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Chapter 608 Feeling True

 After closing the wooden door and setting up a blinding array, Zhang Xiaopou returned to the couch and sat down, then took out an extremely thin silver needle from the mustard seeds.

He also had more than two thousand such silver needles in his Sumeru Mustard Seeds. He asked the fat boy Tai Fumiyan to buy them from various medical clinics in the imperial capital.

He will use these silver needles to try to detoxify Ye Mingyue.

He spread the silver needle on his left palm, drew a talisman on the silver needle with the middle index finger of his right hand, then used a ray of ghost eye power to hide it into the talisman, and finally blessed the silver needle with the talisman.

After doing this, he took the silver needle in his hand, looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction.

This was the way he thought of saving Ye Mingyue.

The power of ghost eyes is fatal to the poisonous insects in Ye Mingyue's body, but the power of ghost eyes cannot enter Ye Mingyue's body openly to kill the poisonous insects.

Because the number of poisonous insects in Ye Mingyue's body is too terrifying, if they feel threatened by the power of the ghost eyes, they are likely to riot in an instant, causing Ye Mingyue to die tragically on the spot.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaozu hid the power of the ghost eyes in the talisman, then blessed the talisman on the silver needle, and then inserted the silver needle into various parts of Ye Mingyue's body.

In the end, he only needed to make a secret to activate all the talismans on the silver needle in an instant, and release the power of the ghost eyes hidden in the talisman. Theoretically, he would have a chance to kill all the poisonous insects in Ye Mingyue's body in an instant.

Even if they cannot all be killed, there is a high possibility that Ye Mingyue's life can be temporarily saved.

However, this was all based on Zhang Xiaozhu's beautiful idea, but in fact he was not completely sure, so he never told Ye Mingyue, fearing that it would give her hope but make her despair in the end, so it would be better not to tell her.


Zhang Xiaozu was very fast at blessing the talismans, but with more than two thousand silver needles, he was still busy until noon to finish all the blessings.

He was mentally exhausted, but he didn't stop to rest because this was just part of his plan.

The reason why he was not interested in listening to the lectures these days was because he focused all his energy on drawing charms.

He wanted to draw the talisman that concealed the power of ghost eyes on extremely small particles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, such as blood particles.

If it can be done, then you can wait for the poisonous insects to absorb the blood particles blessed with the spell and then activate the spell, causing the power of the ghost eyes to explode in the poisonous insects. This will definitely kill all the poisonous insects without leaving a single one.

It's so troublesome to prick silver needles.

It's a pity that Zhang Xiaozu couldn't do it.

He racked his brains and tried various methods, but all ended in failure. The most he could do was apply the spell to blood particles the size of a needle tip.

There is no time to experiment anymore, so we can only settle for the next best thing.

He planned to transfer the blood blessed by the talisman into Ye Mingyue's body to first lure the poisonous insects and then kill them.

Be prepared with both hands and take a two-pronged approach.

Zhang Xiaozu is confident.

The only thing that made him unsure was whether after killing all the poisonous insects in Ye Mingyue's body, her poison would be cured?

Is there any other vicious method for this incurable poison?

Ghosts don’t know.

Zhang Xiaozu didn't know even more.

Therefore, there is hidden worry in my heart.

But now Ye Mingyue's life is running out, and she has nothing to do with it anymore, so let's just treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

He pricked his fingertip with a silver needle, squeezed out a drop of blood the size of a soybean, flicked it into the air in front of him with his finger, then slapped the blood drop with a strong force, scattering it into a piece of blood the size of a needle tip.


Zhang Xiaozu uses his power to wrap every blood particle, turning it into an independent individual.

Then he moved his hands together to apply tiny spells that concealed the power of ghost eyes to blood particles the size of needle tips.

After all the blood particles were blessed with charms, he took out a jade bottle and collected them.

Then he pops out a drop of blood with his finger, shatters it, and draws a curse.

Repeat this until midnight.

Tap tap tap——

Someone came down the stone steps.

Zhang Xiaozu suddenly frowned because he heard that the footsteps did not belong to Ye Mingyue.

He didn't know who the visitor was, whether he was an enemy or a friend, so he didn't remove the blinding maze, and quietly moved behind the bookshelf, staring at the wooden door of the secret room, and being cautious.


The dilapidated wooden door was pushed open, and a man wearing a gray and white brocade shirt appeared in Zhang Xiaozu's field of vision.

The man was around twenty-five years old, with a fairly handsome face and a warm smile on his face, which made him feel friendly and approachable.

This was a face that was unfamiliar to Zhang Xiaopou, so the gentle smile on the man's face did not make him relax his vigilance.

The man stood at the door, looking at the misty secret room, frowning involuntarily, and shouted: "Zhang Xiaopeng, I'm here, quickly remove your formation."

Zhang Xiaozu was hiding behind the bookshelf. Leng Buding was startled when he heard this strange man shouting his name.

His thoughts raced and he guessed that this person was most likely an acquaintance of Ye Mingyue, who asked him to come to him.

Otherwise, how could he know the secret room of Ye Mingyue's private house, and even know his own name.

I just don’t understand why Ye Mingyue didn’t inform me in advance?

He wasn't sure, so he didn't respond hastily.

The man waited for a while but saw no response from Zhang Xiaopou. He couldn't help but frown and said: "A maze of this level cannot stop me. Don't let me forcefully break the formation. It would be bad to destroy your formation flag."

"Who are you?" Zhang Xiaozu asked after hesitating for a moment.

Hearing the sound, the man suddenly raised his lips and smiled, saying: "Guess who I am, there will be a prize for your correct guess."

"Can't guess." Zhang Xiaozu was too lazy to guess.

"I'm Bai Mo." The man said.

"Bai Mo? Isn't Bai Mo dead long ago?!" Zhang Xiaozu said in surprise.

"Master, don't be deceived by her, let's see who she is." The ghost said in the sea of ​​consciousness between Zhang Xiaozu's eyebrows.

After that, he drove the power of two ghost pupils into Zhang Xiaopou's eyes.

Zhang Xiaozu felt a rush of heat pouring into his eyes, and then the face and appearance of the strange man at the door suddenly began to change.

After a moment, Zhang Xiaozu was stunned with his mouth open, because standing at the door was Ye Mingyue.

Without the help of ghosts, he would not have been able to see any flaws in Ye Mingyue's disguise.

"Ye Mingyue, how did you do it?!" Zhang Xiaozhu asked in great surprise.

"Ah?" Ye Mingyue was frightened by Zhang Xiaopou and screamed.

She raised her hand to touch her cheek, then looked down at her body, coughed twice to test her voice, and found that there was no flaw in it.

He immediately asked, "How did you see through me?"

Zhang Xiaozu walked out from behind the bookshelf, removed the blindfolding maze, and said perfunctorily: "I guessed it."

Ye Mingyue looked at Zhang Xiaozu suspiciously, expressing doubts about his words.

"Your disguise technique is really powerful. I can't see any flaw in it. Can you teach me?" Zhang Xiaozhu walked around Ye Mingyue who was approaching four or five times. He was so surprised that he couldn't help but stare at Ye Mingyue.

Mingyue's disguise.

Ye Mingyue said: "I don't have this ability. This is the clever trick of an old beggar in the slums in the west of the city. I used the demon elixir of a great demon in the robbery realm to get him to take action once."

"It's amazing." Zhang Xiaozu felt that his horizons had been opened and he couldn't help but marvel.

He looked Ye Mingyue up and down again and thought to himself: "So this is the man that my husband fell in love with forever. He looks really extraordinary in appearance."

Then he asked: "So what is your purpose of disguising yourself as Bai Mo?"

"Bai Mo owes your husband a farewell, and I want to make it up for him. I hope your husband can let go of his obsession and put an end to his past. This is the last thing I can do. Why do you look so bad?"

Ye Mingyue suddenly discovered that Zhang Xiaozu's face was very pale, and his energy and energy seemed to be very poor.

"It's okay." Zhang Xiaozu shook his head and asked, "What can I help you with?"

"Help me guard the bamboo forest courtyard and don't allow anyone to come near and disturb me," Ye Mingyue said.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaozhu's eyes suddenly became strange, he coughed awkwardly and asked, "Wouldn't it be bad to do this?"

Ye Mingyue rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, "Quickly put away your dirty thoughts."

The night is very quiet.

Ye Mingyue took Zhang Xiaopeng to the bamboo forest courtyard quietly.

Zhang Xiaozu followed Ye Mingyue's instructions, took out the formation flags and began to set up formations around him.

Ye Mingyue tiptoed to the east wing window, took out a thin bamboo tube, pierced the window paper, and blew something inside.

She was afraid that Su Jin was too familiar with Bai Mo and might see the flaws in her disguise, so she blew some poison into the room to make Su Jin confused.

Zhang Xiaozu threw out the last formation flag in his hand, and the small courtyard and the surrounding bamboo forest instantly filled with smoke.


Ye Mingyue knocked on the door with her fingers.

"Who is it?"

After a while, Su Jin's sleepy voice came from the room.

"Jin'er, it's me." Ye Mingyue responded.

Su Jin was obviously stunned for a while before she reacted. Then she heard her thumping footsteps, and with the sound of a door bolt being pulled open, the door opened.

They looked at each other, speechless and choked with tears.

for a long time.

"Bai Mo" raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears on Su Jin's face, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Su Jin smiled and shook his head.

He raised his hand to hold Bai Mo's cheek, gently stroked his stubble, and said, "It's good to be here."

"I -" Ye Mingyue couldn't bear it, but she still said with determination: "I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm leaving to another world."

Su Jin's weak body trembled suddenly, her heart felt like a knife stabbing her, and the pain made her suffocate.


Zhang Xiaozhu hid in the distance and peeked, secretly blaming Ye Mingyue for being too direct. She opened her mouth to say goodbye before even saying a warm word when they first met. She was too cruel to her husband.

A long, long time.

Su Jin suddenly smiled at "Bai Mo" and said, "Would you like to watch the moon with me again?"

"Bai Mo" nodded heavily: "Okay!"

She took Su Jin and jumped to the roof of the school. The two of them sat leaning on the ridge, looking up at the sky.

There are stars in the sky, but there is no moon.

But there was a calm smile on both of their faces. There was no moon in the sky, but there was a moon in their hearts.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the two figures cuddling together and couldn't help but sigh.

He originally thought that when the two of them met, they would have a good time talking about the pain of missing each other and have endless sweet words to say, but the result was completely different from what he imagined.

In this situation, silence is better than sound.

However, good times are always short-lived.

At three o'clock in the morning, the rooster crows.

"Bai Mo" lowered his head to look at Su Jin, held back his tears, and said, "Jin'er, it's time for me to go. How precious you will be for the rest of my life!"

Su Jin nodded with tears in his eyes and choked with sobs: "I hope I can continue my relationship with you in the next life!"

"May there be an afterlife!" Ye Mingyue raised her hand and gently touched Su Jin's cheek, and her little finger suddenly touched an acupuncture point below her earlobe.

Su Jin fainted and fell limply in Ye Mingyue's arms.

Ye Mingyue jumped off the roof with her in his arms and took her back to the bed in the house.

Finally, he stared deeply at Su Jin's face, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Jinnizi, farewell!"

"I hope to renew my sisterhood with you in the next life."


On the way back, Ye Mingyue felt quite heavy, so she was speechless all the way.

After entering the secret room of the private house, Ye Mingyue seemed to have adjusted her mentality and said to Zhang Xiaozu: "After I die, please burn my body and scatter the ashes in the bamboo forest of Yunzhu Courtyard."

"I have a method that may save your life, would you like to try it?" Zhang Xiaozhu said.

Ye Mingyue was stunned for a moment, then nodded readily and said: "Try, of course I have to try."

But her expression soon changed, because Zhang Xiaozu began to take out the silver needles from the mustard seeds, handful after handful.

"——I don't think you want to give me a needle, but you simply want to prick me like a hedgehog and take revenge on me." Ye Mingyue looked at the tall pile of silver needles and couldn't help but shudder.

"Your feeling is so accurate."


(Thanks to book friend 36009917 for the generous tip!)

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