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Chapter 390 The Fright of the Ancient City

 Why is the coffin placed on the ceiling?


Zhang Xiaozu didn't have time to think too much, because the lid of the sarcophagus suddenly opened a gap with a click, which frightened him so much that he suddenly held his breath.

Although it is strange that the sarcophagus fell from the ceiling, it can be explained. It may be that the ceiling is rotten and damaged and cannot bear the weight, and the slight vibration he produced when he walked around the room just happened to be the last straw that crushed the ceiling.

Let the sarcophagus placed on top fall down.

However, the coffin lid suddenly opened without anything touching it, which was horrifying, because there was only one possible explanation for this situation, and that was that there was a living thing in the sarcophagus, which opened the coffin lid inside the sarcophagus.


The coffin lid only paused for a moment before sliding toward the end of the coffin again, making a heartbreaking sound of stone grinding.

Zhang Xiaozu took a deep breath, bravely controlled his mind and looked into the coffin. He was already prepared to see an ancient red-haired corpse.

The coffin lid suddenly opened violently and fell to the hard floor with a bang, throwing up dust all over the floor.


Two huge hands, more than three feet long, stretched out from the sarcophagus and grabbed both sides of the sarcophagus. Then a huge body sat up from the sarcophagus.

This is not an ancient red-haired corpse, but the terrifying feeling it gives Zhang Xiaozhu is no less than that of an ancient red-haired corpse. Its whole body is covered with a layer of shiny black scales, some scales are as big as the palm of your hand, and some are only as big as a fingernail.

, were densely covered all over the body, looking like snake skin, and Zhang Xiaopou couldn't help but break out in goosebumps.

It had no breathing or heartbeat, and there was no sound of blood flowing in its body. Zhang Xiaozu could only hear a faint rustling sound coming from its body, and it felt like countless ants were crawling inside its body.

Zhang Xiaozhu held his breath, moved his steps gently, and retreated towards the courtyard door. He felt that he was probably no match for this ancient corpse, and he suddenly had the intention to retreat, and was ready to retreat quietly to find Taoist Tianwu to discuss countermeasures.

He suddenly began to panic, his heart was beating suddenly, and his eyelids were beating non-stop. Fear was quickly sweeping through his body, because he suddenly realized that his group was likely to be deceived by the appearance of this silent ancient city.

, although it has been buried underground for nearly a thousand years and submerged by underground rivers for nearly a thousand years, it is not a dead city. It is most likely full of dangers.

He felt that he must gather everyone as soon as possible and leave this place.

Bang! Bang!

As Zhang Xiaozu tiptoed back towards the courtyard door, secretly glad that he had not been discovered by the ancient corpse, the sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly sounded in the two rooms on his right.

The two sudden loud noises were like two thunderbolts hitting Zhang Xiaozu's heart, almost frightening his heartbeat. The huge shock caused his hands, feet and body to freeze for a short time.

The ancient corpse sitting in the coffin in the main hall, with its back to the door, was startled by the loud noise, and turned its head to look outside the door. Its head did not turn half sideways, but turned completely to face directly behind.


It made a snapping sound when its neck turned. Zhang Xiaozu thought that it turned its head too hard and broke its neck. Otherwise, how could its head turn completely around? But it was obvious that he was overthinking.

"Fuck you, uncle!" After his body stiffened briefly, Zhang Xiaozu yelled, turned around and ran away.

The moment he turned around, the ancient corpse's eyes covered with scales opened, revealing two black and white eyeballs. In the middle of the eyeballs were two vertical pupils as black as ink.

The strange thing is that the ancient corpse did not get up to chase Zhang Xiaozu, but just sat motionless in the coffin, watching Zhang Xiaozu escape from the courtyard without any expression on his face.

"Master, Master, Master—" Zhang Xiaozhu escaped from the small courtyard and rushed to the main hall of the mansion while anxiously calling to Taoist Tianwu.

But he shouted for a long time, and all he got in response was an empty echo.

Just when he ran to the door of the main hall and was about to step into the main hall, the ceiling of the main hall suddenly cracked.

Zhang Xiaozu suddenly stopped when he heard this unusual sound.


The next moment, a huge sarcophagus cracked the ceiling and fell in the middle of the lobby, splattering dust ten feet high.

Zhang Xiaozu stood at the door of the main hall, looking at the huge sarcophagus that had fallen down, and his pupils trembled suddenly.

This sarcophagus is almost five feet long.

He remembered that when Butcher Zhang introduced the ancient corpse in the tomb, he once said that the higher the cultivation level of the ancient immortals, the bigger their bodies would be. At a height of two feet and five feet, their cultivation level was probably equal to that of today's half-step saint. If it were based on

Using this as a reference, how terrifying was the ancient corpse lying in the five-foot-long sarcophagus in front of us?


Zhang Xiaozu felt that if the man in the sarcophagus came to life, just one look would be enough to kill him. This terrifying thought made him swallow involuntarily.


The lid of the sarcophagus suddenly shook.

Zhang Xiaozu turned around and ran without thinking, bypassing the main hall and running towards the back. He guessed that Master Tianwu might have already searched the main hall and went to the back.

The main hall occupies a huge area. I don't know how many rooms are connected in total. His subtle state of mind cannot even cover half of the area.

Zhang Xiaozu walked around the main hall to the back and looked at seven or eight side courtyards. The ground was very clean and there were no footprints of Taoist Tianwu.



Zhang Xiaozu called anxiously, sweating profusely, but he never heard Taoist Tianwu's response.


Suddenly there was a continuous sharp buzzing sound in the sky, and the sound penetrated Zhang Xiaozu's ears and poured into his mind.

"Ah——" Zhang Xiaozu covered his ears with his hands and couldn't help but scream. It felt like not only his eardrums were being torn apart by the continuous sharp buzzing sound, but also his soul and soul were being violently torn apart by it.


The voice became faster and sharper.

Bang bang bang——

The pain was unbearable for Zhang Xiaozhu. He clasped his scalp with the fingers of his hands and banged his forehead against the hard bluestone floor. After a few blows, blood flowed from his forehead.

He experienced the pain of having his soul injured, and finally understood why Jin Zhihui and others couldn't help but want to commit suicide when their souls were burned after being possessed by his ghost charm, because this kind of pain was really unbearable.

At this moment, he couldn't help but want to commit suicide.

The power of the three colors swirled around the whole body, and the power of the ghost eyes was also exerted, but it had no effect at all. The buzzing sound was like a magic sound, which could penetrate all obstacles.


Zhang Xiaozu screamed and raised his head, wondering what was in the sky and how could it make such a terrible sound?

Then he saw a figure swirling with the power of stars.

This figure is hanging hundreds of feet in the sky, holding a purple sword in both hands. The power of the stars is surging in his arms, and he is pulling the sword out of the void bit by bit.

"It's Wen Buwu!" Zhang Xiaozhu's gaze couldn't penetrate the power of the stars, so he couldn't see the figure's face, but through the silhouette of the figure, he judged that this person should be Wen Buwu.

He didn't know what Wen Buwu was doing, but his intuition told him that Wen Buwu was doing something very dangerous.

"Stop it!" Zhang Xiaopou raised his head and roared, wanting to stop Wen Wuwu.

(Thank you to Yaodao and Zoumakanhan for their monthly ticket support, and thank you to xiexiejiayi for your monthly ticket support)

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