

One of them is a thunder shark bead, and the other is a jade bead that he matched himself. They made a pair, just enough to hold it in his hand and play with it.

He has become obsessed with the feeling of the Thunder Shark Bead nourishing his soul, and he doesn't want to let it leave his body for a moment.

Zhang Xiaozu glanced at the two beads in Master Jiyang's hand, and an imperceptible smile flashed deep in his eyes. Then he put the mirror into the carved formation, and while running the formation, he inquired, "Tian Wai Tian is this

Has anyone achieved enlightenment in half a year?"

In fact, he wanted to inquire about senior brother's situation of clearing the canal.

When he came back, Qingqu said that he was going to prepare for the Enlightenment. It has been nearly half a year now, and it is estimated that even if he has not yet attained the Enlightenment, he is almost ready.

"No, but it should be available soon." Master Jiyang replied.

"What's the meaning?"

"As soon as I came to Zhongyue, I heard some breaking news, and it was related to you."

"Is it related to me? What news?"

"It is said that a few months ago, in order to protect you and Zhou Jianlai from escaping from the Taoist sect, Daozu had a big battle with Wanzu Tianzun. As a result, Daozu used a move that would kill both of them. He fought with Wanzu Tianzun and both sides were injured. I heard that the injuries were worse than before.

The Heavenly Lord of Ultimate Bliss is still here, and the Heavenly Lord thrones of both of them are crumbling, and now they are all eager to try the transcendent realm of surpassing the original body."

Zhang Xiaozhu was shocked when he heard this, and cried out sadly in his heart: "Master, it was my disciple who harmed you."

"Hey!" Master Jiyang suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

"What a coincidence. Just as I was talking about whether anyone would prove to the Heavenly Lord, one appeared."

Master Jiyang looked to the northwest and said in surprise.

This chapter has been completed!
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