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Chapter 2161 The End

Zhu Gaohan cleared a clean patch of ground on the grass, and then carved out the magic circle he saw on the brown jade slip.

The array was not complicated, but the arrangement and connection of the array patterns were very novel. Zhang Xiaozu had never seen it before, so he couldn't help but study it with great interest.

"Third Master, please go to that position and sit cross-legged."

Zhu Gaohan was worried that Zhang Xiaopou would see the clues, so he immediately pointed to a corner of the formation and urged Zhang Xiaopou to go over.

Zhang Xiaozu did as he was told.

Zhu Gaohan walked to the corner of the formation opposite Zhang Xiaopou and sat across from Zhang Xiaopou.

Then he made a seal with both hands according to the spell in the brown jade slip, and said to Zhang Xiaopou, "Third Master, after I activate this formation, you will immediately enter the Nine Apertures to understand the law of power. Time is precious, don't waste it.

A little bit."

Zhang Xiaozu glanced at the magic circle, frowned and asked, "Why do I feel something is weird? Is your method reliable?"

Although he couldn't understand the magic circle under him, he was highly accomplished in the magic circle, and his feeling told him that the magic circle under him was weird.

"Reliable, of course reliable." Zhu Gaohan nodded vigorously.

But in fact, he had no idea how this technique would perform.

"Isn't this old boy trying to trick me?"

Zhang Xiaozu felt secretly vigilant in his heart.

He didn't suspect that Zhu Gaohan wanted to harm him, but he suspected that Zhu Gaohan wanted to imprison him in a weird way, then snatched his Fire Qilin Pill and went to fight Wanzu Tianzun on his behalf.

Zhu Gaohan did not give Zhang Xiaopou too much time to think, and directly recited the incantation to activate the magic circle.


The magic circle immediately lit up and started moving.


Zhu Gaohan suddenly groaned, because his soul suddenly burned and it hurt.

But he immediately endured the pain and restrained his expression, not letting the pain show on his face, so that Zhang Xiaozu could comprehend the law of power with peace of mind.

The magic circle pulled the power generated by the burning soul of Zhu Gaohan to fly out from the sea of ​​​​consciousness between the eyebrows, turned into a milky white stream of light, and flew into the sea of ​​​​consciousness between Zhang Xiaozu's eyebrows.

Zhang Xiaozu only felt a strange power sinking into his soul, and then his mind suddenly became clear, as if he had glimpsed the origin of power, and all the problems related to the law of power that had troubled him for a long time were instantly understood.

Zhang Xiaozhu was pleasantly surprised, knowing that Zhu Gaohan's method was indeed reliable, but thinking of Zhu Gaohan's groaning in pain, he couldn't help looking at Zhu Gaohan worriedly and calling "Mr. Zhu?"

Zhu Gaohan looked extremely serious and shouted to Zhang Xiaopou, "Third Master, time

Precious, quickly understand the law of power!"


Zhang Xiaozu nodded quickly in response, not daring to talk nonsense. He knew that the current wonderful state was obtained by Zhu Gaohan sacrificing his soul and Yangshou. Just as he was about to enter the Zhanmen space to understand the law of power, he suddenly remembered the soul that Meng Changshan rewarded him with.

Dan, quickly took it out and drank it.

The power of the medicine melted in his belly, and Zhang Xiaozu felt that his understanding of the power of the law had suddenly improved.

So he immediately entered the war gate space.

The power of Zhu Gaohan's sacrifice followed Zhang Xiaozu's soul, continuously transmitting power to him.

Zhang Xiaozu's soul locked onto a law of power, and he actually directly glimpsed its secret, and then, like peeling off a cocoon, he understood it thoroughly in less than a cup of tea.

"This is too strong!"

Zhang Xiaozu was shocked.

Understanding a law of power over a cup of tea made him feel crazy.

He did not dare to waste this crazy precious time and immediately locked in the next law of power.

"I see."

"This sacrificial technique is not as powerful as I thought."

Zhu Gaohan already understood the working principle of this sacrificial technique.

He originally thought that after the caster obtained the power of the sacrificed soul, he would be able to comprehend any law of power without restriction, but this was not the case.

This technique actually sacrifices the sacrificer's understanding of the laws of power to the caster, thereby improving the caster's ability and speed to understand the laws of power.

For example, the law of power that Zhang Xiaozu just comprehended was actually not comprehended by himself, but Zhu Gaohan helped him comprehend it, but the technique of sacrifice made Zhang Xiaozu feel the same as what he comprehended by himself.

Zhu Gaohan is in the extraordinary realm, so it is naturally easy to comprehend the power laws of the holy realm.

If it were replaced by a law of power in the extraordinary realm, which was so difficult that even Zhu Gaohan was helpless, then this sacrifice technique would only make Zhang Xiaopou's thinking more flexible, but would not be of fundamental help in understanding the law of power.

"It's also very impressive."

Zhu Gaohan said secretly again.

He had previously told Zhang Xiaozu about a law of power. If a hundred people comprehend it, they will get a hundred different understandings. Others cannot help you comprehend the law of power. What others comprehend belongs to others. Only you can comprehend it yourself.


It's yours, and what suits you is the best, so there are no shortcuts to practice, you can only practice it physically.

But the beauty of this sacrificial technique is that it breaks this bondage.

Although the law of power is actually understood by the sacrificer for the caster, it is also understood by the caster himself and is the result of his own understanding.

In other words, this technique achieves a substitute in understanding the law of power.

"Who said there are no shortcuts to cultivation? That's right. It's just that the price is a bit high. Third Master, let me help you break through to the extraordinary realm in one go. I have received the kindness of being taken in, raised and cultivated by the Taoist sect, and today I finally have the opportunity to repay you.


Zhu Gaohan actually had a smile on his face.

At this moment, his soul was suffering from the pain of sacrifice, but his heart was happy.

The liberation from the misery of nine lives...

To repay the Taoist sect's great kindness...

It all made him feel relieved.

Time passed slowly, and Zhang Xiaozu was completely immersed in the understanding of the law of power without realizing it.

Zhu Gaohan's soul was burning and sacrificing little by little.

Worried about being disturbed by Qi Yoyo, Ye Mingyue and others, he waved his hand and set up an isolation barrier around him so that no one could get close. Even standing outside the barrier, he and Zhang Xiaopou could not be seen.

Three days later, Zhang Xiaozu slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

The law of power that originally took hundreds of years to comprehend has now only taken three days. I feel like my head is already so full of insights that I am about to burst. I need to seize the time to digest and absorb it.



Zhang Xiaozhu's eyes fell on Zhu Gaohan, and he couldn't help but turn pale with fright. He jumped up on the spot, threw himself in front of Zhu Gaohan and asked eagerly and panic-strickenly, "Mr. Zhu, you - what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Gaohan's face was pale, without a trace of blood.

Dense wrinkles suddenly appeared on his face, covering his entire cheek.

My hair, which was originally just a bit gray, suddenly turned as pale as snow, and my beard and eyebrows were also white, and there was no luster at all.

It was as if he had aged a hundred years all of a sudden.

What's even more frightening is that the power of his energy and blood has collapsed, and his breath is dissipated, as if the oil has run out and the lamp has dried up.


Zhu Gaohan forcefully opened his deeply sunken eyelids and looked at Zhang Xiaozu. He let out a hoarse and feeble laugh and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Third Master, I lied to you. This technique... this technique will make the old person

Lose all your soul."

"You - you are such a bastard!"

Zhang Xiaozhu's eyes were red, he was so angry that he cursed, and asked angrily and sadly, "Why are you doing this? Didn't I tell you clearly? I have a way to deal with Wan Zu, even if I can't beat him, I can't."

If you can escape, you don't have to make this sacrifice at all."

He could already feel that Zhu Gaohan only had a weak spirit left, which was about to dissipate, and it would be difficult for the gods to save him. He felt really angry and sad in his heart.

Zhu Gaohan was angry that he didn't believe him.

Angry that he made his own decisions.

But he was even more angry with himself. He knew clearly that Zhu Gaohan was wasting his soul and Yangshou to help him understand the law of power, but he would still be immersed in it and forget the time. If he could wake up earlier or pay more attention to Zhu Gaohan, he would not

This happened.

"Third Master, you don't have to be sad, let alone blame yourself. This is my voluntary choice. I have no regrets and... am happy." Zhu Gaohan consoled him.

"How do you want me to bear this heavy kindness?"

"If the death of the old man will bring a psychological burden to the third master, then the old man... ahem... the old man will not rest in peace." Zhu Gaohan suddenly became excited, reaching out and grabbing Zhang Xiaopeng's arm tightly, his eyes widened.

"I understand, I understand." Zhang Xiaozu said repeatedly, "I will use your will to kill the enemy and avenge the Taoist sect. I will also rebuild the mountain gate and let the Taoist sect's tradition be passed down forever from generation to generation."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaohan let go of his hand, his round eyes slowly closed, a smile appeared on the corner of his wrinkled mouth, and he said, "After troublesome three masters rebuilt the Taoist gate, I buried the old man's bones next to the mountain gate. The old man wanted to...ahem...

Ahem... I want to guard the mountain gate... Ahem..."

He suddenly coughed violently.

Zhang Xiaozu quickly helped him smoothen his breath.

But the remaining light in his eyes suddenly disappeared, his eyelids closed weakly, and only a faint sound still came from his throat.

"Mr. Zhu, what did you say?"

Zhang Xiaozu put his ear to Zhu Gaohan's mouth.

"The old man killed his biological mother when he was born, his father when he was less than one year old, his grandfather when he was three years old, his grandma when he was five years old, then his master, Taoist ancestor, and brought him to the Taoist sect.

Disaster is coming."

"The old man is an ominous person."

"He should have died long ago."

"Nine lives of misery are finally over."


This chapter has been completed!
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