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Chapter 1859 The devil roars, the sky trembles!

Looking at the dozens of captured human monks, Ye Fan frowned, but did not stand up to stop them.

Although Ye Fan has a sense of justice, he does not think of himself as a savior.

The world is so big, he can't control too much, he just wants to protect the people around him.

These human monks are not related to him, so there is no need to risk their lives to save him!

What's more... they may not be good people. They are probably the remnants of some evil sects and evil ways in the ruins. Who can survive in the ruins? Who's hands are not stained with countless blood?

Even if he is killed by the demon clan, death is not a pity.


Suddenly, the little wolf king flashed and climbed onto the fighting stage. His sharp eyes scanned the whole place, and finally he looked at the ragged, skinny human monks and shouted:

"Today is the day of my father's thousandth birthday. I will celebrate it with your blood! But before I am killed, I can also give you a chance - whoever can take my ten moves on the ring can win more

Live for one month; if you take twenty of my moves, you can live for one more year; if someone can take a hundred of my moves without dying, you can regain your freedom!"

Upon hearing these words, the dim eyes of the human monks who had fallen into despair suddenly lit up, as if they saw a glimmer of hope.

But the wolf demons in the arena burst into laughter and whispered:

"Hahaha... look at these two-legged sheep, they are so excited all of a sudden. Do they really think they can survive?"

"How naive! The Little Wolf King is very powerful. He has gained the true inheritance of the Demon Wolf King. He is a victorious general in the martial arts arena and has never been defeated! These two-legged sheep combined may not be the Little Wolf King's opponent!"

"Hey! There will be a good show later!"

"The rules have been made clear. If you want to survive, just get on the ring!" Little Wolf King said in a deep voice.

"I'll try!"

Among the crowd, a figure shot out like an arrow and flew onto the stage in an instant.

Looking from a distance, he saw a bald monk wearing gray coarse trousers. His bronze skin shone in the light, and his stretched muscles seemed to have been greased with something, giving off a metallic sheen, like steel bars.


However, in addition to being strong and hard, his muscles also contain tough tension, making them look both strong and soft.

"Dharma protector of Mahayana Lingyun Temple, Shi Kong!"

The bald monk's voice was like a loud bell, resounding throughout the entire audience, and there was a hint of pride on his face.

Hearing this, the ancestor of the pig man changed his face slightly and quietly sent a message to Ye Fan:

"Master, although the Mahayana Lingyun Temple is not as good as the Prajna Temple among the nine sects, it is still a powerful force in the ruins. There are hundreds of disciples in the temple, and its power cannot be underestimated. And the guardians of the whole temple are also

There are only sixteen seats, and they are all top-notch experts! I never expected that this guy would fall into the hands of the Demon Wolf King!"

At this moment, the battle in the arena had begun.


The little wolf king's figure turned into an afterimage, and his fist, carrying the power of shaking mountains, blasted towards Monk Shikong's chest.

Unexpectedly, monk Shikong did not dodge or evade. He had a dignified appearance, put his hands together, and recited a Buddha's name:


As soon as he finished speaking, a roar of tigers and dragons came from his body, and at the same time a thick and majestic aura erupted.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

In an instant, two huge shadows shining with golden light appeared above Monk Shikong's head.

The one on the left is sitting upright on a dragon's body, thoughtful, calm and self-respecting.

The one on the right is riding a tiger. He is enlightened by the Dharma, powerful but not angry, and has outstanding Taoism.

Seeing this scene, someone in the venue suddenly exclaimed:

"Arhat subduing the dragon, Arhat subduing the tiger!"

"Monk Shikong actually visualized the souls of these two Arhats!"

"With such qualifications, he is no less than the soul boy from Prajna Temple. No wonder he can become the protector of Mahayana Lingyun Temple!"

The so-called Arhat refers to a saint who can eradicate all worries, reach the state of Nirvana, no longer suffer from the cycle of life and death, has perfect cultivation, has the virtue to guide all living beings to do good, and is worthy of being supported by humans and heaven.

Under the Buddha, there are eighteen Arhats who live forever in the world and protect the righteous Dharma. They are the highest achievement achieved by the Buddha's disciples.

Arhats are all pure in body and mind. The six roots of ignorance and troubles have been eradicated. They have escaped from life and death, achieved nirvana, and are worthy of the respect and support of humans and gods. Before the end of their lifespan, they still live in the world and live a holy life with few desires. Their morality is pure and they follow the teachings and teachings of the environment.


For Buddhist disciples, being able to visualize the soul of Arhat requires great opportunities and qualifications.

The group of demons never expected that such a strong Buddhist man would be captured.

While everyone was stunned, Little Wolf King's iron fist also hit Monk Shikong's chest.


There was a dull sound of flesh colliding.

However, Monk Shikong still stood where he was, motionless.

On the other hand, the Little Wolf King was so shocked that he took a dozen steps back before barely standing still.

In this first round of confrontation, Monk Shikong actually had the upper hand.

As long as these two life souls are sacrificed, Monk Shikong can obtain the blessing of the power of subduing dragons and subduing tigers, and his movements will be heroic and inviolable.

This state is second only to the legendary "Indestructible King Kong, immortal for all tribulations".

It is precisely because of this reliance that Monk Shikong dared to be the first to ascend the martial arts platform.

In terms of destructive power, he may not be the best, but when it comes to defense, he has absolute confidence in himself. Ordinary monsters will never be able to break through his defense.

"Tsk! For a moment, I underestimated you!"

The little wolf king laughed strangely and showed a fierce look in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the nails on the ten fingers of his hands instantly grew longer and sharper, like sharp blades, and shone with a frightening cold light under the sunlight, enough to easily cut through steel armor.

Thick, black hair also grew on his arms, and his body swelled to the point where his clothes were stretched apart, making him look half-human and half-demon!


The little wolf king flashed, his speed was unbelievable, completely beyond the limit of what everyone in the venue could capture with their naked eyes.

In the flash of lightning, Monk Shikong had no time to react and only felt a pain in his chest.

When he came back to his senses, he saw five long blood marks on his chest, almost running through the entire chest. The bright red blood flowed out and instantly dyed his clothes red.

"So fast!"

Monk Shikong was shocked and was completely intimidated by the strength of the Little Wolf King.

After becoming a demon, the Little Wolf King's speed increased by at least ten times, making him unable to dodge at all.

But fortunately, although the defense of the Arhat who subdued the dragon and subdued the tiger was broken, the scars left by the wolf's claws, which looked terrifying, were actually just scratches on the skin and did not damage the internal organs at all, so there was no fear of life.

"This is the second move. As long as you persist, there is hope of survival!"

Monk Shikong simply did not dodge, and used his inner strength to protect his whole body. He stood there like a stone statue, remaining unchanged to cope with all changes.

"Stab it! Stab it! Stab it..."

The sound of wolf claws tearing skin came and went.

The Little Wolf King seemed to treat Monk Shikong as a human punching bag, and every move became more vicious than the last.

Looking from a distance, I saw that Monk Shikong was covered in bruises and dripping with blood, just like a bloody man, but his life breath was still strong.

"Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen..."

"Thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven..."

"Eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three..."

Monk Shikong kept counting the number of attacks made by the Little Wolf King. Even though there were waves of pain in his body, there was a smile on his lips.

In his heart, he even felt that the Little Wolf King was a bit "weak", as he had been attacking for so long but was still unable to cause fatal injuries to him.

Soon, the ninety-nine moves have passed.

With only the last move left, Monk Shikong can step down and regain his freedom.

The dozens of human monks in the audience also looked excited and extremely excited.

"As expected of the protector of Mahayana Lingyun Temple, his magical powers are unparalleled!"

"He might actually be able to perform miracles!"

"Tsk, tsk! This little wolf king looks very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be a silver-like pewter spear head, it's just what it looks like!"

"It seems that this time, we all have hope of survival!"

"Come on, Monk Shikong!"

At this moment, Monk Shikong was also full of confidence.

The Little Wolf King used a total of ninety-nine moves, but couldn't kill him, and the last move was even more incredible.

Thinking of this, Monk Shikong shouted to the Little Wolf King: "Hey, hurry up, I'm in a hurry to go back to the temple!"

"Hmph! Bald Donkey, since you are in a hurry to go to hell, then I will give you a ride!"

The little wolf king waved his claws again and pounced on Monk Shikong.

This attack seems to be no different from the previous ninety-nine moves.

But in mid-air, the little wolf king's temperament changed completely, and a surging evil spirit erupted. It was as if a demon god had awakened in his body, and he could destroy the world with a single move.

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying aura instantly spread out, covering the entire martial arts arena and spreading outward at the same time.

The dozens of human monks were all trembling with fear and fear, and they didn't even dare to express their anger.

Some demon clansmen who were closer were also frightened and kept silent.

Monk Shikong's face changed wildly, his body shook violently, and he sensed a breath of death that was very close at hand. His mood was more like riding a roller coaster, falling from the clouds into the abyss.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he had been tricked by the Little Wolf King from the very beginning.

The Little Wolf King has been hiding his strength and paralyzing himself just for this final blow!

In fact, many of the wolf monsters present were not surprised because this was the consistent style of the Little Wolf King.

Give the enemy hope, and then kill all hope with your own hands just when the enemy thinks they are sure of victory!

Just like a cat playing tricks on a mouse, it is a very pleasant thing to watch the caught mouse dying in the palm of your hand. No matter how hard the mouse struggles, it cannot escape the fate of being killed.

"do not fight!"

"I won't fight!"

"I have survived twenty strokes a long time ago. If you don't ask for freedom, just let me live for one more year!"

Monk Shikong screamed at the top of his lungs. Without any hesitation, he immediately turned around and wanted to jump off the ring.

However, the Little Wolf King didn't give him any chance at all. He suddenly rose up, and his speed was three points faster than before. He instantly grabbed Monk Shikong's shoulders and threw him into the air.

The next moment, an extremely cruel scene appeared in everyone's sight——

The Little Wolf King crushed Monk Shikong's shoulder blades hard, and then cracked them to the left and right.

"Stab it!"

The harsh tearing sound resounded throughout the entire place.

The image of the arhat subduing the dragon and the tiger in the sky suddenly shattered and disappeared into thin air.

At the same time, Monk Shikong's burly body was also torn alive and split into two!

Flesh, blood, internal organs, intestines, etc. were all sprinkled on the ring, staining the ground red, which was shocking.

This scene had a strong visual impact on everyone present.

The human monks watching the battle in the audience were expecting Monk Shikong to be able to stop a hundred moves just a few seconds ago.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Monk Shikong was torn apart by his hands.


Some people turned pale, covered their mouths and retched.

Some people were so frightened that their legs weakened and they collapsed directly on the ground. Their whole bodies were soaked in cold sweat and they could hardly breathe.


The little wolf king's methods are too cruel!

More importantly, they will soon experience what happened to Monk Shikong.

No one can escape!

An aura of despair filled the hearts of many human monks.

The Little Wolf King is far stronger than they imagined.

It is almost impossible to survive a hundred moves!

At this time, the little wolf king's body was covered with bright red blood. He lowered his head and looked at the human monks in the audience, smiled ferociously, and said with the utmost arrogance:

"Who's next? Come up and die!"

This chapter has been completed!
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