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Chapter 4020 The mind of the female scorpion

After exhorting Liu Yu, Ye Fan turned around and walked out of the room.

He originally thought that Liu Yu would choose to leave Guangming Pavilion after possessing the memory of the Yellow Emperor. After all, this was a place of dispute.

But she didn't expect that he would stay and help her, which was an unexpected surprise. After all, Huang Di's knowledge was unparalleled by Ye Fan, and even in Guangming Pavilion, no one could match it.

Just as Ye Fan said, he does not intend to tell anyone that Liu Yu is the reincarnation of the Yellow Emperor, as this will only bring unnecessary trouble to him.

After leaving Liu Yu's room, Ye Fan used the sound transmission stone to inform Nan Yu that he could send the person back, and then came to Di Jiang's room.

Since Liu Yu's identity has been determined to be concealed, the matter of helping Huang Di comfort Di Jiang and the female slaves has been put on hold for the time being.

"Ye Fan, are you done with your work over there?"

When Di Jiang raised his head, he saw Ye Fan walking into his room.

Ye Fan nodded and looked at Di Jiang.

"Let me send the female slave back to the cell first. There are many people in Guangming Pavilion talking about things. If you want to secretly send the female slave out of Guangming Pavilion, you need to think long and hard."

Di Jiang nodded.

"You go ahead and come to my place when you come back."

Ye Fan responded and pushed the door open.

When he saw the female slave in the room, the female slave was stroking the bracelet with two bells on her hand.

"Why do you think God is always so unfair to me? I have misunderstood my father for so many years, and now I have just met him..."

Listening to the female slave muttering to herself, Ye Fan said to her.

"Lord Huang Di once said that human beings are subject to birth, old age, sickness and death, which is inevitable. His undergraduate course was limited in time more than 500 years ago. Now that you can meet again, you are very lucky. How can you say that God is unfair to you?"

Hearing Ye Fan's words, the female demon raised her head.

"Ye Fan, I don't want to leave. I want to stay in Guangming Pavilion to help you. I want to undo the wrong things I have done over the years..."

Ye Fan didn't look at her and just said lightly.

"Even if there is only a ray of remnant soul, Mr. Huangdi still remembers to tell us that you are a simple girl and not suitable to stay in Guangming Pavilion, which is full of intrigues today."

Ye Fan raised the female slave's chin and asked her to look at him.

"Will you be happy if you stay here in Guangming Pavilion? If you are not happy, then why did Lord Huangdi do so much?"

The female demon was stunned for two seconds.

"Will I be happy?"

She looked at Ye Fan.

"My happiness is my father's greatest wish."

Ye Fan nodded and looked at her without saying a word.


The female slave was silent for a long time, and finally slowly uttered a sentence.

"I am willing to listen to your father. Please send me away. After leaving this time, if you need my help in the future, just ask."

A gray aura overflowed from Ye Fan's hand.

"This aura is different from the gray mist that bound you before. It just acts as a blindfold to release you from Guangming Pavilion. I still need to have a long-term discussion with Mr. Dijiang and ask you to stay in the cell first, if possible.

, help us get some words out of Xing Tian."

The female slave nodded and walked toward the cell under the leadership of Ye Fan.

From today on, she will not live for hatred, nor for anyone. She will only live for herself. She will live well and live up to her father's expectations before he left.

This chapter has been completed!
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