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Chapter 60 Leaving

Chapter 60 Leaving

In the blink of an eye, there is less than one day left before the grand event.

The entire main city of Tianwu was already overcrowded, and everyone was talking about tomorrow's grand meeting. Cui Hong was so angry that Cui Shuo died, and then the Cui family collapsed and no one cared about it.

Regarding the disintegration of the Cui family, Qin Yu always felt that it was not that simple. After all, although Cui Hong was old and frail, he could not be angry to death. Moreover, with the Cui family's strong financial resources, he should be able to buy pills to extend his life.

But Qin Yu didn't think much about it. After all, after tomorrow, the Qin family will leave the main city of Tianwu, and they will have no interaction with the Cui family in the future.

But what puzzled Qin Yu was that the Sky Fire Sect didn't come to his door. Moreover, Qin Yu had also inquired about the fact that the Sky Fire Sect had left the main city of Tianwu. This surprised Qin Yu that Wang Ping's Earth Fire was still in his Dantian.

Here, he would give up the fire and leave?

After thinking about it, Qin Yu guessed that this might be Master Huang Ting secretly warning the Sky Fire Sect, which changed Qin Yu's impression of the old and disrespectful Master a lot.

At this time, Qin Yu was in the Qin Mansion, chatting with Xiong Tatian and Li Tianji over wine.

"Li Tianji, Xiong Tatian, what are your plans?" Qin Yu took a sip of wine and asked slowly.

"Me? Wherever you go, brother, I will go." Xiong Tatian drank a bowl of wine and said loudly with his face flushed.

Li Tianji pondered for a long time and said: "Brother Qin, I also want to travel more and gain more experience when I come out this time. Therefore, after you go to the Wanzhong War Sect, I will leave the Wu Kingdom and travel throughout the eastern part of the Qinglian Heavenly Territory.

.But...it's best for Xiong Tatian to come with me."

Qin Yu nodded slightly. If Xiong Tatian's temperament really led him to go to the Wanzhong War Sect, he would probably make the Wanzhong War Sect very upset. Although Li Tianji was taciturn, he acted cautiously. Xiong Tatian followed.

Generally speaking, nothing would happen to him, but Li Tian couldn't suppress Xiong Tatian, which gave Qin Yu a headache.

If Xiong Tatian is left to his own devices, he doesn't know how many people he will offend in the future, and he doesn't even know when he will die.

"Hiccup, I'm not coming with you. I'm going to that Ten Thousand Layers War Sect with my eldest brother." Xiong Tatian said in a muffled voice after belching wine.

Li Tianji's face was stiff and he looked at Qin Yu, but Qin Yu was also helpless. Xiong Tatian had a reckless personality and simple thinking. It was difficult to change what he had decided. But if he was allowed to go to the Ten Thousand Levels War Sect... he would not have to think about it.

There is no peaceful life to live.

"Brother Qin, actually... we can let Xue'er travel with us. Xiong Titian and I can guide her in her cultivation. It would be nice to have you with me if she went to the Ten Thousand Layers War Sect, but if she goes to other sects, with her current personality

It's not suitable." Li Tianji hesitated for a moment, pretending to be serious, but blinked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was startled and heard the meaning of Li Tianji's words. These days, Xiong Tatian almost obeyed Qin Xueyan. If it weren't for Qin Xue packing things in the boudoir, Xiong Tatian would have followed him.

If Qin Xue travels with Li Tianji and Xiong Tatian, it should make Xiong Tatian less temperamental and gain a lot of knowledge.

After these few months of getting along, Qin Yu recognized Xiong Tatian as his brother, so he didn't want anything to happen to him. Qin Yu nodded and said: "I will ask Xue'er later. If she is willing, let her follow."

You might as well travel."

Qin Xue is the kind of person who is very dependent, but from the past, she has always been strong when she meets the strong. In the past, when her predecessor was causing trouble everywhere, Qin Xue was as strict as a little sister to her predecessor. After her rebirth, Qin Xue

It seems that once you become dependent, you will gradually become weaker.

If she leaves him, Qin Xue will definitely become stronger, and with Li Tianji and Xiong Tatian, Qin Yu doesn't have to worry about Qin Xue being wronged.

"Ah? Sister, are you coming too? Then...then...brother, wouldn't it be boring for you to be alone?" Xiong Tatian heard that Xue'er would also travel with Li Tianji, and his whole tone and attitude changed drastically.

, said with a bitter face, but his eyes were filled with excitement.

This guy has learned to be duplicitous.

Li Tianji held his breath in his heart. He was very devoted to Xiong Tatian, but this tough guy liked to argue with him the most. But now, he was completely obedient to Qin Xue. Fortunately, it was Qin Xue. If it were someone else...

...Li Tianji was afraid that he would be so angry that he would run away.

Later, Qin Yu asked Li Tianji if he had seen Ling Yao in the beast burial place, and Li Tianji's answer made Qin Yu relieved. When he was looking for Qin Yu in the beast burial place that was razed to the ground, he had seen Ling Yao.

Yao, she seems to be looking for something too.

"What are you looking for?" Qin Yu felt extremely complicated.

The next day.

At the gate of Tianwu main city.

There was already a sea of ​​people here, and the gathered people were rubbing shoulders with each other, like dark clouds surrounding the gate of Tianwu's main city. The noise and discussion formed a heavy sound wave that rushed into the sky and stirred up the white clouds above.

In the middle of the dark crowd, there is an empty flat covering an area of ​​100 acres. The empty flat is shrouded by a huge formation light curtain, and there are three small light curtains in the light curtain.

Although these four light curtains look like defensive array light curtains, they are not like that. In the Wu Kingdom, these four light curtains are called the Four Barriers, blocking the dreams of countless mortals.

Generally speaking, those who can enter the first light curtain have a certain chance of being favored by some small sects, and those who can enter the second light curtain have a chance of being favored by medium-sized sects, and those who can enter the third light curtain,

But being favored by a major sect, being able to enter the fourth light curtain is difficult to come by, and even major sects have to compete for it.

As for this grand event, nearly a hundred sects, large and small, arrived at the main city of Tianwu and stationed themselves at one end of the huge light, waiting for the grand event to begin.

Qin Yu, Xiong Tatian and others stood behind the crowd, looking at the huge light curtain. Qin Yu looked surprised. He did not expect that this method of selecting disciples was still retained, but it was not complete. There should really be five rays of light.


In the ancient world of immortal martial arts, this was called the five-fold formation, a formation specifically used to select disciples in the city. Of course, this was only one of the methods used by various sects to select disciples.

Generally speaking, those who can enter the first three light curtains are of the highest quality, and those who can enter the fourth light curtain are of the highest quality. As for those who can enter the fifth light curtain, they are geniuses. Even in the past, immortals

There are also very few in the martial arts world. Unfortunately, there are only four of the five-layer formations here, and I don’t know if they have been lost.

"The grand gathering of the Martial Kingdom once every ten years has officially begun. Anyone who can enter the light curtain has a chance to become a disciple of the Immortal Sect."

Along with a loud shout, the crowd surrounding the formation rushed towards the light curtain like swarms.

But the vast majority of monks were blocked from the first light curtain.

All of a sudden, the sounds of reluctance, roars, painful cries, and wild laughter echoed throughout the sky. Some people were happy, some were desperate, but a secular event was staged with all kinds of emotions in the world.

Seeing those monks who couldn't even enter the first light curtain and the suffering of the people, Qin Yu not only sighed with emotion, in fact, for those who understand Taoism, except for those who are born with Taoism like Ling Yao, the bones are not the most important.

In short, the bones determine the cultivation of the spiritual realm, and what determines how far one can go in the Tao realm is understanding and perseverance.

But the reality is so real, and it is impossible for each sect to spend resources to cultivate a person with mediocre abilities and excellent understanding. After all, if you can't even pass the spiritual realm, how can you talk about the Tao realm?

In just half a quarter of an hour, a full 90% of those who were cut down by the first light curtain accounted for about 3,000 people who actually entered the first light curtain, while only 1,000 people entered the second light curtain.

To the left and right, there were only about a hundred people in the third curtain of light.

"Brother..." Qin Xue listened to the screams in front of her, with a voice of reluctance and worry on her face, and tightly grabbed Qin Yu's arm.

"It's okay. It's not difficult to enter the third light curtain with my bones. Xiaotao, Xiaohua, you can come with me." Qin Yu patted Qin Xue's delicate hand and said comfortingly. Before that, Qin Xue had already decided to go with him.

Xiong Tatian and Li Tianji traveled to the Qinglian Heavenly Territory, while Xiao Tao and Xiao Hua also participated in the grand meeting to see if they could enter the ordinary sect.

As for why he didn't just go to the Ten Thousand Layers War Sect with the Huang Ting Token, Qin Yu decided after weighing it in his mind. After all, if Master Huang Ting broke through, who would know when he would come back? It would be better to enter the Ten Thousand Layers War Sect first.

, Moreover, Qin Yu is confident that he can enter at least three light curtains.

After comforting Qin Xue, Qin Yu, Xiao Tao, and Xiao Hua squeezed into the crowd and walked towards the huge light curtain.

A moment later, Qin Yu walked through the first light curtain with almost no hindrance. What surprised Qin Yu was that the moment he stepped into the light curtain, he felt an inexplicable force coming from the formation light curtain.

As it poured into the body, Qin Yu guessed that this might be the power of the formation to detect root bones.

Both Xiao Tao and Xiao Hua passed the first pass.

Then, Qin Yu walked towards the second light curtain and passed it easily. However, Xiao Tao and Xiao Hua stopped at the first light curtain and could only look at Qin Yu. However, the two of them were extremely satisfied because they heard that they were leaving.

There is a chance of being accepted by the Immortal Sect after entering the first light curtain.

In the third stage, Qin Yu only felt that there seemed to be a powerful force pouring into his body from the light curtain, which seemed to be testing the strength of his bones. However, Qin Yu's bones had been tempered by the power of thunder and were already incomparably stronger.

At this time, there were approximately one hundred, sixty or seventy monks in the third curtain of light. Most of these people had tried to enter the fourth curtain of light, but no one had succeeded.

Qin Yu did not try, but sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest. If he could reach the third light curtain, he would be qualified to enter the Ten Thousand Layers War Sect. As for the fourth light curtain, although Qin Yu was sure, he had no intention of entering.

If you are outstanding in the forest, you will be destroyed by the wind; if you are too outstanding, you will only make others jealous.

On the other side of the light curtain, Zi Xun'er's beautiful eyes were staring at Qin Yu who was sitting cross-legged, with a look of doubt in his expression. Qin Yu walked directly through the third light curtain, but gave up without trying the fourth one, which made her

Very puzzled.

Not only Zi Xun'er, but also Yi Zhantian was puzzled. He had actually been paying attention to Qin Yu these days, and even had the idea of ​​recruiting Qin Yu, but Qin Yu had a falling out with Tong Yunfei after all, and Tong Yunfei was very likely to do so in the future.

Since he became the leader of the Golden War Clan, Yi Zhantian didn't want to fall out with Qin Yu and Tong Yunfei.

"Brother Yi, if you really have no intention of recruiting me, how about leaving Qin Yu to me later? My Wanjian Ancient Sect is not in the Qinglian Heavenly Domain, so I am not afraid of the Golden War Clan." The man in white next to Yi Zhantian

The young man glanced at Qin Yu and smiled.

Yi Zhantian's eyes flashed slightly and he said: "Brother Lu, do the Wanjian Ancient Sect still have few geniuses? However, if you are interested, I will ask him later."

"Very good!"

About three hours later.

When no one tries, the event ends.

This time, about 5,000 people entered the first curtain of light, 1,500 people entered the second curtain of light, nearly 200 people entered the third curtain of light, and only three people entered the fourth curtain of light. One of them was actually

Prince Long Fei.

Prince Long Fei's little face turned red with excitement, and his body was trembling. He seemed to be aware of Qin Yu's gaze. Long Fei glanced at him, and when he realized it was Qin Yu, Long Fei pursed his lips in disdain at Qin Yu and raised his head.

He looked sideways at Qin Yu with a arrogant look on his face.

At first, he was scolded by the fourth princess Long Ling because of Qin Yu, but now, he still hates Qin Yu.

Qin Yu ignored Long Fei's disdain. What made him puzzled was that Long Fei's bones were not outstanding at all. They could only be regarded as above-average bones at most. Logically speaking, they should not be able to enter the fourth light curtain.


After the five-fold formation was removed, each major sect began to select disciples.

In the end, Qin Yu was successfully selected by the Wan Zhong Zhan Zong, and the prince Long Fei was also valued by the masters of the Wan Zhong Zhan Zong.

However, there were two small episodes. One was that Yi Zhantian brought the young man in white to ask Qin Yu if he was willing to join the Ancient Wanjian Sect. Qin Yu naturally knew about the Ancient Wanjian Sect, but he had already made up his mind.

, can only refuse.

The young man named Lu Yongheng was okay, but Yi Zhantian showed a trace of hostility.

The second episode is that because within the scope of Tianlong Ancient Sect, Tianlong Ancient Sect has the right of priority, it selected two people who entered the fourth light curtain, leaving the prince Long Fei, and because he came to participate this time

The only major sects at the event were the Ten Thousand Levels War Sect and the Ancient Tianlong Sect, so the Ten Thousand Levels War Sect could only choose Long Fei.

As for Xiaotao and Xiaohua, they were both selected by a small sect, and they were particularly excited and satisfied.

Because he was about to leave for the Ten Thousand Levels War Sect in half a day, Qin Yu once again asked Xiong Tatian and Li Tianji to take good care of Qin Xue. Zi Xun'er took the initiative to say goodbye to Qin Yu, and before leaving, he said something that Qin Yu couldn't understand:

"Don't forget that you haven't helped me yet... We will settle the matter later."

After saying goodbye to Qin Xue, Xiong Tatian, Li Tianji, Long Yu, Xiao Tao, and Xiao Hua who were crying in pain, Qin Yu and the monks from the Wan Zhong War Sect got on the Feijian and left the main city of Tianwu for the Wan Zhong War Sect!

Before leaving, Li Tianji said something that shocked Qin Yu: "Be careful with Tong Yunfei, he has a great destiny." This reminded Qin Yu.

Originally, Qin Yu wanted to say goodbye to his father Qin Zhan, but found that his father was not in the Qin Mansion. In addition, he had already explained everything he should have explained before, so Qin Yu did not force it.

Little did he know that Qin Zhan was standing in the crowd, staring at his back and not leaving for a long time!

Three days after the event ended.

A beautiful figure with a sword slowly flew from the north of Tianwu Main City. Her face was veiled, her beautiful eyes were light but she entered Tianwu Main City with a tired and haggard appearance.

Not long after, a sharp shout came from the empty Qin Mansion: "Qin Yu... Even if you run to the Ten Thousand Levels War Sect, you can't escape from my grasp!"


This chapter has been completed!
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