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Chapter 4793 fragile enchantment

Seeing Nan Yu and others leave smoothly, Ye Fan could finally let go of his worries.

Then he waved his hands and the group hurriedly followed their pace.

Everything seems a little easier now.

All you need to do is not expose your whereabouts and wait quietly for the news from Nan Yu.

During the march, the Skyfire Evil God didn't know whether his brain was suddenly caught in the door or something, so he spoke cautiously.

"Boss, what if...if they are really harmful to Miss Nanyu, what should we do?"

"Can you please stop talking? If you don't talk, no one will treat you as a mute!"

The four poison kings glared at the Skyfire Evil God angrily.

"Shouldn't I think about it in advance?"

The Sky Fire Evil God lowered his head with an aggrieved look.

Do you dare to say that you can't even say what you are really worried about now?

My worries are not unreasonable.

Although Nan Yu is a lifesaver, her more important premise is that she is an outsider.

Who knows if the people in those families are worried? What kind of crazy actions they will take.

As soon as the four poison kings finished speaking, Ye Fan spoke calmly.

"Then destroy them."

Just this simple sentence.

But this simple sentence already proved what Ye Fan was thinking.

Ye Fan has never been a person who likes killing.

But if you really push yourself this time, the tragedy of the Yuwen family in the hidden family will happen again.

In order to protect Nan Yu's comfort, he would do whatever it takes.

Seeing this, the Four Poison Kings and others could only pray in their hearts for the poor Icebreaker family.

I hope they won't be stupid and push their families into a place of eternal destruction.

Otherwise, no one will be able to save them by then.

In the Icebreaker family team ahead, Icebreaker Dragon can finally show a happy smile.

My young master was finally found.

"Master, why did you sneak out again this time?"

"You must never do this again in the future. The entire family, including the whole family, is very worried."

"Okay, okay, can you please not come out again."

"Elder Long, you kept saying this all the way. My ears are almost getting calluses."

The little boy covered his ears impatiently.

The last thing he wants to hear now is others criticizing him.

If it weren't for Nan Yu accompanying him back this time, he wouldn't have gone back to that home.


The Ice Breaking Dragon shook his head helplessly, he really couldn't do anything with his young master.

The next moment, he unconsciously shifted his gaze to Nan Yu, feeling very confused in his heart.

What is the purpose of this outsider coming here this time?

Is it really as simple as just walking in by mistake?

"Elder Long, do you have any clothes to keep out the cold?"

The little boy spoke in a soft voice.

"Ah, there is some, I'll get it for you right now."

The Icebreaker Dragon knew that this was the little boy who was looking for clothes for Nan Yu.

Yes! Among all the people present, all the disciples of their own family are wearing very thick clothes.

This is caused by the harsh environment that their family has always had.

Although he was wearing his own Taoist robe, the Taoist robe was also processed with special materials.

And Nan Yu was definitely not so lucky.

"What's this?"

Nan Yu was a little confused.

"Sister, please put it on quickly. This is our family's Taoist robe, so just make do with it first!"

"The weather will get very cold soon."

The little boy couldn't wait to send the clothes to Nan Yu.

"Is... is it that exaggerated?"

Nan Yu laughed dumbly.

When Icebreaker Dragon and others arrived, she realized something was wrong.

Not just the little boy, it seems that all the disciples in the Icebreaker family are dressed a little weirdly from the others.

Feeling the external environment, it was not as cold or harsh as imagined.

I don’t know the point of wearing so much?

But unable to withstand the little boy's repeated requests, he could only put the clothes on himself.

But in the end she finally understood what the little boy meant.

After walking for a while, I saw another barrier appearing in front of me.

That invisible barrier seemed to completely isolate the entire Icebreaker family from the outside world.

"What is this barrier? Doesn't this world belong to your family?"

"Yes, Miss Nanyu."

"But even though this ice-breaking world is controlled by our family, there is still a certain difference between the inside of the barrier and the outside of the barrier."

Break the Ice Dragon with a little respect.

"What's the difference?"

"I don't know how to tell you this. Anyway, I can't explain it in a sentence or two. It's just that it's a little colder inside."

The Icebreaker Dragon dealt with it vaguely.

He can't really tell Nan Yu all the secrets here!

You still need to be a little bit defensive.

What Nan Yu didn't know was that not only was it cold in this invisible barrier, it was simply ice and snow!

It is completely different from everything in the outside world.

Moreover, the amount of demonic energy in the ice and snow is more abundant than in the outside world.

In short, this Icebreaker world is not so much controlled by their Icebreaker family.

It might as well be said that the inside of this barrier is the real location of the Icebreaker Family.

Now they are almost entering the hinterland of the Icebreaker Family.

The next moment, with a wave of the ice-breaking dragon's hand, the invisible barrier suddenly opened.

Nan Yu and others successfully entered the past.

Just after a few people entered the barrier, the barrier suddenly closed again.

Nan Yu couldn't help but glance back, feeling slightly worried.

I wonder if Ye Fan and others can come in.

"Boss! I didn't expect that there would be an enchantment in this inhospitable place!"

"It seems that the Icebreaker family is really thoughtful."

Of course, Ye Fan and others from behind also discovered the location of this barrier.

"This barrier is pretty good, and the design concept is good, but it's just too fragile!"

"This is not as good as the barrier outside my previous secret realm."

The Heavenly Fire Evil God gently stroked his beard and spoke with a disdainful expression.

Ye Fan and others just rolled their eyes at this guy.

I knew in my heart that he was here again to increase his presence.

Does he still need to say that this barrier is not strong?

I'm afraid a god-level master can break it open by force!

So in front of them, it was like a child's toy, not worth mentioning.

After a brief teasing, it was confirmed that Nan Yu and others had gradually gone away, and then Ye Fan and the four poison kings appeared from behind.

They are now no different from the ghosts in the dark night.

If they were touched by someone from the other side, they might be frightened to the point of fainting on the spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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