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Chapter 3756 Forging Skills

When Ye Fan passed by here before, he heard the sound of forging.

He himself is very good at forging, and can even forge a particularly good weapon.

So he wanted to take a look around here, where did the forging sound come from?

Soon he saw a forging furnace. Several men with bare upper bodies and shining dark skin were hitting the metal in the furnace with hammers.

It looked like the metal was a farm tool, and these robots were working very hard.

From time to time there was a clanking sound, which sounded particularly pleasant.

Ye Fan stood aside and watched for a while, but felt that the skills of these people could only be regarded as average. Compared with his own forging skills, they were far behind.

At this time, an old man on crutches walked out of the room and smiled politely at Ye Fan: "This young man, do you want to forge something?"

Ye Fan shook his head and said calmly: "I originally wanted to make a set of armor for my horse, but looking at it now, your forging technology is really average, and the things you create will definitely not be strong!


The old man was unwilling to listen, and frowned and said, "What you said seems to make sense. Do you also know the art of forging?"

"Otherwise, how can I see that there are so many technical flaws when you are forging things? Just say that the thing you are forging now seems to be very good, but you smash it with such force.

The key parts will definitely become particularly fragile when used!"

The old man looked back at the forging tool, frowned slightly, then turned around and said, "So in your opinion, how should we forge it to make it harder?"

Ye Fan chuckled and said disdainfully: "You can't rely on others to teach you this. You need to slowly understand it yourself. Not every tool requires so much effort and a lot of effort.

Only when all these factors are combined can the best thing be created!”

"You guys just rely on brute force to make tools, and you can't make anything at all. And your fire is not good either. When I forge something, I want it to be seven points hard and three points soft. Hard fire refers to it.

It is the fire that burns the metal, and the soft fire refers to the fire that heats the metal during the forging process!"

"Look at the fire you are using now. It is neither soft nor hard. Although it can melt the metal, it is impossible to heat the metal during the forging process, so you can only use brute force.

To forcibly create metal, and the more this happens, the more fragile the metal will become, and when it is actually used, it will not have any effect at all!"

"Let's talk about the power you use to forge metal. What forging pays attention to is being careful, neither irritable nor chaotic, neither soft nor hard, and fast and slow. But when you are forging, you don't pay attention to these at all. Look at the tools you made.

, the marks on it are particularly messy, and one hammer head and another hammer head, hit whichever piece you think is needed. In this case, you have destroyed the internal structure of this piece of metal, and the thing you created is simply useless.

It’s of no use!”

When he said this, the old man's expression was one of surprise, and the disciples behind him were also shocked.

If you don't tell me, you don't know. If you put it this way, the young man in front of you is indeed an expert many times more powerful than them, a true forging expert.

Compared with this young man, their technology is completely unattainable.

The old man clasped his fists, bowed deeply to Ye Fan, and then said sincerely: "Young man, you are indeed a master of forging. I have been forging for so many years, but what you said is not as good as the young man.

I’m so ashamed!”

Ye Fan waved his hand and said calmly: "I'm just showing off, it's nothing. In fact, in the eyes of others, forging this thing is just melting it and then making it tangible and hard, but this process can

It is not that easy, you need to completely integrate yourself into the tool you forge, so that you can feel the changes in your forging, and then you can truly create the best tool."

"I believe that as time goes by, you will be able to understand this, but now I don't have much time here, I just want to ask, do you still have this kind of metal for forging tools?"

The old man nodded hurriedly and said: "Of course, there is a mine behind Bishui City, which can dig out a lot of such metals. As long as we go through some forging, we can have a lot!"

Ye Fan nodded and said with great satisfaction: "In that case, go and prepare some for me. I want to make a set of protective armor for my horse!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately turned around and got ready.

At this moment, what Ye Fan said sounded real to a middle-aged man not far away.

The man touched the beard on his chin and nodded appreciatively.

He is the city lord of Bishui City, Wen Buwu.

He had heard a report from his subordinates before, saying that a very strange person had come to Bishui City. Wen Buwu wanted to see this person, but after seeing this young man, he felt special admiration in his heart.

Especially those insights into forging made him particularly amazed.

At Ye Fan's age, he is only a teenager, but he knows that so many forging techniques must have come from the hands of a famous master.

What Bishui City needs most now is these people with unique skills. Only in this way can the city become better, and Bishui City become more powerful, so that it will no longer be bullied by other enemies.

In fact, Ye Fan had long felt that this middle-aged man was looking at him, but he didn't feel that this middle-aged man had any murderous intent. Maybe he just wanted to hear what he said about forging, so he didn't take it to heart.

But at this time, Wen Buwu took the initiative to step forward, clasped his fists and said with a smile: "May I ask this young man's name? The Lord of Bishui City, Wen Buwu, would like to get to know this young man here!"

"My name is Ye Fan!"

"It's a very good name. I wonder if Ye Fan can follow me and sit down at home. I'll prepare some wine and we can talk while drinking!"

Anyway, it would take some time for those people to prepare the metal, so Ye Fan nodded and followed Wen Buwu to his home.

Wen Buwu's home looks particularly elegant, and there are several swords hanging on the wall. Thinking about it, Wen Buwu may also be a cultivated person.

This chapter has been completed!
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