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Chapter 512: Fright in the tomb


Niu Dawa rushed into the tomb and fell down, hitting her head on the stone steps at the edge of the tomb so hard that it hurt even to look at it.

Due to the inertia of forward motion, Niu Dawa immediately rolled down the stone steps and fell into the pile of dead bones covering the floor of the tomb chamber.

Zhang Xiaozu's movements were half a beat slower than Niu Dawa's, and he stopped in front of the door. He looked at Niu Dawa in surprise and asked anxiously: "Daw, what's going on?!"

But Niu Dawa seemed to have fainted after falling, and lay motionless among the dead bones.

"Be careful, it's poisonous!" Qi Yoyo hurriedly covered her mouth and nose with her sleeves, thinking that Niu Dawa was poisoned by the poison in the tomb.

In fact, compared to the fishy smell in the corridor, the air wafting out of the tomb is particularly fresh and fragrant, and does not seem poisonous.

The reason why the air is so fragrant is that in the middle of the tomb grows a vine more than two feet high. On the criss-crossing and twisting branches of the vine, hanging black and purple ambergris the size of an adult's fist.


The fragrance is emitted by these ambergris.

The whole tomb chamber has a round top and a bottom, with a length and width of about fifteen feet and a height of six or seven feet.

There are nine thick stone pillars supporting the ceiling, and lifelike snake totems are carved on the stone pillars.

In addition, the four walls of the tomb are also engraved with serpent totems.

There is a stone beast in each of the four corners of the tomb. They are monsters with a snake tail and a human body. They are exactly the same as the monsters lying on Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping.

There is a closed stone door on the left and right sides of the tomb, which should be the door to the two side rooms.

Because several people were concerned about the safety of Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping, although these scenery were surprising, their eyes did not linger on it. They only glanced at Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping, who were lying on the pile of bones in the tomb chamber.

On Yuan Taiping.

"It doesn't look like poison." Taoist Qinglian frowned and said.

As she spoke, she shook the dust in her hand, and the three thousand dust threads were divided into three bundles, and shot towards Niu Dawa, Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping respectively, trying to roll up the three of them and drag them out of the tomb.

The light in front of him suddenly flashed twice, and then his vision fell into darkness.

The power of the stars suspended on the top of the tomb, used to illuminate it, collapsed for some unknown reason.

"Be careful!" Taoist Qinglian exclaimed in the darkness. Her whisk failed to catch Niu Dawa and the other three, and it didn't even touch the corners of their clothes. Chensi collapsed as soon as she entered the tomb.

Zhang Xiaozu was shocked because his vision also fell into darkness, but his subtle state of mind kept unfolding.

The subtle state of mind has lost its effect.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation since he realized the subtle state of mind. How could he not be surprised?

The feeling of panic spread throughout the body uncontrollably.

Zhang Xiaozu immediately turned sideways and grabbed Qi Yoyo's position, trying to drag her to his side, but as soon as he stretched out his hand halfway, a strong force suddenly came from behind and pushed him forward.

He was standing in front of the tomb door, and this push pushed him directly into the tomb.

His hair stood on end for a moment, and he kicked the ground with both feet, trying to jump out, but his legs stared at the ground and suddenly became weak. His body lost its center of gravity and fell onto the stone steps, and rolled down the stone steps with a final click.

Fell into a heap of dry bones.

Although it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything, Zhang Xiaozhu had a very clear picture in his mind, because that was how Niu Dawa fell down just now.

He struggled to get up, but his whole body was so weak that he couldn't even blink his eyelids. Only then did he understand why Niu Dawa stopped moving as soon as he fell.

A strange sound suddenly came to his ears, and Zhang Xiaopou knew it was the sound of heavy objects crawling on dry bones.

The voice gradually got closer and closer to him quickly.

Zhang Xiaozu was so frightened that his scalp exploded. In just a short while, his body was soaked in cold sweat. However, he had no strength at all. Even opening his mouth and shouting "help" was a luxury.

One hand grabbed his hair and dragged his body towards the middle of the tomb.

After walking about twenty steps, he stopped, and then a cold body climbed up his body. Zhang Xiaozu could clearly feel the writhing snake scales.

Two cold, moist hands held both sides of his cheeks, holding his head upright, and then two cold, soft lips pressed on his mouth, and something like a tentacle penetrated into his mouth.

Zhang Xiaozu went crazy inside and collapsed.

He knew what was pressing on him, and he knew what's lips were touching his mouth. He knew but did not dare to think about what was drilling into his mouth and what it wanted to do.

Just when Zhang Xiaozu was going crazy and almost in despair, he suddenly felt pain like a knife pricking between his eyebrows, but at the same time, a touch of coolness emerged from the pain, which rippled through his limbs and bones like ripples.

Coolness swept through his body, Zhang Xiaozu's state of mind suddenly regained clarity, and his limp body regained strength instantly.

In an instant, his thoughts went crazy, and the Hunyuan Power surged out from the battle gate.


Zhang Xiaozu's fist, carrying unprecedented fear, hit the head of the snake-tailed monster, directly smashing its head and turning it into a ball of blood mist.


Zhang Xiaozu turned over and got up, vomiting continuously, and a scarlet snake letter that was more than five inches long spit out from his throat.


While retching, he pounced on Niu Dawa, got closer, grabbed the monster's neck, tore its body off Niu Dawa, and pulled out a scarlet snake letter more than a foot long from Niu Dawa's mouth.

The monster let out a hoarse roar, and the snake's tail whipped towards Zhang Xiaopeng like a steel whip.

Zhang Xiaozu pinched the back of its neck with his right hand and banged its head with his left fist, then threw it against the wall of the tomb. Then, without looking at it again, he pounced in the direction of Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping.

With two bangs, the monsters lying on Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping were eliminated in the same way.

After detecting that Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping still had the breath of life, Zhang Xiaozu breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Qi Yoyo and Taoist Qinglian are relatively safe.

One of them is protected by a sword, and the other is wrapped in a green lotus.

The two monsters circled around the two of them, spitting out snake messages impatiently, but they were still helpless against the two of them.

However, when the two monsters saw Zhang Xiaopou's sudden attack, they immediately abandoned Qi Yoyo and Taoist Qinglian, roared hoarsely in their throats, and rushed towards him.

At the same time, the pile of dead bones rattled, and one after another, snake-tailed monsters emerged from underneath, baring their teeth and spitting messages at Xiaopeng Zhang.

There were also hands reaching out from the pile of dead bones, grabbing the bodies of Zhou Jianlai, Yuan Taiping and Niu Dawa, trying to drag them into the pile of dead bones.

"What a bastard!"

Zhang Xiaozu yelled, took out the bone knife from the mustard seeds, and slashed the monster that was approaching to the ground with two swipes.

He hurriedly picked up Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping and threw them onto the stone steps in front of the tomb door. The reason why he did not throw them out of the tomb directly was because the tomb door had been closed at some point.

Then he threw Niu Dawa onto the stone steps, and then used his strength to push Qi Yoyo and Taoist Qinglian onto the stone steps.

Then he held a bone knife in his hand, stood in front of the four people, and started killing the monsters that rushed towards him.

The monster looks scary and frightening, but its combat power is very average, and the toughness of its scales is also average, and it cannot withstand the sharpness of the bone knife.

Zhang Xiaopou cut down more than 20 monsters one by one with his sword, and then the tomb became quiet.

"Junior brother, go and destroy the stone beasts at the four corners of the tomb!" Taoist Qinglian's voice rang in Zhang Xiaozu's ears.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaopou immediately beamed with joy. He didn't know how to break the situation. After receiving the instructions from Taoist Qinglian, he immediately had a clear direction. He said "yes" and ran towards the stone beasts in the four corners of the tomb with a knife in his hand.


The bone knife struck the stone beast and burst out a string of sparks, leaving only a shallow scratch on the stone beast's body.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xiaozu said nothing, put away his bone knife and punched him.



The stone beast received a punch of ten percent from Zhang Xiaopeng and exploded on the spot.

Zhang Xiaopeng didn't stop, turned around and rushed towards the next stone beast.




The remaining three stone beasts were quickly blasted one by one by Zhang Xiaopou with his fists.

The stone beast was destroyed, and Taoist Qinglian, Qi Yoyo and Niu Dawa immediately woke up on the stone steps in front of the door.

In fact, their consciousness was always awake, but their bodies were limp and unable to move.

"vomit" Niu Dawa immediately lay on the ground and retched after waking up.

Like Zhang Xiaozu, the nightmare experience just now caused great mental damage to him.

Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping were still unconscious.

Taoist Qinglian stepped forward and poured out the power of the stars into their bodies, and immediately forced out a bunch of bright red egg-shaped objects from their abdominal cavities, which looked extremely disgusting.

After giving the two of them a few more pills, Taoist Qinglian stood up and said, "It's nothing serious."

The stone hanging in Zhang Xiaozu's heart finally fell to the ground. He looked at the vine tree in the middle of the tomb and looked at the ambergris hanging on the vines exuding an alluring fragrance. He couldn't help being greedy and immediately rushed over with his hands.

They all went into battle and quickly picked ambergris fruits.


Suddenly, a viscous liquid fell from the ceiling of the tomb, dripped on the Teng tree, and splashed around.

Zhang Xiaozu's subtle state of mind immediately noticed where the viscous liquid was dripping from. It was dripping from the mouth of a snake head sculpture that was more than three feet long in the middle of the ceiling and occupied most of the ceiling space.

The mouth of the carved snake head is half open, the snake is hesitating, and its red pupils are staring at the tree below, showing its ferocity, as if it is about to pounce down.


As soon as the tomb door was opened and the subtle state of mind covered the entire tomb chamber, Zhang Xiaozu noticed the snake head carving. At first glance, he thought it was alive and was shocked.

But after carefully observing it with a subtle mind, I found that it had no life force, and then I realized that it was just a sculpture. I thought that if there was such a big snake head, how big of a giant python would it be?

"Depend on!"

Zhang Xiaozu was happily picking ambergris fruits when suddenly his hairs stood up, he let out a growl, and ran toward the tomb door because he suddenly remembered that the snake head carving on the ceiling had clearly closed its mouth before.

When did this damn person open his mouth and spit out snake letters?


Taoist Qinglian exclaimed and swung his fly whisk towards Zhang Xiaopou.

To be more precise, it pounced behind Zhang Xiaozu, and behind Zhang Xiaozu, a snake head more than three feet long pounced from above with its bloody mouth open.

At the same time, the entire ceiling began to shake, and a large amount of dust and debris fell.

A giant python of unknown thickness suddenly dropped down.

The entire tomb was filled instantly.


Taoist Qinglian swept the snake's head with his whisk, and wanted to help Zhang Xiaopou resist the snake's attack, but was knocked away by the giant python with a bang, and fell against the wall of the tomb, vomiting blood.


On the stone steps, Niu Dawa roared, his body grew bigger, and he lifted up part of the python's body to prevent it from crushing the unconscious Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping.


Qi Yoyo drew out Tai'a Sword and slashed it at the python, but it couldn't break the scales at all.


The giant python opened its mouth wide, and roared like a beast from its throat.

The python's body swung, and the tomb chamber began to shake violently. The walls cracked, and the ceiling collapsed, and it was about to collapse completely.

"Junior brother, go and break open the tomb door!"

"I am no match for it!" Taoist Qinglian shouted urgently.

This chapter has been completed!
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