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Chapter 24 The Wolf Shoulder

Having seen the cunning and power of the Wolf King, Zhang Xiaopeng no longer dared to be careless, so he musted up his energy and vigilance.

The wolves were far behind, but they still pursued them. The wolf king was nowhere to be seen. I wonder if he hadn't retrieved the body of the wolf cub yet, or was he hiding again, preparing for a fatal ambush?

Zhang Xiaozu thinks it should be the latter.

The mountain is very high, but the trees on the mountain are sparse, mostly shrubs and thorns, which slows down Zhang Xiaopeng's escape speed. The hillside is very gentle, and there is no dangerous terrain that can block the pursuit of the wolves, and there is no cave where he can hide.

However, even if there is a cave, Zhang Xiaopeng will not go in easily unless he is desperate. Because wolves have a keen sense of smell, they can easily find them if they hide in caves. In the end, they will not be able to escape the pursuit of the wolves, but will be easily blocked by the wolves.

In the cave.

Halfway up the mountain, Zhang Xiaozu looked down the mountain. His heart sank. The distance between the wolves was gradually getting closer. They were about seventy feet away and they would soon catch up. Still no wolf was seen.

Zhang Xiaopou was 100% sure of the king's figure. The wolf king must be lurking nearby and might spring out at any time.

Zhang Xiaozu turned around and continued running.


There is still hope of life.

Don't run.

A dead end.

He gently touched the three wounds on his chest that were scratched by the Wolf King. The wounds were already scarred. Even with such vigorous exercise, the wounds were not torn, as if they were glued together with strong glue.

Zhang Xiaozhu was very grateful to Qin Rulan in his heart for the magical elixir she gave him. If he hadn't swallowed two elixirs to stop the wounds on his chest, these three wounds alone would have been enough for him to drink a pot.

"I owe you my life again." Zhang Xiaozhu remembered this kindness in his heart.

Thinking of Qin Rulan and the other five, Zhang Xiaozu couldn't help but envy their super strength. If they had the same strength as them, how could they?

The fate of being chased by a pack is like that of a lost dog, because there are so many wild wolves that they cannot be defeated by one person alone.

In three quarters of an hour, Zhang Xiaopeng climbed to the top of the mountain, with the wolves behind him only a hundred steps away.

The body climbed to the top of the mountain, but the heart sank to the bottom of the valley, because there was no terrain on this road that could escape the pursuit of the wolves, not even a cave, but unfortunately there was nothing.

The wolves were right behind him. Zhang Xiaopeng did not dare to stop for a moment, so he could only continue to run forward, hoping to see a miracle when he climbed over the mountain.

After walking more than a hundred steps, Zhang Xiaopeng suddenly stopped. An opportunity to escape from the pack of wolves and become the Wolf King was presented to him, but this opportunity might be difficult to grasp.

What was before him was a cliff.

Zhang Xiaozu carefully walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. He saw that the cliff was so deep that he felt dizzy. The cliff was vertical and steep. At a glance, he could hardly see anything that could be used to climb.

In this place, the entire cliff seemed to be cut with a knife. After only observing it for a short while, Zhang Xiaozu smiled helplessly and had to give up the idea of ​​climbing down the cliff.

The way forward was not feasible, so Zhang Xiaozu gave up decisively and looked to the left and right sides of the cliff, trying to choose an escape direction. However, he saw that the left and right sides were already blocked by wolves, and he was already surrounded by wolves.

"No wonder I haven't heard these beasts howling for a while. It turns out they quietly touched my sides and double-teamed me. No need to think about it, this cliff must be part of their plan."

"It's so ridiculous that I was hunted by a group of beasts."

"Awesome! I admire you!"

While Zhang Xiaozu had no choice but to smile bitterly, he couldn't help but admire the cunning and wit of the wolves.

"Then" Zhang Xiaozu stared at the approaching wolves, slowly pulled out the hunting knife from behind, and said in a deep voice: "There is only one battle left! It's not about life or death, it's just about dignity!"

"Ouch" a deep wolf howl sounded, seemingly in response to Zhang Xiaozu's words.

"Come on, Three-Eyed Sirius King, let's fight!" Zhang Xiaozu roared angrily. He knew that this rich roar was coming from the Three-Eyed Sirius King.

The wolves stopped approaching ten feet away from Zhang Xiaozu, and then the wolves in front of Zhang Xiaozu separated to the left and right to make way for the three-eyed Sirius King to walk out slowly, holding something in its mouth.

The corpse of a wolf cub.


The Three-Eyed Sirius King placed the wolf cub's body on the ground and looked up to the sky and roared.


Thousands of wolves roared together, as if they were paying homage to their dead young master.

The scene is sad and tragic.

Zhang Xiaozhu was deeply affected, and he couldn't help but look solemn, and respected the Wolf King Xiao Ran. He bowed slightly to the Wolf King and said: "Although I know you don't understand, I still think it is necessary to explain that your son is not

What I killed was those dogs and sons of dogs in Daqiao Village. Why don't we join forces and go find those bastards in Daqiao Village to avenge your son?"


"Well, I know you, a beast, don't understand." Zhang Xiaozhu helplessly spread his hands, "But then again, why did you go there earlier? With your strength, how could the people in Daqiao Village steal something under your nose?"

Let your son go. Obviously, you are not a good father. Well, you are a good father."

Zhang Xiaozu tilted his head and glanced at the male symbol in the Wolf King's crotch to confirm that he was right, it was indeed a male wolf.


The Wolf King was angry and felt violated by Zhang Xiaozu's gaze.

"Why are you yelling? Why do you have the face to yell? Why did you give birth to it if you didn't care about it after it was born? It would be better to crush it to death when it was born. Unscrupulous parents like you are not worthy of being a father or a mother at all!" Zhang

The pawn got angrier and angrier as he talked, and at the end he became hysterical. He was no longer scolding the Wolf King, but his own biological father and mother. He suddenly felt that he was worse than a wolf cub. If the wolf cub died, at least its father would

Avenge it. And if he dies, his biological father and mother will probably not know.


It seemed that the Wolf King couldn't stand Zhang Xiaopou's nagging, so he jumped up and pounced on Zhang Xiaopou.

"Well done, give me a giant spin!"

Zhang Xiaopou seemed to have lost his mind due to the curse, but in fact, the hunting knife in his hand was always ready to go. Seeing the Wolf King attack, he immediately launched a "big swing".

Facing the Wolf King who was far more powerful than himself, Zhang Xiaopou used the most powerful "giant spin" as soon as he started, and he did it with all his strength.

The hunting knife drew an arc in the air, carrying the power of the mountain and slashing at the Wolf King with the force of thunder.


Dust stirred up, gravel flew, and a deep pit was cut into the ground by Zhang Xiaopeng's sword.

The giant slalom failed!

Zhang Xiaopou felt a chill in his back, and without a second thought, he rushed forward and rolled out.

After experiencing the entrance of the canyon and the battle with the black wild boar, Zhang Xiaozu is no longer the dazed young man who just walked out of Liujiacun. His combat experience and combat intuition have been qualitatively improved.

With this roll, he just escaped the Wolf King's attack from behind.

"What a fast speed!" Zhang Xiaozhu was shocked.

The Wolf King has a huge body, and its head and tail are even longer than that of the black wild boar. However, its body is well-proportioned and strong, with graceful lines. It is not as majestic and bulky as the black wild boar. Of course, in Zhang Xiaozu's eyes, the black wild boar is not bulky at all.

, otherwise how could we achieve such difficult maneuvers as sharp turns and sudden braking.

It's just that the black wild boar is far behind the wolf king, because Zhang Xiaopeng can at least see the black wild boar's attack movements clearly, but he completely failed to see how the wolf king evaded his "big swing"

", and how to go around behind him.

In one round, Zhang Xiaopou knew the strength of the Wolf King, eight words: so terrifying, invincible!

Zhang Xiaozu moved his center of gravity forward, bent his legs slightly, retracted his hunting knife, placed it across his chest, and assumed a defensive posture.

This is the combat experience taught to him by Niu Yao and Li Dashan. When encountering an enemy whose strength far exceeds his own, he should either use a thunderous killing move to catch him by surprise or attack him unprepared, or he should huddle up and defend, looking for the enemy's weaknesses and waiting for opportunities.

Zhang Xiaozu's thunderous killing move didn't even touch the Wolf King's hair, so he could only choose to huddle up and defend.

The Wolf King failed to succeed with his attack. He stood there for a moment, as if he was surprised, but after a pause he immediately pounced on Zhang Xiaopou again.

Zhang Xiaozu kept his eyes fixed on the Wolf King, and as soon as the Wolf King moved, he jumped sideways to dodge, and at the same time, he slashed the hunting knife forward with force. However, he was still a step too late, and before the hunting knife could be slashed out, he was struck by it.

The Wolf King bit it, but before he could react, he felt a huge force coming from the blade, and was immediately thrown away.


Zhang Xiaozu's back hit a tree and he fell all over the place. He felt that all his internal organs were out of place.


A bloody mouth followed closely. Zhang Xiaopou hurriedly turned over and rolled to his side. He heard a scoff, and the Wolf King swept his back with his claws, leaving three deep scratches immediately. The skin and flesh were turned out, and there was blood.


Zhang Xiaopou screamed in pain, rolled on the ground and fled, then hid behind a tree. He quickly took out a white porcelain bottle from the bag on his waist, poured out two pills and swallowed them.

"Haha" Zhang Xiaopou laughed miserably. He couldn't find any flaws in the Wolf King. In other words, the Wolf King was full of flaws. However, the Wolf King was too fast. Even if there were flaws all over his body, he couldn't catch a single one.

What's even more frightening is that the Wolf King not only has speed, but also super strength.

Strength and speed, both combined, can defeat all kinds of magic!


Sawdust flew everywhere, and the tree trunk Zhang Xiaopou was leaning against was swept out by the Wolf King's claws, creating a deep pit. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaopou dodged, otherwise it would not have been sawdust flying, but his flesh and blood.


Zhang Xiaopou roared angrily, stopped defending, and took the initiative to attack.

Cut through the air and slash towards the Wolf King's head.

Unfortunately, the Wolf King easily dodged it again, giving him a claw and adding a few bloody wounds to his shoulder.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?!"

Zhang Xiaozu was anxious. He really didn't know how to deal with the Wolf King. He couldn't keep up with his speed and had no brute force.

However, the Wolf King did not intend to give him time to breathe and think, and jumped forward.

Zhang Xiaopou subconsciously raised his knife to block, but the block was in vain. The Wolf King had already dodged behind him. It turned out that the flying move was a feint, and the real purpose was to get behind him. The two wolf claws directly rested on Zhang Xiaopou's shoulders.


Wolf on shoulders!

"If you put a wolf on your shoulders, don't look back." Zhang Xiaozhu remembered what the old village chief said, but at this moment he was desperate. With the wolf king's bite force, it doesn't matter whether you look back or not. If you bite him in one bite, your body will be torn apart.


This chapter has been completed!
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