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Four hundred and seventieth chapters see blood




In the northern border of Daya Kingdom, on the Goshawk Ancient Road, a man in white is galloping on his horse.

The man came from the north and was heading south.

His sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, his facial features are as sharp as a sword. Not only is he young and handsome, but he is also resolute and powerful. You can tell at a glance that he is an extraordinary person.

The white horse under its crotch is also extraordinary and handsome. It can gallop more than ten feet at a time, as if it has invisible wings on its ribs. It is as fast as the wind and as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it is already a hundred feet away.

White clothes and white horses, silver spears like dragons, extraordinary momentum, unparalleled bravery, so majestic.


In his entire life, Li Haotian has never been so eager to meet someone, a woman who has planted a seed in his heart at some point.

This seed quietly took root and sprouted in his heart, and finally suddenly grew into a towering tree, catching him off guard.

The worry about gains and losses in his heart, his desperate impulse and his uncontrollable violent heartbeat made Li Haotian's heart ripples.

He suddenly felt enlightened, this is what love feels like.

He wanted to see the woman and ask her if she would be his Li Haotian's woman.

If she nods, he will take her back to Dayu.

If she shakes her head, he will cut down the towering tree in his heart, turn around and leave, forgetting about each other and never seeing each other again.

The woman was in her twenties, her name was Wanyan Keke, and she was the granddaughter of Wanyan Lie, King of Northern Plains of Daya Kingdom. Her appearance was average to above average, not beautiful by any means, but she was attractive.

Blonde and blue-eyed, she has an exotic beauty that the women of Dayu did not have.

She inherited some of the fierceness of King Wanyan Lie of Beiyuan. She mounted her horse to charge and dismounted to form a formation. Her appearance was heroic and heroic, not inferior to that of a man.

When Li Haotian was training at the border, he faced her dozens of times on the battlefield, each with his own victory or defeat.

It was then that the seeds were planted.

One month ago, King Wanyanlie of Beiyuan died of illness.

Wanyan Keke's father, Wanyan Tuoba, was supposed to inherit the title, but Emperor Daya chose to remain silent and did not issue the imperial edict for a long time.

Then a secret report from the clan came from the capital of Daya, saying that Emperor Daya had the intention to deprive the Wanyan family of their title because he suspected that the Wanyan family had an affair with the Mu family of Guanbei and had the intention of treason.

After hearing the news, Wanyan Tuoba was shocked and wrote a memorial all night to express his loyalty.

However, dozens of memorials in a row were all like nothing. Not only did there not be any response from the imperial capital, but the material supplies to the Wanyan family were also cut off.

The Wanyan family originally held an army of two million in the north, but they suffered successive defeats in the war against Dayu, suffering a heavy loss of 1.2 million, and depleting their own reserves of grain and grass supplies. Now the war is gradually coming to an end, and the whole family is completely destroyed. The Yan family only has an army of 800,000 people waiting to be fed.

The material supplies promised by the empire during the war never arrived in full.

The 800,000-strong army was so hungry that they ate dirt.

But he really lost the battle and chilled the hearts of the soldiers.

Wanyan Tuoba had no choice but to set out for Beijing, hoping to provide food for the 800,000 soldiers, but he was attacked and killed on the way.

The few clues left at the scene of the murder lead directly to the imperial capital.

His younger brother Wanyan Yongnan was so angry that he proclaimed himself King of Beiyuan and asked Mubu, King of Guanbei, for help. He expressed that the Wanyan family was willing to form an alliance with the Mu family to advance and retreat together, and hoped that the Mu family would lend a helping hand.

The king of Guanbei, Mubu, immediately sent fifty carts of supplies.

Fifty vehicles sounds like a lot, but for an army of 800,000 people, it's not even enough to cram into one's teeth.

The Wanyan family knew that the Mu family was waiting for them to express their loyalty.

Wanyan Yongnan led a hungry army of 300,000 people, attacked Taihui City for 500 miles at night, beheaded the three uncles of Emperor Daya, and expressed his willingness to marry with the Mu family.

The Mu family immediately sent a thousand carts of supplies.

The Wanyan family finally solved their urgent need.

But the marriage was in trouble because the Mu family said that Mu Bu's youngest son Mu Yingzong had not yet married his wife and wanted to marry Wanyan Keke, the surviving daughter of Wanyan Tuoba.

Everyone in the northern part of Daya knows that Mu Bu's youngest son Mu Yingzong was born with a brain disability, and he is a cripple who is half crazy and half stupid.

If Wanyan Keke marries Mu Yingzong, she will be really disrespectful.

But Wanyan Keke agreed immediately.

Just because King Mubu of Guanbei promised that when the army breaks through the imperial capital and captures Emperor Daya, she is allowed to kill the enemy with her own hands.

This is actually the step that King Guanbei gave to the Wanyan family. The reason why he asked Mu Yingzong to marry Wanyan Keke, a talented girl from the Wanyan family, was to tell the Wanyan family that your Wanyan family had no choice but to rely on me. The younger brother of King Bei, you should always keep your position in mind and correct your attitude.

If the Wanyan family agrees to this marriage, it means that they are willing to surrender to the Mu family and be willing to be their younger brother. Otherwise, there is no need to discuss anything.

The Wanyan family had no choice.

Fortunately, Wanyan Keke is sensible and resolutely chooses to sacrifice her own happiness to save Wanyan's family from danger.

Of course, in fact, she only cares about being able to kill the dog emperor and avenge her father.

She felt that it would be best for her to personally lead the troops to attack the imperial capital and capture the Dog Emperor with her own hands, which would best relieve her hatred.

As for marrying a stupid person, you can only accept your fate.

Just pretend that you have never married anyone in your life.

The eighth day of October is an auspicious day.

The Mu family's wedding team arrived at Wanyan's house on time.

At six o'clock in the morning, Wanyan Keke got on the sedan chair.

Fifty carts of dowries were spread out along the street.

Wanyan Keke especially remembers that grandpa Wanyan Lie once patted his chest and said, "When my good granddaughter gets married, grandpa will prepare five hundred carts of dowry for you and ask you to stand tall in your in-laws' house. See if your in-laws dare to bully you even a hair." ?”

But now there are only fifty cars.

Sadly, this mere fifty cars of dowry is almost the entire Wanyan family's property.

The team beat gongs and drums, performed dragon and lion dances, and left the city gate in a lively manner, heading south along the official road to Jingcheng where the Mu family was located.

The journey is long, eight days' journey.

"I heard that your Wanyan family gained an incredible warrior. He once defeated five hundred cavalry with one man and one horse. When he attacked Taihui City, he couldn't even be shot with an octagonal heavy crossbow. Is this true?"

"of course it's true."

"I'm bored, let's talk and listen."

On the night of the third day, the convoy camped in the open air. The guards who were welcoming and seeing off the bride sat together and chatted to relieve their boredom. As they chatted, they talked about a general that the Wanyan family had recently acquired.

"You may not believe it, but my prince paid for this brave warrior with two hot buns."

The topic came to an itch in the escort's heart, so he immediately started talking about it, and continued without the other party asking him.

"The warrior's real name is Zhang Dali. He got this name because of his natural supernatural power. Later, after he was accepted as a general by my prince, he was named Zhang Meng."

"That day, my prince was walking on the street and happened to meet Mr. Zhang who was in trouble. My prince felt that he was extraordinary and felt pity for him, so he asked someone to buy him two hot buns. Mr. Zhang was so grateful that he shed two lines of manly tears on the spot.

After eating the steamed buns in two bites, I knelt down in front of my prince, and I am willing to repay my prince for the gift of rice with all my courage."

"In the battle at Taihui City, Lord Zhang descended to earth like the God of War and made unparalleled achievements."

"Haha." After hearing this, the Mu family guard who welcomed the bride shook his head and laughed, saying, "You can show off your majesty on the battlefield with your natural supernatural power. If you meet someone who has cultivated skills, your natural supernatural power is just a joke. As for dodging the octagonal heavy crossbow."

, is even more nonsense and cannot be believed.”

"More than 200,000 people witnessed it with their own eyes. How can we call it nonsense?" the guard of the Wanyan family glared and said displeasedly.

"Is this Zhang Dali in the wedding party?" The Mu family guard refused to argue and said, "If he is, let him come over and show us his hands. If he is really brave, we will applaud him. That's right.

Yes, is this person here? If he is, ask him to show off his skills, as he is bored." Another Mu family guard urged.

"Lord Zhang will see blood when he uses his sword. How can you see it just when you want?" The Wanyan family guard felt despised by the Mu family guard and couldn't help but sneer at him.

"What do you mean? Do you look down on us?"

"A dog slave dares to act arrogant in front of us. I think you are impatient with life?"

He never thought that the Mu family guard would fall out at once, so he suddenly stood up and yelled at the Yan family guard.

"Damn it, who do you think is a dog slave?!" The Wanyan family guard was not a vegetarian either. He stood up directly on the spot and pushed forward.

These guards are all killers who have come down from the battlefield. Which one has no temper? We are all guards, why do you have to step on me?

"Fuck you!" The Mu family guard punched the Wanyan family guard.

That's really a case of starting things off at the slightest disagreement.

The commotion here quickly attracted the captains of the two families, who shouted loudly and ordered the more than ten people who were in a group to separate.

The captain of the Wanyan family was named Diao Zhengzhen, and was awarded the rank of senior colonel.

The captain of the Mu family is named Yang Tongjin, who also holds the rank of senior colonel.

"What's going on?" Yang Tongjin asked with a cold face. The person who was welcoming the bride was actually fighting with the person who was sending the bride off. If this were to spread to the ears of the family head, all of them would lose their heads.

"We heard," the Mu family guard told the story of the cause and effect.

Yang Tongjin frowned when he heard this and said, "It's just a joke to open everyone's eyes. It's something that happens all the time in the army. Why is it like this?"

"It wouldn't hurt anyone else, but Zhang Meng can't do it. Zhang Meng will see blood when he uses his sword. It is unlucky for us to see blood for this great joy." Diao Zhengzhen said with a smile.

"Hmph, why does drawing a sword necessarily lead to blood? He may not be able to draw a knife in front of me." The Mu family guard snorted coldly.

Yang Tongjin's eyes fell on the Mu family guard, and he couldn't help but smile and said, "I have forgotten that you are also a good swordsman. Why don't you call Zhang Meng, and the two of you can compete and compete with each other to entertain everyone?"

Diao Zhengzhen frowned slightly and said, "Happy events should not be exposed to the sword. It will offend the God of Joy. If the family heads find out, we will definitely be punished. I think we should forget it."

"Brother Diao, as long as it's not a private fight, you don't care." Yang Tongjin smiled and waved his hand, saying, "When my third son got married, he even had a ring set up in the yard. Where is Zhang Meng? Come and see him quickly.

You see, this senior colonel is also very curious. You don’t know that Zhang Meng of yours has already spread the word like a miracle."

"I'm here." A voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

When people hear the sound, people nearby automatically move out of the way.

Yang Tongjin and the Mu family guards all cast curious glances at the speaker. When they saw that the speaker turned out to be just a young boy, they couldn't help but look at each other, and then looked at the Wanyan family guards with doubtful eyes.

Are you asking if someone is impersonating you?

But the adoring expressions of the Wanyan family guards told them that the unattractive young man in front of them was Zhang Meng.

"Do you want to see my sword?" Zhang Meng walked into the arena, walked straight towards the Mu family's sword-wielding guard, and stood still three steps away.

"Are you Zhang Meng?" The Mu family guard looked at the young man in front of him with contempt, and said with a curl of his lips, "How can you be called a warrior? It seems that your Wanyan family really has no one left."

"I am Zhang Meng."

"I heard that you arrogantly said that you will see blood when you draw a sword?"

"You want to see my knife?" Zhang Meng asked again.

"Yes, I want to see it. But I'm afraid you won't be able to pull out the knife in front of me." The Mu family guard smiled.

"Then you should keep an eye on it." Zhang Meng held the scabbard hanging at his waist with his left hand and the handle of the knife with his right hand.

The sound of the word "LE" falls, and the cold knife is unsheathed.

(Thanks to the firewood collector He Zhexiu for his monthly ticket support!)

three cyan

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