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Chapter 1238 Eyes kill!

The two police officers guarded Ye Fan, their fingers always on the trigger, and they did not dare to neglect at all times.

About a quarter of an hour later, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside.

Seven or eight people filed in. Captain Zhou, who was previously responsible for interrogating Ye Fan, stood at the end of the team.

The leader is a man in his early fifties, with a Chinese character face, calm and intimidating, wearing a uniform, with a silver olive branch on the shoulder strap and three four-pointed stars, which represents his extraordinary status as a first-class police officer.

"Luo Ju!"

After seeing him appear, the two young police officers stood at attention and saluted.

This person is none other than Luo Haishan, the top leader of the Yanjing Public Security Bureau.

Luo Haishan has worked on the front line for most of his life and has seen many extremely vicious gangsters who commit all kinds of evil.

However, when he heard Team Zhou's report just now, he was also shocked. He never expected that someone would dare to kill someone at the gate of the Yanjing Public Security Bureau. This was simply disregarding the law and being extremely audacious!

What's more important is that the deceased is most likely the eldest son of the Yanjing Long family, which makes the matter even more difficult.

As soon as he entered the interrogation room, Luo Haishan looked straight at Ye Fan, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, as if he wanted to see through Ye Fan's mind.

But to his expectation, Ye Fan's face did not have the violence, viciousness, regret, or fear that other villains had after committing crimes. Instead, there was only calmness!

It seems that killing Long Tengyu is like accidentally stepping on an ant to Ye Fan, and he doesn't take it seriously at all!

Such calmness made Luo Haishan feel palpitated.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

At this moment, Luo Haishan's phone rang. He lowered his head and saw the name of the caller. He quickly connected the phone and said in an unusually respectful voice: "Master Long, what are your orders?"

"Luo Haishan, my son was killed at the gate of your unit, why do you ask me what my orders are?" Long Zhengling's voice contained undisguised anger.

Hearing these words, Luo Haishan's expression changed drastically.

Before, he was still taking a chance and praying that the deceased was not Long Tengyu, but now that the head of the Long family personally called to question him, there was no need to check the identity of the deceased.

At this time, Long Zhengling yelled again: "Luo Haishan, I give you one day to bring the criminals to justice and punish them severely! If you can't do that, you can't be the head of the Public Security Bureau."

, just go home and farm!"

After saying that, Long Zhengling hung up the phone without giving Luo Haishan any chance to speak.

In Luo Haishan's heart, he was uneasy and worried about his future.

Even though he holds a high position and holds great power, he is nothing compared to a behemoth like the Long family.

He knew very well that with the terrifying power of the Long family in Yanjing, it would only take a matter of minutes to get rid of him.

Even if he had a backer from above, he still couldn't withstand the Long family's anger!

Now, if Luo Haishan wants to quell the anger of the Long family, he must follow Long Zhengling's request and put Ye Fan on trial within one day.

Under normal circumstances, even if the evidence is conclusive and irrefutable, this kind of murder case will take several months to go through the procedures, but as the leader, Luo Haishan can handle special cases.

But there was an uneasy feeling in his heart.

Since Ye Fan dared to kill the eldest son of the Long family and remained so calm after the murder, how could he be an ordinary person?

There are only two possibilities now!

Or, Ye Fan is a complete madman!

Or, he has a huge power background behind him, which makes him so confident.

After pondering for a long time, Luo Haishan turned to look at Ye Fan.

Even though Ye Fan's hands were handcuffed and he was sitting on the chair, Luo Haishan had a strong feeling that Ye Fan was like a hidden dragon and could escape at any time.

If he wanted to leave, no one in the entire bureau could stop him.

Finally, Luo Haishan couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked: "Boy, who are you?"

Hearing this, Ye Fan raised his head and smiled slightly, and said: "Director Luo, this is a conflict between me and the Long family, and it will never end! I'll give you a piece of advice - don't get involved, otherwise you will be killed!"

Hearing this, the faces of everyone in the venue changed drastically, with anger in their eyes. They never expected that Ye Fan, a prisoner, would dare to threaten Luo Haishan.

This is really too outrageous!


Suddenly, a square-faced man with a high rank pointed at Ye Fan and yelled: "You dare to be so arrogant after killing people. You really don't know the heights of heaven and earth. Believe it or not, I will kill you immediately!"

As he spoke, the square-faced man actually took out a gun from his waist, and pointed the black muzzle at Ye Fan's head, as if he was about to shoot at the next moment.

"Lao Guo, stop!" Luo Haishan scolded quickly.

If Ye Fan is shot without trial, this would be a serious violation of discipline, or even deliberate murder, and no one can afford the price.

Luo Haishan didn't know that this square-faced man also belonged to the Long family. After knowing that Long Tengyu was killed by Ye Fan, he was angry and secretly happy. As long as he killed Ye Fan, he could go to the Long family to claim credit in exchange for a share of the Long family.

Outrageous wealth.

Seeing that the square-faced man was about to shoot, Ye Fan glanced at him casually and said disdainfully:

"act recklessly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the square-faced man's body was shaken violently, as if he had suffered some invisible heavy injury. All the energy and energy in his body had been emptied out, and he could not even hold the gun in his hand steady.

The next moment, he fell to the ground with a "plop" and remained motionless.

Seeing such a strange emotion, Luo Haishan quickly leaned over and shouted at him: "Lao Guo, wake up, what's wrong with you?"

However, no matter how Luo Haishan shouted, the square-faced man did not respond at all.

Suddenly, Luo Haishan carefully stretched out his fingers and probed in front of his nose.

A few seconds later, Luo Haishan's face changed wildly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Lao Guo...has expired!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

"What? Deputy Director Guo is dead?"

"How...how is this possible?"

"What exactly happened just now, did anyone see clearly?"

Suddenly, someone pointed at Ye Fan and gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, you dare to commit crimes in the Public Security Bureau. You are full of evil and unpardonable crimes!"


Ye Fan immediately retorted: "When you investigate the case, you must pay attention to the evidence! I have been sitting here just now, my hands were handcuffed, there is no possibility of committing a crime, and there are surveillance records in the room! You said I killed this guy,

It’s just bloody spitting!”


Hearing this, the man was so angry that he was trembling all over, but could not speak at all.

He was certain that Ye Fan had definitely killed the square-faced man.

But judging from the appearance, the square-faced man's body was intact without any wounds, and Ye Fan had been sitting there without even moving.

You can’t say that Ye Fan killed the square-faced man with his eyes, right?

But the truth of the matter is exactly that.


How evil!

For a moment, everyone in the venue stood on end, shuddered, and quickly turned their heads, not daring to look at Ye Fan at all, for fear of following in the footsteps of the big man with a square face.

On the other side, Luo Haishan was also sweating coldly and was in a dilemma.

If he wants to quell the anger of the Long family, he must put Ye Fan on trial within one day.

But now, Ye Fan has shown strange and unpredictable abilities. If he dares to offend, I am afraid that Ye Fan can kill everyone in the room with just one look.

Either way, it’s death!

At this moment, Luo Haishan was so regretful that his intestines were green. If he had known this, he should have gone to another place to avoid the limelight and would never have accepted this hot potato.


After a long time, Luo Haishan took a long breath, as if he had made some important decision, looked back at everyone and said: "Everyone go back to their posts. This case will be handled according to normal procedures!"

"But Luo Bureau...how should the Long family explain it?" someone asked tremblingly.

"If the Long family is to blame, I will naturally bear the responsibility. What's more... I am the head of the Yanjing Public Security Bureau, not a retainer of the Long family. I have always enforced the law impartially, and I have a clear conscience in this matter!" Luo Haishan's voice,

Revealing some firm will.

Luo Haishan has made a decision. Although the Long family is the first family in Yanjing, it has not yet reached the point where it can cover the sky with one hand.

And he didn't see any panic in Ye Fan's eyes, only determination.

Because of this, he bet all his treasures on Ye Fan, and he will be both prosperous and deprived.

This chapter has been completed!
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