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Chapter 755 Do you dare to come?

 A man with a stern face stepped on the iron cable connecting the top of Qingtian Peak to the cliff of regret at the top.

He held a fainted woman in his hand, raised his hand and threw the woman on the cold ground like trash.

Shen Wenjun, who was standing on the edge of the cliff looking at the western sky in a trance, woke up and turned his head. His eyes fell on the woman who fell to the ground like a broken sack and could not move. He saw that the woman's body was covered in blood. She must have suffered an extreme injury.

Cruel punishment.

The woman was facing the ground, her disheveled hair covering her face, so that Shen Wenjun could not see her face clearly.


Shen Wenjun shook his head and sighed, then walked towards the woman.

She knew in her heart that the woman was so seriously injured and was thrown on the cliff in the biting cold wind. If she turned a blind eye, the woman might not be able to survive the night.

She couldn't bear it.

She could not help but feel sympathy for the Shen woman who was sent to the cliff of repentance.

The man in black glanced at Shen Wenjun, who was walking over, and then opened his mouth and said in a voice without any emotion: "Zhang Xiaobing, the adopted daughter of the Shen family, is shameless and has ruined the family tradition of the Shen family. She is punished at the Cliff of Repentance to repent for three years.



Shen Wenjun felt as if she had been struck by lightning when she heard this. She never expected that the woman on the ground was actually her daughter Zhang Xiaobing. Tears burst out of her eyes in an instant, and she rushed forward sobbing.

"Bing'er, you--what's wrong with you? Don't scare mother--"

Shen Wenjun knelt on the ground and held Zhang Xiaobing in his arms. He found that her breath was weak and she had no consciousness. She couldn't help but turned pale with fright and cried in panic.

The man in black glanced around, quietly threw a medicine bottle into Shen Wenjun's arms, then turned and left.

Ten years ago, he was saved by a bowl of bitter vegetable porridge from Shen Wenjun on the Cliff of Repentance, and today he repaid the favor with a bottle of elixir.


With tears in her eyes, Shen Wenjun thanked the man gratefully as he left. Then he hurriedly opened the medicine bottle and found that it contained a small rejuvenating pill. He quickly poured out two pills for Zhang Xiaobing to take.


At night, Zhang Xiaobing suddenly groaned in pain.

Shen Wenjun was holding her in his arms and sitting in a cave to warm himself by the fire. He suddenly heard her moaning in pain. He couldn't help but startled and asked anxiously: "Bing'er, what's wrong with you?! Where - where - wuwu - I

Poor child——"

She wanted to ask Zhang Xiaobing where the pain was, but she thought that Zhang Xiaobing had whip wounds all over his body and had several broken bones. He must be in pain all over his body. She couldn't help but feel sad and choked up while holding Zhang Xiaobing.

Her cries awakened Zhang Xiaobing's consciousness, his eyelids squirmed a few times, and then slowly opened.


Zhang Xiaobing found himself being held in Shen Wenjun's arms and called out softly.

"Bing'er, you're awake. Are you...your injury...ok?" Shen Wenjun asked worriedly.

Zhang Xiaobing tried his best to squeeze out a smile on his pale face, and said with relief: "Mom, it's okay, just rest for a few days and you'll be fine."

"Tell mother, what happened? Why did they beat you and punish you for three years in confinement at the Cliff of Repentance?"

"Mom, I want to sleep a little longer." Zhang Xiaobing said in a weak voice, without answering Shen Wenjun's question.

"Go to sleep, mother will be with you." Shen Wenjun hugged her tightly, feeling distressed and did not ask any further questions.

"Thank you, mother!"

Zhang Xiaobing pulled Shen Wenjun's left hand into his arms, then held it against his chest with both hands, and then closed his eyes with satisfaction and peace of mind.

The empty cave became quiet again, with only the crackling sound of burning wood remaining.

Zhang Xiaobing seemed to have fallen asleep with her head buried in Shen Wenjun's arms, but she didn't know that the tip of her right index finger was writing quietly on the palm of Shen Wenjun's left hand.

This is a secret way of communication that the mother and daughter have practiced over the years in order to beware that walls have ears.

Shen Wenjun "listened" to Zhang Xiaobing's story and then realized that she was beaten by Shen Wenze.

The reason was that Shen Wenze suspected that she knew the whereabouts of Zhang Xiaozhu, and after inquiring to no avail, he tortured her without explanation, but in the end he still couldn't find out anything, so he became angry and made up a random charge and threw her to the cliff to repent.

Shen Wenjun was so angry that she was trembling all over. She knew that Shen Wenze was not angry and didn't ask anything from Zhang Xiaobing. He was retaliating for her confrontation that day and trying to show her off.

Then Zhang Xiaobing "narrated" what happened in the Su Empire to Shen Wenjun, including the fact that Zhang Xiaozu was ambushed by Shen Wenyu and his son, but was eventually killed by Zhang Xiaozu.

After Shen Wenjun finished "listening", his emotions were agitated and he could not calm down for a long time.

She was happy, happy that Zhang Xiaozu was blessed with good fortune and lived in good health.

She was shocked, shocked by Zhang Xiaozu's advanced cultivation and superior combat power.

She was worried that if Zhang Xiaopou killed Shen Wenyu and his son, sooner or later the Shen family would track him down.

She missed him and wanted to see Zhang Xiaopou immediately.

But at the same time, she contradictorily didn't want Zhang Xiaozu to come to Shen's house to take risks for her.

Zhang Xiaobing expressed her apology to Shen Wenjun because she failed to bring the gift that Zhang Xiaobing carefully prepared for Shen Wenjun.

She put all those gifts in her space necklace. She was originally going to bring them, but when she was about to arrive at the Shen family, a dangerous thought suddenly flashed through her mind, thinking that if the Shen family searched her belongings

, then she will not be able to explain the things in the pendant.

So she found a big tree that was easy to identify in a mountain forest, then dug a big hole under the tree, and temporarily buried the pendant under the tree, thinking that if the Shen family didn't embarrass her, she would come back later.

Get the pendant.

Shen Wenjun naturally would not blame Zhang Xiaobing, because if she had not done so, the consequences would have been disastrous.

She was full of sadness about the three years of confinement that Zhang Xiaobing was about to face, but Zhang Xiaobing was more optimistic. She believed that Zhang Xiaobing would come to rescue them in less than three years.

The rising sun rises in the east.

The sun pierced the sky and illuminated the majestic and vast Canghai City.

The name of the city, Canghai, refers to the boundless sea of ​​sand, not the sea with big waves.

To its west is Yuequan Desert, the largest desert in the Western Region, so it can also be understood as being built near the sea.

A few wisps of cooking smoke were spit out from the chimneys of several houses in the city, rising in curls and climbing to the very high sky before slowly drifting away, as if the blue sky was coated with a layer of flour.

Usually at this time, the four city gates have been opened, pedestrians and merchants are entering and exiting the city gates, the crisp sound of camel bells is floating in the air, and the city is gradually becoming lively.

But this morning the city gates were closed tightly, and the city had lost the bustle it once had in the past. Everyone had a solemn and sad look on their face.

It can be clearly felt that the whole city is being shrouded in tension and depression, because Su Hanlin's White Tiger Army is not far from here.

The soldiers in the city are being mobilized frequently, and the fortifications on the city wall are being deployed and built intensively, as if the White Tiger Army will attack soon.

This is indeed the case. The White Tiger Army is only one city away from Canghai City. As long as Shangguan Bi is willing, he can lead the White Tiger Army to the gates of Canghai City tomorrow morning.

Canghai City declared independence from the Su Empire, became its own country, and classified the entire Western Region as its own territory.

However, in the face of the White Tiger Legion's crusade, it can be said that they are as vulnerable as a chicken and a dog, and they have not even organized an effective resistance.

Sword Saint Cang Yihai did not immediately stand up to punish Su Hanlin and his White Tiger Legion as people imagined. Only the Cang family and several forces tied to the Cang family were jumping up and down, but the roar was loud.

He has little ability and is no match for Shangguan Bi.

Dao Shengcang Yihai didn't take action because he couldn't figure out the details of Su Hanlin and didn't want to take action rashly.

Su Hanlin's performance was so strong that he was not afraid of the power of the saint. He started the war when he was told, and fought on two fronts. He challenged the two saints at the same time, giving people a feeling of full confidence and certainty of victory.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Cang Yihai, who has long since lived as a human spirit, is unwilling to take risks. He wants to wait for the Sword Master Ye Cang'an to take action first and let him test what kind of monster Su Hanlin is doing, but he doesn't know that Ye Cang'an thinks the same way.

This gave the Qinglong and White Tiger Legions an opportunity to advance all the way, and in just two months they almost reached the gates of Shenjian City and Canghai City.


On the official road outside the east gate of Canghai City, a flaming horse suddenly turned out from behind a yellow sand slope, drove into the sight of the officers and soldiers guarding the city wall, and galloped towards the east gate in the cool morning sunshine.

The flaming horse's hooves flew like flying, raising up the yellow sand and dust on the ground, leaving a long trail of smoke and dust on the road behind it, like a rolling yellow dragon.

A young man in red brocade clothes was leaning down on the horse, swinging rhythmically with the galloping horse, as if he had become one with the horse.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city wall looked at the approaching Huohong Yiqi, and they were all amazed by it, but at the same time, they were also secretly wary.

It's wartime now, and anyone who comes without being identified is considered suspicious.


The young man stopped the flaming horse three hundred steps away from the city gate, because going any further would lead to a sensitive distance.

"Who is coming?" the officers and soldiers guarding the city wall shouted to the young man.

"I am Zhang Xiaopeng, the grandson of Zhang Qingsong, the king of Zhenbei, the Bafang General of the Great Su Empire. I am here today to hand over a letter of challenge to Lord Sword Saint on behalf of my grandfather!"

"Be bold!"

When the officers and soldiers guarding the city heard that the visitor was brazen enough to declare a challenge to the Sword Master, they ran through the name Zhang Qingsong in their minds, but found that they had never heard of it before. They suddenly became furious and shouted angrily: "Where did this cat and dog come from? Get out of here!"

!If not, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

But after he finished drinking, he slowly realized that there seemed to be only one Zhenbei King in the Su Empire, and his name was... um... Zhang Butcher.

"Fuck! It's Butcher Zhang who has come to declare a challenge to the Holy Ancestor!" He exclaimed in surprise.

Although the name of the shadow figure of the tree, Zhang Tufu, was not a saint, the deterrent effect of this title on the people of the Dasu Empire was no less than that of a saint.

"What are you afraid of? Butcher Zhang is a bully in front of Lord Saint Ancestor. Let him go!"

"That's it. All saints are ants. Who does Butcher Zhang deserve to challenge the Holy Ancestor? If he dares to scream again, just shoot him with an octagonal heavy crossbow!"



The officers and soldiers guarding the city wall angrily shouted at Zhang Xiaopeng and drove him away.

Zhang Xiaozu snorted coldly, used the two fingers of his right hand to make sword fingers, and drew a golden talisman in the air in front of him. Then his energy gathered in his Dantian, and suddenly he opened his eyes angrily. He roared towards Canghai City and shouted: "I am Zhang Butcher's son."

Sun Zhang, a pawn, came today to hand over a letter of challenge to Lord Sword Sage on behalf of my grandfather!"

The golden talisman glowed brightly, carrying Zhang Xiaopou's voice to the sky above Canghai City. Then, like rolling thunder, it exploded in the sky and hovered like an echo in an empty valley.

Now everyone in Canghai City heard it.

The rude officers and soldiers on the city wall who were guarding the city were so shocked by his voice that they vomited blood.

After Zhang Xiaozu shouted, he stopped talking and waited quietly for Canghai City's response.

After about a cup of tea, the East City Gate suddenly opened slowly with a rumble.

Someone stood on the city wall and shouted: "Zhang Xiaopeng, the city gate has been opened for you, do you dare to come?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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