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Chapter 4035 Crazy Sun Simiao

He took out a gold needle from the needle bag.

"Let me help you and make your spiritual energy faster!"

The golden needle penetrated Ye Fan's acupuncture point.

But the acceleration of spiritual energy that Sun Simiao imagined did not happen, and Ye Fan steadily controlled his spiritual power.

"Good control!"

Sun Simiao pierced Ye Fan's body with a golden needle again.

The spiritual power still keeps running at the same speed.

"I don't believe it!"

Sun Simiao looked at the speed of this spiritual energy and saw that it did not change at all, and for a moment he became aggressive.

Three golden needles were inserted into Ye Fan's acupuncture points at the same time.

Although Folic Acid was still cultivating, he could still feel things happening in the outside world. He heard Sun Simiao talking to himself and felt the tingling sensation on his body as gold needles pierced his skin.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with Sun Simiao."

Ye Fan was a little speechless.

The current speed in his spirit was indeed not his limit, but he just didn't want Sun Simiao to feel proud, so he kept controlling his spiritual power steadily and maintained this speed in his body.

At this time, five golden needles had been inserted into his body.

"I really found a treasure!"

Sun Simiao looked at Ye Fan more and more excitedly, thinking that at the beginning, even Di Jiang could not control his spiritual power after receiving five injections from him, but now, there is still no change in the spiritual power in Ye Fan's body.

"Boy Ye Fan, I know you can hear me. Listen to me. Now adjust the speed of the spiritual power in your body to the fastest. The faster, the better."

Sun Simiao said to Ye Fan.

Seeing Sun Simiao speak, Ye Fan no longer suppressed the spiritual power in his body and increased the speed to the fastest speed.

In Sun Simiao's eyes, the spiritual power in Ye Fan's body was spinning round and round, so fast that afterimages almost appeared.

"I knew that the speed just now must not be the fastest speed that you can usually control!"

Sun Simiao became extremely excited.

At this time, the speed of spiritual power in Ye Fan's body was something he had never seen before. With such a fast speed, it was no wonder that he could possess such a powerful cultivation level at such a young age.

He pulled out the golden needle from Ye Fan's body and threw it into the basin next to him.

“It’s easy to use, but it needs to be cleaned every time you use it, which is really troublesome!”

Sun Simiao murmured quietly while taking out a few more golden needles from his needle bag and inserted them into several other acupuncture points in Ye Fan's body.

The moment the golden needle entered his body, Ye Fan felt the spiritual power in his body accelerate again, like a wild horse running wild.

"What on earth is this guy going to do?"

Ye Fan frowned slightly.

"Little friend Ye Fan, under the stimulation of my golden needle technique, the spiritual power in your body will only run faster and faster. Next, you must concentrate on controlling it. Otherwise, you must also know the consequences of losing control of your spiritual power.

very clear."


Ye Fan cursed secretly and used more mental power to control the spiritual power in his body.

In Sun Simiao's eyes, although Ye Fan's spiritual power speed became faster, it still maintained its original trajectory, running round and round.

"Come again!"

Several more golden needles penetrated Ye Fan's acupuncture points.

"Not fast enough!"

“It can be faster!”

As Sun Simiao's voice became more and more crazy, no less than twenty golden needles were inserted into Ye Fan's body.

He now needs to use all his mental power to steadily control the spiritual power in his body within his own trajectory.

This chapter has been completed!
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