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Chapter 2935 Destiny forks!

In Paradise Lost, Ye Fan led everyone to the last suspended mountain in the Wild Dragon Battlefield, which was already the end of the battlefield.

"Master Ye Fan, there are countless forks in the road ahead, how should we go?"

At the end of the Wild Dragon battlefield, there were countless forked roads, like entering a complicated maze. This was something no one expected.

Ye Fan walked to the front, looked at the scene in front of him, and thought quickly in his heart.

Every fork in the road seemed to have different opportunities, and he saw countless fortunes in it.

"Are these forks in the road the destiny of everyone?"

This was Ye Fan's first thought. He was blessed with great fortune, and at the same time, he was fused with the divine ways of gods and demons. His sense of the divine fortunes was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these forks in the road are just forks in the road, but Ye Fan can see the different opportunities in them. Is this a life choice, or is it a deliberate arrangement?

Everyone was in a panic, and Ye Fan looked at it for a long time without responding. This seemed to mean that there was a huge difficulty in front of them.

"Master Ye Fan, I don't think this fork in the road looks like a formation."

Taoist Master Tianji said.

"Yes, this is not a formation, but everyone's destiny." Ye Fan said slowly.

"Everyone's fate?"

Everyone was stunned. What did this mean? They didn't understand what Ye Fan said at all.

Looking at the confused people, Ye Fan explained.

"These forked roads contain different fortunes. I think when you get close enough, you will feel the guidance of your own destiny, and there will be a forked road calling you."

"Master Ye Fan, isn't this too mysterious? Is it true or false?"

"Yes, we have never seen such a fork in the road. Can it still summon us?"

"Haha, Mr. Ye Fan, aren't you deceiving us?"

Although Ye Fan relied on his own strength to become a leader, he was too young after all. At least before these geniuses and powerful men, he was the youngest in cultivation age.

It is very difficult for everyone to believe his fantastic explanation.

This was all expected by Ye Fan, but he was not talking nonsense, because he understood all this through the induction of heaven.

Although he was far away, Ye Fan had already heard the call of fate, and a fork in the road was already calling him.

"Everyone, if you want to pass the Wild Dragon Battlefield, this is a necessary process. It doesn't matter if you don't believe me. When you approach those forks in the road, you will naturally understand what I say."

After saying that, Ye Fan walked directly towards a fork in the road.

Everyone was left full of doubts, as confused as before.

Their heavenly sensing ability is still too weak. They cannot sense these from a long distance and can only passively accept them.

"Haha, what are you waiting for? Can't you just follow Mark?"

Yuanba laughed twice and followed Ye Fan's pace directly.

"Yes, Senior Brother Yuanba said it well. Can't we just keep up with Young Master Ye Fan? What are we still struggling with?"

"Master Ye Fan must be on the right path. He is a man of great fortune."

"That's it."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, they all agreed to follow Ye Fan's pace.

They moved quickly, trying to keep up with Ye Fan.

"Da da da!"

The sound of rapid footsteps came to Ye Fan's ears, but he just shook his head slightly. He knew very well that no matter how they chased, they would not be able to catch up with him, because he had already entered his own fork in the road.

"Junior Brother Ye Fan, Junior Brother Ye Fan!"

Yuanba kept calling Ye Fan's name, but there was no response. Soon, he fell into confusion.

"How can it be?"

The environment that was clear just a moment ago is now plunged into fog. What does this mean?

Seeing Ye Fan's back disappear into the mist, Yuanba trembled slightly in his heart. He was not afraid, but he just didn't understand what was happening.

Similarly, others followed Yuanba's footsteps, wanting to catch up with Yuanba, and then catch up with Ye Fan.

However, what they saw was the same as Yuanba. No matter how fast they walked, they could only watch Yuanba's figure disappear into the mist.

"How is this going?"

"All gone?"

More people even activate powerful physical and magical powers to catch up with others, but in the end they struggle in vain. They have become the shadow of everyone, and even the people who were around them before have disappeared.

In the thick fog, everyone walked forward alone. They lost their partners, their masters, and their brothers. They could only move forward by relying on their own strength.

Many monks who do not have enough martial arts will start to look back. They want to find a way back and return to the light.

"Where is the road? No way, I came from that place just now, why can't I find the way back? What does this mean? Damn it!"

"What is this, a maze? Bastard!"

"No, no, I can definitely come out."

The more they try to find their way back, the more they get lost in the thick fog, gradually losing themselves and falling into madness.

Those who move forward with determination will find a way out, while those who are cowardly and lazy will only be lost here forever.

"Damn it, go to hell!"

Those who dared not move forward began to use their magical powers to destroy everything and find the light. However, destruction is not the way forward for the light after all, it can only be self-destruction.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The vitality energy was exploding, and the surrounding thick fog did not change at all, and even became thicker. This situation made those monks who wanted to turn back fall into despair.

They continue to release magical powers, which can only weaken their own power. Even the call of the fork in the road becomes weaker, and they cannot find their own way.

"Why is this happening? My life shouldn't be like this."

"I want to go out, woohoo!"

Many monks even started crying. They felt that they might die here and never be able to get out of these fogs.

In fact, the road is ahead, but they have lost their reason and courage.

At this moment, those who bravely move forward slowly feel the call.

The sound was very light, like a bell, but they felt it very real, as sacred as a god, and it was pleasant.

"It's true. What Ye Fan said is true. That's great."

"Master Ye Fan, you are such a god. How did he know this?"

"There really is a voice calling me, I'm coming, I'm coming."

Brave people find their own way forward. As long as they continue to move forward, they can enter their own destiny and move towards their own future.

The loser can only suffer a lifetime of pain and die naturally in a powerless roar!

This chapter has been completed!
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