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Chapter 214: Not easy to kill

Liu Hong's call for help was too late.

When Zhang Xiaozhu and others followed her and saw Liu Lu lying on the bed, Liu Lu had lost her breath and life. Dark red blood flowed out from under the thin quilt covering her body and flowed along the edge of the bed to the ground.

There was a thick puddle on the ground.

Liu Hong was wailing like crazy, and she was extremely sad and blamed herself. She felt that if she had asked Zhang Xiaozu for help earlier, Liu Lu might not have died.

In fact, she couldn't blame her, because she took two hemostatic pills for Liu Lu, boiled hot water for Liu Lu to drink, and cleaned her private parts. After confirming again and again that the bleeding had stopped, she felt relieved and let Liu Lu drink.

Green for sleeping and resting.

But she never expected that Liu Lu suddenly woke up from sleeping until noon and complained that she had a stomachache. At the same time, the blood in her lower body continued to flow. Liu Hong panicked and thought of going to Zhang Xiaozu for help. Who would have thought that in such a short time, Liu Lu would

No more.

When Liu Hong burst into tears and told the cause of Liu Lu's death and accused Li Hongyong of his bestiality, she heard Li Hongyong say indifferently: "It is a blessing for her to be able to serve this master in her eight lifetimes. If she dies, she will be unlucky."

, I can’t bear this good fortune. For the sake of her devoted service to this master, I will reward him with a thin-skinned coffin."

Looking at Li Hongyong's arrogant and self-righteous face, without any regret or guilt, and without any regard for human life, Zhang Xiaopou suddenly felt strangely angry. He felt that it was because of the existence of an inhumane person like Li Hongyong that this person was allowed to die.

The world has become so dirty and dark.

This was the first time that Zhang Xiaozhu wanted to kill someone so urgently that everyone could feel his unabashed murderous intent. He eagerly wanted to get rid of the scumbag Li Hongyong so that the world could be a little cleaner and brighter.


But Li Hongyong was not easy to kill. Instead, his head was almost exploded by Li Hongyong's punch.


In the martial arts training ground, Li Hongyong suppressed Zhang Xiaopiao until he had no power to fight back, because he had the territory of earth, which limited Zhang Xiaopiao's speed. Without the advantage of speed, Zhang Xiaopiao was almost like a tiger without teeth, and Li Hongyong

Yong poses no threat at all.

"That's it. After teaching him all morning, I taught him stupidly." On the sidelines, Taoist Tianwu couldn't help smiling bitterly as he watched Zhang Xiaopeng being beaten passively and having no way to deal with Li Hongyong.

Next to him, Li Hongwu heard Taoist Tianwu muttering to himself, and curled his lips in disdain, feeling that Taoist Tianwu was forcing him to find a way out, because he didn't think Zhang Xiaopou had any way to deal with Li Hongyong's Earth Domain.

Li Hongyong kicked Zhang Xiaopeng sideways, hitting Zhang Xiaopeng's lower abdomen, and kicked Zhang Xiaopeng away again. While pressing him down, he did not forget to taunt him: "Boy, are you going to do this?"

Do you want to mess with me? Why are you mute now?"

A mouthful of fishy sweetness came to Zhang Xiaozu's throat, and he had to swallow it back. Under the cover of Li Hongyong's earth realm, his body seemed to weigh tens of thousands of kilograms, as if he was stuck in a mire, and his fists and feet were restrained. It was even more frustrating.

What depressed him was that Li Hongyong could change the gravity exerted on him at any time, causing his moves to be severely deformed and unable to attack Li Hongyong.

"You are responsible for how I deal with my own maids. Do you think you are the king of heaven? I just have a powerful master. Otherwise, if you are like me, I, the Li family, can crush a basket to death with just a move of my fingers."

"I bought the maid with money. You can do whatever you want with it. It's your fault to play with it. If you are jealous, I will give you two so that you can have a try."

Li Hongyong jumped forward and kneed Zhang Xiaopou directly in front of him.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the oncoming knee, but did not dare to move to block it, because Li Hongyong could control gravity to deform his moves, and then seize the flaws exposed by the deformed moves and hit him hard. He had already suffered this several times.

It was a loss. But he couldn't escape. He was carrying tens of thousands of kilograms of weight. It was impossible for Li Hongyong to cross the fifth level of the Sea Realm quickly, and with the help of the Earth Realm, unless he could get rid of the weight on his body.

"Go to hell!" Li Hongyong gritted his teeth, with a ferocious look on his face, and pressed his knee against Zhang Xiaozu's face, but he felt no force. He couldn't help being shocked, knowing that what hit him was Zhang Xiaozu's illusion of staying in place, but the real body

Where it went, he didn't even notice.

In front of him, where Zhang Xiaozu's feet had just stood, there were two deep pits. There was a shoe print in each pit, which was Zhang Xiaozu's shoe print.

These two pits were made by Zhang Xiaopeng with brute force. It was with the help of this brute force that he was able to avoid Li Hongyong's knee. The speed he exploded in an instant made Li Hongyong


"I got kicked in the head by a donkey. I'm so stupid!" Zhang Xiaozhu's figure appeared five feet away behind Li Hongyong, with a look of annoyance on his face. In desperation just now, in order to avoid Li Hongyong's knee, he subconsciously used his strength

He rushed to his feet and used the power explosion moves he learned in the morning on the soles of his feet. Only then did he suddenly realize that not only his fists could be used, but every power part of his body could be used.

No wonder Tianwu Taoist would hold his forehead and smile bitterly. He had been preaching all morning and made his brain stupid.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaozu was pleasantly surprised to find that the weight on his body was suddenly reduced by half.

"Does it mean?" Zhang Xiaozu's brain was racing. "It's not that every location within the coverage of the Earth Domain is subject to gravity constraints indiscriminately, but the area locked by his mind.

It will be treated seriously, which means that as long as the speed is too fast for him to lock on, he will not be able to exert such a strong gravitational restraint on me."

Zhang Xiaopawn moved, because his kicking power was so strong that every step he took would create a hole in the ground, and his speed more than doubled. For a time, the whole place was filled with Zhang Xiaopawn's wounds.


"How did he do it? How could he break free from the shackles of the Earth Realm with his mere Zhanmen Realm cultivation?" Li Hongwu looked shocked and said on the sidelines. Seeing Zhang Xiaopeng's speed and strength soaring, he thought Zhang Xiaopeng

The pawn broke free from the shackles of Li Hongyong's earth realm.

It is naturally impossible for Zhang Xiaozu to break free from the restraints of the Earth Realm, but compared to before, the weight restraint on his body has only been reduced by half, and with the remaining half of the weight, his fists and feet can barely do anything.

Zhang Xiaozu's figure circled around Li Hongyong, scurrying around irregularly and never stopping in one position for even a moment.

"I really guessed it right." When he felt that the half-gravity restraint that disappeared was no longer applied to him, he knew that he had guessed it right, otherwise Li Hongyong would have put shackles on him and beat him.

Li Hongyong had a look of panic on his face.

Zhang Xiaozu's figure suddenly appeared behind Li Hongyong and punched out. But when his fist came close to Li Hongyong's body, half of the missing weight suddenly hit him. He was caught off guard, and his fist suddenly sank down, out of shape.


Li Hongyong turned around and struck Zhang Xiaozu with an elbow, hitting Zhang Xiaozu's temple. The impact made Zhang Xiaozu's ears buzz, stars appeared in front of his eyes, and his body flew away.

Li Hongyong spread his arms smoothly, grabbed Zhang Xiaopou's wrist, tugged and shook, pulled Zhang Xiaopou's body off the ground, and then threw him to the ground.

There was a loud bang, and a large human-shaped pit was directly smashed into the ground.

"Go to hell!" Li Hongyong was unyielding when he gained the upper hand and stepped hard on Zhang Xiaopou's head.

"Senior, the time has not come yet." Li Hongwu reminded Tianwu Taoist hurriedly from the sidelines. He knew that Tianwu Taoist would definitely not watch Zhang Xiaopou being killed, and would definitely take action to stop him. The reason why he reminded him loudly was because he wanted to be cruel.

The face of Taoist Tianwu was severely reduced.

However, what stunned Li Hongwu was that Taoist Tianwu did not take action.


Li Hongyong's hard boot soles stepped hard on Zhang Xiaopeng's head, pushing a large part of his head into the pit. Li Hongyong was not soft at all, he kicked one foot down and then another, and there was blood everywhere.

It splashed out from the pit.

Taoist Tianwu still had his hands behind his back and his face was expressionless. It seemed that time was running out. Whether Zhang Xiaopou was disabled or dead, he really would not stop him. (https:)

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