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Chapter 2842 Missing case!

"There is definitely something wrong with this mountain range!"

Now, Ye Fan is convinced that this mountain range is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. Its internal information is the key.

Under Long Yan's observation, all kinds of information were gathered into Ye Fan's life soul space, and then analyzed.

As time went by, Ye Fan discovered that this mountain range would move regularly, and during the movement, there would be extremely strong energy changes inside it. This is its secret.


Ye Fan landed from a high altitude. In the battlefield of the gods, using such a continuous flying technique would consume a lot of money for the monks.

After returning to the ground, he immediately came to the team.

He found that the faces of Elder Yunshan and others were not pretty, as if something unusual had happened.

"Ye Fan, it's great that you can come back."

Seeing Ye Fan return, Yuanba stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

Hearing these words, Ye Fan felt very strange. What happened here? Yuanba actually felt lucky to be back. Could it be that someone didn't come back?

"Senior Brother Yuanba, what happened?"

"Ye Fan, don't you know yet? This is what happened..."

Yuan Ba ​​told Ye Fan everything about Tianjiao's disappearance, which surprised Ye Fan, but it also aroused his thinking.

Because when he was high in the sky, Ye Fan saw that the mountains periodically had extremely strong energy activities. Is this related to the disappearance of Tianjiao?

Elder Yunshan personally met with Ye Fan. He wanted to ask Ye Fan if anything unusual had happened.

"Ye Fan, what have you been doing during this time?"

"Elder Yunshan, I have been observing the situation of the mountains."

"Did you notice anything unusual?"

"There are still some!"

Ye Fan nodded slightly, and then briefly explained some of the situations he discovered.

"What, this mountain range can actually move?"


"This is a bit weird. How can a mountain range move? Besides, we haven't noticed this yet."

"Elder Yunshan, this should be related to the angle of observation. This mountain range is too big for ordinary people to observe carefully, but I can only get this information by observing from high altitude."

"Hahaha, Ye Fan, you did a great job!"

Elder Yunshan looked at Ye Fan with appreciative eyes. He did not expect that Ye Fan's thinking was so special that he could actually observe the mountain range from a high altitude, and also discovered very critical information.

If what Ye Fan said is true, then the disappearance of Tianjiao is likely to be related to this mountain range, and their evaluation of this mountain range will have to be redone.

"Ye Fan, what secrets do you think this mountain range holds?"

Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Now the elders of Yunshan attribute the solution to this problem to Ye Fan. After all, he is the only one here who has carefully observed the abnormal situation of this mountain range.

"Elder Yunshan, everyone, I think Tianjiao's disappearance should be related to the periodic movement of this mountain range."

"Master Ye Fan, what exactly is this periodic movement?"

"It's very simple. I think this mountain range is alive. It has a life of its own, and those talented people may have been swallowed up by it."


Everyone was shocked and looked at Mark in disbelief. This idea was too abnormal.

Afterwards, everyone looked at Elder Yunshan, hoping to get some analysis from him.

Although Ye Fan claims to have observed the abnormal movement of this mountain range, after hearing such incredible information, everyone still cannot completely trust Ye Fan. Is this nonsense, or is it his illusion?

Faced with such information, Elder Yunshan was also a little embarrassed. He was willing to believe Ye Fan, but the answer given by Ye Fan was still a little too abnormal after all, and it was difficult for people not to doubt his thoughts.

"Ye Fan, you really think so. This is a serious matter. If you make such a statement, you must provide evidence to verify it."

"Elder Yunshan, since I dare to say this, I naturally have my own credentials."

"Very good, then it will be up to you to investigate the disappearance of Tianjiao this time. If you are given three days, can you give everyone an explanation?"

"No problem at all!"

Ye Fan showed a confident smile. He happened to be investigating the secrets of this mountain range. This was a good opportunity.

"Master Ye Fan, the disappearance of Tianjiao is a big event, not a casual matter. If you agree, you must give an explanation, otherwise, things will be difficult to handle!"

Suddenly, an old strong man looked at Ye Fan coldly, with some hostility in his tone.

"Senior, what you said makes sense. I, Ye Fan, do things with certainty. I swear here, if I, Ye Fan, cannot give everyone a satisfactory answer within three days, I will voluntarily accept any


"Haha, what a spirit. In that case, I will also give you an explanation. If you can find the missing Tianjiao within three days, or tell their whereabouts, our Tianlong Holy Land is willing to give you three Yuanling Pills!"

"Wow, Yuanling Pill!"

"That's a treasure of vitality cultivation. The elders of Tianlong Holy Land really dare to say that."

"I didn't expect that things would evolve to such an extent. After three days of investigation, I think Ye Fan is a little exaggerated."

"Yes, if things don't work out by then, the people of the Tianlong Holy Land will not let him go. I heard that the Tianjiao who disappeared in the Tianlong Holy Land is one of their best, so this elder is so angry."

Everyone was talking, and they were skeptical or even opposed to Ye Fan's analysis of this incident.

But the actions of the elders of Tianlong Holy Land shocked them.

"Since the elder is so sincere, how can I, Ye Fan, not accept it?"

"Very well, Mark. If you can't give us a reasonable answer then, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Don't worry, senior, I, Ye Fan, will do what I say. But in this process, it should be okay to call on the power of your Tianlong Holy Land people for investigation, right?"

"Of course, we, the people of Tianlong Holy Land, are all at your disposal. You can even ask me to do something for you."

Hearing this, everyone was frightened, thinking that it seemed that the genius lost in Tianlong Holy Land was definitely a heavyweight, otherwise, their elders would not be so generous.

"Thank you!"

After Ye Fan cupped his hands and said that, he immediately rushed towards the mountains.

Yuanba was still a little worried about Ye Fan's actions, but Elder Yunshan signaled him not to move.

This time, Ye Fan traveled from the ground, although he lost the vantage point from high in the air.

However, he did not panic at all, because all kinds of information in the sky were stored in his life soul space and could be called at any time!

This chapter has been completed!
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