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Chapter 240 Domineering Declaration!

When Ye Fan walked into the classroom, there was a commotion in the venue.

The two invigilators were obviously surprised. According to regulations, candidates had not been allowed to enter the venue for a long time.

However, the middle-aged man who accompanied Ye Fan whispered a few words to the two monitoring teachers. Shock appeared on their faces, and they turned a blind eye to Ye Fan's tardiness.

Close one eye!

Ye Fan quickly walked to the only empty seat in the classroom. Across the corridor to the left was Chu Mengyao.

In fact, when the exam started, Chu Mengyao was already anxious when she saw that Ye Fan was still late. She wondered what kind of trouble Ye Fan had encountered that delayed the exam.

But she couldn't contact Ye Fan at all in the examination room.

At this moment, seeing him appear, Chu Mengyao let out a long sigh of relief, the big stone in her heart disappeared instantly, and she smiled at him.

Seeing this, Ye Fan also gave her a determined smile, then sat down in his seat, escaped from the pen, picked up the test paper, and glanced at the questions.

It's been an hour since the exam started, and some fast students have already started writing essays.

It is almost impossible for most students to complete a college entrance examination Chinese test paper in just one and a half hours!

But when Ye Fan was doing simulation questions before, he was able to complete it in as fast as 45 minutes with full concentration.

At this moment, Ye Fan was focused on nothing else, abandoning all distracting thoughts in his mind, forgetting all the "interludes" just now, and devoting himself wholeheartedly to the test questions.

Countless knowledge emerged in his mind, as if he didn't even need to think about it, just picked up the pen and started writing.


The nib of the pen rubs against the test paper, and Ye Fan's pen moves like a ghost!

With half an hour left before the end of the exam, Ye Fan finally finished answering the questions and put away his black pen, like a swordsman returning his sword to its sheath!

At this time, most of the students in the room were still writing essays!


Ye Fan checked the test paper several times and found that there was nothing that could be modified, so he raised his hand to hand in the paper.

Then, under everyone's surprised eyes, he left the examination room gracefully.

Looking at his leaving figure, many students in the classroom were full of disdain and thought, why are you pretending to be so cool?

I was the last to come in and the earliest to hand in the papers. It only took an hour in total. If I could get good results, there would be no need for others to mess around!

After walking out, Ye Fan did not walk away directly, but waited at the entrance of the examination room.

Not long after, Chu Mengyao also handed in her paper in advance and walked out.

The first thing she saw was Ye Fan in the crowd, trotting over.

Immediately afterwards, under the attention of countless parents around him, Ye Fan took Chu Mengyao's hand without hesitation.

Feeling the warmth of Ye Fan's palm, Chu Mengyao's face turned red and she was extremely shy, but she did not struggle. Instead, she was led out by him like a little daughter-in-law.

Seeing this scene, many parents around him sighed: Such a juicy cabbage was taken over by this kid!

Ye Fan and Chu Mengyao walked side by side. Chu Mengyao turned her head and looked at him and asked with concern: "Xiao Fan, you were late for so long in the morning. Did you run into any trouble? Is it okay?"

"Don't worry, Mengyao! We encountered some small things, but they have been resolved!" Ye Fan replied with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the two found a restaurant nearby, took a rest after lunch, and recharged their batteries to prepare for the afternoon exam.

The days of senior year in high school are very long, and every day seems like a year. The mountains of test papers and frequent exams seem to take up all of my life.

The days of the senior year of high school are very short. In the blink of an eye, the college entrance examination is coming. A whole year of hard work is just for the last two days!

After the college entrance examination, many former close friends and lovers will part ways and go their separate ways.

Suddenly, Ye Fan asked: "Mengyao, which university are you going to go to? Yenching University, or Qingbei University?"

"Uh... I haven't decided yet!"

Chu Mengyao thought for a moment, then suddenly blushed, took a deep breath, and said as if she had made a huge determination: "Xiaofan, you... wherever you want to go, I will go!"

Although her voice was quiet, it was extremely firm and had a certain meaning of "marry your husband and follow your husband".

For Chu Mengyao, who had always been reserved and thin-skinned, this was already an extremely bold confession.

When Ye Fan heard this, a warm current suddenly surged in his heart. He secretly thought that even though Dongfang Mingyue was better than Chu Mengyao in terms of appearance and family background, in his opinion, Dongfang Mingyue was not even as good as Chu Mengyao's little finger.

For many people, the two days of the college entrance examination are just two ordinary days, not worth mentioning at all.

But for every senior high school student, it is the most important day in life.

In the afternoon of the second day, the last test was English.

At the entrance of Yucai Middle School, in addition to parents waiting for candidates, there were also many reporters.

There were many witnesses to the appearance of Special Train No. 1 here yesterday, and there were also many rumors among the public.

Some well-informed reporters smelled something unusual. Although they didn't know the truth behind the scenes, they were still ready to stay here to see if they could find out any big news.

More than an hour after the exam started, someone came out of the exam room, obviously having handed in the paper.

There is no doubt that that person is Ye Fan!

At this moment, he looked relaxed and had a confident smile on his face, as if he was sure of victory. He looked like he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination and said, "Who else would it be?"

Immediately after seeing him come out, a female reporter from the Jiangnan Provincial News Channel walked up to interview him with a microphone.

"Hello, classmates, this year's college entrance examination has been reformed. Everyone generally thinks that the test papers are too difficult! You handed in the papers so quickly. Did you feel that the test questions were too difficult, so you gave up?" the female reporter asked curiously.

According to the information she received, several national-level subject leaders were specially hired to write the test papers for this year's college entrance examination. In order to select talents among students, the difficulty of the test questions was greatly increased.

After yesterday's Chinese language and mathematics exams, many senior high school students were already complaining and complaining about the difficulty of the exams.

Even many education experts have said that this year’s test papers are too over-the-top and the final results will fall off a cliff and be extremely polarizing!

However, at this time, upon hearing the female reporter's question, Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and asked blankly: "Is it difficult? I don't feel it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the female reporter was stunned for a moment, and then her face became a little ugly.

If she hadn't felt Mark's sincere tone, she would have thought that he was deliberately looking for trouble.


The female reporter coughed dryly to ease the awkwardness in the atmosphere and asked again: "It seems that this classmate is very confident in his own ability! So according to your estimate, what score can you get in this exam?"

"750 points!" Ye Fan said firmly.


The female reporter subconsciously exclaimed, as if she couldn't believe her ears, and asked in a panic: "This... this classmate, I'm not asking what the full score is? What I'm asking is, how many scores do you think you can get?


"750 points!"

Ye Fan spoke again, his tone full of firmness and confidence. For fear that the female reporter would not believe it, he added: "You heard me right, I think I can get full marks!"

Hearing this, the female reporter quickly laughed, trying to smooth things over: "Haha... this classmate really knows how to joke!"

"I'm not kidding!"

Ye Fan's face was as dark as water, and he said seriously: "My goal is to get the top spot in the college entrance examination! Since I participated in this college entrance examination, everyone else can only compete for the second place!"

His voice was domineering, arrogant and arrogant, as if he did not regard other candidates as competitors at all.

As soon as this statement came out, not only the female reporter, but also everyone around was shocked.

This was the first time they heard such a domineering declaration, as if they regarded the top scorer in the college entrance examination as their own.

"Classmate, thank you for accepting our interview! Our program will be broadcast on the news station on time at 6:30 tonight!" the female reporter explained.

Jiangnan Provincial News Channel can be regarded as the most influential channel in the province.

Although the current interview may only last for a few seconds, Ye Fan's domineering declaration may be heard by people across the province, causing an uproar.

This chapter has been completed!
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