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Chapter 805 The Land of Sealing Demons

 Zhang Xiaopou is not soft-hearted, on the contrary, affected by the murderous spirit, his heart is cold and hard at the moment.

However, even if he is not affected by the murderous spirit, he will not let these people go easily, because letting these stingy people who are dishonest will chill the hearts of those who risk their lives to kill them.

Of course, Zhang Xiaopou knew which one was more important.

After receiving Zhang Xiaozu's clear order, Zhou Dashan immediately led his men to chase him.

After a chase and interception, all those who escaped were captured.

Realizing that the situation was serious, these people suddenly changed their attitude, apologized profusely, cursed and swore that they were willing to hand over the spiritual materials as required.

However, Zhang Xiaozu did not accept their apology. Even though they knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy, they were still stripped of all their spiritual materials and then forcibly driven down the mountain.

Some people refused to leave, so Zhang Xiaopou took the knife from Zhou Dashan's hand, stepped forward and chopped one person alive, scaring the others who were cheating and running away.

Zhang Xiaozu knew that this was a group of smart people, a group of smart people who were short-sighted and focused on self-interest. With this group of smart people around, the mountain would be disturbed by them and there would be no peace.

Therefore, they must be driven away by force, even if the means are cruel and ruthless.

Zhang Xiaozhu returned the bleeding knife to Zhou Dashan, then glanced at the Lord and the people with cold eyes, and said in an emotionless voice: "If any of you are unconvinced, just come to me, I promise to give you a satisfactory answer."

's reply."

Being caught by his sharp, knife-like gaze, those who still had resentment in their hearts suddenly became silent and avoided looking at him.

Zhang Xiaozu put down a large bundle of roots of the Phoenix Blood Vine on his back and told Zhou Dashan: "This is the root of the Phoenix Blood Vine. It has miraculous effects on treating trauma. Find someone to give a little to each of the injured brothers."

When he and Niu Dawa came back to the mountain, they went around to the hillside where the blood vine grew and dug it out. They also picked some flaming heart fruits along the way.

Since the Phoenix Blood Vine was exposed, cultivators on the mountain often go out to pick it. Basically, it has been picked completely, and it is close to the ravine, because there is a huge rock-backed monitor lizard guarding it, and there are still some left.

He asked Niu Dawa to attract the attack of the rock-backed monitor lizard, and then took the opportunity to pick some.

Zhang Xiaozu kept a little for himself and gave the remaining Yanxin Fruit to Zhou Dashan, saying: "There are not many Yanxin Fruits. Give them to the seriously injured brothers first."

Zhou Dashan bowed his hands to Zhang Xiaopeng and said, "I would like to thank you, Master, on behalf of my brothers."

"My brother, there is no need to say such unscrupulous words. You go about your business first, I will go over there and have a look." Zhang Xiaozu said.

He found Butcher Zhang and handed him the fresh Yanxin fruit. When he heard Niu Dawa asking Butcher Zhang what a successor was, he sat down curiously and listened.

However, I heard Butcher Zhang say that he didn't know what a successor was.

"Maybe it's a secret that has been passed down to the world, or maybe they found something in the ruins. I think the latter is more likely." Zhang Butcher guessed.

"When I was fighting, I seemed to have broken through a seal, and then this extremely powerful green energy came out of my body." Niu Dawa stretched out his right index finger, and some green energy came out of his body, jumping on his fingertips, showing everyone


"At that time, a sacred and majestic voice sounded in my mind, saying 'not bad', probably praising me for breaking through the seal.

I guess it should be the senior expert in the dark night.

Pawn, are you like this too?"

Niu Dawa turned around and asked Zhang Xiaopou.

Zhang Xiaozu shook his head and said: "My fault, I naturally used this white energy without any hindrance."

He followed Niu Dawa's example and released a burst of white energy from his fingertips.

"What a heavy murderous aura." Butcher Zhang exclaimed as he stared at the white energy at Zhang Xiaopou's fingertips.

Then he turned to look at the phoenix skeleton in the valley, frowned in thought, and then muttered: "I may be able to explain what this inheritor is, but I can't guarantee whether it is accurate."

"Come and listen." Zhang Xiaozu said curiously.

Zhang Tufu stroked his beard and boldly guessed: "There are nine peaks in this ruins. It is possible that an ancient holy beast fell on each peak, and the abilities and energy you two obtained are most likely from these ancient holy beasts."

Divine power.

Invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to water and fire, and invulnerable to lightning. This is the power of Xuanwu.

However, according to ancient records, the Xuanwu Holy Beast is covered in black energy, so your green energy may also be the divine power of other holy beasts.

Invincible, fierce and ferocious, capable of killing and attacking, this is the power of the white tiger.

You have inherited the power of the holy beast, so you are called the inheritors."

Zhang Xiaozu and others were shocked when they heard this.

Butcher Zhang looked at the clouds in the distance and said, "I think you two should go to a few other mountain peaks to confirm the answer. There may be greater opportunities waiting for you."

Zhang Xiaozu didn't respond. He didn't want to leave Phoenix Mountain for fear of missing Wutong Lei.

For him, no matter how good the opportunity was, it was not as important as saving Butcher Zhang.

Niu Dawa knew what Zhang Xiaozu was thinking, and he wouldn't leave even if Zhang Xiaozu didn't leave. He was afraid that the people from the world would come and kill him again. Zhang Xiaozu was helpless, so he smiled and said: "Old man, this ruins are very weird. Let's not be too greedy."

Well, don't lose your life because of greed. It will be too late to regret it by then.

As the saying goes: Contentment always brings happiness.

Do you think so?"

"Haha, that's the truth." Butcher Zhang stroked his beard and said with a smile.

He knew in his heart that Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa were unwilling to leave Phoenix Mountain in order to snatch Wutong Tears to save him. He felt very warm in his heart, but at the same time he felt guilty, feeling that he had dragged down his descendants.

But after listening to what Niu Dawa said, he felt that it was very reasonable.

Greed is the biggest taboo in exploring ruins. It is a great opportunity for Zhang Xiaozhu and Zhang Xiaozhu to obtain the inheritance of divine power. If they are not greedy enough, they may lose their lives in the end.

Darkness falls.

Zhang Xiaozu waited quietly for a long time, but his hands, which should have appeared long ago, never moved.

"Senior?" He called tentatively.

"Yeah" a voice responded in front of him.

Zhang Xiaozu opened his eyes hard, trying to see the person in front of him, but the night was still as dark as ever, and he could see nothing but black.

"Are you the white tiger sacred beast that protects the Jiuzhou Continent?" Zhang Xiaozu heard that the other party seemed to be in a good mood, so he asked cautiously.


Although he was mentally prepared, Zhang Xiaozhu was still so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground when he heard the other party's affirmative reply. It took him a while to recover.

"Thank you, senior, for giving me divine power." Zhang Xiaozu quickly knelt down and thanked him.

"Don't be too happy. It's hard to say whether you will survive tomorrow."

"This..." Zhang Xiaozu was startled.

"I have passed on my divine power to five people, and I will put the five of you together tomorrow. Have you heard the saying, 'One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers'?"

"..." Zhang Xiaozu swallowed, stood up and asked, "Senior, do you want us to fight?"

"Not necessarily, because you can choose to live in peace, if you can resist swallowing each other's divine power.

As long as you can stay together for three days, I will let you go."

Zhang Xiaozhu remained silent because he knew this was impossible unless the other four people were his life and death friends, but this was obviously impossible.

So tomorrow will be a brutal duel in which only one can survive to the end.

Such a vicious method made his admiration and respect for the white tiger sacred beast suddenly decrease a lot.

"Who are the other four people?" Zhang Xiaozu asked.

"I don't know. I don't know whether they are alive or not. I am too lazy to ask their names, just like I am too lazy to know your name."

"..." Zhang Xiaozu felt like he was insulted, but he was so insulted that he had no temper because the opponent was the white tiger, one of the four mythical beasts.

In his eyes, Zhang Xiaozu felt that he should be no different from an ant.

"This is where?"

"The place where demons are sealed."

"Devil? Is he that person in the center of the Scorched Earth Basin?" Zhang Xiaozu asked in shock.


"Is he still alive?"


"Oh" Zhang Xiaozu breathed a sigh of relief.

"But you stupid humans will save him!" The white tiger holy beast was suddenly angry, and a violent murderous aura suddenly descended on Zhang Xiaopou.


Zhang Xiaozu had no power to resist, his legs trembled and he fell to his knees.

When his soul was about to collapse, the pressure on his body finally disappeared.

"Senior, I would like to do my best to prevent the devil from resurrecting, but I don't know what to do?" Zhang Xiaozu broke out in cold sweat and said hurriedly to please him.


"Senior, are you still there?"

Zhang Xiaozu called out several times in succession, but received no response because the other party had already left.

But the information revealed by the White Tiger Holy Beast was enough for him to be shocked and digested for one night.

The land of demons.

Was it the demon that the nine ancient holy beasts sacrificed themselves to join forces to seal?

Then this demon is too terrifying.

Why do humans resurrect demons?

How to resurrect?

Who will he fight to the death with tomorrow?

How to survive to the end?

Full of questions, Zhang Xiaozhu fell asleep in a daze.

The darkness dissipates and day falls.

Zhou Jianlai suddenly opened his eyes, and in his deep eyes, sword energy swirled, and there were stars twinkling.

Dantian Qi Sea, he has reached the other shore, but he has not seen the stars.

He knew that this was the peak of the sea realm.

In the distance, Ye Mingyue also opened her eyes, with uncontrollable excitement in her eyes. She landed on the other side again, wondering whether she could break through the constraints and see the stars this time.

She looked up at the gray sky, hoping that when she woke up tomorrow morning, the stars would fall and bathe her body.

Du Tianlu, who opened his eyes next to her, felt somewhat the same as her.

The two looked at each other and saw tension, expectation, and anxiety in each other's eyes.

"Dongqi Baht, the name on my tombstone has been engraved." Someone woke up and walked to the tombstone. When he saw that the name on the tombstone was engraved, he couldn't help shouting in surprise.

In recent days, when they wake up, they will take a look at the front of the tombstone, because some of the names on the tombstone have been engraved, and some are about to be engraved.

But what surprised them was that nothing happened after the names were engraved.

"I'm so slow at carving that I still can't tell what the third word is." Someone said, looking at his tombstone.

"The name on this tombstone will be engraved soon. There should be two strokes left. This person's name is Zhang Qing. Well, the third character should be Song, Zhang Qingsong." A gray-haired man tilted his head and looked at the blank piece beside him.

said the human tombstone.

The person who understood the inheritance of the inscription on this tombstone was accidentally killed by a fruit tree three days ago when fighting against it.

"Zhang Qingsong? This name seems familiar." Zhou Jianlai heard the gray-haired man's words from a distance and couldn't help but frown and recall where he had heard this name.

As he was thinking about it, the face of an old man suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Fuck! No way?!" Zhou Jianlai's eyes widened for a moment, and then he shouted to Yuan Taiping: "Fourth, come on!"

"What's wrong?" Yuan Taiping heard Zhou Jianlai's urgent cry and quickly followed Zhou Jianlai and ran in the same direction.

This chapter has been completed!
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