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Chapter 428 The monk steals meat to eat

 After Zhang Xiaozu made it clear that he would not leave Yancheng in a short time, many members of the sect left one after another. Some people enthusiastically invited Zhang Xiaozu to visit their sect, but Zhang Xiaozu refused without hesitation.

No one acted cruelly, threatened or forced Zhang Xiaozu to do anything, because the jade pendant hanging on the door panel of the courtyard door clearly told them that there were people in the courtyard that they could not afford to offend.

"Are you guys planning to stay for lunch? If so, I'll ask the kitchen to prepare more food." Seeing that Ruan Xinyuan and others didn't seem to have any intention of leaving, Zhang Xiaozhu asked half-jokingly.

Ruan Xinyuan laughed when he heard this and said, "Brother Zhang, you are chasing guests away. When a friend comes to visit, you don't even bother to have lunch. You are too stingy and unfriendly."

"Isn't it because the kitchen has prepared your meals but you don't stay to eat them, which is a waste of food." Zhang Xiaozu said with a smile.

"You have an appetite that even a pig would be ashamed of. Will your cook be worried about the leftovers? I'm afraid he's just worried about not having enough." Baili Jingsheng said scornfully. He especially remembered the first time he had a drink at Juxian Restaurant

, he asked Zhang Xiaozu to compete, and Zhang Xiaozu actually slapped the table to compete with him to see who could eat more. Baili Jingsheng had never been shy in front of outsiders in his whole life. It was the first time, so he was always worried about it.

Zhang Xiaozhu has a pig-like appetite and is worried about it.

"" Zhang Xiaozu was speechless.

Ruan Xinyuan said, "Brother Zhang, you were not present at the last reunion at Juxian Tower. Let's make up for it at noon today and have a good drink."

"No, no, no, no, I don't have time to drink and have fun with you." Zhang Xiaozu waved his hands repeatedly.

"Brother Zhang, do you have anything else to do this afternoon?" Ruan Xinyuan asked smoothly.

"The house at home is in ruins. How can we just leave it like this?" Zhang Xiaozhu responded, "I have agreed in advance that lunch cannot be free. After dinner, I will be given rough work clothes to help me."

Clean up the broken bricks and tiles from the first row of courtyard walls, dig out the damaged foundations and rebuild them again, and try to build the first row of courtyard walls tomorrow."

"" Ruan Xinyuan and the others were dumbfounded when they heard this. "Are you crazy? Just pay some money for these menial and cheap jobs and send your servants to hire some day laborers to do them. There are specialties in the industry, and day laborers can do it better than you."

If I can do it faster and do it better than you, why not? There is time to dig holes in the ground, wouldn’t it be nice for us to have a drink and chat?”

Zhang Xiaozhu suddenly calmed down his expression, looked at the people seriously and asked, "Have you ever lived in the house you built? Don't you feel regretful that you have never lived in the house you built?"

"No, not at all!" Several people shook their heads in unison without thinking, and couldn't help but curse in their hearts, "What kind of bullshit is this? There are so many things that people don't like to do or can't do in their lives, so it's hard to imagine that they have to do it next to each other."

Do you regret it again? If so, it would be better to just die."

Baili Jingsheng curled his lips and said, "Fortunately, you are not the emperor. Otherwise, wouldn't you have to build a palace by yourself?"

Ruan Xinyuan waved his hand and said, "As the saying goes, the hands of those who are fond of others are short of the mouth, and the mouth of those who eat them is short of mouth. I am afraid that I will not be able to enjoy this lunch, otherwise I may be arrested by someone after eating the food and wine. Let's go."

Baili Jingsheng and others imagined in their minds the scene of being commanded by Zhang Xiaopou to dig holes. They couldn't help but feel a chill. They quickly got up and left, as if running away.

Zhang Xiaozu sent the people out of the door with a face full of disappointment. He shook his head as he looked at the people leaving and said dissatisfiedly, "These disciples of the sect are so realistic. It's useless for me to say so passionately. They actually don't care at all."

If I had known earlier, I would have discussed it after dinner. What a pity!"

Ruan Xinyuan and others who had not gone far could not help but get angry when they heard Zhang Xiaozhu's complaints. They thought that this black guy was actually uneasy and well-intentioned. Fortunately, he could slip away quickly with oil on his soles.

Niu Dawa held a large black porcelain bowl in her hand. A bowl of white rice was flattened in the bowl, and then poured with fragrant gravy. Two large spoons of meat and vegetables were placed on the rice. She came out of the kitchen and looked for some.

In the shade under the wall, I squatted down with my back against the wall, buried my face in the black porcelain bowl, and ate deliciously.

Not far away, Jin Zhihui stared blankly, wondering what kind of stinky habit this was. Instead of sitting at the table, she squatted against the wall, like a beggar.

But before she had time to be surprised, she saw Zhang Xiaozu coming out of the kitchen with a bowl in his hand, no, a porcelain basin. The porcelain basin contained a pointed bowl of food, facing where Niu Dawa was.

He walked in the shade and yelled, "You idiot, I've picked out all the fat for you. Hurry up and give me two pieces."

"Don't even think about it." Niu Dawa refused.

Then Yuan Taiping also walked out of the kitchen carrying a large porcelain bowl, but when he was about to squat down next to Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa, he was scolded by the two of them and had to walk away in dejection with his rice bowl.

Jin Zhihui frowned again and again. Firstly, she felt that Niu Dawa and Zhang Xiaozu were squatting on the wall to eat, and she couldn't bear to look at them. Secondly, she felt that the two were too overbearing, and they even teamed up to bully and exclude Yuan Taiping, who was disabled.

The other party squatted beside the wall and refused to let me eat.

She even suspected that these two guys deliberately left the dining table unused, and then ran to seize the place where Yuan Taiping usually ate, playing tricks on a disabled person in a malicious way. It was not very humane.

However, under her sympathetic gaze, Yuan Taiping walked into the bamboo hut where he was dining with a sad face and a large porcelain bowl in his hand. He straightened his back and sat down at the dining table.

""Jin Zhihui was stunned, feeling baffled.

You are not allowed to squat at the base of the wall, but you are allowed to sit at the dining table?

What is this operation?

"Fairy, please come in and have a meal." The maid Qiu Ju came over and invited her to have a meal, interrupting Jin Zhihui's messy thoughts.

Following Qiu Ju, Jin Zhihui entered the bamboo house where they were dining, and found that everyone had already sat down at the table, leaving only one empty seat. It seemed that they were waiting for her to start the meal alone. Her cheeks turned slightly red, and she hurriedly stepped forward to look up to the sky.

The martial artist and Butcher Zhang apologized and saluted.

In addition to Taoist Tianwu and Butcher Zhang, there were also Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping at the table, as well as the handsome monk Huixin who was still there like her.

The dishes are rich, both meat and vegetable.

Everyone started to eat with their chopsticks following Butcher Zhang and Taoist Tianwu.

Listening to Zhou Jianlai constantly teaching Yuan Taiping the posture of eating and various rules at the dinner table, Jin Zhihui realized that she had misunderstood Niu Dawa and Zhang Xiaozu. They were not bullying and ostracizing Yuan Taiping, but forcing Yuan Taiping to go to the dinner table and let Yuan Taiping go to the dinner table.

He followed Zhou Jian to learn the etiquette and rules of the upper class.

It's just that she doesn't understand why Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa are not captured and taught. These two guys squatting on the wall are also in urgent need of training.

She couldn't help but wanted to ask, but out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw Monk Huixin sitting on her right hand quickly picking up a piece of fat meat and putting it into his mouth, then chewing and swallowing it quickly with the rice, his handsome and white face

There was a happy expression on his face, and a proud smile on his slightly raised lips, as if he was content that no one noticed his little move.

Jin Zhihui threw the question out of her mind, tilted her head and stared at Monk Huixin in surprise.

Monk Huixin seemed to feel Jin Zhihui's gaze and hurriedly buried his head in his rice bowl, pretending to eat seriously.

"Monk, have you eaten meat?" Jin Zhihui couldn't help but break the silence and asked.

"Amitabha, please don't lie, the female donor." Monk Huixin suddenly raised his head and looked at Jin Zhihui seriously.

"Uh" Jin Zhihui was frightened by Monk Huixin's serious expression and wondered if she had seen it wrong. However, she found that the roots of Monk Huixin's ears were red. She rolled her eyes and shouted suddenly, "Monk, the corners of your mouth are still dirty."

Where’s the gravy?”

Huixin was so excited by her drink that she hurriedly raised her sleeves to wipe the corners of her mouth, but she heard Jin Zhihui giggle and say, "Monk, I'm trying to fool you, but your actions have betrayed you, you really eat meat!"

"Amitabha, it's your fault. Don't play tricks on the young monk. Donors, please be patient. The young monk will go find his senior brother to discuss the Dharma." The young monk stood up and saluted everyone at the table, then picked up his rice bowl and ran towards the door as if running away.

Run away.

"" Jin Zhihui's eyes twitched, she looked at everyone at the table, and defended herself, "He really ate meat, I saw it with my own eyes."

Butcher Zhang chuckled and said, "When you are growing, you have to eat a few pieces of meat to replenish your body."

"The bald donkey is the most hypocritical." Taoist Tianwu sneered.

Jin Zhihui's eyes fell on Zhou Jianlai, wanting to hear his opinion on Monk Huixin eating meat, but Zhou Jianlai laughed and asked, "Don't you want to know who the senior brother of Monk Huixin is?"

"Who is it?" Jin Zhihui asked smoothly.

"His senior brother's lay name is Niu Guangmao, his courtesy name is Letian, and his Buddhist name is Huise." Zhou Jianlai said with a smile.

"Ahem, cough, cough." Jin Zhihui suddenly choked on her own saliva when she heard this. She coughed and laughed sweetly, but her smiling expression gradually became stiff. She stood up suddenly and said in surprise, "Niu Dawa has become a monk."


hanzuzhantian0. (https:)

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