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Chapter 2327 Great sun disaster!

That sword light was so sharp that it seemed to be able to cut through Yin and Yang and shatter the universe.

The speed is beyond everyone's imagination.

Even though the middle-position demon general with the giant hammer sensed the danger, he had no time to dodge.

"Stab it!"

Under everyone's incredulous gaze, the figure of the middle demon general paused and suddenly stood still.

Immediately afterwards, the giant hammer in his hand split into two and hit the ground heavily.

Also split in half were his head and body.

Kill the enemy with one sword!

"Who's coming?"

"This swordsmanship is so superb, I didn't even notice the traces of the sword!"

"Is he an elder swordsman who has been in seclusion for many years?"

For a moment, the whole audience was shocked.

Ruan Hongli, Lin Tatian, and Duguxin breathed a long sigh of relief, secretly feeling happy in their hearts.

If that sword had been slower for a few seconds, they would have all been smashed into pulp.

Soon, a misty figure came flying towards me.

Dressed in white clothes and holding a long sword, he looks like a swordsman.

"Senior Brother Jian Wuya!"

Seeing that figure, Ruan Hongli and others were all stunned.

Jian Wuya was a genius of the same class as them. He had achieved a good score of level 945 in the assessment of the Tongtian Holy Staircase. He was considered the most amazing genius in recent decades.

It was a pity that I met Ye Fan, who directly climbed to the legendary 1000th floor during the assessment.

Jian Wuya was arrogant and unwilling to be inferior to others. Later, he became a disciple of Elder Ling Fengzi and practiced swordsmanship.

These days, he has been practicing in seclusion and has never come out. No one knows his strength.

I didn't expect that I would be so powerful as soon as I came out of seclusion. It's really amazing.

"Thank you, senior brother, for saving your life!"

Ruan Hongli and three others stepped forward to express their thanks.

"As members of the Yunhai Immortal Sect, it is our duty to help each other! Moreover, you are all Ye Fan's friends. Ye Fan and I cherish each other. If you die in front of me, how will you explain to him?"

After saying that, before the three of them could react, Jian Wuya had already walked away with his sword, leaving behind a silhouette.

"As expected of Senior Brother Jian Wuya, he behaves so coolly."

"We can't fall behind and protect the Yunhai Immortal Sect!"

"Yes, protect the Yunhai Immortal Sect!"

Ruan Hongli and others continued fighting without any rest.

Within the sect, those elders who had just left the sect were still fighting against the Ghost-Eyed Demon General and the Drought Demon General.

"No, our sword energy has been completely suppressed. If this continues, there is no way out!"

"Yes...the sect leader and the Seven Yunhai Sons have not left seclusion!"

"What should I do?"

"It seems that we are going to die here. Will the ten thousand-year foundation of Yunhaixian Qianmen be destroyed?"

"I'm not willing to accept it. Yunhai Immortal Lord is the strongest being in the Beidou Galaxy. Back then, he single-handedly created the Immortal Sect's foundation. How can he give it up today?"

Many elders were sweating profusely and as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

It won't be long before the Seven-Star Sword Formation loses its effectiveness, and they cannot sit still and wait for death.

"We are the elders of the Yunhai Immortal Sect. We have been practicing for thousands of years. Even if we die, we should be vigorous and not be so aggrieved!"

"That's right, the worst case scenario is that the soul will self-destruct and we will die together with them!"

For a moment, many elders prepared to cast spells that would destroy both the jade and the stone.

"Let me do it!"

Suddenly, an old man with gray hair and a stooped figure stood up.

"Elder Li!"

Seeing this elder, everyone present stood in awe.

Elder Li is the most senior member of the Yunhai Immortal Sect. It is said that he once took Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, and his lifespan skyrocketed, and he is now over three thousand years old.

Elder Li scanned the audience and said: "You are all still young and are the backbone of the sect! My life span is exhausted and my end is approaching. Even if there is no demon invasion, I will not live for many years! Before I die, I can

If you fight to the end with the demons, your three thousand years of cultivating immortality will be worth it!"

Hearing this, many elders' eyes turned red, knowing that Elder Li had made up his mind and was ready to fight to the death.


The ghost-eyed demon laughed loudly: "Old man, with your cultivation level, even if you self-destruct, you won't be able to cause any harm to me! Hanba, you go back to the frontal battlefield and leave this place to me!"

"Oh, are you so confident?" Drought Demon General asked.

"Then don't you need to say more? Go and help Baigu, I can handle it all by myself!"

The tone of the ghost-eyed devil is so crazy that there is no limit to it.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

All the elders know that once the Drought Demon General reaches the front battlefield, the pressure on the other Immortal Sect disciples will increase exponentially.

"Your opponent is me!"

But just when the elders take action, the ghost-eyed demon will release powerful magic energy, covering the entire place in an instant, making everyone's magical powers disappear.

"So strong!"

Seeing such a scene, all the elders were frightened. It seemed that the ghost-eyed demon had someone to rely on if he wanted to cut off the queen.

"Ghost Eyes Skyscraper Formation!"

Suddenly, the ghost-eyed demon will release his secret method.

Suddenly, the blood-colored ghost eyes in the sky kept changing. Then, one turned into two, two turned into four, and countless ghost eyes appeared in the sky.


Seeing this scene, all the elders were shocked. They didn't expect that the ghost-eyed demon general would have such ability.

"Everyone, please be careful!"

Elder Li reminded that although the number of ghost eyes has increased, the strength of individual ghost eyes has not declined much. In other words, each ghost eye is very lethal.

"Sword formation—start!"

Elder Li directly sacrificed hundreds of flying swords, shining with golden light.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Countless sword lights flew across the sky, and a chilling air filled the air.


Following the command, Feijian rushed towards the ghost eye formation ahead.

"Come on, let me understand the strength gap between you and me!"

The ghost-eyed demon general sneered slightly, then waved his hand, and countless ghost eyes in the sky released light at the same time.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Those rays of light are the light waves of destruction. When they come into contact with the flying sword, a very powerful explosion will occur.

For a time, the sky was completely flooded with energy fluctuations.

"It's over! Elder Li's flying swords were all destroyed by Ghost Eyes!"

Everyone was shocked, they did not expect the power of the Ghost Eyes Sky Formation to be so terrifying.

"Jie Jie Jie... You see, stupid humans, in front of this Demon General, you are just ants, no matter how many people you have, it's useless!"

The ghost-eyed demon will laugh and keep taunting.


Elder Li knew that the longer it was delayed, the more detrimental it would be to his side.


Suddenly, he took a deep breath and a look of determination flashed in his eyes:

"The Immortal Law of the Sea of ​​Clouds, I follow my will, it will be inherited by the Immortal Lord, and the world will be unified!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the inner energy, essence, and even consciousness in his body all began to burn.

The power of this secret technique is much more powerful than the self-destruction of the soul.

"Ghost Eye Killing Formation, release them all!"

Sensing the approaching crisis, the Ghost-Eyed Demon will not hesitate to release the strongest power of the Ghost-Eye Sky Formation.



Elder Li's life-saving blow collided with the ghost-eyed demon formation.

Suddenly, the heaven and earth shook, the mountain peaks exploded, and powerful energy fluctuations caused the surrounding space to continuously shake.


Elder Li suffered a backlash, vomiting blood crazily, and his vitality rapidly dissipated until it was nothingness.

A generation of strong men died like this!

But above the sky, the ghost eye sky formation still has not dissipated.

The ghost-eyed demon general's eyes were full of evil as he looked down at the remaining elders.


"Elder Li's life-saving blow was unable to do anything to him?"

"The strength of the superior demon general is too terrifying, and we really cannot resist it!"

"Could it be that...heaven is going to destroy my immortal sect?"

At the same time, there is a frontal battlefield.

The Drought Demon General flew over and without any hesitation, he immediately summoned a black-yellow flag and then muttered something.

"Three disasters and nine disasters, the big day is drought!"

As soon as he finished speaking, black wind swirled in the sky, and terrifying energy fluctuations enveloped the entire suspended island.

"Oh my god! This is the great magical power of the demons!"

Someone exclaimed.

The Great Disaster Technique is the supreme magical power of the demon clan and is divided into three disasters and nine difficulties.

And now, what the Drought Demon will release is the "Great Sun Drought" among the three disasters.

"Let you taste the power of the demon clan's supreme magical power, and go to hell!"

The Drought Demon will activate its own magic power, and powerful power will penetrate the heaven and earth.

In an instant, the burning breath enveloped the entire Yunhai Immortal Sect.

"What is this?"

"My head, ah...it feels so uncomfortable!"

"What happened? Why does my head hurt so much? My soul is on fire..."

As the drought came, there was only a scorching breath between heaven and earth, and countless immortal disciples screamed.

Under normal circumstances, monks can ignore the external environment.

Ordinary droughts will not affect their practice at all.

But this drought is different. It not only affects the monks' physical bodies, but also affects their spiritual consciousness.

"You losers, how do you feel when you see the magical power of the demon clan? Hahaha..."

Seeing the miserable expressions of the numerous Immortal Sect disciples below, the Drought Demon General laughed, his cruel eyes revealing a complete disregard for life.

"This great drought is not something you can just resist! You must be a monk who specializes in spiritual consciousness to be able to resist! This move will make you go crazy mentally and fall into the shadow of the demons! Haha!

Haha, you have no chance at all!"

Under the roar of the demon general, everyone's spirits became even more difficult to resist.

Many monks with weak spiritual consciousness only felt that their three souls and seven souls were exposed to thousands of scorching suns, and they instantly lost their fighting ability and collapsed to the ground.

"Brothers, hold on!"

Some monks who have cultivated their spiritual consciousness can still barely hold on, but their combat effectiveness has also dropped sharply.

They helped up the monks who fell to the ground, but unfortunately, it was still useless.


Many strong men began to instill inner energy into the monks who fell to the ground.

But no matter how hard they tried, these inner energies could not be instilled into their bodies. Under the influence of the drought, their meridians were shrinking rapidly.

"Ah, it hurts so much!"

Many monks were rolling on the spot in pain.

"Leave me alone and let me die!"

There are also some monks with relatively low cultivation levels who have fallen into suicidal fantasies at this moment. They can't bear it anymore. This is a disaster more terrifying than death.

"It's not good, most of the disciples have been tricked!"

"What should I do?"

On the battlefield, due to the appearance of the Drought Demon General, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, more than 90% of the millions of Immortal Sect disciples have lost their fighting power.

"Hahaha, you bunch of ants will eventually surrender to the Demon King. Now I'm going to let you suffer a little, just to make you understand your incompetence!"

The Drought Demon General laughed, and the scene in front of him was exactly what he expected.

The Great Sun Disaster is a forbidden technique that he has practiced for hundreds of years. Today is finally the time to release it. He wants to offer glory to the Demon King.

"We can't fall! Run the Heart Guarding Technique for me!"

Finally, a senior brother shouted loudly, and everyone sat up cross-legged and recited the mantra.

For a time, on the battlefield, the voice of the truth spread.

"Do you want to resist the natural disaster like this? It's a joke!"

Seeing the behavior of everyone in the Yunhai Celestial Sect, the Drought Demon General did not panic at all. He sat high in the air and waved his sharp claws.

Suddenly, countless sun discs appeared in the sky, emitting more dazzling light.


These rays of light directly penetrate into people's spiritual world, causing countless sun discs to appear in the spiritual world of many monks at the same time.

"Ah, poof!"

The monks who chanted the mantra began to spray blood one after another.

External pain can be resisted with willpower, but persistent pain in the heart and spiritual origin is difficult to resist.

"Why is this happening? The insidious demon clan is capable of fighting us decisively!"

"Damn you, you demon scum, for using this kind of trick!"

"We cannot give in!"

Although it was extremely painful, he understood that he was facing a demon clan. Once he surrendered, he would abandon the glory of the Yunhai Immortal Sect.

The disciples forced themselves to sit upright and continued to recite the mantra.

"I didn't expect you guys to be so stubborn! Okay, then I, the Demon General, will cause your shop more pain!"

The Drought Demon raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his demonic power increased again.


The Great Sun Disaster has reached a new peak. The sun disk in the sky begins to emit dark magic energy, and the scorching breath has a corrosive nature.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Suddenly, the bodies of all the monks below continued to make burning sounds, as if strong acid was poured on the skin.


The monks couldn't help but want to rub it with their hands, but once they came into contact with these weird magical energies, any part of their bodies would burn.

For a time, corpses lay everywhere, and countless monks were burned until their bones were left.

This kind of scene can be called purgatory on earth!

This is the effect the devil wants to achieve.

"Disciples of the Yunhai Immortal Sect, have you seen the power of our demon clan? Now, I will give you a chance to surrender. As long as you join the Demon King's command, I will relieve him of his pain and teach him the great magical powers of the demon clan.

, greatly increase your cultivation, this is your last chance!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, the Drought Demon General began to deceive people.

To conquer is to make human beings surrender from the heart, which is exactly what the devil wants to do.

"You bastard, don't talk nonsense! How can we, the disciples of the Yunhai Immortal Sect, obey the Demon King? It's absolutely impossible!"

"Yes, we will never obey until we die!"

"We have our own dignity and cannot be the lackeys of the demons!"

Under such a tragic situation, the disciples of Yunhai Xianmen still united as one and vowed to fight the demon general to the end.

"You really don't know how to live or die! If that's the case, then I'll let you all die!"

The Drought Demon General was furious and triggered the ultimate power of the Great Sun Disaster.

Dark magic energy covers the world.

The earth began to crack, the burning energy reached its highest point, and countless monks' bodies, bones, and meridians began to be incinerated.

If this trend continues, the sect's demise is imminent!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Suddenly, seven powerful auras erupted from the depths of the sect.

Accompanied by endless divine light, the stars shine accordingly.

Endless energy spreads in all directions, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Many monks who were about to lose their strength suddenly had their eyes clear, like a drowning person who saw a life-saving straw. They were so excited that they couldn't help but exclaim:

"Seven Sons of the Sea of ​​Clouds!"

"The seven elders are finally out of seclusion!"

This chapter has been completed!
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