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Chapter 847: Entering the Shen family

Standing on the edge of the cliff and jumping, this is something Shen Wenjun has thought about for more than ten years but has never had the courage to do.

She cared about people in her heart and was reluctant to die. She dreamed of having the opportunity to go to Qingzhou again in her lifetime to see the people she cared about.

But this extravagant desire was completely shattered with the death of her master Zuo Yuji and the persecution of Shen Wenze.

So she really doesn't want to live anymore.

Feeling the rapid speed of his body falling and listening to the whistling wind in his ears, Shen Wenjun shed tears from the corners of his eyes and silently said "I'm sorry" in his heart.

She felt that she was sorry for Zhang Xiaobing, Zhang Xiaozu, and Zhang Guangyao, but there was really nothing she could do.

Then she opened her arms, threw away all distracting thoughts, and then a smile broke out on her face, because she felt the relief.

Suddenly, a figure rushed down from above and grabbed Shen Wenjun's wrist. Then a force of wind held her up, causing her rapidly falling body to begin to slow down.

Shen Wenjun opened her eyes and found that the person grabbing her was Granny Rui. She never thought that she was a master in the field of wind element. However, Shen Wenjun didn't want her to save her, so he slapped her in the face, trying to anger her.

, let her let go.


Shen Wenjun slapped Granny Rui's fat face firmly with a loud sound.

Grandma Rui endured the slap, but her hand tightened.

"Let go!" Shen Wenjun shouted.

"Sixth Miss, I am wrong! I deserve death!" Granny Rui hurriedly admitted her mistake.

She was almost scared out of her mind when Shen Wenjun jumped. If Shen Wenjun really jumped off the cliff and died, how could she survive?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shen Wenjun didn't say any nonsense, and slapped Granny Rui on the face one after another, trying to provoke her to let go. But the harder she slapped her, the tighter Granny Rui's grip became.

"Sixth Miss, if you die, both my slave and my mother-in-law will have to be buried with you. My slave deserved death, but my mother-in-law died unjustly." Grandma Rui shouted anxiously.

Shen Wenjun sighed inwardly when he heard this, and then stopped struggling.

Grandma Rui immediately used her strongest wind elemental power and flew Shen Wenjun up the cliff.


As soon as she landed on the cliff, Granny Rui's legs went weak and she knelt down in front of Shen Wenjun, kowtowing and admitting her mistake.

She was extremely lucky that she had the Domain of Wind, otherwise no one would be able to survive today.

Grandma Ping was also frightened, her heart still stuck in her throat and pounding, and she kowtowed to admit her mistake.

"You two get up, I won't die." Shen Wenjun glanced at the two of them, and then walked into the cliff cave, saying as he walked: "From today on, you two will share the work. Granny Ping will take care of me during the day.

Mrs. Rui looks after me at night."

"Old slave, I obey!" The two of them accepted the order and did not dare to say "no".

After Shen Wenjun walked away, Granny Rui took Granny Ping's hand and said, "Sister, you have to persuade Miss Six, she...she really doesn't want to live anymore."

When she fell off the cliff just now, she saw the determined desire to die in Shen Wenjun's eyes, so she was really panicked.

She felt that Shen Wenjun divided the work between her and Ping's mother-in-law, just because he wanted to wait until she was on duty at night before jumping off a cliff to commit suicide, and wanted to kill her too.

"Weren't you brave just now? Why are you so cowardly now?" Granny Ping glared at Granny Rui coldly, then stood up and shook off her hand.

She was so angry because if Granny Rui hadn't laughed at Shen Wenjun repeatedly, nothing would have happened to them.

"I have been a slave in the Shen family for more than 40 years, and I have never met a more kind master than Miss Six. I don't know what you are doing. You want to find a cool place to die by yourself, and don't hurt me." Granny Ping said to her.

He said angrily while walking towards the cliff cave.

Grandma Rui's face turned pale and she felt extremely regretful. However, she did not regret taking the medicine. She could only warn herself not to squint at night, which would give Shen Wenjun a chance to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff.

The four masters of the Shen family's realm of destruction brought eight extinguished soul lamps and passed by Zhang Xiaozu and his group.

Niu Dawa and Ye Mingyue took turns using space jump to rush on their way, and it took them seven days and seven nights to reach the boundary of Shen's family.

Then the nine people lay in ambush on the only way in and out of Shen's house, waiting for their prey to appear.

The rescue plan they discussed was to first find a way to sneak into the Shen family and find Shen Wenjun, then find a way to bring her out, and then escape back to Qingzhou as quickly as possible.

The reason why I sneaked in instead of hiding in the folded space is because there are space restrictions everywhere in the Shen family, just to prevent anyone from sneaking into the Shen family.

If this plan fails, the only option is to exchange Shen Weiran's bones for Shen Wenjun, and then use Niu Dawa's thousand-mile escape to escape.

The Shen family is located on the peak of Wanfeng Lake. There are ten Qingtian main peaks and thirty-six slightly shorter secondary peaks.

The peaks are connected by cable bridges, which are crisscrossed like a spider web. People who are not familiar with the Shen family will get lost after entering.

Therefore, if you want to find Shen Wenjun, you must first find out which mountain peak Shen Wenjun lives on, and the fastest way to find out is to catch a few Shen family members and ask.

Tap tap tap——

Dusk had passed and the sky was getting dark. Four fast horses came galloping from the south road. The four men on the horses were all wearing black mermaid suits of the Shen family. From a distance, you could tell that they were the Shen family.

The cuffs of these four people were embroidered with seven or eight silver threads. Under Zhang Xiaobing's explanation, Zhang Xiaobing and others learned that the silver and gold threads on the cuffs represented cultivation.

The seven or eight silver lines represent the seventh or eighth heaven of the sea.

The four of them were galloping on horseback when two figures suddenly jumped out of the woods beside the road. Before they could realize what was going on, their necks were grabbed by the other person, making them unable to breathe or speak.

Zhang Xiaozu and Niu Dawa each captured two people and then jumped back into the woods.

Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping came out and led their horses into the woods to prevent them from arousing suspicion if they were left on the road.

Ye Mingyue opened a soundproof barrier.

Zhang Xiaozu and Niu Dawa threw the four Shen family members to the ground and used their force to suppress them. They were so frightened that the four of them trembled and did not dare to take a breath.

There was a click, and in front of the other three people, Zhang Xiaozu broke the neck of one of them without expression.

"Master, please spare your life!" The remaining three people were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions and answer truthfully." Zhang Xiaozu released his murderous intent to suppress the three of them, his voice as cold as an ice pick.

One person nodded hurriedly and replied: "Young master, just ask, we will know everything and tell you everything."

"Which mountain peak does Shen Wenjun live on now?" Zhang Xiaozu went straight to the topic.

The three of them opened their mouths to answer, but they couldn't answer because they couldn't remember who Shen Wenjun was.

Zhang Xiaobing saw the puzzled expressions of the three people, so he reminded him aloud: "Shen Wenjun, Shen Wenze's sister, is confined on the Cliff of Repentance."

"Just... right on the Cliff of Repentance." One person rushed to answer.

"How long have you been out? Didn't you say that she was... getting married? Why are you still living on the Cliff of Regret?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked with a frown, thinking that the three of them had been out for too long and didn't know what was going on at home.

"We have only...only been away for three days. Shen Wenjun is indeed still on the cliff of regret. There are rumors that she is getting married, but there has been no concrete news." Another person rushed to answer.

When Zhang Xiaozu and Zhang Xiaobing heard this, a big stone suddenly fell in their hearts. This good news made them almost burst out laughing.

"Is there anything else you need to ask?" Zhang Xiaozu looked at Zhang Xiaobing.

"Is there anyone on duty at the Cliff of Repentance?"

"There are two old ladies who are responsible for taking care of Shen Wenjun, and there is nothing else."

"Brother, there is nothing more to ask."

Zhang Xiaozu shot three palms in a row and killed three people, but he did not let go of the power of the ancient immortal on the four of them.

Compared to the power of the ancient immortals who are powerful in the Star Reaching Realm, the power of the ancient immortals of these four people is really ordinary.

However, to Zhang Xiaozu's surprise, one of them allowed him to awaken one more bone. So far, he had awakened one hundred and fifty-five sacred bones, and he would have fifty-one more to complete.

Zhang Xiaobing told him that the Shen family mainly has twenty-nine bones that are extremely difficult to awaken.

The reason why Shen Wenze forced Shen Wenjun to marry and have children was precisely because Shen Wenjun awakened a bone that was extremely difficult to awaken. Shen Wenze hoped that Shen Wenjun's children could inherit her good qualities and awaken this bone.


Two hours later, it was already midnight. Zhang Xiaozu, Zhang Xiaobing and Niu Dawa put on the clothes of the three Shen family members and rode towards the Shen family.

After spending a cup of tea, the three of them arrived at the mountain gate of the Shen family.

Under the towering gate, there is a red plaque with four gilt characters engraved on it: Lord of Central Continent.

It can be said that he is domineering and powerful, and at the same time, he also shows his unquestionable confidence as a strong man.

There was a checkpoint under the gate, and the three people sitting on horseback casually showed their identity tokens and were let through.

As Zhang Xiaobing said, not only does the Shen family have no curfew, but the guards are very sparse. Because no one dares to come to the Shen family to cause trouble, the guards have long been lax and cannot be lax anymore.

After entering the door, there was a broad road. Walking forward for two or three miles to the foot of the mountain, a servant immediately came forward and took the horses of the three people to feed.

Ahead is a mountain of climbing stone steps. This mountain is called Yingjun Mountain. Only when you climb Yingjun Mountain can you truly reach the Shen family.

Shen Wenjun was still on the cliff of regret, so Zhang Xiaobing took Zhang Xiaozu and Niu Dawa to the top of Yingjun Mountain, then walked around the main hall on the top of the mountain to the back mountain.

"I'll go!" Niu Dawa looked at the dozens of cable bridges on the cliff leading to other peaks, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "If you don't know the road, you will know which way to go."

"Take this path." Zhang Xiaobing walked in front and led the two of them onto an iron cable bridge in the middle.

After passing the iron cable bridge, he climbed to a higher mountain peak, and then walked around three iron cable bridges. When he reached a mountain peak in the west direction, Zhang Xiaobing slowed down.

"The peak to the west is the Cliff of Repentance, but there are four guards on duty all year round in front of the iron cable leading to the Cliff of Repentance. If you can't fool them, you have to force your way through. Fortunately, the guards are not very skilled, so you two should be able to handle it easily.

." Zhang Xiaobing whispered as he walked.

"Can't you fly there?" Niu Dawa asked.

"With space restrictions and powerful killing formations, the Shen family themselves don't dare to fly around."

The three of them walked around to the west side of the mountain. Zhang Xiaobing pointed to the cliff in front and whispered: "The iron cable leading to the Cliff of Regret is right there."

Zhang Xiaozu's subtle state of mind has already seen the iron rope.

Unlike the iron cable bridges leading to other peaks, there is only an arm-thick iron cable leading to the Ruigui Cliff.

There is a sentry post on the edge of the cliff. There are four guards inside, leaning against the four pillars of the pavilion and taking a nap.

This chapter has been completed!
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