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3766. Chapter 3766 Can't figure it out!

But Duantian City is the head of the thirteen main cities, where the Wanxiang Palace has built its foundation for hundreds of millions of years, and the ban was placed by a peerless expert countless years ago. Once destroyed, the Wanxiang Palace today has no ability to rebuild it.

Moreover, after the restriction is destroyed, how will Duantian City deal with the countless ferocious beasts in the four forests?

I am afraid that such a strange thing has never happened in the history of the Land of Divine Bones.

In the huge Wanxiang Palace, one of the top overlords who has occupied the land of divine bones for hundreds of millions of years was actually forced into a dilemma by a mere monk who had reached the sixth calamity of the divine realm.

If it were in the outside world, let alone the so-called ninth on the Wanxiang Heavenly Ranking, even if Qin Yu was the Supreme, he would never be able to fight against the Wanxiang Palace on his own. After all, there is more than one Supreme in the Wanxiang Palace, let alone countless people who have accumulated countless years of experience.

Trump cards and hidden power.

But Qin Yu happens to be within the Wanxiang Soul Heaven. No matter how powerful the Supreme Being is, he cannot touch Qin Yu.

Unless they can find Qin Yu's body outside, they can't do anything to Qin Yu who is inside the Vientiane Soul Heaven.

And Qin Yu was arresting Wanxiang Hall monks everywhere in Duantian City, and there was no room for Wanxiang Hall in Duantian City.

But Duantian City is extremely important. It is the center of the four forests and is also connected to the thirteen main cities. Without Duantian City, it would be difficult for the thirteen main cities to communicate with each other, and the Wanxiang Palace would no longer be able to maintain control over Wanxiang Soul Heaven.

Take control.

If you want to say that you have given up on the Wanxiang Soul Heaven, that is simply nonsense.

Without Wanxiang Soul Heaven, how can Wanxiang Palace become the overlord of the Land of Divine Bones? Can it only rely on Wanxiang Trading? Then they can only be the top merchants of the Land of Divine Bones.

It is precisely because of controlling the Wanxiang Soul Heaven for countless years that the Wanxiang Palace can achieve its current status.

It can be said that Wanxiang Soul Heaven is the foundation of Wanxiang Palace, which is ten thousand times more important than the ancestral land. No matter from any aspect, Wanxiang Soul Heaven cannot give up on Wanxiang Soul Heaven.

Therefore, the Wanxiang Palace today is in a dilemma.

Who would have thought that the Wanxiang Palace, the most important foundation of its family, would be suppressed and out of breath?

It can be said that no matter how it ends, Qin Yu's unprecedented feat is enough to make him famous in history, powerful in the nine divine realms and the five desolate realms, and has been spread in the land of gods for billions of years.

At this moment, somewhere in the secret realm of the Nine Divine Realms, an old man slowly opened his eyes, his face as dark as water.

And in front of him, the heart of the boy-like young master of Wanxiang Palace sank.

"Could it be..." he murmured.

The old man shook his head: "I can't figure it out."

"Even you can't figure out where his physical body is?" The young palace master frowned deeply: "Even if we are both supreme, you can deduce the cause and effect. He is only six calamities in the divine realm, no matter how strong he is. And

How can you not be able to figure it out?"

"It really can't be calculated." The old man said solemnly: "No matter how you deduce it, you can only see a fog."

"Why is this so?" the Young Palace Master asked anxiously.

The old man raised his hand and slowly stroked his long white beard. After a long time, he spoke.

"Either he has a magic weapon that can conceal all the secrets of cause and effect... at least of the Supreme level, or there is a Supreme Power next to him who is no less skilled than me... no, even better than me.

Or, cover it for him."

"The supreme magic weapon that can cover up all the secrets of cause and effect. Even my Wanxiang Palace has never had such a treasure and has never heard of it. How could it be in his body."

The Young Palace Master frowned and said: "The second one is even more impossible. In the entire land of gods, except for the one in the ruins, no one can even compare to you in the way of deduction. How can it be so?"

Are you looking for a Supreme Being whose deduction skills are better than yours? Moreover, if there really is a Supreme Being behind him, no matter who it is from the Nine Divine Realms, if he came forward back then, we would not be able to offer him a reward openly."

When he said this, his expression suddenly changed: "Could it be the one from Guixu——"

The old man said in a deep voice: "In tens of thousands of years, he broke through from the first calamity of the divine realm to the sixth calamity of the divine realm, and used the body of the sixth calamity of the divine realm to fight against the Supreme Being half a step. Such a monster, even I have never heard of it. He wants to

If there is anywhere that can cultivate such a being, I'm afraid it's the only place."

The face of the Young Palace Master changed again: "Do you mean... that he is a monster trained by those people?"

The old man nodded slowly: "It's not impossible."

"No wonder...no wonder..." The young hall master seemed to have figured something out: "No wonder he suddenly rose up without any foundation, no wonder he disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and only appeared again at the peak of the election of the Son of God... He is still a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect.

, Could it be that..."

The face of the Young Palace Master changed several times, and then he said solemnly: "Whether it is true or not, you need proof. I will go to the three major ruins in person. If he is really——"

At this point, his face became extremely ugly and he could no longer speak.

After being silent for a long while, he saluted the old man and turned to leave.

The old man was left sitting there, his eyes flashing, thoughtfully.

"Are they really the descendants of those people? But why, that mist-like secret doesn't feel like returning to the ruins?"

At the same moment, on a flying boat at the border of Jian Gang Desolate Domain, Liu Zun slowly opened his eyes.

Her calm eyes glanced at Qin Yu's body sitting cross-legged on the futon beside her, and then closed them again.

The old man's prediction was correct. There was indeed a supremely powerful man who had reached the pinnacle of derivation, covering up the secrets of heaven and protecting Qin Yu's body.

Before Qin Yu entered the Wanxiang Soul Heaven, he guessed that the Wanxiang Palace would definitely be looking for his body outside, so he handed his body over to Liu Zun for protection.

With Liu Zun's ability, as long as the Lord doesn't take action himself, no one in the entire Exiled Land can break through her sky-cutting technique and figure out where his body is.

The old man and the young palace master never imagined that there was a supremely powerful man who did not come from the land of divine corpses, but from the land of demon souls, helping Qin Yu hide the secret.

However, Qin Yu naturally didn't know what the old man and the young palace master were thinking. At this moment, he was still in the Wanxiang Soul Heaven.

Although he planned to go to Jian Gang Desolate Territory to visit Anping Town and the priests, now that it is clear that the war with Wanxiang Palace has begun, Qin Yu is not in a hurry to return to Anping Town. As long as he is still in Wanxiang Soul Heaven,

The Wanxiang Palace was overwhelmed in one day, with no way to do anything, let alone the energy to deal with other people.

Of course, if Wanxiang Palace is really unscrupulous, it can also choose to take action against the people around Qin Yu to force him to leave Wanxiang Soul Palace.

But as the top overlord of the Land of Divine Skeletons, Wanxiang Palace cannot ignore its dignity at all. That would really ruin its majesty.

This chapter has been completed!
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