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Chapter 248 Wang Wang Wang

"Now it seems that you are at an advantage." Tianwu Daoist said with half-squinted eyes and a smile as he looked at Zhang Xiaopou.

As soon as he saw the malicious smile on Taoist Tianwu's face, Zhang Xiaozu suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, because every time Taoist Tianwu showed this smile during this period, it was when he and Niu Dawa were being tortured.

As expected, I heard Tianwu Taoist continue to say: "The ghost power of these ghosts is a great tonic for you. I checked last night and found that there are many people with small achievements in cultivation, and some of them are even close to ghosts."

At the general level, it is really awesome to be able to command the ghosts to attack and kill. You will go to the battlefield soon, so you can feel the momentum of the battle formation here first. So I decided that you will execute these hundreds of thousands of ghosts.


"Master, these are hundreds of thousands of ghosts, not just a dozen!" Zhang Xiaozu said, taking a breath of cold air.

"A great man, you must show off the momentum that will defeat you even if there are tens of thousands of people. Go ahead!" Tianwu Taoist encouraged Zhang Xiaopou's morale, and then kicked him in the butt.

"Ah" Zhang Xiaopou screamed miserably, drawing a beautiful arc in the air and falling into the valley.

Tianwu Daoist formed a seal with his hands and made golden talismans all around. Suddenly, a strong wind blew up in the valley, and ghostly aura rose into the sky, as if a door to hell had been opened in the valley.


Zhang Xiaozu landed on the ground with his feet in the valley. A big hole was made in the ground with his feet, and the ashes of vegetation on the ground were splashed all over the sky. The impact of the landing made his legs hurt, and he couldn't help but feel lucky that the mountain was not there.

High, otherwise he would have to fall and become half disabled.

But he didn't have time to feel too much now, because the sky suddenly turned dark, and at the same time, the wind was howling, and the yin energy invaded his bones, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Zhang Xiaozu knew that it was not dark, but that the yin energy was too strong and blocked the sunlight.

A fierce ghost smelled the yang energy on his body and seemed to have found a delicacy in the world. It made a ghost cry from its mouth and rushed towards him.

Zhang Xiaozu clapped his palm, and the golden talisman flew out from his palm and slapped the Li Gui. The Li Gui immediately screamed and turned into blue smoke, leaving behind a ball of ghost power that was absorbed by the ghost eyes between his brows.

However, the screams of the evil ghosts shocked the entire valley, and Zhang Xiaozu only saw countless evil ghosts rushing towards him in the black wind.

On June 18, at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning, an army of 1.8 million troops marched northward. General Jin Wu was the marshal and commanded the entire army.

Li Haotian was promoted from major general to general, commanding 300,000 right-leg troops.

Qi also served as a general and commanded the left army of 300,000 people. Qi Yoyo served as a senior colonel under him and commanded 30,000 people.

The 600,000-strong army in the middle was led by former general Xing Ru.

In addition, there are forward troops, flanking battalions, etc. The generals are all promoted from the original army as an exception. Regularly.

The bulk of the army's soldiers were dispatched, the lowest being centurions.

Therefore, you don't need to look at anything else but the generals of this army to know how weak this army of 1.8 million people is.

Qi Yoyo wears a helmet and armor, a red cloak on his shoulders, a Tai'a sword hanging on his waist, and a silver-red tassel gun in his hand. He is riding a horse with a heroic and majestic appearance.

dong dong dong

The war drums beat, and the army goes out to fight.

Qi Yoyo turned back three times on horseback, hoping to see the figure she was longing for chasing him out of the city. However, as they walked further and further away, until the North City Gate gradually blurred in her field of vision, she did not wait for that figure.

I couldn't help feeling disappointed in my heart.

Zhang Xiaozu promised her to go on an expedition with her and become a general under her command, but he didn't come. She didn't know where Zhang Xiaozu had gone, so she could only say "Treasure" in her heart.

At night, in the valley of Baihuang Mountain, Zhang Xiaopeng had been fighting with the ghosts for two days and one night, but the ghosts seemed to be killing them endlessly, and they were charging in endlessly.

Just now, a battle formation composed of five or six thousand fierce ghosts, under the command and leadership of a fierce ghost with advanced cultivation and spiritual intelligence, charged towards him. The powerful charging momentum caused a threat to him.

The pressure was not weaker than that of an eighth-level master who faced him face to face. He felt that if he hadn't been tortured under the pressure of Tianwu Taoist's stars during this period, he would not be able to withstand this fierce ghost battle.

The charging momentum of the formation.

Fortunately, every time he kills a fierce ghost, the ghost pupils between his eyebrows can absorb a portion of ghost power. This ghost power flows into the sea of ​​​​qi and can be used by him immediately, so that he has an endless supply of power and will not be exhausted.


The blood line between his eyebrows became increasingly red, as if his ghost pupils were about to open.

Taoist Tianwu sat on the top of the mountain, watching Zhang Xiaopou fighting alone in the valley, stroking his beard and laughing, obviously very satisfied with Zhang Xiaopou's performance.

woof woof woof

Compared with the desolation of Zhang Xiaozu fighting alone, Niu Dawa's experience can only be described as horrific. His clothes were in tatters, his body was stained with blood, and there were all wounds from bites and scratches.

The big black dog, fat as a ball, was chasing Niu Dawa all over the mountains and fields with his stubby limbs. He was like a grandson, no, even worse than a grandson.

The saddest thing is that he was also banned by the big black dog, and even the right to yell and curse was deprived of him. Well, it was not completely deprived. He could still make sounds from his mouth, but they were just barking sounds.


Niu Dawa was once again caught up by the big black dog, and his buttocks were brutally bitten. Two rows of bloody holes were bitten by the big black dog's sharp teeth. Niu Dawa's nose was so painful that she stretched out her hand and wiped a handful on her buttocks.

, he took it in front of him and took a look. He saw his hands full of blood and immediately became anxious.

Eyes: "woof woof woof"

"Woof woof woof" the big black dog stretched out its scarlet tongue and licked the corner of its mouth, proudly responding to Niu Dawa.

Niu Dawa suddenly turned around and lunged at the big black dog with his teeth and claws bared.

"Woof woof woof"

"Woof woof woof"

All of a sudden, the mountains and plains were filled with the sound of dogs barking.

Fortunately, it was in the barren mountains and no one could hear me. If it were near the gate of Yancheng, it would definitely attract countless people who would catch the dogs for meat.

Under the moonlight, in the small courtyard of pines and cypresses, the shadows of swords interweave.

Zhou Jianlai was fighting with Wei Ziyan holding the King of Wei Sword in his hand. The two did not use any energy, but only fought with simple sword moves. But even so, the power was astonishing. If Wei Ziyu hadn't used the power of space to separate them, the surrounding buildings would have been destroyed by him long ago.

The sword energy of the two men was chopped into pieces.

On May 20th, Zhang Xiaozu returned from Baihuang Mountain. His newly plump flesh and blood body became thin again, and his whole body was sickly pale from head to toe, and a coldness emanated from his body uncontrollably.

The biting breath. Walking on the street, everyone within three feet of it shivered.

He is not sick or injured, but the yin energy in his body is too heavy and cannot be controlled. It is not because he has absorbed the ghost power of hundreds of thousands of ghosts in the entire valley, but because after he killed hundreds of thousands of ghosts,

Tianwu Taoist took out the soul power of the skeleton ghost king who was chased to the underworld and killed in Beiba City and fed it to Guitong.

Niu Dawa suddenly turned around and lunged at the big black dog with his teeth and claws bared.

"Woof woof woof"

"Woof woof woof"

All of a sudden, the mountains and plains were filled with the sound of dogs barking.

Fortunately, it was in the barren mountains and no one could hear me. If it were near the gate of Yancheng, it would definitely attract countless people who would catch the dogs for meat.

Under the moonlight, in the small courtyard of pines and cypresses, the shadows of swords interweave.

Zhou Jianlai was fighting with Wei Ziyan holding the King of Wei Sword in his hand. The two did not use any energy, but only fought with simple sword moves. But even so, the power was astonishing. If Wei Ziyu hadn't used the power of space to separate them, the surrounding buildings would have been destroyed by him long ago.

The sword energy of the two men was chopped into pieces.

On May 20th, Zhang Xiaozu returned from Baihuang Mountain. His newly plump flesh and blood body became thin again, and his whole body was sickly pale from head to toe, and a coldness emanated from his body uncontrollably.

The biting breath. Walking on the street, everyone within three feet of it shivered.

He is not sick or injured, but the yin energy in his body is too heavy and cannot be controlled. It is not because he has absorbed the ghost power of hundreds of thousands of ghosts in the entire valley, but because after he killed hundreds of thousands of ghosts,

Tianwu Taoist took out the soul power of the skeleton ghost king who was chased to the underworld and killed in Beibacheng and fed it to Guitong. (https:)

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