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Chapter 402: Monster Beasts Block the Door

 You, Yaowanggu, as the leader of the southern sects, actually united many sect forces to encircle and suppress the imperial generals, and even dispatched the powerful stars to kill the three of them. May I ask what Yaowanggu’s intentions are?!

Do you think the three of them killed too many big-toothed dogs, or do you think they killed too many rebels?!

Do you want to avenge Big Tooth Dog, or do you want to avenge the rebels?!

What dissatisfaction do you have with the Imperial people?!

Are you living a comfortable life under the protection of the empire, and don’t know how much you weigh?!

Do you need the Imperial Cavalry to weigh you?!"

Qiu Zhan was filled with anger and became more and more angry as he spoke. His beard and hair were spread out, and every word he spoke was like thunder. After asking questions, the faces of the disciples of Yaowang Valley turned pale, their hearts beat with fear, and they did not dare to take a breath.

All the sects who had good relations with Yaowang Valley also lost their voices in an instant, and the pros and cons were clearly distinguished.

No one dared to say anything, because Qiu Zhan's series of questions could be said to be heart-breaking, and directly established Yaowang Valley as the enemy of the empire. Anyone who said the wrong word would be charged with treason.

Especially the last question, do I need to weigh the imperial cavalry?

The hearts of the older generation, such as Situ Qing, Min Qimai and Baili Zhangyang, were heard. The younger generation may not know it, but they remember it vividly and will never forget those days of turmoil and fear.

At that time, there were tens of thousands of sect gangs in the southern border, and they were spread all over the country. As a result, there were only more than 300 left by the imperial cavalry led by Butcher Zhang. If Butcher Zhang hadn't been forced to go to the northern border, there might not have been a few left in the end.

At present, all sects and sects have finally breathed a sigh of relief. If it happens again, I am afraid that this breath will never be relieved again. And if it really happens again, places like Yaowang Valley, Feixian Sect, Yangshen Temple, Tianbaoshan,

The sects such as Piaomiao Palace and other sects that survived the disaster last time will definitely bear the brunt.

It's not because they are powerful and need to be targeted, but because their family has a lot of money and wealth, and you can make a fortune by destroying them.

They knew Su Hanlin's behavior very well. He was a bandit who was addicted to robbing families and homes.

The scene fell into silence again, with only the roaring roars of wild beasts coming from the distance.

Situ Qing's face turned pale. He opened his mouth to say something to Qiu Zhan, but was interrupted by a roar like thunder.

"General Qiu, please calm down." The fairy from Piaomiao Palace was the first to break the silence, first urging Qiu Zhan to calm down, and then changed the subject and said in a solemn tone: "The monsters are attacking from three sides, intending to drive us in this direction.

I'm afraid it's going to be detrimental to us. General Qiu has a great reputation for commanding the three armies, and we all admire and admire him. At present, only the general can make us twist our strength into a rope. Please raise your arms and shout, lead us to resist the coming attack.


"The fairy is so complimentary. I, the general, am not strong enough." Qiu Zhan bowed his hands to the Fairy of Piaomiao Palace and rejected her request. He looked at Situ Qing and said, "General, I will write down these two accounts for the time being. I hope that Yaowang Valley can be restored as soon as possible after leaving here."

Give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise we will fight against each other and the general will see the outcome on the battlefield. Bring your men and let's go."

After speaking, he walked towards Niu Dawa, frowned and scolded: "Boy, you are too impulsive. Being possessed is not a joke, and there is no turning back."

"Thank you, General, for upholding justice for us!" Niu Dawa bowed and thanked him, then shook his head and said with a smile: "This boy did not act impulsively, but made a decision after careful consideration. It is really a sin to cause the old general to worry."

"It's a good seedling, what a pity." Qiu Zhan shook his head in regret.

Niu Dawa has become a demon, and there is no way back in this life, so no matter whether he has a good nature or not, he will never be able to get rid of the word "demon cultivator" in this life, and it is impossible for the army to have a demon cultivator, so Qiu Zhan feels sorry for it and feels

Missed a great general.

Niu Dawa bowed to Qiu Zhan and said sincerely: "If the general is called in the future, Niu Guangmao will definitely come when called. I am willing to charge into battle for the general in this life!"

"Good boy, I saw you right, general." Qiu Zhan happily patted Niu Dawa on the shoulder and asked, "How is the injury? Can you walk on your own?"

"A little injury has healed." Niu Dawa replied.

Among the three, he was the least injured, and after taking the elixir, he was no longer seriously injured.

Zhou Jianlai was invaded by Situ Qing's sword energy, and Yuan Taiping was slapped by Situ Qing. Several bones were broken, and their internal organs were damaged. Both of them were seriously injured. Although they took the elixir and woke up from coma, they were still in a coma for a short time.

I can't even move on my own.

Xiao Chong ordered people to get two simple stretchers to lift the two of them.

Qiu Zhan continued to advance with three thousand kills.

Piaomiao Palace, Feixian Sect and other sects followed closely behind. Although Yaowang Valley and other sects did not follow closely, they did not go far.

The monster beast has approached from the distant sky to a hundred miles away. Listening to the roar of the beast getting closer and closer, everyone's heart can't help but feel nervous and urgent.

"Why didn't you come to us when something happened to you two? Can't we even believe it? The old general heard that you two were being hunted by people from the sect. He was always worried and sent people to look for you. Unfortunately, he never found you."

On the way, Qi Yoyo frowned and scolded Niu Dawa and Zhou Jianlai.

When the treasure was discovered in the sky, she was handing over things in the military camp. Seeing Qiu Zhan gathering his troops, she followed him.

Qi Yoyo is wearing a silver helmet and armor, and she is quite heroic with her tall figure. And after the baptism of this war, her childishness has been completely shed, and her mature temperament shows her feminine charm.

It's just that there is no longer any feminine delicacy in her body. Instead, she has the resoluteness of a soldier and the domineering arrogance of commanding an army. Although she has a different kind of beauty, Niu Dawa and Zhou Jianlai can't help but feel proud of Zhang.

Xiaopeng is worried about his future family living situation.

When a young pawn meets a female general, he may never be able to turn around in his life.

Oh, how pitiful!

While observing Qi Yoyo's changes, the two of them mourned for Zhang Xiaozu in their hearts.

Faced with Qi Yoyo's strong questioning, Niu Dawa couldn't help but feel a little shy. He hurriedly put on a smile and replied: "We didn't know you were here, otherwise we would have run away to join you. We have been here for the past few days.

We are cultivating deep in the mountains, isolated from the outside world, so we don’t know that you are looking for us. Come, let me introduce to you, this is——"

"Don't change the subject." Qi Yoyo Feng glared and asked: "Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? What's wrong with you? You've become a demon. How do you tell the pawn when you see him?"

Niu Dawa scratched his head and said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that there is a little more black energy in my body. Besides, I am originally a demon cultivator, and my identity as multiple demon cultivators has no effect. Don't worry, I am possessed by demons, not my mind.


"I'm afraid you won't be able to make the decision then." Qi Yoyo said worriedly.

"Even if you are obsessed with evil, you will always be the second-in-command of half of my bandits and our brother in life and death." Zhou Jianlai said.

"Haha, I love hearing that." Niu Dawa laughed happily.

Seeing Niu Dawa's completely unconcerned look, Qi Yoyo was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but in the end she could only shake her head helplessly. Once she became a demon, she would become a demon for life, and there was no way to resolve it.

Running all the way forward, the further they go, the more frightened, uneasy and frightened they become, because the road leading to the front is getting narrower and narrower, and there are terrible spatial turbulences blocking the roads on both sides. What lies in front of them is

Like a triangle, and they are drilling into the corners of the triangle.

Although they were frightened, uneasy, and fearful, and even though they knew that there must be danger waiting for them ahead, they did not dare to stop for a moment, because the monster was approaching dozens of miles behind them.

There are many people who are smart enough to hide in caves or underground and other hidden places, trying to escape the encirclement and suppression of monsters, but all of them are found and killed by monsters.

There was even a star power who was chased out of the ground by a group of house-sized ants deep underground. He flew into the sky and tried to escape, but was torn apart by the claws of a goshawk with a wingspan of dozens of feet.

Stopping would lead to a dead end, so I had no choice but to run forward.

After running wildly for more than two hours, the team entered a wide canyon and stopped.

The canyon has always been a dangerous place for military strategists, but Qiu Zhan would not choose to enter the canyon if there were other options.

When they entered the canyon, tens of thousands of people had already gathered in the canyon, including families, sects, and casual cultivators.

There were noisy shouts, curses, yells and screams, fights and fights, it was more chaotic than a wet market.

Xiao Chong was ordered to inquire about the news, and learned that there were two huge stone gates in front of the canyon, more than fifty feet wide and nearly one hundred feet high, blocking the way, and the cliffs on both sides of the canyon were also blocked by space turbulence. The only way to continue moving forward was

One way is to break open the huge stone door.

But the more than 10,000 people in the canyon have already tried, and even their strongest efforts could not make the huge stone gate move an inch, or even make the stone gate tremble.

Seeing that the monsters were about to catch up, Qiu Zhan had no choice but to raise his arms and shout, summoning all the star powers in the valley and masters above the sixth level of heaven to gather the strongest power in the valley, hoping to push open the stone door.

However, the result was suffocating and despairing, and the stone door remained untouched.

"Get ready to fight!" Qiu Zhan returned with a group of disappointed soldiers, and then issued a battle order because the monster had already approached ten miles away.

The canyon was already in chaos, and everyone was squeezing in in panic. Some people with low cultivation levels were even pushed to the ground, and then trampled to death.

Qiu Zhan did not lead his soldiers to squeeze in, because there were already people inside. Once the monsters rushed in, the people inside would not even have room to fight, and they might die faster than those outside. He just moved the formation closer

Tuck in the side cliffs and prepare to fight with your back against the cliff.



The distance of ten miles is hardly a distance to these huge and powerful monsters, and they are right in front of them in the blink of an eye.

There were monster beasts running on the ground and flying in the sky. They were so excited that they seemed to have smelled the smell of meat. They rushed into the canyon with their mouths wide open.

The cultivators in the canyon all looked pale, fearful and desperate, trembling and waiting for death to come.

Bang bang bang——

However, when they were most desperate, they suddenly saw hope again.

A light blue light curtain suddenly lit up at the mouth of the canyon, and the monsters hit the light screen hard, smashing their bodies to pieces, and some even broke their heads.

Just when they didn't know why, an emotionless and hollow voice suddenly sounded in the canyon: "When the land of the canyon is dyed red with blood, the stone door leading to the way to life will open. After one stick of incense, the restriction at the mouth of the valley will be lifted automatically."

The noisy canyon suddenly fell into deathly silence.

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