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Chapter 876: Take off your armor and become a father

"This..." After hearing Wei Ziyan give his son the name Wuyou, Qi Changkong showed an embarrassed look on his face, and hesitated to say what he wanted to say.

"What? Doesn't it sound good?" Wei Ziyan asked.

"It sounds nice, but my father's name is Qi Wuwei. This Wuyou is probably very inappropriate."

"Haha..." Wei Ziyi burst into laughter after hearing this, and said: "I was negligent. Then... um... let's call him Qi Xiaoyao. Play, sword, wine, chess, dragon, crane and tiger, you can be carefree and carefree forever, carefree and worry-free


Qi Changkong and Xi Qingqing kowtowed to thank the elder for bestowing their names, then sat down in the hall with their two little ones in their arms, and listened to Wei Ziyu's sermon together.

It wasn't until someone came over to call them for dinner that everyone listening to the avenue realized that it was getting dark.

After dinner, Wei Ziyan called Zhang Xiaozu to the room alone, took out the three spiritual veins stored in the void space one by one, and helped Zhang Xiaozu absorb them one by one.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaozu could absorb spiritual energy as easily as a sea swallowing a great river, Wei Ziyi wanted to see where he had absorbed this majestic spiritual energy, but in the end he endured it.

It is taboo to explore other people's cultivation methods without permission, so even though he knew that Zhang Xiaozu respected and trusted him, Wei Ziyi did not violate this taboo. This was a sign of respect for Zhang Xiaozu.


Until the third spiritual vein entered the body, Zhang Xiaozu's eighth war gate finally opened with a rumble, located at the tail vertebra point of the rear tail vertebrae.

Then the spiritual energy poured into the eighth war gate, and the sea of ​​​​qi surged, from the first level of heaven to the ninth level of heaven, and then the eight seas of qi surged together.

But at the most critical moment of landing on the other side, the spiritual energy of the third spiritual vein suddenly weakened and was about to be absorbed completely. Zhang Xiaozu opened his eyes eagerly and took out something from the mustard seeds.

First, they brought Zhou Jianlai and Ye Mingyue out from the cemetery and swallowed all the spiritual fruits and elixirs given to them. After finding that their spiritual power was still not enough, they quickly swallowed the star elixirs.

Wei Ziyan looked at the speed at which Zhang Xiaozu was consuming spiritual materials and elixirs, and couldn't help but be speechless, wondering if Zhang Xiaozu was the reincarnation of Taotie.

Zhang Xiaozu himself was also complaining secretly.

His eight war gates are all absorbing energy crazily, trying to reach the other side together.

That's all. The key is that the withered bones on the beach of the heart gate are also devouring energy crazily. Almost half of the spiritual energy in the three meridians is absorbed by it.

At the same time, Ghost Eyes and White Tiger Divine Power are also frantically grabbing energy.

Zhang Xiaozu wanted them to stop so that energy could be supplied to the eight seas of qi first. He wanted to get to the other side first, but he found that he could no longer stop them.

"It's hard to celebrate the New Year, so I'll let you eat all at once!" Zhang Xiaopou gritted his teeth. At this critical moment of landing on the other side, he didn't care that he still had to keep the Xingchen Pill to arrest the Shen family. His mind became hot, and he

Put the handle into your mouth.


Wei Ziyan looked at Zhang Xiaozu's cheeks that were bulging high due to the mouth full of Star Pills. He couldn't help but worry about him, for fear that he would choke.

The majestic power of the stars exploded out of his body, Zhang Xiaozu's body instantly swelled up, and starlight shot out from his body.


The eight seas of qi were surging with furious waves, the sky was filled with lightning and thunder, and strong winds and heavy rains were raging uncontrollably.

Zhang Xiaozu drove a lone boat to the top of the waves, facing the violent storm, and jumped towards the other shore.


My feet landed on the ground and I stepped onto the other shore, but I couldn't see the stars.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the dark night sky and felt a mysterious and powerful force coming across the void.

However, before that, he had already felt and understood this power.

On that day, Butcher Zhang and Sword Saint Cang Yihai had a decisive battle in the desert. Black Ape took him to understand the power laws of the two at close range. At that time, Butcher Zhang's knife had communicated this power across time and space.

Black Ape told him that this was a power from ancient times.

Zhang Xiaozu sat down cross-legged, feeling the ancient power coming to the other side, and began to meditate.

New Year 831.

The sixty-first year of the Kaiyuan period of Dasu.

The first day of the first lunar month.

The founding emperor of Su Hanlin, Su Hanlin, abdicated, and Prince Su Hui officially ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

Amnesty is granted to the whole world, and the whole world celebrates.

King Su Min of Qi looked towards the imperial capital from afar in the Western Region, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

He originally thought he could compete with Su Hui, but he never expected to be slapped to death by Su Hanlin, given the title of King Qi, and then sent to the Western Region where everything was flying around and nothing happened.

The title is quite impressive, but he has no real power at all. To put it bluntly, he is just a showy prince raised by the empire.

Su Min could understand that Su Hanlin did not allow him to compete with Su Hui for the throne, but he could not understand why Su Hanlin was so cruel, not only depriving him of all his rights, but also throwing him into the desolate Gobi Desert and treating him as a company.

He is a showy prince who is not looked down upon by the officials.

He felt that Su Hanlin's father was too partial and left everything to Su Hui, so he felt angry and unfair.

Just as angry and unwilling as him were Su You, King Qian of Northern Xinjiang, and Su Ye, King Wen of East China Sea.

But there are also people who feel happy after leaving the imperial capital, such as the Ninth Prince Su Qian.

I just feel that from now on, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and I no longer have to quarrel with those brothers and sisters who eat people without spitting out their bones. How free I am.

The eldest princess Su Rou caressed her growing belly, wishing that Su Hanlin would let her leave the imperial capital quickly so that she could go to Yancheng in the south to find her consort He Bucai.

A few months ago, He Bucai was ordered to return to Beijing for a month's rest, which made her happy to be pregnant.

Now she is four months pregnant, her belly is gradually swollen, and she can already tell the gender of the child, it is a boy.

She immediately wrote a letter to inform He Bucai of the good news, knowing that He Bucai would definitely jump for joy after reading the letter. Unfortunately, she was not able to see He Bucai's happy face with her own eyes, which made her feel a little disappointed and regretful.

The eldest princess' mansion has been built and you can move in next month. Su Rou knows that she may never have the chance to leave the imperial capital in her life.

Qi Ronger stood on the city wall on the southern border, looking towards the northern imperial capital in the distance, somewhat lost in thought.

There was drizzle in the sky.

Su De took off his black cloak, put it on Qi Ronger, and said, "Rong'er, it's raining and windy, be careful not to freeze yourself."

Last year, the Daya Empire, under the orders of Wentianzong, launched a nationwide attack on the southern border of Dasu. Troops from other surrounding countries came to help Daya, resulting in heavy casualties among the black-armored troops on the southern border.

At that time, the southern border was in danger, and the men from the southern border came from all directions to join the army on the border, and everyone worked together to resist the invading enemy.

Su De decided to join the army.

When Su Hanlin expelled him from the imperial capital, he issued two orders to him.

First, he is not allowed to set foot in the imperial capital again in this life.

Second, he was not allowed to enter the military camp and join the army.

But these two orders must be obeyed absolutely, because Su Hanlin finally said: "Unless the building is about to collapse."

The implication is that if the Great Su Empire is in danger, you Su De can ignore these two orders.

So when the southern border was in danger last year, it was in line with the unexpected situation Su Hanlin said, and Su De resolutely joined the military camp.

He held his breath in his heart and did not sign up to join the army as a prince. Instead, he used a false name. Mou Zujin wanted to show Su Hanlin that he, Su De, was no worse than any other prince.

And he did it.

He started as a pawn in front of the battle, made many military exploits, and climbed up step by step. If the war had not ended, he might have climbed to the position of general in one breath.

Su De originally thought that he would have a good and proud year this year, but he never expected that on the first day of the new year, he would receive a dismissal order from the Ministry of War, dismissing him from all military positions.

A flimsy letter vetoed all his efforts, which made Su De feel desolate.

If Qi Ronger hadn't tried his best to stop him, he would have been riding a fast horse and galloping on the road to the imperial capital, wanting to ask Su Hanlin why and why.

Qi Ronger was awakened from her daze by Su De. She turned to look at Su De and asked, "Has the anger dissipated?"

"Hey -" Su De shook his head and sighed, his tone still full of deep reluctance, and it could be heard that he was still angry in his heart.

Qi Ronger said: "If I don't stop you, you will never come back again."

"What's the meaning?"

"The prince has ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. He has not yet settled down. Do you think he will let you leave after you go to the imperial capital? Don't forget, you were born with the title of emperor."

"Does he still dare to kill me?" Su De glared.

"He doesn't dare to kill you, but he can find you a yard, fine clothes, fine food, fine wine and beautiful women to serve you until you grow old and die."

"No wonder you had to stop me." Su De sighed. He felt that what Qi Ronger said was right. Then he suddenly looked stunned and asked in surprise: "How did you know that I was born with the appearance of an emperor?"


He had kept this matter secret from Qi Ronger and did not tell her.

Qi Ronger chuckled and replied: "I overheard you talking in your sleep."

"..." Su De looked embarrassed and hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean to hide it from you. It's really embarrassing to tell you. What is the appearance of an emperor? The appearance of a beggar is almost the same."

Qi Ronger turned to look north and said, "Since my father and brother are as guarding against you as thieves, let's stop resisting.

No amount of glory or wealth is as important as living a good life.

You don’t know that you fought on this border wall for several months last year. I was at home with my heart hanging in my throat every day. I couldn’t eat or sleep, for fear that you—

If you can't argue, let's stop arguing. The gold, silver and jewels rewarded from above are enough for our family of three to live a carefree life for a lifetime."

The experience of more than a year has worn away her edges, especially the unexpected arrival of a little life in her belly, which made her suddenly lose sight of fame and fortune, and felt that nothing could be better than living a safe and healthy life.

"A family of three?" Su De didn't respond.

"I'm pregnant."

"Ah, really?"

"Can this still be false?" Qi Ronger rolled her eyes at Su De.

"Ha...haha...great, great! Haha..." Su De looked up to the sky and laughed with joy.

"My great general, let's go home. I'll help you remove your armor. We don't care about being their general anymore. We want to be their fathers."

"Let's go home, take off your armor, and become a father!" Su De nodded vigorously and shouted to the north: "I will not imitate Su Hanlin. He will not feel pain after giving birth and will not support him after birth."

This chapter has been completed!
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