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Chapter three hundred and forty-eight

 The defeat was like a mountain falling.

With the fall of the frontal battlefield, Daya's army was defeated across the board, and the remaining defeated soldiers scattered like headless flies.

Dayu's army launched a full-scale pursuit and refused to let go of any of them, nor did they take any prisoners. Only by cutting off the heads of all the Dayu dogs could they relieve their hatred and comfort the millions of Yu's souls who died tragically under the butcher's knife of Dayu dogs.

Therefore, the battle continued until noon on the second day before it slowly came to an end. Almost all of the Daya army were killed, and only a few managed to escape.

At this point, the threat posed by the Daya Army to the hinterland of the southern border was finally lifted.

Decades of business planning ended in failure, and nearly two million people never came back.

What is not known to everyone is that more than two million Dayang troops died tragically in the Black Forest, including nearly a hundred star powers.

If this huge force had not been lost in the Black Forest, Baiyun City would have been overwhelmingly captured. Yancheng was isolated and helpless, and was surrounded by enemies from both sides and would not be able to withstand the fierce attack of an additional two million troops.

Yancheng fell, and the situation in the southern border was unimaginable.

The Black Forest allowed Daya's army to cross Yancheng and penetrate into the hinterland of Dayu's southern border, giving Daya's army a rare opportunity to invade Dayu. However, it was also the Black Forest that gave Daya's army a thunderous blow, making its invasion plan come to nothing.

It can be said that there is a black forest in success and a black forest in failure.

The Black Forest is a forbidden area, not just for fun.

If the resources in the Black Forest were not so rich, how could Dayu not develop and utilize them?

"Brother, do you know Zhang Xiaopou?"

"do not know."

"Do you know Zhang Xiaozu? Do you know where he went?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

When the war stopped, the whole army was looking for Zhang Xiaopou. Zhang Xiaopou's name spread all over the country and he became a celebrity in the army. However, few people knew who Zhang Xiaopou was and why they were looking for him.

The head coach of Yancheng was poisoned by corpse poison, and his life or death was uncertain. He might cause trouble if he told it, so Xiao Chong did not tell too many people about it.

"Madam, have you found Zhang Xiaopou?!" Xiao Chong asked anxiously Wan Qiuqing, who went to look for Zhang Xiaopou when he returned.

Wan Qiuqing's armor was stained with blood, his face was stained with blood, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

But no one would laugh at her, because hundreds of thousands of people in the entire army looked the same embarrassed way.

"No." Wan Qiuqing shook his head at Xiao Chong and said, "Zhang Xiaopeng was taken away by an old general. He said he was going to a secluded place to practice. No one knows where he went. But don't worry, the prince has joined

Send people to look for them, I believe they will be found soon."

"Where did the old general come from? What kind of trouble did he cause?!" Xiao Chong complained angrily, "If General Qiu has any shortcomings, he will be fully responsible!"

Xiao Chong was pacing back and forth in a hurry, filled with resentment and nowhere to vent his anger.

"Old General Qiu is a lucky man. Everything will be fine. Furthermore, with General Qiu's cultivation, it won't be a problem to persist for ten days and a half. We will definitely be able to find Zhang Xiaopeng after such a long time." Wan Qiuqing comforted him.

"I hope so." Xiao Chong said with a helpless smile.

The corpse poison was rampant in Yancheng City. For safety reasons, the army set up camp ten miles away from the ten northern cities.

The Tianlangshan Iron Cavalry also camped outside the city, keeping a safe distance from Su Hanju's army. After all, they were thieves and Su Hanju was a soldier. There was no guarantee that Su Hanju would turn his back on them. After killing Daya's army, he came to suppress the bandits.

Then they don't have anywhere to cry, so it's better to be careful.

"Sir, what are you doing in Yancheng?" In Su Hanju's camp, a man of great skill in literature and martial arts was brave enough to be invited as a guest without even bringing any of his subordinates.

Wen Buwu took a sip of wine and ate some food, and then replied casually, "It's not because you are useless. The Daya Army can't solve it, and the rebels can't solve it, so that Yancheng is in danger and our boss is in danger."

, the wolf cubs were worried and came here to take the boss back home."

"Why did Wu Zhiqiu come to Yancheng?" Su Hanju narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and two rays of light flashed out.

Wen Buwu filled up his glass, raised his eyelids and looked at Su Hanju, saying

"The common people have no way to survive, and it's time to do something for heaven. Your Su family seems to have forgotten how the Wei Dynasty fell."

He said such treacherous words without any scruples, and he did so in front of the prince of the Su family.

Su Hanju was not angry, but said, "The natural disaster is raging and cannot be resisted by human beings."

"The natural disaster is true, but it does not become an excuse for your inaction. Since you do not act, don't blame us for doing it for you." Wen Buwu sneered.

Su Hanju did not answer his words and asked instead, "The crisis in Yancheng has been resolved. Why haven't you taken your boss back home? What are you doing here?"

"Lao Donkey was tricked by your people into working as a thug. The boss wants to wait for him for a few more days. What? It's just a hundred thousand cavalry. You have an army of hundreds of thousands, why are you afraid of us?" Wen Buwu said with a smile.


Su Hanju's eyes darkened and he said, "One hundred thousand cavalry are as powerful as my army of hundreds of thousands. They are like tigers sleeping in front of my bed. Do you think I'm afraid of them?"

Yesterday, he thoroughly experienced the ferocity of Tianlang Mountain's 100,000 cavalry. Everyone was brave and good at fighting. It was no exaggeration to say that one against ten. This made him feel very uneasy. He couldn't help but think about how Tianlang Mountain had trained such ferocious warriors.

What do the troops want?

"If you're afraid, just light some incense. You should be able to sleep more soundly when you go to bed." Wen Buwu picked up the wine bottle and stood up, smiled at Su Hanju, and then walked away.

Su Hanju looked at Wen Buwu's leaving figure. After being silent for a while, he muttered to himself in a low voice, "My eldest brother refused to destroy Tianlang Mountain back then. I hope it won't turn into a tiger breeding problem."

The news of the annihilation of Daya's army reached Yannan and reached the ears of the rebel king Wei Guangfu, who was so angry that he flew into a rage.

"Your Majesty, the situation is over, retreat." Xiahou Hongyuan knelt down in front of Wei Guangfu. Although he felt unwilling to do so, his reason told him that without the Daya Army to contain Yanbei, it would be difficult for them to cause any more damage to Yancheng by themselves.

Threat. If they wait for the Yancheng defenders to clean up the Yanbei battlefield and cooperate with the hundreds of thousands of troops supported by Baiyun City, they will no longer just defend. They will definitely go out of the city to fight. If they withdraw their troops at that time, the losses will be


"Retreat? Are you kidding?!"

However, Wei Guangfu couldn't understand Xiahou Hongyuan's proposal at all. Hearing the word "retreat", he couldn't help laughing angrily and yelled at Xiahou Hongyuan, "We have captured three outer cities and victory is in front of us. You actually want to

Retreat? There is a plague in Yancheng City, and you are going to retreat at this God-given opportunity? Is it because I heard it wrong, or because you, Xiahou Hongyuan, are frightened?"

"His Majesty"

Just as Xiahou Hongyuan wanted to persuade him, he was interrupted by Wei Guangfu, who waved his sleeves and shouted coldly, "No need to say more, I will never retreat. Anyone who dares to say the word 'retreat' again will be punished according to the military law for the crime of beguiling the morale of the army! General"

If you have time, why not think more about how to break the city. Go down."

"I obey!" Xiahou Hongyuan lay on the ground and sighed silently. He knew that Wei Guangfu was blinded by the small victory in front of him, and he might not be able to listen to anything he said at the moment. In this case, just let him go and let him eat.

It is not a bad thing to suffer defeat and suffer.

"Senior, are you serious about what you said?!"

At night, in the study room of the City Lord's Mansion, Qi Wuwei jumped up from his chair and looked at Situ Qing in front of him with a horrified expression. His body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Hey, although I am also grieving and don't want to believe it, the tragedy has happened, and we can only face it with sadness and strength." Situ Qing said sadly with a sad face.

His cheeks were pale and there were many wrinkles on his face, making him look ten or twenty years older than when he first arrived in Yancheng. This was because he was seriously injured and without four or five years of cultivation, his injuries would be difficult to recover from.

"This loss is too heavy." Qi Wuwei fell back into his chair helplessly, with a miserable and sad expression on his face.

Master Tianbaoshan Kongxiang died in battle!

Master Sanqing Guan Tianwu died in battle!

The blind uncle died in battle!

The second master of Tianlang Mountain died in battle!

In order to eliminate the red-haired corpse poison ancient corpse, go

He killed six powerful stars, but only two came back alive. This result was unacceptable to Qi Wuwei.

If Situ Qing, who came back alive, hadn't told him personally, he wouldn't have believed it even to death.

"You should make a decision as soon as possible about the crisis facing Yancheng." Situ Qing frowned and said, "This corpse poison is extremely powerful. Master Kongxiang and Master Tianwu are helpless against it. If you leave it alone, it will spread in Yancheng.

If it spreads, Yancheng will turn into a dead city in just half a month. Fortunately, the corpse poison that broke out in the city is not very toxic, otherwise the situation would have been out of control."

"Senior, please give me some advice." Qi Wuwei rubbed his brows and said in a hoarse voice. He also wanted to control the situation in Yancheng City and prevent the corpse poison from spreading, but without any means to deal with the corpse poison, the situation was simply uncontrollable.

Situ Qing looked solemn and said in a low and solemn voice, "Isolating the source of infection is the only way to control the continued spread of the corpse virus. North Nine City and North Ten City happened to be vacant, so we will place all the people infected by the corpse virus in these two places."

This city. In this way, the corpse poison cannot continue to spread."

"Then what?" Qi Wuwei asked bitterly, "Just watch them tortured to death by corpse poison, or even turn into corpse monsters, and then we burn them to ashes?"

"If there is even the slightest way, I will not make such a move." Situ Qing lamented repeatedly, but his eyes were particularly firm and he said, "We are facing a crisis. I hope the Lord of the City will make a decision soon. Don't wait for the corpse poison to spread throughout the city and then regret it. I


"Senior, there is someone who can save Yancheng!" Qi Wuwei suddenly stood up and shouted.

"You should be talking about Zhang Xiaozu, a disciple of Master Tianwu, right?" Situ Qing seemed to have heard about Zhang Xiaozu's abilities.

"It's Zhang Xiaopeng." Qi Wuwei nodded.

"There are nearly a million infected people in Yancheng. How can he save them by himself? Is he faster to save or infected faster? In addition, when can we find him? If we can't find him in one day, there will be ten more people in Yancheng.

Tens of thousands of infected people will be gone if they can't be found in Yancheng in ten days. Make plans and prepare with both hands." After Situ Qing said this, he turned and left.

Qi Wuwei slumped in his chair again.

At dawn the next day, Qi Wuwei dragged his exhausted body after not sleeping all night, stared with bloodshot eyes, gritted his teeth and gave the order with difficulty.

He didn't dare to bet the whole Yancheng.

We can only do what Situ Qing said and prepare with both hands. First send the infected people to Beijiucheng and Beisheng for isolation.

After giving the order, Yancheng was in chaos.

The uninfected people regarded the infected people as snakes and scorpions, and before the officials came forward, they drove the infected people to Beijiucheng.

The infected screamed in fear, but how could they defeat the overwhelming force?

The disciples of Yaowang Valley persuaded the whole city.

Tell the infected people not to give up on them, but to gather them together for treatment. Encourage the infected people to come forward proactively and not to hide and harm others and themselves.

The uninfected people immediately regarded the disciples of Yaowang Valley as gods, surrounded them and searched them from house to house.

The behavior of the disciples of Yaowang Valley angered the infected, and some people began to curse at the disciples of Yaowang Valley. Some people viciously slandered and said that the plague was brought by the disciples of Yaowang Valley and that the plague was carried in the water they brought from outside the city.

This was originally a vicious slander made by an infected person out of jealousy, but it was picked up by others, and spread from one person to another, and the falsehood turned into true, spreading throughout the city.

For a time, the reputation of the disciples of Yaowang Valley plummeted, and they became a street rat that everyone yelled at.

The disciples of Yaowang Valley hurriedly stood up and clarified that they were not the ones who discovered the water brought from Yanbei, they were only responsible for transporting it. The person who really discovered the source of the water was Zhang Xiaozu, and it was Zhang Xiaozu who caused everyone to be poisoned by corpse poison.

The disciples of Yaowang Valley blamed Zhang Xiaozu, and the people's curses were directed at Zhang Xiaozu.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaopeng was not in the city and could not explain himself. But even if he was in the city, he would probably be unable to defend himself. He could only scold the disciples of Yaowang Valley for being extremely shameless. When he came back from Yanbei to carry water, he was praised by the people in the city, and they enjoyed it with peace of mind.

He praised Zhang Xiaopeng without even mentioning it, but now that there was a problem with the water, he immediately distanced himself from the problem and threw all the big and small pots to Zhang Xiaopou. What if it wasn't shameless?

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