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Chapter 3775 must be able to get

Ye Fan smiled indifferently and said: "Your level is still relatively low now. I think your cultivation level is only in the late stage of Jindan. Where did you practice?"

Nan Yu said while getting dressed: "I am practicing in my tribe. Now there are no cultivation resources in the entire wild continent. I can practice to the late stage of Jindan, which is considered relatively advanced in our tribe."

Got it!"

"Which tribe is your home in?" Ye Fan just asked casually.

"Biyan tribe!" Nan Yu just said casually.

However, this casual sentence made Ye Fan startled. He immediately turned around and asked: "You said you are from the Biyan tribe?"

Nan Yu was also startled by Ye Fan's surprised expression, then nodded and asked doubtfully: "Yes, have you ever heard of this tribe?"

Sister Ye Fan nodded and said happily: "It seems that there should be this fate between us. I have been rushing all day just to go to your tribe!"

"Go to my tribe?" Nan Yu was even more surprised and asked: "What are you going to my tribe for? Are there people you know there? Or are you just looking for me?"

"No!" Ye Fan said with a smile: "Before I met you, I had already started going to your tribe. I was not looking for anyone. There was no one I knew in that tribe. The reason why I wanted to go to that tribe was actually

Just to get a skill!"

"What skills? Why have I never heard of the existence of skills in my tribe?" Nan Yu was still so confused.

But his doubts made Ye Fan frown.

"Haven't you ever heard of a magic technique? It should be in your tribe!"

"I really haven't heard of this technique, or my father should know it, because I have been practicing it under the guidance of my father since I was a child. My father should have a special understanding of the tribe. When we came to our tribe, I

I will take you to see my father, he must know the exercises you mentioned!"

Ye Fan was very happy in his heart. He gently held her in his arms and said softly: "So I said, this is our fate. God has destined you to help me find that technique. If I don't know you,

, I went to your tribe rashly and I didn’t know if I could find it, but it’s different now. With your help, I will definitely find that technique!”

"As long as I can get that skill, I can make the power in my body more powerful. No matter I meet anyone with a higher level than me in the future, I won't have to worry about anything. And now my cultivation

The level has reached the late stage of Xuan Lei Realm. It is basically very difficult to break through to the Magic Mirror. Unless you get that skill, you can break through!"

Nan Yu said: "I think you will definitely get that skill. After we return to the tribe, I will immediately tell my father that if he knows, he will definitely help you!"

Ye Fan nodded and said happily: "That's the best. It's not in vain. It seems that my harvest this time is really not small. By the way, you eat this fruit first."


While talking, Night Shift took out a level-enhancing fairy fruit.

Nan Yu saw this cute fruit and said happily: "What kind of fruit is this? Why have I never seen it before? It looks so cute!"

"This is a fruit I found on the other side of the southern continent. It can improve your cultivation level. After you eat it, your level will be improved immediately. Then I will help you improve to a higher level. This fruit

I have a lot more, you eat this one first, and then you can improve your level!"

Under Ye Fan's guidance, Nan Yu ate the fruit. A burst of heat instantly appeared in his body, and his level also increased rapidly.

She was originally in the late stage of Jindan, but after just eating a fruit, her current level has directly broken through to the late stage of Nascent Soul, and there is a faint possibility of breaking through again.

Ye Fan was particularly surprised. Nan Yu's physique was even better than Han Ling Hua Luo's.

It may be that everyone's physical fitness is different, and Nan Yu is particularly suitable for this kind of cultivation method.

Moreover, after he was promoted to the late Nascent Soul stage, his body's endurance was particularly good.

There were no signs of obsession, which shows that Nan Yu's physique must have been well tempered since childhood.

In other words, his physique is so naturally good that he can cope with rapid upgrades with ease, and his body can fully integrate the power of upgrades, which is impossible for ordinary people's bodies.

Looking at Ye Fan's surprised expression, Nan Yu was also surprised. After breaking through the level, it was obvious that his body was completely different from before.

Now I am lighter and my hands are more powerful.

She had fantasized more than once, hoping that she could achieve a breakthrough in level so that she could have her own place in the tribe.

When he thought of this, Nan Yu's eyes were already wet. He hugged Ye Shi tightly and said excitedly: "Thank you, you don't know how much I look forward to a breakthrough. Now I can finally make a breakthrough."

, when I return to the tribe, my father will also be happy for me. You don’t even know what I went through to achieve a breakthrough?"

Seeing how wronged he said, Ye Fan felt strange in his heart. Anyway, he had enough time now, so he asked: "You look really pitiful. What have you gone through? You can tell me!"

Nan Yu wiped the tears on his face and then talked about his past experiences.

Nan Yu was born in a family of tribal leaders. It can be said that he had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child, and he was relatively respected by others.

But as his family grew and his parents gave him several younger brothers and younger sisters, his status was no longer as good as before.

Although the tribe is currently lacking in cultivation resources, there are also cultivation wizards among them who are able to make rapid breakthroughs in the face of such scarce cultivation resources.

For example, his sister is a genius in cultivation.

They also use the same training resources, but his sister is now in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and her level is completely above him.

In that tribe that respects martial arts, who has a higher level? Whoever has a speaking position can enjoy more cultivation resources.

Because of this, his parents began to favor his younger sister and gave more of their cultivation resources to his younger sister.

And he was gradually disliked by others in the tribe, and in the end even his parents didn't want to talk to her anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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