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Chapter 155: Step on the dojo and make a bloody path!

In the field, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Fan stopped for a moment in front of the sword test stone, with a troubled expression on his face, and then withdrew his hand and took several steps back.

There were no marks on the sword test stone, not even a hair-sized flaw.

For a moment, in the eyes of everyone, it was clear that Ye Fan knew that he was not strong enough and was completely intimidated.

At this time, the Taiyi Sect disciple’s face was full of arrogance and he said arrogantly:

"Boy, you know how powerful you are, right? How can you shake this sword test stone? According to our previous bet, why don't you kneel down and kowtow quickly to apologize to my Taiyi Sect! Otherwise...don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword.


As he spoke, he placed his right hand on the hilt of the sword, his eyes sharp, as if he was about to draw the sword at the next moment.

On the other side, the warriors who were watching also cheered:

"That's it! I'm willing to admit defeat! Brat, if you don't have the ability, don't pretend to be cool!"

"Hmph... He just made such nonsense that he didn't even look down upon the Grand Master. Why has he turned into a coward now?"

"This kind of kid who doesn't know the bounds of heaven and earth should be punished severely to see if he will continue to be arrogant in the future!"

Hearing the cynicism from the people around him, Yu Zihong on the side felt a little anxious.

Originally, in his opinion, with Ye Fan's strength, he could easily leave a mark on the sword test stone.

But he never expected that it would be like this. The sword test stone remained unchanged from before.

However, at this time, Ye Fan still looked as normal, with a calm look, and even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a vague smile, as if everything was under control.

His unwavering eyes scanned every warrior in the audience, and finally fell on the Taiyi Sect disciple, and said calmly:

"Who said I lost?"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused the rebuttal of the disciples of Taiyi Sect: "Absurd! Is this a fact that is not obvious? You still want to open your eyes and say nonsense——"


Before he could finish his words, a terrifying loud noise suddenly erupted in the venue, shaking the sky and the earth, and the ground seemed to shake.

Everyone felt their eardrums vibrating, their livers and gallbladders were split with fright, and their whole bodies trembled.

At this moment, someone suddenly let out an incredible exclamation: "Oh my God! Look at that sword-testing stone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone turned their heads subconsciously.

However, as far as the eye can see, an incredible picture appears——

The sword-testing stone, which was so impregnable that only a half-step master could barely leave a mark, was torn apart at this moment.

As if it had been bombed by a missile, it turned into hundreds of rubbles and scattered all over the ground.

And the poems left by He Jianxian that day were turned into powder at this moment and no longer existed.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the venue couldn't help but take a breath of air, and they were dumbfounded. They couldn't believe their eyes.

The smile on the face of the Taiyi Sect disciple who was still arrogant before instantly solidified, and his pupils shrank into needle-like shapes.

Looking at the broken sword-testing stone, he felt a huge wave of excitement in his heart, and he was so surprised that he couldn't be more surprised.

You know, there is no doubt that this sword test stone is strong and will not break down after thousands of years.

Even a true master can only leave deep marks on it!

However, at this moment, they saw Ye Fan lightly reaching out and pressing on the sword test stone for a few minutes, and the sword test stone exploded!

It’s so unbelievable that it almost subverts their worldview!

For a moment, there was a dead silence in the venue, and there was no sound, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone looked at Ye Fan with disbelief, as if they were under a restraining spell, unable to move.

At this time, Ye Fan smiled slightly and said: "Based on the previous bet, now... I should be qualified to enter the dojo directly, right?"

Hearing this, the Taiyi Sect disciple came back from the shock, his eyes flickered, and finally turned into a fierce look, pointed at Ye Fan and gritted his teeth and said:

"You brat, what kind of evil magic did you use to dare to destroy my Taiyi Sect's most precious treasure, the 'Sword Testing Stone'!"

"Hmph...I just pressed it lightly. Who knew that this sword test stone is so vulnerable and breaks into pieces at the touch of a touch!" Ye Fan said lightly.

Although he was calm on the surface, he was actually a little surprised in his heart.

Just now, he followed Mr. Wei's prompts and tried to fuse the power of the four spirits together.

Originally, in his opinion, the power of the Four Spirits represented four completely different powers, life and death, killing, defense, agility...

However, after the four spirits merged into one, a wonderful fusion occurred. Quantitative changes caused qualitative changes, and the power increased exponentially.

He even vaguely felt that if he met the Ghost King who was comparable to a master now, he would be able to inflict heavy damage to the Ghost King or even kill him with the power of the fused four spirits alone.

However, at this moment, after hearing Ye Fan's extremely "promising" words, the Taiyi Sect disciple said incredulously:

"Hmph... Such a strong tone! Even our sect leader Chongxu Zhenren doesn't have that kind of strength! Boy, is it possible that you are more powerful than a martial arts master?"

Faced with this question, Ye Fan suddenly smiled like a spring breeze and said:

"Whether you believe it or not, what does it have to do with me? I won this bet! Either you, the Taiyi Sect, treat me as my honored guest and let me enter the dojo, or -"

At this point, Ye Fan suddenly paused, and his aura suddenly changed.

With his body as the center of the circle, a solid coercion spread out, covering dozens of meters in an instant.

For a moment, the hairs of almost all the warriors around him stood up, as if they were being shocked by electricity. It was as if a pair of big hands were grasping their hearts, making them breathless and almost suffocating.

Ye Fan's figure also became extremely tall in their eyes, as if he were a god above the nine heavens or a demon king under the nine netherworlds. They did not dare to look directly at him, and they even felt like they were worshiping him.

The next moment, his voice was like thunder, exploding in everyone's ears:

"If your Taiyi Sect disrespects me, then I will destroy this dojo and fight my way out!"

As soon as these words were spoken, it was like smashing a huge boulder into the calm water and causing thousands of waves.

The faces of everyone in the venue changed wildly. They never imagined that such a young boy under twenty would dare to say such arrogant words!

You must know that Taiyi Sect is a famous sect in Jiangnan Province, with a heritage of hundreds of years. Master Chongxu is a strong master and a leader in the Jiangnan martial arts world!

Ye Fan, however, made wild claims and declared that he would destroy the Taiyi Sect.

Fight one sect with the strength of one person!

How arrogant is this?!

If these words fall into the ears of Master Chongxu, I am afraid he will become furious and suppress him with thunder!

However, now, Ye Fan's aura of looking down on the world and being arrogant to all heroes has given everyone an illusion -

It's as if he is some kind of supreme being who can really accomplish such a feat!

Grandmaster, you cannot be humiliated!

Although strictly speaking, Ye Fan is not a master in the world of secular martial arts.

But as an immortal cultivator, his power is even more unimaginable.

In the middle of the pressure, the Taiyi Sect disciple felt as if he had turned into a lone boat, drifting in the violent wind and waves, and was in danger of being annihilated at any time!

Unconsciously, cold sweat had soaked his vest.

To him, one second seems like a world.

I don’t know how long it took, but his psychological defense finally collapsed, and he stammered: "This... this bet, I lost! I am blind to the mountains. Please forgive me, I will take you right now."

Enter the dojo!"

Hearing this, Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and calmed down his aura.


The next moment, everyone in the venue relaxed and breathed a long sigh of relief, and the invisible boulder pressing on their chests disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fan glanced at Yu Zihong in the corner and said: "Young Master Yu, the trouble is solved, let's go!"

With that said, Ye Fan strode forward, followed closely by Yu Zihong.

Looking at his retreating figure, the remaining warriors still looked frightened, as if they had not yet recovered from the shock.

Many people even feel that in terms of power, the celestial figure that Ye Fan showed just now is not inferior to Grandmaster Yao of Medicine God Valley, and is even slightly better!

For a time, many people gathered together to whisper and inquire about Ye Fan's identity. I don't know which sect has produced another supreme genius!

This chapter has been completed!
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