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3262. Chapter three thousand two hundred sixty-two ancient magic secret sky!

What Gu Zhenting said really opened Qin Yu's eyes.

It is almost certain that nine out of ten of the nine holy coffins are the one Gu Zhenting mentioned.

At the beginning, Golden Bull said that the Nine Holy Coffins were made by an extremely evil person for the nine holy ancestors in the world in order to restrain their power of Tao and rules.

Qin Yu was still a little surprised at the time. Could this extremely evil person build a holy coffin for the Holy Ancestor just to bury them all?

Now it seems that the extremely evil person simply wants to use the nine holy coffins to deprive the nine saint ancestors of their way.

Qin Yu had heard about the Nine Sacred Coffins a long time ago, and had previously doubted whether this burial coffin was one of the Nine Sacred Coffins, but the Sacred Coffin might also be called a divine coffin in this place of exile.

Unexpectedly, the burial coffin turned out to be the original form of the nine holy coffins.

The Nine Holy Coffins should be the most famous holy coffins in the world of heavens, and there should be similar holy coffins and divine coffins in the world of gods and demons, or the land of divine bones and demon souls, and there may be quite a few of them.

I just don’t know how much the original burial coffin is still spread among the world.

After all, the real gods and demons are so powerful. If they died, they must have experienced an extremely brutal battle. It is almost impossible to maintain the integrity of the world inside the body even after dying in battle.

Therefore, Gu Zhenting said that burial coffins are extremely rare, and many top-level orthodox cultivators may not even be able to find them.

And this burial coffin of the eternal rotten demon was in this tomb countless years ago. Until tens of millions of years ago, during a great disaster of the ancient demon clan, the ancestral land was invaded. This burial coffin

It was also lost.

It was not until Qin Yu came to the Land of Demon Souls that the Ancient Demon Clan recovered the burial coffin outside the Cursed Land.

It is also because the burial coffin is so strong that even the Supreme Being cannot destroy it, so it has been passed down to this day without any damage.

And wanting to understand the world of true demons is not something that just anyone can do. If you don't have the blood of the eternal demons like the ancient demon clan, you can only understand the laws of the world of true demons if you have the unparalleled understanding of peerless monsters.

Who would have known that before he could return the burial coffin to his ancestral land, it was stolen by Qin Yu using the Heaven Stealing Technique, and he did not return until today.

After finding out the origin of this coffin, Qin Yu didn't have much nostalgia and sent it directly into the tomb.

Although the burial coffin is extremely precious, Qin Yu has no intention of understanding it.

After all, he already has the Way of God of War and the Law of Chaos to understand.

Unless he plans to change his path and inherit the root law of the eternal demon, the world of real demons in the burial coffin will not be of much use to Qin Yu.

It would be better to return to the Ancient Demon Clan. Now the Ancient Demon Clan can be regarded as Qin Yu's subordinates. If understanding the World Burial Coffin can improve the strength of the Ancient Demon Clan, it will only be good for him.

As for whether it is possible for the ancient demon clan to understand the world-burial coffin and become a true demon, Qin Yu is not worried.

After all, seeing that the ancient demon clan has been comprehending it for countless years, and no one can fully comprehend it, and inheriting the real demon world, you know that this may not be much easier than comprehending the law of chaos on your own.

If such a day comes, I'm afraid Qin Yu himself will soon catch up with the gods and demons.

However, he did not leave the ancient demon clan.

In fact, when he was about to leave, a message came from the Hunyuan Shen Sect.

To Qin Yu's expectation, the person delivering the message turned out to be Liu Zun.

"You can go to the ancient demon secret sky realm, you may gain something, which can meet your urgent needs. Remember, when the sky collapses, you cannot escape."

Liu Zun is one of the most mysterious Supreme Beings that Qin Yu has ever seen. It even made him feel a little like when he faced Elder Jiang, so Qin Yu never dared to look down upon her in the slightest.

The methods used by the Jietian Liu family to spy on the secrets of heaven are indeed extremely mysterious, and they are indeed a powerful aid to the development of the Hunyuan Shen Sect. Therefore, Qin Yu treats Liu Zun and the Liu family with considerable respect.

But this time, the message from Liu Zun made Qin Yu a little confused.

"The Secret Sky World of Ancient Demons? Are you talking about the secret space world of my ancient demon clan?"

After hearing what Qin Yu said, Gu Zhenting frowned and said, "Young Master, do you want to go to the secret world?"

Ancient and powerful traditions such as the Ancient Demon Clan, which have been passed down for a long time, almost always have many small worlds of their own.

Perhaps it is a place of creation with inheritance, perhaps it is a place of experience with many opportunities, perhaps it is simply a back garden used to develop resources, or a combination of both.

The top sects of the Demonic Soul Land, such as the You family and the Five Elements Divine Sect, control so many small worlds that they can hardly be counted, and there are countless rich and powerful small worlds among them.

This is also a great manifestation of Taoist heritage.

For example, today's Hunyuan Shen Sect controls at least thousands of resource-rich small worlds in the Demon Cauldron Divine Realm.

Of course, the number of small worlds in any one domain is so huge that even the other seventeen major divine domains combined cannot compare to the Luotian Ancient Road.

The secret world that Liu Zun mentioned is one of the small worlds controlled by the ancient demon clan.

"That should be the case." Qin Yu nodded: "That's what Liu Zun said."

He still didn't understand what Liu Zun meant. He probably meant that he could get much-needed gains in the small world of the secret sky, but he also didn't understand what it means to be inescapable when the sky collapses?

If the sky is really falling, wouldn't it be certain that he would die if he didn't escape?

Gu Zhenting frowned: "But at this time, the secret world is too dangerous, so this is not the time to enter."

"Oh? How do you say that?" Qin Yu was slightly startled.

Since it is a small world controlled by the ancient demon clan, how can there be any big danger?

After Gu Zhenting's explanation, Qin Yu finally understood.

This small world of secret space is a small world where time and space are very unstable.

Sometimes there are three autumns in one day, and sometimes it happens in a blink of a hundred years, and the space will be distorted at any time, which is very dangerous for monks with low realms.

But it is also in this small world with chaotic time and space that some strange treasures will be born. Therefore, the ancient demon clan occupies this small world. Whenever time and space are slightly stable, monks will be sent into it to search for resources.

In order to maintain the stability of the space, all monks who enter it must activate the bloodline divine patterns at all times to solidify the surrounding time and space.

And now, in the past hundred years, the time and space of the secret space world have been extremely unstable.

Entering at this time, even a cultivator in the Divine Realm of Five Tribulations may be in danger.

"Master Li, if you need any chance treasures from the small world of the mysterious sky, you can let the strong ones in our clan go there without risking your life."

Gu Zhenting persuaded.

Qin Yu frowned and thought for a moment.

"No, I'd better go there by myself."

This chapter has been completed!
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