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Three hundred and twentieth chapters today is not what it used to be

Under the scorching sun, the young man's thin back gradually recedes, revealing deep loneliness, but bursting with firmness and tenacious faith.

He has been living like a monster, being ridiculed, reviled, insulted, and bullied by the world. He can only be like a mouse, haunting the dead of night.

He regretted his life in this world.

But he is really afraid of death, because after death he will never see her smile again. Even though he can hardly see it while alive, there is always hope and opportunity, and as long as he works harder and becomes stronger, he hopes

and the chances will be greater.

So he kept trying his best to survive. Perhaps God showed mercy and allowed him to survive.

He wanted nothing more from this miserable life, he only hoped to hide in the darkness and guard her silently.

He originally thought that there would no longer be scorching sun and blue sky and white clouds in his world, but unexpectedly, they came so quickly and unexpectedly, suddenly illuminating every corner of his dark world, extinguishing the haze and violence hidden in the darkness.

The qi was driven away completely, and his colorless world was rejuvenated with color, and it was dazzling and gorgeous.

The young man's steps were firm but brisk, and the hunchback on his back seemed to be lighter, making his waist much straighter.

"It's so good to be alive!" The young man looked up at the scorching sun and blue sky with infinite emotion in his heart.

Zhang Xiaozu and others looked at the young man's retreating figure, their expressions were in a trance, and their hearts felt confused.

Qi Ronger was right, Yuan Taiping's foot was indeed no longer lame, but they clearly remembered that Yuan Taiping was lame.

Did they remember it wrong? Or did Yuan Taiping pretend to be lame to confuse Bai Wuwu? Or did the lameness heal on its own after a fight?

The answer is unknown.

They didn't bother to catch up and ask for clarification because the question was too impolite.

The crowd gradually dispersed. Qin Rulan stood on the broken ring and looked at the open door of the Qin family. A strong feeling of loneliness suddenly hit her heart. This warm and safe haven no longer belonged to her.

She wanted to cry, but she gritted her teeth and held back the tears.

She knew that from today on, she must be strong and shield herself from the wind and rain.

"Second Miss, excuse me." A voice rang in her ears, interrupting Qin Rulan's thoughts.

Qin Rulan turned around and found that it was Zhang Xiaopou and the others who had walked under the ring. She quickly collected her emotions and said shyly: "I'm going to let you all watch the joke today."

"Second Miss's true temperament makes us admire her endlessly. How dare we laugh at her?" Zhang Xiaozu said hurriedly.

"Don't bow to family interests and express your feelings bravely, you are really great!" Qi Yoyo gave Qin Rulan a thumbs up and praised.

Qi Ronger said: "Although Yuan Taiping looks a bit ugly and is indeed not worthy of you, he will put his own life and death in order to protect you. He is neither greedy for money nor greedy for power. He just wants to protect you."

, which shows how important your position is in his heart. I can guarantee that you will live a very happy life if you marry him. As for the good-looking but not good-looking, the couple will live their lives behind closed doors, no matter what others say."

Qin Rulan was so embarrassed by Qi Ronger's words that she dared not answer her words. She quickly changed the subject and asked, "What's wrong with you guys?"

"There is indeed something I need to trouble Second Miss." Zhang Xiaozhu nodded and said, "I heard that the soul of the great elder of your mansion was damaged, and he has been asking for high prices for spiritual objects or objects that are beneficial to the soul. I wonder if Second Miss can help me.

Can you recommend me?"

Qin Rulan was overjoyed when she heard this. She stared at Zhang Xiaopou and asked eagerly: "Does Mr. Zhang have such a treasure?"

Zhang Xiaozu smiled and nodded.

"Great!" Qin Rulan couldn't help but clapped her hands to celebrate, jumped off the ring, eagerly made an invitation gesture to Zhang Xiaopou, and then led the way, saying as she walked: "I'll take you to see sister—

—Sister, she will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

The reason why she dared to make such a pledge was because the Qin family was in urgent need of someone who could convince the public. Even if some people were dissatisfied, they would succumb to intimidation but dare not disobey, and he was wholeheartedly considering the future of the Qin family. Such a person would stand up and take charge of the overall situation.

The only person in the Qin family who can take on this important task is the elder.

However, the Great Elder's soul has been damaged and his cultivation has plummeted. He is currently in seclusion to recover from his injuries. Otherwise, the Qin family would not be in such a embarrassing situation as it is today.

The Qin family, at least that's what their second eldest brother thinks, is eager to help the elder find a treasure that can repair his soul and help him get out of seclusion as soon as possible. However, such treasures are extremely rare and are hard to come by. Furthermore,

Even if someone had it at home, they would definitely not sell it.

Therefore, since the eldest elder was injured, the Qin family has raised the price to the sky, but has not received it, and no one has even come to inquire.

So when she heard Zhang Xiaozu say that he had it and had the intention to sell it, Qin Rulan's surprise and excitement couldn't be described in words.

However, Zhang Xiaozu did not step forward to follow him. Instead, he stood there and shook his head in refusal: "I want to interview the great elder of your mansion."

Qin Rulan stopped when he heard this, turned around with a troubled expression on his face, and said: "The great elder is in seclusion to heal his wounds, I'm afraid it's not easy to disturb-"

Zhang Xiaozu directly raised his hand to interrupt Qin Rulan and said: "If we can't have an interview with the great elder, then we can just not talk about it."

"Okay, I'll take you to see the great elder right now." Qin Rulan couldn't let Zhang Xiaopou go and nodded hurriedly.

"Second Miss, could you please lead the way?" Zhang Xiaozu said.

"Well - I won't go in with you, otherwise if the eldest lady sees her, she will definitely ask me to help persuade the second lady." Zhou Jianlai looked embarrassed.

"Sorry, I can't see the condescending appearance of the eldest lady and Su Mou, and I won't go in either." Niu Dawa also shook her head and said.

Qi Yoyo smiled at Zhang Xiaozu and shook her head, indicating that she wouldn't go in either. The atmosphere in the Qin Mansion must be extremely awkward right now, so why go in and feel uncomfortable.

Qi Ronger said nothing or shook her head, because she and Qin Xinru were on the same page and the two families were still hostile, so she would definitely not enter the Qin Mansion.

In the end, only Zhang Xiaozu followed Qin Rulan into the Qin Mansion. He was not worried about danger at all, because Wan Qiuqing was accompanying Qin Liu in the Qin Mansion. If there was any danger, he only needed to shout.

The two of them entered the Qin Mansion gate one after the other. After walking a few steps, they bumped into Qin Xinru who was rushing out with an anxious look on his face.

"Sister--" Qin Rulan whispered.

When Qin Xinru saw Qin Rulan, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and the anxious and worried look on her face disappeared.

She hurried out just to look for Qin Rulan. She waited in Qin Rulan's courtyard for a long time but did not see Qin Rulan come back. She thought Qin Rulan had really driven away from the house and would never enter the Qin family again.

So as soon as I saw Qin Rulan coming back, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before she could relax, she was pushed back with an anger several times greater because she saw Zhang Xiaopeng following Qin Rulan.

Qin Xinru's face was as cold as frost, she stepped forward and pulled Qin Rulan behind her, blocking Zhang Xiaopou in the middle, and scolded: "Who allowed you to enter the Qin family's gate?! Get out of here.

You are not welcome in the Qin family!"

Zhang Xiaozu turned his head and looked aside, too lazy to talk to Qin Xinru.

Qin Rulan hurriedly explained to Qin Xinru.

"You silly girl, do you believe what he says? How could he, a villager in the mountains, have such a treasure? He must have bad intentions!" After hearing Qin Rulan's explanation, Qin Xinru lectured Qin Rulan, and then

He looked at Zhang Xiaopou and asked coldly: "If you have the ability, take out the treasure and have a look."

Zhang Xiaozu wanted to turn around and leave, but when he thought that the war was about to begin, he needed a large amount of pills to support him. The pills the three of them searched for in Li's house were almost exhausted and they needed to be replenished. He held back a breath and sneered at Qin Xinru:

"You woman, with your head raised as high as the sky, when will you put down your hypocritical dignity and look at others? If you want to see it, why not show it to you?"

As he spoke, Zhang Xiaozu took off the jade pendant from his waist, threw it to Qin Xinru, and reminded: "Just hold it in your hand for a moment."

Qin Xinru wanted to retaliate against Zhang Xiaopou, but felt powerless.

Things are different now. Zhang Xiaozhu's cultivation level is much higher than hers, and his status as a Sanqingguan disciple is also nobler than her current status as the eldest lady of the Qin family who is about to decline. Although it is very difficult to accept, she has to admit that,

Zhang Xiaozu is already stronger than her.

"Ah!" Qin Rulan was so frightened by Zhang Xiaopou's casual movement that she screamed, fearing that the jade pendant would fall to the ground and break into pieces.

Qin Xinru was also frightened so much that her heart pounded, and she hurriedly reached out to catch the jade pendant. But after catching it, she couldn't help but became furious, thinking that Zhang Xiaozu was playing tricks on her. Because if this jade pendant was a treasure that could nourish the soul, how could Zhang Xiaozu hang it casually?

It's even more impossible to throw it around casually when it's on your body.

So as soon as she took the jade pendant in her hand, she immediately raised her hand to throw it away.

"Sister!" Qin Rulan grabbed Qin Xinru's arm and said, "You can't trust him even once? It's just a few breaths. Isn't the safety of the great elder not worth this time?"

There was no need for Qin Rulan to persuade her, because Qin Xinru had already felt the nourishing effect of the jade pendant on the soul. Her eyes were getting bigger and bigger, her mouth was getting longer and bigger, with an extremely shocked expression on her face, and her hand holding the jade pendant was shaking uncontrollably.

stand up.

"You - how much do you want?" After a while, Qin Xinrufang recovered from the shock, and the hand holding the jade pendant was pinned behind her back, and asked Zhang Xiaozu: "How much do you want?"

"Give me back the jade pendant first." Zhang Xiaopou waved to Qin Xinru.

"Tell me, how much do you want?" Qin Xinru ignored Zhang Xiaozu's words and asked again, with no intention of returning the jade pendant.

"I don't want to talk to you, I only want to talk to the elder of your mansion. Give me back the jade pendant!" Zhang Xiaozhu asked for the jade pendant again, his tone becoming colder.

This chapter has been completed!
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