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Chapter 423 Get rich!

The next day, at early nine in the morning, less than a quarter of an hour after major shopping malls opened, Xiao Yunrong received another call from secretary Shen Yue.

Perhaps because of excitement, Shen Yue's voice was extremely urgent:

"Xiao...Mr. Xiao, they are sold out!"

Xiao Yunrong raised her eyebrows when she heard this. She obviously didn't react. She pondered for a moment before asking: "Xiao Yue, is the group's underwear sold out? Which shopping mall? Just send someone to replenish the stock!"

"Mr. Xiao, it's not underwear, it's beauty serum!" Shen Yue said loudly.


Xiao Yunrong couldn't help but exclaimed: "Xiao Yue, are you kidding me? How is this possible? We didn't even sell a few pieces yesterday. Why are they sold out all of a sudden today? The mall has only been open for a few minutes?"

"Mr. Xiao, how could I joke about something like this? When I arrived at the department store at around eight o'clock in the morning, I found that there were already many people queuing up at the door! I didn't realize it at the time and thought it was something new from Apple. Product on sale!

As soon as the door opened at nine o'clock, everyone ran to our counter and grabbed it as if it was free of charge. One eldest lady even bought all the upgraded versions by herself! Now, there are still more than a dozen customers who have not bought the product. , waiting for us to arrange the goods in the store!

By the way, Mr. Xiao, I just contacted other colleagues, and the situation is the same in other shopping malls. Almost all the beauty lotions have been sold out, and a large-scale replenishment is needed!"


Shen Yue's words were like a huge stone smashing into the calm water, stirring up thousands of waves in Xiao Yunrong's heart.

You know, at the counter of each shopping mall, 100 sets of regular version of beauty lotion and 20 sets of upgraded version of beauty lotion are prepared in advance. According to the market price, it is about more than 2.6 million.

In the entire Huahai City, Xiao Yunrong has selected a total of 50 shopping malls to open counters. If all are sold out, it means that within ten minutes of the mall opening, sales of beauty lotion will reach more than 130 million.

This is such an astonishing number. All other major cosmetics brands combined may not have reached this number.

What's more important is that there are still many customers at the mall counter, waiting for them to adjust goods!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunrong was so excited that she almost couldn't hold her phone and said loudly: "Xiao Yue, don't worry, I will contact the Department of Transportation immediately and ask them to replenish the goods immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, she quickly contacted the company's transportation department and asked them to immediately take the beauty serum packaged in the warehouse and deliver it to the counters of major shopping malls.

After everything was done, Xiao Yunrong seemed to have not recovered from the surprise, her pretty face was flushed, as if she was in a dream.

To this day, she still can't figure out why the beauty serum became so popular overnight!

So, she turned on her computer and started searching online.

It took more than half an hour for Xiao Yunrong to figure out that the hot sales of beauty lotion originated from a blog post by a beauty blogger!

The beauty blogger has millions of fans online and has a decisive influence in the field of cosmetics.

Recently, she happened to be organizing an event to evaluate the top cosmetics on the market.

Yesterday, when she was shopping at a department store, she happened to see the beauty lotion counter and was shocked at first by the astonishing price.

It's not that she can't afford it. For a beauty blogger at that level, the cost of advertising for major brands is 100,000 yuan.

But before that, she had never heard about Beichen Group and beauty lotion.

As an industry insider, the beauty blogger found it hard to imagine that a little-known company dared to charge such exorbitant prices. Wouldn’t it be treating consumers as fools?

With the mentality of "anti-counterfeiting", she bought a set of the regular version and the upgraded version of the beauty lotion, and planned to go back and try it. If the effect did not match the "sky-high price", she would definitely write a blog post to express her regret.

Scold this beauty lotion from Beichen Group.

Then, with her popularity, she will definitely make the reputation of beauty lotion completely stink.

However, when the beauty blogger went back and tried the beauty serum, she was completely shocked by the magical effects of the beauty serum.

The immediate effect almost removed all the freckles, acne, and blackheads on her face.

She had never seen such a magical product before!

In terms of effects, the price of 88888 is not only not expensive, but also extremely conscientious.

That night, she specially posted a long blog post of more than 2,000 words, praising the beauty serum from all angles, and also posted comparison photos of herself before and after using it.

After the blog post was published, it immediately received hundreds of thousands of views, tens of thousands of reposts, and nearly 10,000 comments.

However, most of the comments have questioned the effectiveness of the beauty lotion, believing that beauty bloggers charge high advertising fees, so they unconscionably exaggerate and deceive their fans.

Then beauty bloggers are not afraid of things!

Faced with this one-sided doubt, she posted another Weibo post, saying that she did not lie and did not charge a cent for advertising.

If someone doesn't believe it, you can buy the beauty serum and try it yourself. If there is no effect after using it, she is willing to pay to buy the beauty serum back at the original price.

But if the effect is indeed as miraculous as she said, then everyone must apologize to her on Weibo.

Because of this Weibo post, the keyword "beauty serum" suddenly shot to the top of the real-time search list.

The beauty blogger's fans are mainly urban white-collar workers and the petty bourgeoisie.

Although the price of the regular version of beauty lotion 8888 is expensive for them, it is not affordable. What’s more, if it doesn’t work, they can go to the beauty blogger to return it, so why not?

What's more, they already have extraordinary expectations for the efficacy of beauty serum.

Because of this, there is such a popular scene, and many girls even try it on the spot after buying it.

And the immediate effect made them amazed, and it instantly beat all the cosmetics on the market.

Those skin care products imported from the United States and Korea are not even considered garbage compared to beauty lotions.

After all, the ingredients in the beauty lotion are pure Chinese herbal medicines, which can improve the skin from the root, remove scars, whiten and other effects.

After that, those first batch of "crab-eating" customers first logged on to Weibo to apologize to the beauty blogger, and then launched a circle of friends!

The miraculous effects of the beauty lotion suddenly set off the entire social media, causing countless girls to flock to it and snap up it like crazy.

All this was unexpected by Xiao Yunrong and Ye Fan.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yunrong finally calculated that the total sales of major counters that day were as high as more than 500 million Chinese coins!

After learning this figure, even Ye Fan was stunned, secretly saying that the purchasing power of women is really terrifying!

This performance is unprecedented in the entire history of the cosmetics industry, and it even increased the record by more than ten times!

What's more important is that the beauty lotion sold today is less than one-twentieth of the inventory. Calculating the cost, it only costs a few hundred thousand yuan.

The huge profits therein are staggering and can be called a huge profit!

Of course, the purchase cycle of cosmetics is long. After the first wave of hot sales, sales in the next few days will definitely drop sharply.

But no matter what, Beichen Group has established a good reputation and will definitely become the king of the entire industry before long!

On the other hand, spiritual practice pays attention to wealth, Dharma, lovers, and earth, and the top one is "wealth"!

In the world of martial arts, whether it is natural treasures, miraculous elixirs, or precious secrets of martial arts, the amount is astronomical, and it is impossible to buy it without strong funds.

Now, Beichen Group is like a gold mine, continuously providing wealth to Ye Fan, which is a great help to his cultivation.

And with so much cash on hand, Ye Fan suddenly thought of a very "vulgar" thing -

It’s time to buy a car or a house!

He is in Huahai City, and he hasn't purchased any fixed assets yet, so he can't always stay at Xiao Yunrong's house!

Even if Xiao Yunrong doesn't care, what Ye Fan will do next may involve him in a dangerous incident, so Xiao Yunrong and Zhao Ling'er cannot be involved.

On the other hand, college is about to start, and I also need to buy a transportation vehicle.

Although Ye Fan's martial arts strength is much faster than that of a sports car when used at full strength, it is too shocking in the urban area.

Therefore, early the next morning, Ye Fan set out for the largest real estate company in Huahai City to see if there were any suitable properties.

This chapter has been completed!
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