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Chapter 6 The Taniguchi Dispute

Seeing that Niu Dawa and Zhang Xiaozhu didn't believe it, Shouhou glanced at them contemptuously and said: "Otherwise, you think so many people in the village will be manipulated by several big families, and they all act like obedient people.

Like a rabbit, you dare not move?"

"We were not here just now. We just went to the valley entrance to watch people from several big families clearing the battlefield."

"The people from several big families were domineering and cruel. Maybe the people from the three villages took away the bodies of the seven people who died in the battle. Instead, they hung the seven bodies at the mouth of the valley with hemp ropes, shocking everyone. But the weather was too hot.

, they were afraid that the body would become rotten, so just now they dug a big hole and buried the body on the spot."

"We just secretly counted them at the mouth of the valley. There are twenty-one of them in total. Five of them can fight for two hundred, and they can fight for eight hundred. So even if all the people in our villages join forces, it won't be enough for them."

The thin monkeys and the others spoke to each other, making Niu Dawa and Zhang Xiaozu have no choice but to believe that this was true.

"How can they be so powerful?!" Zhang Xiaozhu murmured in amazement. He could not imagine what kind of battle scene it would be like. Five people were fighting two hundred people. On average, one person would fight forty people. Forty people rushed forward and hugged each other.

Hugging legs, how can one person withstand it, not to mention that these forty people are not bare-handed, but armed with weapons such as steel forks and hunting knives.

"It's martial arts. They are practitioners who practice martial arts." Zhuangyuan said.

"Cultivator?" Zhang Xiaozu was confused for a moment. This was the first time he heard this word.

"That's what Mr. Storyteller said about the chivalrous man, who kills one person in ten steps and leaves no trace behind in a thousand miles." Zhuangyuan said.

Zhang Xiaozu immediately understood that this was the first time he had heard of "cultivators", but the word "chivalrous person" had always been heard from the number one scholar telling legendary stories about them.

"Hmph!" Niu Dawa snorted coldly and said: "What kind of knights are they? Knights are heroes who rob the rich and give to the poor. They are unscrupulous and unworthy to carry shoes to the knights."

"That's right. They are bullies and shit!"

"Sooner or later, I will be wiped across the neck by the knight's sword, and I will eliminate harm for the people!"

Zhang Xiaozu did not curse along with them, but raised his eyes towards the direction of the valley entrance. He couldn't help but feel empty in his heart. It was a pity that he could not witness this battle with his own eyes.

Before that, he had always felt that "chivalrous knights", "big robbers", "flying to escape from the sky", "killing a person in ten steps", "thousands of miles away", etc. were all things in the stories told by the number one scholar, and they were all fiction.

Yes, it was unreal, but now he suddenly discovered that all of this was real and had always been very close to him. It was sixty miles from Liujiacun to the county seat, and he was only sixty miles away from all of this.

Zhang Xiaozhu's heart was agitated. He suddenly couldn't wait to go to the county town. Instead of following his uncles in the village to go to a noodle shop to eat a bowl of beef noodles and go home satisfied as usual, he wanted to walk around and take a look.

Listen, understand and come into contact with a completely different world sixty miles away.

"Hey, pawn, why are you so stunned?" Niu Dawa was angry for a long time but didn't see Zhang Xiaopawn saying anything back to him. When he turned around, he realized that the latter wasn't listening at all, so he couldn't help but push him angrily.

"I want to take a look at the outside world." Zhang Xiaozhu looked at Niu Dawa and Shouhou, his eyes burning, and finally fixed on the number one scholar, saying: "What the number one scholar says every day is right, the world is so

If you don’t go out and take a look, it’s a waste of time for you to come to this world.”

"Wow!" The champion jumped up happily, rushed to Zhang Xiaopou in two steps, held his shoulders with one hand, and beat his chest hard with the other hand, saying: "Bosom friend, good friend! Good brother, when the time comes, we will

Let’s go together and take a look at the raging river, watch the towering peaks, visit the Dragon Capital, and explore the martial arts world!”

The reason why he is so excited and happy is because when we play together on weekdays, he always says he wants to see the outside world, but Zhang Xiaozhu and the others are not interested at all. Sometimes they even say that he is crazy and there are things in the outside world.

What’s good to see is not mountains, rivers, fields, or villages. At most, it’s just bigger houses, wider roads, and more people. How can you safely farm the land, build a house, marry a wife, and have children and live a nourishing life?

Thinking about it makes me feel beautiful. But now, Zhang Xiaozhu not only suddenly agreed with his life ideal, but also expressed that he also wanted to go out and have a look. It can be said that he had been searching for it and finally found out, and he was very happy.

Surprisingly, no one raised a voice to object this time, and everyone was silent. What they saw during this trip had a great impact on their worldview. Mountains, rivers, vegetation, cattle and sheep, fields, villages, all belong to

Their simple and innocent world was torn apart, and a door appeared in front of them. As long as they stepped through this door, they could see a whole new world.

"I'll stay with you two!" Niu Dawa couldn't resist the temptation of the big world. He grinned and climbed on Zhang Xiaozu's shoulder and said with a smile: "Anyway, you are going to find your relatives, so let's take a look at this."

Big world.”

Everyone knew that Zhang Xiaozhu was an orphan, so everyone was not surprised when Niu Dawa said that he was going to find his relatives.

"Count me in." Shouhou was also shaken, "Zhuangyuan, didn't you say you have martial arts like floating on water? I'm going to learn from your master."

"I won't go with you. My eldest brother is weak and can't do heavy work. My parents are also old. If I weren't at home, I might not be able to handle the work at home."

"I won't go either. I still like a quiet life."

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going to have a big meal at the best tavern in the Shenlong Imperial Capital, no, eat him for three days and three nights!"

"Go wherever you want, don't worry about home, I'll stay at home and take care of you."

"I won't go. However, Zhuangyuan, you have to write down all the interesting things you saw outside, and tell us one by one when you come back."

"That's right."

"Don't worry, when we come back from our trip, I will set up a bench and a table under the old willow tree in Liujia Village and tell you a story." The champion promised, slapping his chest.

"Hey, you guys, stop chatting and go get your dry rations and get ready to go." The dry rations had been distributed, and someone called them to get them.

Three pieces of hard corn cakes were the dry rations that Zhang Xiaozu received. They were far different from the six kilograms of fragrant wheat cakes that he handed over. He was disappointed but had no complaints because everyone only received one day's rations.

Naturally, dry food is given priority to strong players with strong bodies and rich hunting experience. It is already very good for young cubs like him, Niu Dawa, and Slender Monkey to receive the same amount of dry food as adults.

Zhang Xiaozu put the corn tortillas into the dry food bag and tied it around his waist. He looked at the mouth of the valley and frowned. Each person only had one day of rations. The situation was very serious. They could only hope that there would be abundant supplies in the black forest for them to harvest.

Manman, if not, it is hard to say whether this group of people would have the strength to walk out of this mountain forest.

One hundred and twenty people, each with five kilograms, a total of six hundred kilograms, enough to fill four sacks.

Niu Yao ordered four strong men to each carry a sack, and then ordered all the remaining people to show their weapons and guard the surroundings to prevent anyone from trying to rob it.

"Let's go!" With an order, the team headed towards the mouth of the valley.

"Look, the people in Zhangjia Village and Liujia Village are ready to hand over grain!"

"Let's go over and have a look."

"Boss, what should we do? We can't waste our time here?"

"That's all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, so let's give these beasts an advantage. Let's go, let's also pay for the grain."

As soon as the people in Zhangjiacun and Liujiacun moved, people from other villages noticed. Some wanted to see the situation before making a decision, some were anxious and had to succumb to the power of the big family, and some stared at the slow movement in the crowd.

The four moving large sacks were jealous and had bad thoughts, but when they saw the posture of more than a hundred people in Zhangjia Village and Liujia Village with weapons in their hands, they did not dare to make any mistakes and could only watch.

The mouth of the canyon is a meadow, but the grass on the meadow is all dry now. The canyon is more than thirty feet wide. If twenty or thirty people pass through it side by side, it is so wide that it can be compared with the cliffs on both sides of the canyon that go straight into the sky, and at a glance

The endless long corridor, more than thirty feet wide, looks as thin as a crack.

People from several big families did not set up obstacles at the entrance of the valley, but simply built a few straw huts, and people sat on the grass drinking tea and chatting. It can be seen that they did not pay attention to these mountain villagers at the entrance of the valley, and they had enough

The self-confidence does not let anyone pass.

"Have you seen the mound over there? The seven people they beat to death yesterday are buried in it. Look at the bloodstains on the grass over there. Smell carefully, the smell of blood is still in the air."

The monkey pointed at a newly turned mound under the cliff in the distance and told Niu Dawa and Zhang Xiaozu. His voice was very low, for fear that people from several big families would hear it.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the mounds in the distance and mourned in his heart for the seven people who died violently. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion. In troubled times, life is as cheap as grass. The words of the village chief's grandpa are not alarmist. He then looked at the families of several big families under the thatched hut in front of him.

The people were all dressed in black, with strong muscles and well-proportioned bodies. Although they were all sitting there carelessly, they gave people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but feel nervous. He had only felt this kind of oppression from Niu Yao and Li Dashan, but the degree was far less than that of these people under the straw shed. It showed that these people were really strong.

"My lords, we have collected the dry food. Please check it and allow us to enter the valley." Zhang Daqiang, the team leader of Zhangjiacun, stepped forward with his fists clasped, bending over and smiling, keeping his posture very low, for fear of angering these people.

Help the evildoers.

"That's right. It's reasonable and reasonable to hand over grain to the valley. Enter the Black Forest a day earlier to harvest earlier. I don't know what your mother-in-law is, and I'm not afraid that if I enter too late, all the food I can eat will be plundered by other villagers."

A man walked out from under the thatched hut, stretched himself, and laughed slowly. In his eyes, handing over grain to the grain was a reasonable thing, as if the Black Forest was the private domain of several of their families.

This man's name is Jiang Siping, and he is the leader of this group of people. He is about forty years old, has rat eyes, a garlic nose, and a mustache, and has an oily head and pink face. As the saying goes, faces come from the heart, and the first impression given by this man's face and appearance is not that of loyalty, kindness, and kindness.


Four bulging hemp bags were placed in front of Jiang Siping one after another. Jiang Siping smiled and nodded, his eyes narrowed to a slit, and said: "Looking at the number of you, these dry rations are just a lot more, very good, very good.


As he spoke, he untied one sack, and the smile on his face suddenly stopped, and then he untied the other three sacks. His face was gloomy and terrible. He raised his head, his eyes were full of gloom, and he looked at Zhang Daqiang with a sneer.


Zhang Daqiang and everyone in the two villages felt their hearts skip a beat. Jiang Siping's mood was clearly written on his face. It was obvious that Jiang Siping was very dissatisfied with the dry food they handed over.

"I wonder why the Lord is angry?" Zhang Daqiang quickly lowered his posture and asked cautiously. In fact, he already had the answer in his mind. The dry food in the sacks were all of different quality, and most of them were moldy.

"What a coward!" Jiang Siping suddenly shouted and punched a sack. The sack exploded like paper, and the cakes, buns and other dry food inside were scattered.

One place.

"Open your dog eyes and take a look. They are all moldy pickled food. You won't even feed the dogs to eat them. How dare you use them to mess with the old men and seek death?!" Jiang Siping was furious and said

He scolded and kicked the dry food on the ground.

"Sir, I can't bear it, I can't bear it!" Zhang Daqiang's eyes suddenly turned red, and he threw himself on the ground to protect the dry food. "This is life-saving food. It was squeezed out bit by bit from the teeth of more than a thousand people in two villages."

Yes. It’s just a little bit moldy, it’s edible, it’s edible!”

The eyes of the two villagers were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes. They stared at Jiang Siping with eyes that were about to burst, and the weapons in their hands tightened again and again.

"Sir" Niu Yao took a step forward and said: "In this year of drought, every household is starving to survive. Seeing that the grain tank has bottomed out and there is no food to eat, so they have to go into the mountains to hunt in violation of the ancestors' admonition of 'no hunting in spring'"

, I just want to hunt for a little bit and survive this famine. The mold under your feet, sir, is the delicacies of the mountains and seas for us poor mountain people to keep our stomachs full. Sir, we poor mountain people are enduring

We are starving and struggling, and there are still thousands of mouths in the village waiting for food to survive. I hope you will be compassionate and have mercy on us poor mountain people."

After saying this, he knelt down and waved his hands to the people in the two villages to do the same.

Although he was gnashing his teeth with hatred, he had to kneel down and beg for mercy, and he still had to praise and flatter him unconscionably. This was the first time Zhang Xiaopou tasted this feeling, and it was only this one time that he would never forget. He held down Niu Dawa tightly to prevent this guy from going on a rampage.


"That's all." Jiang Siping waved his hands, his face softened a lot, and said: "I think your life is not easy, I won't embarrass you. As long as you open the dry food bag around your waist and show it to me, if it is also moldy

dry food, then it proves that you did not deliberately select these to tease and humiliate us, so I will allow you to enter the grain."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, knowing that something was wrong.

This chapter has been completed!
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